GOP still saying God punishes us with disease and bad weather because of the gays

Someone recently said you couldn't find more than one Republican who believed this:

Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion

The Conservative Media: Falwell and Coulter say U.S. deserved the 9/11 terrorist attacks

6 Most Absurd Things Right-Wing Christians Have Blamed on Gays

Arizona Pastor: "The Government Should Use The Death Penalty On Homosexuals"

10 Disasters That Gays Were Blamed for Causing


EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Republicans insist they don't hate the gays anymore. Yet, there they are. Hounding them from the party. Good job. It's nice seeing Republicans being "real" and showing us who they truly are.

Oh boy! Give yourself a gold star, you found a half dozen dumb statements out of what, 40-50 million people in the GOP. Your life must be really pathetic to even waste your time on shit like this.
the GOP is saying no such thing; individuals may be saying that

geesh libs you only make yourselves look like dishonest little crybabies when you cant even be honest about the smallest of things; let alone the big stuff

libs are losers
wow, they (people like rdean) get more insane everyday

wonder why

losers like rdean, right-winger and other left-wing nutjobs cant exist without creating a false premise they pull out of their butts and trying to build an argument off of lies they told themselves

they suffer from group-think and are just mental-cases; pure and simple
GOP still saying God punishes us with disease and bad weather because of the gays

Some Pubs believe that, and a few Dems believe that
Someone recently said you couldn't find more than one Republican who believed this:

Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion

The Conservative Media: Falwell and Coulter say U.S. deserved the 9/11 terrorist attacks

6 Most Absurd Things Right-Wing Christians Have Blamed on Gays

Arizona Pastor: "The Government Should Use The Death Penalty On Homosexuals"

10 Disasters That Gays Were Blamed for Causing


EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Republicans insist they don't hate the gays anymore. Yet, there they are. Hounding them from the party. Good job. It's nice seeing Republicans being "real" and showing us who they truly are.

None of that constitutes "the GOP".
Another fail RDean thread.
You must be getting desperate. See a shrink before the upcoming mid term elections. The results might drive you to suicide.

'Cept maybe for the one that says:

" Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion "
Someone recently said you couldn't find more than one Republican who believed this:

Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion

The Conservative Media: Falwell and Coulter say U.S. deserved the 9/11 terrorist attacks

6 Most Absurd Things Right-Wing Christians Have Blamed on Gays

Arizona Pastor: "The Government Should Use The Death Penalty On Homosexuals"

10 Disasters That Gays Were Blamed for Causing


EXCLUSIVE: Richard Grenell hounded from Romney campaign by anti-gay conservatives

Republicans insist they don't hate the gays anymore. Yet, there they are. Hounding them from the party. Good job. It's nice seeing Republicans being "real" and showing us who they truly are.

None of that constitutes "the GOP".
Another fail RDean thread.
You must be getting desperate. See a shrink before the upcoming mid term elections. The results might drive you to suicide.

'Cept maybe for the one that says:

" Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion "
Anyone can be a GOP candidate, dumbass.
wow, they (people like rdean) get more insane everyday

wonder why

losers like rdean, right-winger and other left-wing nutjobs cant exist without creating a false premise they pull out of their butts and trying to build an argument off of lies they told themselves

they suffer from group-think and are just mental-cases; pure and simple

Nice job of trolling with personal insults... care to log any commentary about the discussion?
None of that constitutes "the GOP".
Another fail RDean thread.
You must be getting desperate. See a shrink before the upcoming mid term elections. The results might drive you to suicide.

'Cept maybe for the one that says:

" Illinois GOP Candidate Says God Put Autism and Dementia on Earth as Punishment for Marriage Equality and Abortion "
Anyone can be a GOP candidate, dumbass.

:eusa_eh: Anyone?!?

I'm willing to bet a dollar that at a minimum it takes a republican.

I mean... the GOP has SOME standards, no? :dunno:
I don't know what God believes about gays or anyone else and don't pretend to I'm simply asking does anyone here really know what God truly believes? I don't know if God believes gays are sinners do you does anybody?

Take my word for it, He doesn't.

How do you know this? Do you talk to G-d on a regular basis? Does He tell you stuff?

Of course G-d beleives homosexuals are sinners. It says so right in the Bible. It isn't even a question.

God wants to care and nurture His Children. You think He is going to go after his homosexual Children? Humans go after homosexuals, not God.
the GOP is saying no such thing; individuals may be saying that

geesh libs you only make yourselves look like dishonest little crybabies when you cant even be honest about the smallest of things; let alone the big stuff

libs are losers


"Hey now!!! :nono: Generalizing is no way to have a political discussion!"

"Now... If I may generalize..."
Take my word for it, He doesn't.

How do you know this? Do you talk to G-d on a regular basis? Does He tell you stuff?

Of course G-d beleives homosexuals are sinners. It says so right in the Bible. It isn't even a question.

God wants to care and nurture His Children. You think He is going to go after his homosexual Children? Humans go after homosexuals, not God.
How do you know this? Does G-d speak to you daily and tell you suchthings?

:eusa_eh: Anyone?!?

I'm willing to bet a dollar that at a minimum it takes a republican.

I mean... the GOP has SOME standards, no? :dunno:
Mike Bloomberg was a life long Democrat but got elected as a Republican. Charlie Crist was a Republican but switched to the Dems.
As usual you are wrong. Want me to send my PayPal address so you can send me my dollar?
How do you know this? Do you talk to G-d on a regular basis? Does He tell you stuff?

Of course G-d beleives homosexuals are sinners. It says so right in the Bible. It isn't even a question.

God wants to care and nurture His Children. You think He is going to go after his homosexual Children? Humans go after homosexuals, not God.
How do you know this? Does G-d speak to you daily and tell you suchthings?

Irrelevant. I say what I say. You believe what you believe.
God wants to care and nurture His Children. You think He is going to go after his homosexual Children? Humans go after homosexuals, not God.
How do you know this? Does G-d speak to you daily and tell you suchthings?

Irrelevant. I say what I say. You believe what you believe.

It's irrelevant how you know what is in G-d's mind? You think anyone can make up any opinion and it's OK? Then why do you make fun of people who say that earthquakes are G-d's judgement? Their opinion is every bit as valid as yours.
How do you know this? Does G-d speak to you daily and tell you suchthings?

Irrelevant. I say what I say. You believe what you believe.

It's irrelevant how you know what is in G-d's mind? You think anyone can make up any opinion and it's OK? Then why do you make fun of people who say that earthquakes are G-d's judgement? Their opinion is every bit as valid as yours.

Yes, I do believe anyone can make up an opinion and it's OK. First Amendment and all. I am making fun of no one. Their opinion is as valid as anyone else's. It is when the actions go against God's will that I have a problem with it, but then again I am but one opinion.
Irrelevant. I say what I say. You believe what you believe.

It's irrelevant how you know what is in G-d's mind? You think anyone can make up any opinion and it's OK? Then why do you make fun of people who say that earthquakes are G-d's judgement? Their opinion is every bit as valid as yours.

Yes, I do believe anyone can make up an opinion and it's OK. First Amendment and all. I am making fun of no one. Their opinion is as valid as anyone else's. It is when the actions go against God's will that I have a problem with it, but then again I am but one opinion.

You have no idea what G-d's will is. It is all merely opinion. Your opinion is no more valid than the Westboro Baptists'.

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