GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

Swallow just makes shit up as he/she goes along..

You wanna swallow my cum? Sheesh..I had you pegged as a fucking fascist..but not a queer boy.

Oh well. To each his own.

No swallow for you. No matter how much you beg..Dr. Dick.
What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.

Actually, Obama is probably on his way out. Nobody get re-elected with a 40% approval rating.

Unless he's going against a Republican with an 8% approval rating.

ooooooooookay, you keep telling yourself that. Not that any of them do.
What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.

Actually, Obama is probably on his way out. Nobody get re-elected with a 40% approval rating.


Only 2 Presidential incumbents in American history have lost re-election.

Uh, no, actually a total of 9 have.

John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Martin Van Buren
Grover Cleveland*
Benjamin Harrison
William Taft
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford**
Jimmy Carter
George H.W. Bush

* Grover won the popular vote and lost the electoral college.

**- Gerald Ford wasn't ever on a presidential ticket, but he was an incumbant.

So you can actually reduce that list by two with the caveats, but the fact is, we've thrown presidents out all the time.

More to the point, looking at the guys who got thrown out, they usually had severe recessions- Bush, Carter, Ford, Hoover, Harrison, Cleveland, Van Buren all had serious Recessions (or Depressions, or "Panics"). In the case of Carter, Ford and Bush, they had seriously low approval ratings when they got thrown out.
Absolutely not. This is 150% untrue. Nothing the GOP did set up Clinton for success. Quite the opposite. George HW Bush went into Somalia with no real idea what to do there. And it was up to Clinton to clean up the mess.


Now, this simply isn't true. The mission that Bush had in Somalia was a success. His mission was to get the food to the relief stations, and hand it off to the United Nations. This was done and all the troops were out of there by April 1993.

It was when Clinton ordered troops back in there after the UN started and failed to do nation building did you have Blackhawk Down and all the other nonsense.

Oh bullshit. They were never pulled out. They were ordered in weeks before Clinton took office.

Yes, they were ordered in. They were withdrawn in 1993, having completed what Bush told them to do, and then Clinotn ordered them back in after UN peacekeepers got their asses kicked. You see, when Bush sent them in, all they had to do was get food to relief stations. They didn't pick sides.

Clinton tried to pick a side. and the other side decided to fight back.
Actually, Obama is probably on his way out. Nobody get re-elected with a 40% approval rating.


Only 2 Presidential incumbents in American history have lost re-election.

Uh, no, actually a total of 9 have.

John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Martin Van Buren
Grover Cleveland*
Benjamin Harrison
William Taft
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford**
Jimmy Carter
George H.W. Bush

* Grover won the popular vote and lost the electoral college.

**- Gerald Ford wasn't ever on a presidential ticket, but he was an incumbant.

So you can actually reduce that list by two with the caveats, but the fact is, we've thrown presidents out all the time.

More to the point, looking at the guys who got thrown out, they usually had severe recessions- Bush, Carter, Ford, Hoover, Harrison, Cleveland, Van Buren all had serious Recessions (or Depressions, or "Panics"). In the case of Carter, Ford and Bush, they had seriously low approval ratings when they got thrown out.

As usual, Sallow is talking out of his ass. Thank you for debunking his latest BS.
So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

are you fucking serious?......:lol:.....Geezus Dean you must be Laughing so hard when you type this shit your actually crying.....
No shit, HD........And look at all the loony lefties who crawled out of the woodwork......Fuckin' hilarious.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lefties aren't good for much, but they are entertaining lil' ignorant shits.
Dean has accumulated a little band of Deanites who come to his aid in his threads.....Lacunta thinks Dean is a real Patriot.....:lol:.....the guy is a divider who hates 70% of the Country,does nothing but talk Divisive shit.....and he is a Patriot.....:lol:.....i wonder what the little Tyke thinks of someone who is actually trying to unite everyone?.....
Actually, Obama is probably on his way out. Nobody get re-elected with a 40% approval rating.


Only 2 Presidential incumbents in American history have lost re-election.

Uh, no, actually a total of 9 have.

John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Martin Van Buren
Grover Cleveland*
Benjamin Harrison
William Taft
Herbert Hoover
Gerald Ford**
Jimmy Carter
George H.W. Bush

* Grover won the popular vote and lost the electoral college.

**- Gerald Ford wasn't ever on a presidential ticket, but he was an incumbant.

So you can actually reduce that list by two with the caveats, but the fact is, we've thrown presidents out all the time.

More to the point, looking at the guys who got thrown out, they usually had severe recessions- Bush, Carter, Ford, Hoover, Harrison, Cleveland, Van Buren all had serious Recessions (or Depressions, or "Panics"). In the case of Carter, Ford and Bush, they had seriously low approval ratings when they got thrown out.

Well my bad. The point is still valid. Incumbents generally don't lose. And I really don't "trust" the numbers all that much. Conservatives have been amazing successful in knocking down government.
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Now, this simply isn't true. The mission that Bush had in Somalia was a success. His mission was to get the food to the relief stations, and hand it off to the United Nations. This was done and all the troops were out of there by April 1993.

It was when Clinton ordered troops back in there after the UN started and failed to do nation building did you have Blackhawk Down and all the other nonsense.

Oh bullshit. They were never pulled out. They were ordered in weeks before Clinton took office.

Yes, they were ordered in. They were withdrawn in 1993, having completed what Bush told them to do, and then Clinotn ordered them back in after UN peacekeepers got their asses kicked. You see, when Bush sent them in, all they had to do was get food to relief stations. They didn't pick sides.

Clinton tried to pick a side. and the other side decided to fight back.

They never left Somalia. Bush ordered the invasion only several weeks before Clinton came into office. And then he left him with the mess.

No president wants to "lose" a "war". So Clinton tried to "win" it. But there was nothing to there was no real government.
Swallow just makes shit up as he/she goes along..

You wanna swallow my cum? Sheesh..I had you pegged as a fucking fascist..but not a queer boy.

Oh well. To each his own.

No swallow for you. No matter how much you beg..Dr. Dick.

Don't talk with your mouth full, Swallow. Why not give your jaw a rest and go study some US History.
Just popped in to remind everyone how much I hate 0bama's policies, how he rewards his "friends" with taxpayer money and how much he lies. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin, I tend to really, really dislike slime balls in general.

Just thought I'd clear that up. :D
Swallow just makes shit up as he/she goes along..

You wanna swallow my cum? Sheesh..I had you pegged as a fucking fascist..but not a queer boy.

Oh well. To each his own.

No swallow for you. No matter how much you beg..Dr. Dick.

Don't talk with your mouth full, Swallow. Why not give your jaw a rest and go study some US History.

Speak for yourself little girl. Your teeth are getting rotten from all that cum you've been using to gargle with.
At it's core, the hatred of Obama lies in the authoritarian mentality of needing a "legitimate" leader that plays to their prejudices and scapegoats the right groups. It is this reptilian instinct of following that explains why the anti government crowd turns into nationalists the second a republican is elected.
At it's core, the hatred of Obama lies in the authoritarian mentality of needing a "legitimate" leader that plays to their prejudices and scapegoats the right groups. It is this reptilian instinct of following that explains why the anti government crowd turns into nationalists the second a republican is elected.

"Reptilian instinct of following"? Really?

Look the guy's clueless...he wasn't qualified for the job in the first place...and he hasn't learned from his mistakes. He's at best "underwhelming".

Now you can "try" to impress us with your psycho-babble nonsense but bottom line is that people don't like Obama because he's an empty suit. He made lots of promises and hasn't lived up to most of them.

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