GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

Hey, Bob, you're the one who seems addicted to "stiffy" dope...

sorry dude every time i look down there i see the back of your head.....what am i supposed to think?...........:eusa_eh:

Bob, wouldn't you be more at home on a gay message board? Unless you're a girl...?
i was wondering why your not at suck enough Dick around here......or did the gays ban you from there?....well keep your chin up,just wipe the stuff off it......
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.

Declaring the stimulus didn't work..doesn't make it so. It did work. If it didn't then Perry cannot claim any success in job creation whatsoever. Why? Because he used stimulus money to plug up budget gaps and keep public employees from getting let go. It was way to small..but it had the intended effect. And Obama's new job's bill would have been successful as well.

The white house stated it failed.

What are you hinging your hopes on?
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.

Declaring the stimulus didn't work..doesn't make it so. It did work. If it didn't then Perry cannot claim any success in job creation whatsoever. Why? Because he used stimulus money to plug up budget gaps and keep public employees from getting let go. It was way to small..but it had the intended effect. And Obama's new job's bill would have been successful as well.

I don't know what's more amusing, Sallow...that you think a stimulus that saw unemployment go up after it was implemented was a success...or that you think Obama's "Job's Bill" was ever a serious piece of proposed legislation in the first place.

What Barry gave us after months of waiting wasn't a serious attempt to fix unemployment. What he gave us was the ultimate betrayal of those folks that have been out of work for years now...a bill written strictly for political purposes that he knew would never be passed because it was a repeat of what had already failed. Instead of doing his "job" Barack Obama instead played politics trying to KEEP his job.
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The whole world agrees Pubs are a-holes and their dupes are ignorant tools LOL. Evolution is just a theory, global warming is a hoax, Obama is a Marxist Kenyan Muslim, Bachmann Perry Mitt, Newt- you moron half racist brainwashed Ugly 'Mericans are a bad joke. Bush was a gd catastrophe and so are the pubs paralyzing the US and world economies now, and so are YOU. LOL! Hoping for your recovery.
is this guy just a black and white version of Shamen?......have they ever been in the same thread?.....Frankie is your Secret Identity Mr. Shamen?....

Next you'll be complaining that someone said the sky was blue. Or that you got "wet" when covered in water.

Why does the truth bother you so much? Try to step back and look at the facts. I suspect it will change your outlook.

You sit in front of the internet. Use it.
oh im sorry foolish of i am making fun of your two Groupies Lakoota and Frankie......hey i did not realize how much it bothers finally find 2 people who buy your shit and along comes Harry and he picks on them.......dont worry Dean no matter what i say....they think your Swell....:lol:
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

What "shitty" job? He was left with an economic meltdown never seen before in the history of this country. And George W. Bush left him very little in the way of tools to fix it. Interest rates from the fed were zero. Taxes were extremely low. And the banking and financial industry was lousy with worthless financial instruments.

And "arrogance"? Provide an example of this behavior. I sure as heck can do it with George W. Bush. And true arrogance.

Sallow your problem just like Deans is,you can see that Bush was a terrible leader,and he was......but you cant see that Obama is just as bad.....Clinton had more Presidential leadership Qualities in his Ring finger then Bush and Obama have combined....and the sad part is the ones running against Obama are not any better.....maybe worse. do you see why i back Rufas T?.......
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Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.

Still in denial? I suppose that's why you're ignoring all the posts you don't feel you can get an easy retort in.

Why don't you admit that this thread isn't about Obama at all. It's about you. You are trying to validate your failed idealogy. You can't comprehend the concept that intelligent people disagree with you so you have to resort to name calling.

You dont need to be afraid rdean. There is no shame in admitting that you can be wrong.
What "shitty" job? He was left with an economic meltdown never seen before in the history of this country. And George W. Bush left him very little in the way of tools to fix it. Interest rates from the fed were zero. Taxes were extremely low. And the banking and financial industry was lousy with worthless financial instruments.

And "arrogance"? Provide an example of this behavior. I sure as heck can do it with George W. Bush. And true arrogance.

Never been seen before? Seriously? We have had economic downturns, even severe ones, throughout all human history.

