GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.
:lol::lol::lol: I was born and raised in Pittsburgh PA until I was 16 by two democratic parents.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Then moved to New Orleans and went to a 90 percent black school

Sadly, Rdean probably won't care at all about those facts. I wish he would care about the truth. But unfortunately, he has it in his mind that the only reason anyone opposes Obama is because of race. In my opinion, it's because he is insecure about his ideas and can't accept that people would oppose his viewpoints on the merits. This isn't about Obama or Conservatives at all. This is about rdean trying to gratify his pride and feel self assured.

It's quite sad. I hope he let's go of this pride and humbles himself. There is no shame in accepting that we can honestly and intellectually differ in opinion. Nor in accepting the possibility of being wrong. Alot of people would do well in learning these truths.
I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

Nope, I didn't miss it.

Clinton: You're right about that. Republicans were rabid in their quest to burn the Clintons at the stake. I had a senior moment...

Bush: Left rage against Bush for lying us into an illegal and needless war in Iraq is and was understandable - but Democrats basically remained the loyal opposition. Nancy Pelosi prevented impeachment proceedings against Bush.

WOW, I wished I could visit THAT twilight zone
PELOSI prevented IMPEACHMENT proceedings agaisnt Bush....hahahahaha

Fact of the matter is, she did. But of course history isn't your sides strongist point.

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - New York Times
What doesn't pass the "laugh" test is the new normal in congress. Every bill now needs 60 votes in the senate. Forget the's filled with nuts elected by the 2010 wave of real deal insane people. Congress has openly stated they have no interest in making policy or governing. They have one goal, and that is to make Obama a one term President. And it looks as if that is going to backfire in a very major way.

That problem is easy to fix.

Make it so that the filibuster rules actually have to be followed to invoke a filibuster. You know, actually make everyone sit through it.

It's totally abused by both parties any other way.

Yep. Agree totally.
Does anybody see any difference between how the repubs feel about Obama and the dems and how the left feels about the House repubs and the right? There's some racism involved, going both ways, all sorts of discrimination based on any number of reasons. Let's not pretend anybody has the high ground here.

Show us the racist comments coming from conservative leaders, pundits? You can't.. because they DO NOT EXIST.. Every time leftists get cornered by their own lies, they try to throw out the , "both sides do it." Well both sides DO NOT do it, period.


“Obama is “more African in his roots than he is American” and is “behaving like an African colonial despot” - Rush Limbaugh.
Limbaugh: Obama is "more African in his roots than he is American" and is "behaving like an African colonial despot" | Media Matters for America

"What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?" Gingrich asked. "That is the most accurate, predictive model for his behavior."

Huckabee said that Obama "grew up" in Kenya, and that his "view of the Brits" was different from most Americans because of their role in fighting the Mau Mau Revolution in Kenya.

Huckabee later said that he misspoke, and meant to refer to Indonesia, not Kenya. Matthews has repeatedly said he doesn't believe Huckabee, and he repeated this assertion to Leno.
Chris Matthews: Huckabee's Obama Comments Were 'Racist' (VIDEO)

“Even if some people say, ‘Well the Republicans should have done this or they should have done that,’ they will hold the President responsible. Now, I don’t even want to have to be associated with him. It’s like touching a tar baby and you get it, you’re stuck, and you’re a part of the problem now and you can’t get away.” - Doug Lamborn.
Doug Lamborn Apologizes To Obama For 'Tar Baby' Comments
I've never seen anything like this intense hatred for Obama by wingnuts.

I guess you missed the GOP under Clinton. Or the Democrats under Bush.

I remember when Bush was the most popular president in this history of the nation. Do a little research. Then he led us into a war based on lies and deception which led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and the maiming of tens of thousands more. He was warned by Clinton and left Obama a terrible mess.

Even with that, what Bush was given was anger after he betrayed the trust of a nation. Now where has he been shown even a tiny bit of the intense and deep hatred for Obama.

For Obama, it's been outright hate from day one even before he was sworn in. You know you can't compare the two. The fact that you do says a lot about your honesty. Or lack thereof.

Hate from day one? Where do you come up with this nonsense? Barack Obama came into office with one of the highest approval ratings ever, Deanie. It wasn't until his AGENDA became clearer to the American people that his popularity declined.
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

What "shitty" job? He was left with an economic meltdown never seen before in the history of this country. And George W. Bush left him very little in the way of tools to fix it. Interest rates from the fed were zero. Taxes were extremely low. And the banking and financial industry was lousy with worthless financial instruments.

And "arrogance"? Provide an example of this behavior. I sure as heck can do it with George W. Bush. And true arrogance.

