GOP Senate candidate opens mouth and inserts foot

Associated Press
GOP Candidate: Single Moms Are 'Automatically Democratic Because Of The Benefits'

New Jersey Republican Senate candidate Jeff Bell said Monday that he is unpopular among women voters because of a rise in single mothers who "need benefits to survive," theAsbury Park Press reported.

Bell, who is lagging 20 points behindincumbent Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) among women voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, told APP that his socially conservative views are not to blame for the gender gap.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this and looked at a lot of different polls, I think it has more to do with the rise in single women," Bell said. "Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."

Single women without children, Bell continued, are "also that way," while married women "aren't that different from married men. So it's really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that."

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they come up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.
A little more attention to personal responsibility, a few less single mothers and delinquent fathers.

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they cow up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they cow up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they cow up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they cow up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.

Name 5 liberals who you are certain voted for Obama and won't admit it.

As if Bell ever had any chance of winning this race to begin with.
"I've done a lot of thinking about this and looked at a lot of different polls, I think it has more to do with the rise in single women," Bell said. "Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."

Single women without children, Bell continued, are "also that way," while married women "aren't that different from married men. So it's really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that."

I really don't see the issue with what he said. It sounds like a fairly accurate description.
There us in conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.
Which has zero to do with this thread. Pound sand, troll.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.

Name 5 liberals who you are certain voted for Obama and won't admit it.

Personal friends I could name alot more than that, but as major competitors. I can say that woman in Kentucky, and the entire Clinton klan because Obama ruined Hillary's chance at becoming president. That's more than five. Thank you for participating.
What about the democrat in Kentucky that won't admit that she voted for Obama. That racist lesbian. Kinda shows what a failure you voted into office.

USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.
Which has zero to do with this thread. Pound sand, troll.
Telling the truth is not the same as being a troll. You elected a failure, get over it.
Yup, BHO was elected twice, just the same as the failure Bush.

Time we elect people who care about all of America.
Associated Press
GOP Candidate: Single Moms Are 'Automatically Democratic Because Of The Benefits'

New Jersey Republican Senate candidate Jeff Bell said Monday that he is unpopular among women voters because of a rise in single mothers who "need benefits to survive," theAsbury Park Press reported.

Bell, who is lagging 20 points behindincumbent Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) among women voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, told APP that his socially conservative views are not to blame for the gender gap.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this and looked at a lot of different polls, I think it has more to do with the rise in single women," Bell said. "Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."

Single women without children, Bell continued, are "also that way," while married women "aren't that different from married men. So it's really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that."

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they come up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Single mothers deserve to be insulted. They are the single greatest threat to our society. Their offspring overpopulate our prisons. Single motherhood is a social pathology. It should be condemned, not praised.
Yup, BHO was elected twice, just the same as the failure Bush.

Time we elect people who care about all of America.

Primaries have become too partisan to get a candidate like that anymore.
Associated Press
GOP Candidate: Single Moms Are 'Automatically Democratic Because Of The Benefits'

New Jersey Republican Senate candidate Jeff Bell said Monday that he is unpopular among women voters because of a rise in single mothers who "need benefits to survive," theAsbury Park Press reported.

Bell, who is lagging 20 points behindincumbent Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) among women voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, told APP that his socially conservative views are not to blame for the gender gap.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this and looked at a lot of different polls, I think it has more to do with the rise in single women," Bell said. "Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."

Single women without children, Bell continued, are "also that way," while married women "aren't that different from married men. So it's really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that."

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Oh the irony of the far left on this subject with one Joe Biden in office...

Then again the far left has demonstrated that they truly hate women..

Both sides have their gaffs, but no one compares to Joe Biden..
Associated Press
GOP Candidate: Single Moms Are 'Automatically Democratic Because Of The Benefits'

New Jersey Republican Senate candidate Jeff Bell said Monday that he is unpopular among women voters because of a rise in single mothers who "need benefits to survive," theAsbury Park Press reported.

Bell, who is lagging 20 points behindincumbent Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) among women voters, according to a recent Quinnipiac poll, told APP that his socially conservative views are not to blame for the gender gap.

"I've done a lot of thinking about this and looked at a lot of different polls, I think it has more to do with the rise in single women," Bell said. "Single mothers particularly are automatically Democratic because of the benefits. They need benefits to survive, and so that kind of weds them to the Democratic Party."

Single women without children, Bell continued, are "also that way," while married women "aren't that different from married men. So it's really a problem with the decline in marriage rates. The Democrats do benefit from that."

And they wonder why they do so poorly with women.

Um, largely, yes, people are often liberal either by ignorant default, or because they want more Government Cheese. This dude may be have been inarticulate in this sound bite, which may or may not even be accurate, but the sentiments are spot on. The GOP has good reason to be unpopular with a great many people, but not for the shallow reason you represent here.
Nah. Nothing shallow about insulting single mothers. It's a problem the GOP has. They don't take personal responsibility. Instead they cow up with excuses and blame others for why their viewpoints and policies aren't embraced by a majority of Americans.

Perhaps you are unaware that a clear plurality nationally consider themselves to the right of center? That was a rhetorical question, as you already proved it.

Yes, we need more openness about dependency and the dangers of the growing State. Better economic policies would be a good place to start, and clearly we're on the wrong track.

Are you even aware of the difference between the GOP and conservatism??
There is no conservative party. There is a Republican party. And Republicans are conservative. So when Republicans like this guy say stupid shit like this, he makes Republicans and therefore conservatives look bad.

I asked if you knew the difference between the GOP and conservatism, and you just proved that you don't know the difference. Thus, all your subsequent comments on the subject are null and void due to ignorance. You're not alone, however, so you can take comfort in the arms of the masses of dumb people in the world.

Wanna try again?
USMB Nutters love them some "whataboutism"!
Loonies hate when their messiah has been proven a failure. Even prior supporters are bailing.
What does your flailing on about Obama have to with this thread, mouth-breather?
Obama's failures has caused, liberals not admitting they voted for him.
Which has zero to do with this thread. Pound sand, troll.
Telling the truth is not the same as being a troll. You elected a failure, get over it.
Still not understanding what 'on topic' means, huh? Well, you are pretty dumb. I guess shouldn't be surprised.

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