We had at least two major Depressions in the 20th Century. One in 1920 and one in 1929. The 1920 depression was actually the more servere. The Harding/Coolidge administrations seriously cut taxes and spending and we were out of that Depression very quickly.

The 1929 Depression had Hoover/FDR meddling with the economy. Micromanaging it. It lasted 12 years.

I'd be more than happy to post numerous examples of Obama being arrogant, but I have no access to youtube at the office.
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.

He doesn't need a new idea. He just needs to use the ideas that have been proven time and time again throughout History. But cutting spending, taxes, and eliminating needless regulations is a foreign concept to him. It's against everything he stands for.
What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.

That problem is easy to fix.

Make it so that the filibuster rules actually have to be followed to invoke a filibuster. You know, actually make everyone sit through it.

It's totally abused by both parties any other way.
Someone run out and buy the forum leftists a box of pampers. Bunch of whineyass crybabies.

We all cannot be as butch as you.

ROFLMAO That's liberal chicks.. Conservative girls are quite feminine and very pretty.. Don't HATE.. Too bad your dissin on your own peeps.. and here we thought all of you leftists embraced your Butch's and Pansy types??
Blaming "race" for Obama's unpopularity is the ultimate cop out by progressives.

People who have been unemployed for years don't care what color Barack Obama is...they care about his lack of ideas and his lack of leadership.

He's unpopular because he hasn't had a new idea how to fix the economy since he spent a trillion dollars of our money on a liberal pork fest with his first stimulus. His latest "Jobs Plan" is a watered down version of what didn't work the first time.

Barack Obama isn't unpopular because of his skin color. Quite frankly, he's unpopular because he promised so much and delivered so little...not because of pigmentation.

Declaring the stimulus didn't work..doesn't make it so. It did work. If it didn't then Perry cannot claim any success in job creation whatsoever. Why? Because he used stimulus money to plug up budget gaps and keep public employees from getting let go. It was way to small..but it had the intended effect. And Obama's new job's bill would have been successful as well.

I don't know what's more amusing, Sallow...that you think a stimulus that saw unemployment go up after it was implemented was a success...or that you think Obama's "Job's Bill" was ever a serious piece of proposed legislation in the first place.

What Barry gave us after months of waiting wasn't a serious attempt to fix unemployment. What he gave us was the ultimate betrayal of those folks that have been out of work for years now...a bill written strictly for political purposes that he knew would never be passed because it was a repeat of what had already failed. Instead of doing his "job" Barack Obama instead played politics trying to KEEP his job.

Oh, it was a jobs bill. What they didn't mention was the only jobs it was meant to save were those in the administration for four more years.
Anyone ever notice how liberals allow themselves room to be racists and bigots? Harry Reid referred to Obama as a negro.. Ole Bubba referred to him as guy who would have been serving him coffee a few years back. The leftist media and leftist Leaders have called Herman Cain, "A black man who knows his place," a black man with black overbearing sexuality, a black man after the white woman, a black man after the blonde headed woman, look at what they called Clarence Thomas.. the very crybabies who scream RACIST are the very tools that are the true racists.
Selective racism??? How quaint for the lefties. Is it any wonder why even the Psychological field has noted that liberalism is a mental disorder?
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.
:lol::lol::lol: I was born and raised in Pittsburgh PA until I was 16 by two democratic parents.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Then moved to New Orleans and went to a 90 percent black school
Does anybody see any difference between how the repubs feel about Obama and the dems and how the left feels about the House repubs and the right? There's some racism involved, going both ways, all sorts of discrimination based on any number of reasons. Let's not pretend anybody has the high ground here.
Does anybody see any difference between how the repubs feel about Obama and the dems and how the left feels about the House repubs and the right? There's some racism involved, going both ways, all sorts of discrimination based on any number of reasons. Let's not pretend anybody has the high ground here.

Show us the racist comments coming from conservative leaders, pundits? You can't.. because they DO NOT EXIST.. Every time leftists get cornered by their own lies, they try to throw out the , "both sides do it." Well both sides DO NOT do it, period.

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