GOP Strategist Says Reagan is DEAD and GOP Must Move On

When the GOP runs on Reagan rhetoric like 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2112 it loses.

The middle elects presidents, not the wacky extremes.
More sarcasm sans fact or reason.

Why don't you go start a stand up routine and leave the adults to talk in private, little punk?

JimCrowie, Internet tough guy. And he claims to be an adult with all his childish insults and attempts at humor.

I freely admit to using insults and humor, but I also bring facts and reason to the table in most of my posts, unlike the typical libtards like yourself.

When you describe libtard behavior, you describe yourself. You bring almost nothing of factual worth to the table.
You reactionaries and real conservatives simply cannot ignore the global interactions of government, communications, transportation, and economics, while crying for old style government prior to WWII.

Simply won't work in a campaign, because the younger generations are aware of the dynamics.
I don't usually agree with people who campaigned for John McCain, but I am to a degree here.

We need to stop lifting Reagan up as a standard. Reagan was a great President. But we are a new generation. We need to be even better than he was. I don't want a President to be the next Reagan. I want someone who can be an even better President than Reagan was. Instead of a Reagan Wannabe.

Let's look to the future and what we could do if we actually impliment conservative principles in government and life. Let's be fiscally responsible. Let's significantly lower the taxes and make them more fair for everyone. Let's teach personal responsibility and accountability to one another.

Sounds like a Tea Party candidate. With the help of the media, these types have been branded as nut cases.
When the GOP runs on Reagan rhetoric like 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2112 it loses.

The middle elects presidents, not the wacky extremes.

The fact that you think McCain and Romney ran on Regan rhetorical conservatism shows you don't know jack shit about what Reaganism is, dumbass liar.
I don't usually agree with people who campaigned for John McCain, but I am to a degree here.

We need to stop lifting Reagan up as a standard. Reagan was a great President. But we are a new generation. We need to be even better than he was. I don't want a President to be the next Reagan. I want someone who can be an even better President than Reagan was. Instead of a Reagan Wannabe.

Let's look to the future and what we could do if we actually impliment conservative principles in government and life. Let's be fiscally responsible. Let's significantly lower the taxes and make them more fair for everyone. Let's teach personal responsibility and accountability to one another.

Sounds like a Tea Party candidate. With the help of the media, these types have been branded as nut cases.

Yeah the corporate own media, using corporate owned politicians to smear the politicians the corporations cant buy, like Edwards, Cucinich, Sarbanes and others and that's just the Dems. Cruz and Paul are among the few left and they are almost all TPM Republicans.
Why shouldn't Republicans remain mired in the 1980s?

It was about time that someone told them that Reagan was dead. They think that he is still in the White House watching cartoons.

So we have been working hard to get President Obama out of office and curbing the influence of his efforts to destroy this nation because we think that Reagan is still in the White House?


You are the Buddhisattva, grasshopper. I did not mean you.
JimCrowie, Internet tough guy. And he claims to be an adult with all his childish insults and attempts at humor.

I freely admit to using insults and humor, but I also bring facts and reason to the table in most of my posts, unlike the typical libtards like yourself.

When you describe libtard behavior, you describe yourself. You bring almost nothing of factual worth to the table.

Nor reason.
Personally, I thought Ronald Reagan was president at the right time.
The country really hadn't recovered from the disappointment of Watergate and to top that off, the country was in a big economic downturn.
Reagan brought the country together as president. I have a rough time thinking that anyone else could of brought such a positive light to this country's psych. He was truly the right man at the right time. He united thus country and brought a positive attitude that touched everyone. People may have not agreed with all he had done but his legacy was his American trusted him and like him, even when disagreeing with him. In today's political environment, Reagan would be labeled a RINO.
Red State presents a strong case of Reagan being a RINO in today's political landscape:
"The reality is far different. He was a strong conservative, but he was also a pragmatist when the situation called for it. That pragmatic quality that seems to be lacking in many of today’s conservative voices. The movement as a whole would be well served to try and mimic their hero in that respect, so that America can continue to be that shining city on a hill that Reagan so believed in."
Ronald Reagan: The great RINO of American history | RedState
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Why shouldn't Republicans remain mired in the 1980s?

It was about time that someone told them that Reagan was dead. They think that he is still in the White House watching cartoons.

So we have been working hard to get President Obama out of office and curbing the influence of his efforts to destroy this nation because we think that Reagan is still in the White House?


Congratulations on the excellent job that you have done in achieving this goal.
Why shouldn't Republicans remain mired in the 1980s?

It was about time that someone told them that Reagan was dead. They think that he is still in the White House watching cartoons.

So we have been working hard to get President Obama out of office and curbing the influence of his efforts to destroy this nation because we think that Reagan is still in the White House?


You cant tell what these libtards really think.

Between their sarcasm, their lies and their obtuse stupidity any of the above is an equal bet to explain their goofball posts.
It was about time that someone told them that Reagan was dead. They think that he is still in the White House watching cartoons.

So we have been working hard to get President Obama out of office and curbing the influence of his efforts to destroy this nation because we think that Reagan is still in the White House?


Congratulations on the excellent job that you have done in achieving this goal.

Congratulations on your fine job of exemplifying libtardism at is most pathetic.

No, seriously, thank you.
Listening to anyone who worked on the McCain campaign is just stupid.

Palin correctly wanted to paint Obama as a radical, detached from our founding and traditions but McCain went with the people that Soros put on his campaign like O'Donnell and Steve Schmidt
Raygun was better than Baby Bush, which isn't much. Set your sights on Christie, he can actually WIN.
Reagan was everything a conservative could hope to be.

And supported Terrorism.

He also lied about it.

[ame=]Telling Lies - YouTube[/ame]

He was also a Holocaust denier..

[ame=]Ronald Reagan On The Holocaust Lie 1967 - YouTube[/ame]

Lovely man.
The Alzheimer's did impact his last few years, unlike Baby bush however, he could admit he was wrong, and change course. Not one of my top five in my life, but better than the Bush boy.
When the GOP runs on Reagan rhetoric like 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2112 it loses.

The middle elects presidents, not the wacky extremes.

Jake we don't mind you shilling for Obama and Obamacare we know you have to make a living but please don't lie that our losing candidates were Reaganites

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