GOP say Obama hate isn't about race. Obviously it is personal. So what is it?

Obviously it is personal.

And yes, it’s personal; again, not about race.

Unable to find legitimate policy issues with which to disagree (mostly due to the fact Obama has carried over most of GWB’s policies), they engage in character assassination.

Hows these for starters?
not repealing the patriot act for starters
lying off his ass
Wasting 700 billion dollars
added 16 trillion dollars worth of debt
appointing a lobbyist to his cabinet
Not fully vetting his cabinet members communist (van jones and tax cheats)
his friendly connections with acorn
Not thinking about the issue he's going to have a press conference (the beer summit)
spreading the wealth (mr. plumber)
Selling guns to Mexicans
Disregards the right of the people to defend themselves
Used Americas military without congressional approval
Money to Solyndra
Obviously it is personal.

And yes, it’s personal; again, not about race.

Unable to find legitimate policy issues with which to disagree (mostly due to the fact Obama has carried over most of GWB’s policies), they engage in character assassination.

Hows these for starters?
not repealing the patriot act for starters
lying off his ass
Wasting 700 billion dollars
added 16 trillion dollars worth of debt
appointing a lobbyist to his cabinet
Not fully vetting his cabinet members communist (van jones and tax cheats)
his friendly connections with acorn
Not thinking about the issue he's going to have a press conference (the beer summit)
spreading the wealth (mr. plumber)
Selling guns to Mexicans
Disregards the right of the people to defend themselves
Used Americas military without congressional approval
Money to Solyndra

Typical distorted list of wingnut propaganda. Lay down that crack pipe and turn off Glenn Beck. Get some exercise and fresh air.
I won't neg you if you don't make it personal...but you already did...

you think i care about your neg reps dumbass?......:lol:.....fuck that ill make it personal so you can break me with your 23 points......Lacunta.....your a i told you before take Deans Dick out of your mouth,you look ridiculous talking while it's in there....there is that Personal enough for ya?....:lol:

Who is Dean?

look up.....see the guy whose Dick you are sucking?....thats Dean.....
you think i care about your neg reps dumbass?......:lol:.....fuck that ill make it personal so you can break me with your 23 points......Lacunta.....your a i told you before take Deans Dick out of your mouth,you look ridiculous talking while it's in there....there is that Personal enough for ya?....:lol:

Who is Dean?

look up.....see the guy whose Dick you are sucking?....thats Dean.....

Oh, you mean rdean. He's a great American patriot. Whereas,... you apparently can't even afford Viagra...Bob...

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And yes, it’s personal; again, not about race.

Unable to find legitimate policy issues with which to disagree (mostly due to the fact Obama has carried over most of GWB’s policies), they engage in character assassination.

Hows these for starters?
not repealing the patriot act for starters
lying off his ass
Wasting 700 billion dollars
added 16 trillion dollars worth of debt
appointing a lobbyist to his cabinet
Not fully vetting his cabinet members communist (van jones and tax cheats)
his friendly connections with acorn
Not thinking about the issue he's going to have a press conference (the beer summit)
spreading the wealth (mr. plumber)
Selling guns to Mexicans
Disregards the right of the people to defend themselves
Used Americas military without congressional approval
Money to Solyndra

Typical distorted list of wingnut propaganda. Lay down that crack pipe and turn off Glenn Beck. Get some exercise and fresh air.

If that's the best rebuttal you have maybe you should just have remain quite because you just lost this discussion.
Typical of leftists.

Why don't you like obama?

List of reasons follows.

Liberal says none of that is true.
Personally, I wouldn't trust a wingnut to tell me whether it was day or night.
Yes, it's all BS. That's why the world calls the GOP the party of stupid BS, and racism...duh.
You keep recycling the same stupid over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Don't you ever get tired of this stupid. The rest of us do.

He spends like crazy to no effect, he has the leadership skills of a baby goose, his program is at best asinine, at worst unconstitutional. You have been told this often enough that you should know it by heart.

You are the one who keeps dragging race into this. You are the one that has that problem
OMG, STFU already.. The fucking left CRUCIFIED Boooooooooooosh and he didn't say a word.. nothing.. you little titty babies can dish it out but you can't take it.. I see it over and over here on this very forum.. you're all a bunch of panty wastes.
The whole world agrees Pubs are a-holes and their dupes are ignorant tools LOL. Evolution is just a theory, global warming is a hoax, Obama is a Marxist Kenyan Muslim, Bachmann Perry Mitt, Newt- you moron half racist brainwashed Ugly 'Mericans are a bad joke. Bush was a gd catastrophe and so are the pubs paralyzing the US and world economies now, and so are YOU. LOL! Hoping for your recovery.
OMG, STFU already.. The fucking left CRUCIFIED Boooooooooooosh and he didn't say a word.. nothing.. you little titty babies can dish it out but you can't take it.. I see it over and over here on this very forum.. you're all a bunch of panty wastes.

I don't care what you say. The republican candidate, no matter who he/she is, will lost the 2012 presidential election to Barack Hussein Obama.
OMG, STFU already.. The fucking left CRUCIFIED Boooooooooooosh and he didn't say a word.. nothing.. you little titty babies can dish it out but you can't take it.. I see it over and over here on this very forum.. you're all a bunch of panty wastes.

I don't care what you say. The republican candidate, no matter who he/she is, will lost the 2012 presidential election to Barack Hussein Obama.

Why do you like obama so much? what has he done for the black community?
Why did Waters get upset because he did not take his bus through balck majority areas?
Complaining about Booosh was unpatriotic. But complaining about Obama is. What a stupid bunch of A-holes.

The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison...

Thanks brainwashed Pub Dupes. The world is aghast at you racist selfish idiocy. Your stupidity and hypocrisy is so obvious you're going to get your azz handed to you in 2012. The truth DOES get out...
Why anyone bothers to repond to this type of drivel is beyond me. Nothing anyone says will convince rdean or any of his like minded cronies that those who disagree with Obama and his policies do so for any reason other than racist hatred. Never will they believe that it is not hate, if you have the audacity to speak out against our President, his administration,or his policies, it can be only because you are a racist...
How many RWers are thankful for Bush? If so...why?

Between you and me, I've never been "thankful" for any president. I just keep hoping that the next one does less damage than the last one. For the most part I've disappointed for the last thirty or so years...
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