GOP Senators Introduce Bill Holding Sanctuary Cities Accountable

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
It's about time...these cities are giving the felonious Invaders free reign to rob, rape, and kill its let's hold the mayors personally responsible...that MIGHT move them after a few million dollars in lawsuits hit the courts and media!

A group of Republican senators introduced this week legislation which would allow victims of illegal alien crime to sue sanctuary jurisdictions for putting citizens in danger. The “Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act” is a response to the growing number of cities and localities which either have official sanctuary policies or that refuse to comply with federal detainer requests for illegal immigrants.

“We are a nation of laws. Whether you are a citizen, immigrant or even a local government, disregarding those laws should carry consequences,” stated Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis echoed those sentiments in a press release, “If politicians want to prioritize reckless sanctuary policies over public safety, they should also be willing to provide just compensation for the victims.”

Tillis has taken the lead generating support for the bill, in part as a response to the increasing number of counties in his state that are refusing to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
It's about time...these cities are giving the felonious Invaders free reign to rob, rape, and kill its let's hold the mayors personally responsible...that MIGHT move them after a few million dollars in lawsuits hit the courts and media!

A group of Republican senators introduced this week legislation which would allow victims of illegal alien crime to sue sanctuary jurisdictions for putting citizens in danger. The “Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act” is a response to the growing number of cities and localities which either have official sanctuary policies or that refuse to comply with federal detainer requests for illegal immigrants.

“We are a nation of laws. Whether you are a citizen, immigrant or even a local government, disregarding those laws should carry consequences,” stated Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis echoed those sentiments in a press release, “If politicians want to prioritize reckless sanctuary policies over public safety, they should also be willing to provide just compensation for the victims.”

Tillis has taken the lead generating support for the bill, in part as a response to the increasing number of counties in his state that are refusing to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Why is it that the greater the crime, the less it is enforced? Why do laws apply to individuals committing felonies (breaking federal law) but never to government or state officials with whom the offense is far greater? Why do we always need to pass a bill in order to get elected officials to follow the same laws that would land any of us in prison?

If we had honesty and accountability in government and elected officials the same as we would hold for any bum sitting in a local bar, we would solve 88% of this nation's problems! JUST WHEN will a single elected official ever go to prison for:
  • Obstructing federal law?
  • Lending aide to a hostile foreign power?
  • Spying on other elected officials?
  • Conspiring to thwart an administration?
  • Wiretapping private citizens without a warrant?
  • Taking money for political favors to foreign countries?
  • Lying to the nation in order to usurp 1/6th the US economy?
  • Weaponizing a branch of the government to throw an election?
  • Selling military secrets to a hostile foreign interest?
If we start holding our elected officials to the same standards they would hold us, we'd have hardly no one left in office to run anything.
Enforce already-existing federal law, which allows prison terms for harboring illegals (and even the DEATH PENALTY if the violation results in a death)!!!

1907. Title 8, U.S.C. 1324(a) Offenses

If you hang enough Democrats, the nonsense would stop!!!
Great bill and they should stop giving Sanctuary States and cities Federal dollars. They are breaking Fed law. No way should they get Federal dollars for anything.

The Governors of the Sanctuary States and Sanctuary Cities should be charged with breaking Federal law.

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