GOP sours on censoring Tik Tok


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

As I knew they would. Neither party wants Tik Tok censored even though everyone knows the Chinese are using it for malevolent purposes.

But that is what happens when Xi and the CCP buys off both parties.

For a government that can already censor you for questioning a vaccine or talk about January 6th with impunity, and just a whimper from the GOP, is anyone surprised?
Thank God for that.
Whether you like tictak or not, opening the door to letting govt tell us what we can do is a bad idea.
Plus, as usual, they snuck components into the bill that could've enabled the govt to monitor everything we do legally & punishing us with massive fines & up to 20 years in prison for daring to post or even look at something that Big Brother doesn't approve.

As written, the bill would've killed alternative media sources while making Mockingbird the only standard for truth

If passed, SB686 would allow the government to shut down many U.S.-based websites

The Last Refuge published a report about the Restrict Act that warns about its implications. Many U.S.-based websites would be impacted by it because a lot of them use third-party “plug-ins,” “widgets,” or other software originally created in foreign countries, which would become prohibited.

“The ‘Restrict Act’ gives the DNI (Director of National Intelligence) the ability to tell a website using any ‘foreign content’ or software; that might be engaged in platform communication the U.S Government views as against their interests; to shut down or face a criminal charge,” The Last Refuge reported.

“In very direct terms, the passage of SB686 would give the Dept of Commerce, DNI and DHS (Department of Homeland Security) the ability to shut down what you are reading right now. This is a big deal.”

Another aspect of the Restrict Act is its implications for people who use virtual private networks, also known as VPNs. If someone uses a VPN to try to access a banned website, the Secretary of Commerce would be directed to “identify, deter, disrupt, prevent, prohibit, investigate, or otherwise mitigate” the act as if it were a national security risk associated with technology manufactured in one or more of the above-listed countries.

Those found to be in violation of the bill’s provisions face fines of up to $1 million, 20 years in prison, or both.


As I knew they would. Neither party wants Tik Tok censored even though everyone knows the Chinese are using it for malevolent purposes.

But that is what happens when Xi and the CCP buys off both parties.

For a government that can already censor you for questioning a vaccine or talk about January 6th with impunity, and just a whimper from the GOP, is anyone surprised?
This is more than banning tic tok. If thats all it was, it would say that.
Instead, its 55 pages.

As I knew they would. Neither party wants Tik Tok censored even though everyone knows the Chinese are using it for malevolent purposes.

But that is what happens when Xi and the CCP buys off both parties.

For a government that can already censor you for questioning a vaccine or talk about January 6th with impunity, and just a whimper from the GOP, is anyone surprised?

Gop soured on the idea because of the restrict act that was being pushed that would have opened the door on censoring and punishing American citizens. They want it gone, but not under those terms. Sometimes it's better to deal with what you don't want than to rush through and make things even worse.

Reminds me an old joke.

3 guys are out hunting in the jungle and are captured by a group of savages and taken back to the village where the chief says "you desocrsted our land and don't belong here. Do you accept punishment by oongaboonga or death?"

First guy takes oongaboonga punishment and the chief calls out this guy with a huge dick and he screws the guy in the ass.

Second guy takes oongabooga as punishment and he gets screwed by the big dick savaged.

Third guy gets asked the same question and he says "death. No way in hell I'll let that happen. I'd rather die" and the chief says "ok you will get oongabooga".

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