GOP senator says Biden can’t be impeached for pre-presidential actions

Don’t need to. The Demtards proved you just need to make stuff up and throw it out there.
You obviously stayed away from any real news or the impeachment trials, so like most trumpers, you do not know the FACTS and EVIDENCE that was presented..... it was kept from you, by your Trump Media complex... Sad....
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Nope. But we can put him in prison for it.
Roger dodger, well, I think the whole prison thing, is a pipe dream. I think you all have these fantasies of trump sitting in a cell in an orange jump suit, with bubba as his cellmate. I just do not believe they are going to stick a l former president in a prison. Never mind the fact that would mean you’d be sending his secret service detail to prison too. And if you think it means trump has to give up his secret service detail, so that way someone can assassinate him while in prison….again, just not going to happen.

If he gets convicted, most likely he will just be barred from running for office, worse case scenario is a form of house arrest.
Roger dodger, well, I think the whole prison thing, is a pipe dream. I think you all have these fantasies of trump sitting in a cell in an orange jump suit, with bubba as his cellmate. I just do not believe they are going to stick a l former president in a prison. Never mind the fact that would mean you’d be sending his secret service detail to prison too. And if you think it means trump has to give up his secret service detail, so that way someone can assassinate him while in prison….again, just not going to happen.

If he gets convicted, most likely he will just be barred from running for office, worse case scenario is a form of house arrest.
Realistically house arrest is the most we can hope for, yes.
Even though he is a republican and even from Oklahoma he actually has a point.

Rare I know but lightning does strike occasionally, lol.

He even said it on newmax, I would imagine much to the disappointment of the hosts.


They are struggling to find something to pin on him because hot damn, they going to have an impeachment one way or another (cause they gotta get even).
They are struggling to find something to pin on him because hot damn, they going to have an impeachment one way or another (cause they gotta get even).

But you Dims can hardly be heard to complain about unjustified and politically motivated impeachments.

But you Dims can hardly be heard to complain about unjustified and politically motivated impeachments.
Unjustified? No. Even the Republicans admitted it didn’t look good, but it didn’t warrant removing him. are seems...?

Just need a high crime and misdemeanor, treason, or Bribery...before or after holding office, and 2/3s of the Senate, voting to convict, for removal.

Still not an issue with Biden, because Congress still hasn't found a Crime after 10 months of searching... it will be no different with this new impeachment inquiry, which seems to be a dog and pony show by the house...imho.
Well anything can be called a high crime. It doesn't even have to be against the law. Of course we all know that the Senate won't convict and the masses aren't going to pay attention to the trial. The only real point is that Republicans will be on record with their votes, which will be used against them in the next election.
Unjustified? No. Even the Republicans admitted it didn’t look good, but it didn’t warrant removing him.
Unjustified. Yes.

“Looking good” — or bad — isn’t a test. There was no high crime or misdemeanor in either impeachment.

Now, confronted with the prospect of being impeached without what you believe is a lack of evidence, Dims are suddenly concerned with proper procedure, etc.

When the shoe is on the other foot, it sometimes doesn’t feel so good.
Even though he is a republican and even from Oklahoma he actually has a point.

Rare I know but lightning does strike occasionally, lol.

He even said it on newmax, I would imagine much to the disappointment of the hosts.


Wrong. A president can be impeached for any reason.
Unjustified. Yes.

“Looking good” — or bad — isn’t a test. There was no high crime or misdemeanor in either impeachment.

Now, confronted with the prospect of being impeached without what you believe is a lack of evidence, Dims are suddenly concerned with proper procedure, etc.

When the shoe is on the other foot, it sometimes doesn’t feel so good.
Ya there were. Using one’s office in an attempt to extort a foreign leader to find or make up some dirt on a personal political opponant is without question corrupt and wrong. It is nothing to do with the shoe being on the other foot (actually that kind of statement pretty much confirms what this is really about).

If you have evidence show it. Hasn’t happened.

They can’t even come up with supportable charges In this clown show.
Ya there were. Using one’s office in an attempt to extort a foreign leader to find or make up some dirt on a personal political opponant is without question corrupt and wrong.

Good. Then prosecute Hillary.
It is nothing to do with the shoe being on the other foot (actually that kind of statement pretty much confirms what this is really about).
False. It confirms that receiving in like measure the very things you dispensed against Trump is now seen (by you) as offensive good. Let’s drive that point home. Maybe next time you find wont be quite so eager to engage in the canard.
If you have evidence show it. Hasn’t happened.
Cary before horse. The Dims never ever had any actual evidence against Trump. That wasn’t the standard when the Dims were doing what you now complain about.

Don’t like it? Good. Learn the lesson. Don’t do it.
They can’t even come up with supportable charges In this clown show.
False. There’s more than sufficient evidence already to justify the investigation. And that is the only stage we’ve reached.
Good. Then prosecute Hillary.

You don’t base prosecutions on conspiracy theories and “cause you hate her”.

False. It confirms that receiving in like measure the very things you dispensed against Trump is now seen (by you) as offensive good. Let’s drive that point home. Maybe next time you find wont be quite so eager to engage in the canard.

False. It confirms the toddler like mentality of the right these days. “You went after my Orange God”….”I’m going to project all that on YOUR guy” (whomever it may be, if it wasn’t Biden you would have done to another). It isn’t about anything Biden did or did not do…it’s about your fealty to a president that grossly abused his powers multiple times.

Cary before horse. The Dims never ever had any actual evidence against Trump. That wasn’t the standard when the Dims were doing what you now complain about.
False. There was ample evidence and testimony given under oath. Hell, even his republican colleagues were squirming in discomfort before they closed ranks in lieu of being primaried.

Don’t like it? Good. Learn the lesson. Don’t do it.

So by “don’t do it” you are saying corruption should be rewarded.

False. There’s more than sufficient evidence already to justify the investigation. And that is the only stage we’ve reached.
Again, no evidence has been brought out to support any charges. If it ever is, I’ll revise my opinion.
You don’t base prosecutions on conspiracy theories and “cause you hate her”.
Correct. Just as you shouldn’t go after Trump for no valid reason other than hate.
False. It confirms the toddler like mentality of the right these days. “You went after my Orange God”….”I’m going to project all that on YOUR guy” (whomever it may be, if it wasn’t Biden you would have done to another).

False. It is akin to punishing an errant child. (The Dims.). Reinforce the message that what you did is unacceptable. See? Now that it’s being done to you, you don’t like it.
It isn’t about anything Biden did or did not do…
Nonsense. Of course it is.
it’s about your fealty to a president that grossly abused his powers multiple times.
Claiming that he abused his powers at all is just you being a partisan hack. He ain’t. By contrast, there is excellent reason to believe that Potato did. Worth looking into.
False. There was ample evidence and testimony given under oath.

Hell, even his republican colleagues were squirming in discomfort before they closed ranks in lieu of being primaried.
Zzz. Nonsense.
So by “don’t do it” you are saying corruption should be rewarded.
No. I’m saying you folks need to be taught that if you don’t want none, don’t start. Payback is a bitch. But learning this case, it’s warranted.
Again, no evidence has been brought out to support any charges.
False. Again, there is plenty of evidence to support the investigation. 👍

Your ilk is merely afraid of what a full investigation is likely to show.
If it ever is, I’ll revise my opinion.
No. You won’t. You won’t even acknowledge that investigation is already warranted.

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