Swallow can't see anything but obama's bellybutton at the moment. Probably wearing a blue dress...
Could it be that he is doing a shitty job in our economy???? Or maybe he just wasnt the thing that people who voted for thought he was going to be since he did the complete opposite to some of the things he said he would do . Or maybe he just wasnt qualified for the job. Or maybe its because he is an arrogant ass. Yep that is it for me !!!!

Arrogant ass?

First, you're projecting.

Second, even if it were the case, which I don't see at all, is that a reason for such deep and terrible hatred?

No, there is more here. Historically, what has inflamed Confederate Conservative Southern Right Wingers. Think now. It's why they fled the Democratic Party.

Still in denial? I suppose that's why you're ignoring all the posts you don't feel you can get an easy retort in.

Why don't you admit that this thread isn't about Obama at all. It's about you. You are trying to validate your failed idealogy. You can't comprehend the concept that intelligent people disagree with you so you have to resort to name calling.

You dont need to be afraid rdean. There is no shame in admitting that you can be wrong.

Dean cant even give a yes or no if there has EVER been a Democrat who has fucked people over.....i asked him that the other day.....just a yes or no.....the Fucker did the Rumba right in front of me and left the thread.....
Someone run out and buy the forum leftists a box of pampers. Bunch of whineyass crybabies.

We all cannot be as butch as you.

ROFLMAO That's liberal chicks.. Conservative girls are quite feminine and very pretty.. Don't HATE.. Too bad your dissin on your own peeps.. and here we thought all of you leftists embraced your Butch's and Pansy types??

Shows how little you know. My liberal girls are quite feminine, smart, beautiful, sexy and interesting. Sarah Plain and Michele Bachmann show us what feminine and pretty Conservative girls are like.
Haven't we all read the threads - only Democrats play the race card!

Despite the fact that 90%+ of all Blacks, living on the so-called "Liberal Plantation" and too stupid to know what's good for them, traditionally vote for the Democrats!

oh brother, I guess the first TIME WASN'T's still STUPID the second time around. I mean, BLACKS have it so well off voting for Democrats. those housing projects (liberal plantations) look so cozy and SAFE.
How dare those ungrateful BLACKS not recognize all the positive things the Bush Administration had done for them - like providing on the job training for their unemployed youth and then providing all expense government paid trips out of those "liberal plantations," to such 'cozy and SAFE' exotic locations as Iraq and Afghanistan!
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I guess the obama administration has done great things for African Americans considering that unemployment among that demographic is around 16% overall and much, much higher in concentrated urban areas.

And of course the Bush administration appointed African Americans to more important positions than any other in US history.

Since you referred to "blacks" in general, go hop a flight to sub-saharan Africa and ask them how they feel about President Bush and what he did for them.
I guess the obama administration has done great things for African Americans considering that unemployment among that demographic is around 16% overall and much, much higher in concentrated urban areas.

And of course the Bush administration appointed African Americans to more important positions than any other in US history.

Since you referred to "blacks" in general, go hop a flight to sub-saharan Africa and ask them how they feel about President Bush and what he did for them.

Too bad he did not do more for Americans.
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

Corporations would prefer to have an administration that allows them to game the system. The media is funded by Stupid Americans believe what they see and hear on the media. The corporations will use any and every means of communicating to drive whatever attitude that benefit their interests which have proven time and time again to not be the interests beneficial to the average American.
Nope, I didn't miss it.

Clinton: You're right about that. Republicans were rabid in their quest to burn the Clintons at the stake. I had a senior moment...

Bush: Left rage against Bush for lying us into an illegal and needless war in Iraq is and was understandable - but Democrats basically remained the loyal opposition. Nancy Pelosi prevented impeachment proceedings against Bush.

WOW, I wished I could visit THAT twilight zone
PELOSI prevented IMPEACHMENT proceedings agaisnt Bush....hahahahaha

Fact of the matter is, she did. But of course history isn't your sides strongist point.

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - New York Times

And reading isn't yours...IF the democrats wanted to IMPEACH BUSH over Iraq, they would of had to IMPEACH THEMSELVES for voting for it...but that was such a nice little petty move on Pelosi's all fell for it..:lol:
Haven't we all read the threads - only Democrats play the race card!

Despite the fact that 90%+ of all Blacks, living on the so-called "Liberal Plantation" and too stupid to know what's good for them, traditionally vote for the Democrats!

oh brother, I guess the first TIME WASN'T's still STUPID the second time around. I mean, BLACKS have it so well off voting for Democrats. those housing projects (liberal plantations) look so cozy and SAFE.
How dare those ungrateful BLACKS not recofnize all the positive things the Bush Administration had done for them - like providing on the job training for their unemployed youth and then providing all expense government paid trips out of those "liberal plantations," to such 'cozy and SAFE' exotic locations as Iraq and Afghanistan!

LOL, they've been voting DEMOCRAT for all these years. How come THEY HAVEN'T trained them all and found them nice cushy jobs and homes...Hell the Democrats in Congress could DONATE all their millions and accomplish that.,BUT they ONLY CARE ABOUT THEM VOTING FOR THEM
I guess the obama administration has done great things for African Americans considering that unemployment among that demographic is around 16% overall and much, much higher in concentrated urban areas.

And of course the Bush administration appointed African Americans to more important positions than any other in US history.

Since you referred to "blacks" in general, go hop a flight to sub-saharan Africa and ask them how they feel about President Bush and what he did for them.

Too bad he did not do more for Americans.

You a racist?
How many RWers are thankful for Bush? If so...why?

Between you and me, I've never been "thankful" for any president. I just keep hoping that the next one does less damage than the last one. For the post part I've disappointed for the last thirty or so years...

Hmmm...I have to take your word for it. But where does that leave us?

Me? I'm an optimist. I'll keep hoping the next "new" one will be the "one."

So you got nothin. Well, thanks for playin. :eusa_whistle:

What's the point in having "anything?" No matter what I or anyone else says, y'all will simply cry "Racist!" and any point in further discussion is over.
If it isn't race, then what is it?

You look at the Republican Party. 90% white and mostly based in the south. The southern conservatives give it a very strong "confederate background". But the right wingers say this intense hatred of this man isn't about race.

And make no mistake about it. This is very intense and deeply personal hatred from the gut. There is no mild dislike or disagreement. This is deep hated. The kind where you want the object of your hate to suffer. The hate is so great, they are willing to see terrible damage done to the country.


A quote from Paul Whitefield:

On the foreign-policy front, the administration has had a string of successes: Osama bin Laden killed; major Al Qaeda operatives in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen killed; and this week, of course, Moammar Kadafi killed.
And on Friday, the president announced that all U.S. troops will be out of Iraq by year’s end.
An unpopular war will be officially over for us soon. Terrorists and terrorist groups that threaten us are dead or on the run. Libya’s longtime strongman has been overthrown, thanks in part to Obama’s policy that had the U.S. and NATO working together.


You see, without Republican obstructionism, Obama is pretty successful.

The vast majority of American want the jobs bill, they want taxes increased on billionaires, they want investment in American infrastructure, they want teachers and police and firefighters. They even want Americans to have health care.

But when Obama suggests any of these things, the right is against them. Look at Libya. First they screamed that he should be involved. Then when he was, they screamed he shouldn't be.

The hatred is so great, the right is on auto pilot. They go against anything Obama.

They can't even give him credit for taking out Bin Laden. Nothing.

The stories about him are incredible. The hate is so great, they make up anything they can think up. Even things like, "He's the anti Christ". Something at least a quarter of Republicans believe. Even now, you will have right wingers endlessly repeating debunked stories. They just have to believe he's this wicked. Otherwise, the hatred seems based on race.

So what is it? Why do Republicans hate this man so much? They will say, "It's because he's done so much bad". Bush did so much worse and no one hates him they way the right hates Obama. And they can't even name the bad. It's all weird nebulous things like, "He's a communist" or "He lies" or "He's bad for the country". Just sound bytes. Little talking points. Even when he made an agreement for BP to pay 20 billion to clean up their mess, the right's hatred is so great, they were on the side of BP. 11 men died. The gulf was flooded with oil. But it was Obama's fault. Their hatred doesn't even make sense.

And when you point that out, they scream you are a partisan hack for defending the president. Why all this hate? Deep and personal?

Bla bla bla bla ababalalllll ababababab

So who's the big hater here??? never not once has the deanematic offered up anything but absolutely a one side myopic thought about anything that gets posted

If one was to believe anything from him it would be Republicans are the root of all evil,he is in fact a major part of our political struggles,he is a simple onside dullard,part of the problem certainly not part of the solutions.
WOW, I wished I could visit THAT twilight zone
PELOSI prevented IMPEACHMENT proceedings agaisnt Bush....hahahahaha

Fact of the matter is, she did. But of course history isn't your sides strongist point.

Pelosi: Bush Impeachment `Off the Table’ - New York Times

And reading isn't yours...IF the democrats wanted to IMPEACH BUSH over Iraq, they would of had to IMPEACH THEMSELVES for voting for it...but that was such a nice little petty move on Pelosi's all fell for it..:lol:

So you're admitting the Speaker of the House did in fact keep impeachment off the table?

Well everyone in Congress who abdicated their consitutional responsiblity should have resigned in disgrace. But then they were not given all the intel the President had.

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -

Furthermore, 133 Representatives and 23 Senators did vote against givng the President the authority to decide.

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