GOP strategy - disrupted Dem town hall meetings

You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?
The memo states that the audience needs to call the reps on their bullshit and shout it out, but specifically states that it should be short and intermittent. The memo also clearly states that the audience should not carry on and make a scene.

And I don't care if someone yells and shouts intermittently on his front porch, as long as he doesn't make a scene and disrupt the entire neighborhood. If yer going to compare apples to apples and all, that should have been yer analogy.

There is a line. And the memo clearly states where it is and that the audience should not cross it. But nice try at mischaracterizing it though.

And go back through the Gates threads. Be my guest.

The memo specifies "yelling" and "shouting" in a public place. Then it says not to be disruptive. Kind of like a memo that tells you to fart in church but not stink the place up.

The only thing I can see that is wrong with the memo is the directive to yell and shout. That isn't needed. And once again, if we're going to arrest a man for yelling a few words on his front porch, we certainly should be taking a really hard look at entire groups of people who plan to attend a public meeting with a plan that includes yelling and shouting by a lot of people in a co ordinated effort. That's conspiracy to commit a crime.

"Yelling and shouting", and "not being disruptive" are not mutually exclusive concepts.

You need to attend a Southern Pentecostal church to see both concepts in action at its finest. Then you'll get an idea.

Been there. Seen it.

I really don't care how much shouting they do at these meetings. The point is that these assholes have no consistancy. There is no rational way to endorse the arrest of a man who shouted from his front porch and not endorse the arrest of people who have written and planned to go in mass, and shout and yell in a public meeting with the expressed purpose being to cause distress and confusion upon the speaker and those in attendance.

Fine by me to let them yell and shout. But Gates sure as hell gets to shout from his own front porch if they get to shout and yell in a public place.
Sure. One is private and one is public.

I'll let you guess where disorderly charges are more strictly enforced.

And I'll let you be the first prick to explain why a man should be arrested for yelling and protesting atr his own home but a man yelling and protesting at a public meeting should not be arrested.
first you will have to show me where anyone was being arrested at these town halls

There are often arrest for disorderly at such meetings, not that it has anything to do with the reasoning I ask of your silly ass.

If you support the arrest of Prof. Gates, a man arrested for yelling on his front porch, I ask you if you support the arrest of people yelling and shouting inside a public building with the stated purpose of flustering and disorienting the speaker?

Let me give you a hint, dumbass.......Gates wasn't guilty of anything. If you think he was, then it stands to reason that you should believe this memo is enciting people to disorderly conduct. "Yelling" and "shouting" in public.
you are the one asking the silly questions
silly willy
You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?

I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.
Those that disagree with current pending legislation have as much of a right to go Alinsky, as Obama & Co., did before the election and after. What's fine for one is fine for the other. BTW, seems we should be seeing more about the death toll in Afghanistan too.

Anyone yelling and shouting in public should be arrested.

OR.....admit that the Gates arrest was bullshit. Can't have it both ways.

Actually, you can have it both ways. Gates was charged with disorderly conduct. Which covers a much broader range than just "shouting and yelling". If he went into his back yard and shouted and yelled at a garbage can he wouldn't have been arrested. Under your premise it would have gotten him arrested. Therefore it wasn't simply the shouting and yelling that got him into trouble.Specifically what got Gates in trouble was shouting and yelling at a police officer who was attempting to investigate the possibility of a crime. Those last few parts is what got him into trouble. Not the shouting and the yelling. It was that combined with something else. Obstructing police verbally from carrying out their duties will always get you in deeper hot water.
You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?

I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.

Actually yelling in a public forum for the purpose of political speech, IS a different forum than yelling racist comments in a neighborhood. That of course might be confusing for you.
You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?

I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.

Actually yelling in a public forum for the purpose of political speech, IS a different forum than yelling racist comments in a neighborhood. That of course might be confusing for you.
of course, silly willy doesn't understand the differences
or he would NEVER have attempted the comparison
Those that disagree with current pending legislation have as much of a right to go Alinsky, as Obama & Co., did before the election and after. What's fine for one is fine for the other. BTW, seems we should be seeing more about the death toll in Afghanistan too.

Anyone yelling and shouting in public should be arrested.

OR.....admit that the Gates arrest was bullshit. Can't have it both ways.

Actually, you can have it both ways. Gates was charged with disorderly conduct. Which covers a much broader range than just "shouting and yelling". If he went into his back yard and shouted and yelled at a garbage can he wouldn't have been arrested. Under your premise it would have gotten him arrested. Therefore it wasn't simply the shouting and yelling that got him into trouble.Specifically what got Gates in trouble was shouting and yelling at a police officer who was attempting to investigate the possibility of a crime. Those last few parts is what got him into trouble. Not the shouting and the yelling. It was that combined with something else. Obstructing police verbally from carrying out their duties will always get you in deeper hot water.


Crowley justified his arrest due to seven people standing on the sidewalk that he claimed to have looked Gates way when he yelled.

Think there might be seven people at these meetings? Seven people who will be caused to look at the person yelling?

If you can arrest a man for disorderly conduct for yelling in front of seven people, on the sidewalk in front of his house, you can sure as hell arrest a man for yelling and shouting in a public place, in a room full of people. What is the need to yell? Why shout? Are they intentionally trying to cause alarm? Why not just speak? Yelling isn't needed, unless you intend to cause alarm and be disruptive.
Don't the states have laws which regulate the conduct of public meetings?

Yes, they do. Yelling and shouting, especially a co ordinated effort to do so, is disorderly.

For some reason, the idiots here think you have rights in public that you don't have at your home. Most people with common sense understand that just the opposite is true.

I saw it.

What point of yours do you think it proves? What I saw was a politician saying something that no one in the audience liked. And the audience reacted to his statement. For about 3 to 5 seconds according to my count. Disruptive? No. Organized opposition? Didn't seem like it. Protest signs? Cameraman didn't seem to capture any. Sorry you seem to want them to not ever say anything, but that just ain't how it works. Nor was that the original complaint that started the thread.

So the video proved nothing. Was that your point?

Of course it was disruptive. Both Sebellius and Specter had to back away from the microphone several times waiting for the din to die down. They screamers didn't want to hear answers; they wanted to hear themselves YELL.

You said to start Googling. I didn't have to wait too long.
You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?

I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.

Well i'm glad your not against these people trying to have their voice heard using tactics that we have all seen from their opposition over the last several years. If you were i'd call B.S. on anything you had to say ;).

I do think its a little different from gates as we had 2 individuals both acting irrationally in different ways (Gates following out and yelling at cops and Crowley arresting the man, even if it was within policy, on his own rental property). Those 2 needed to come out and say....yeah we both were f-tards in the situation, we both wish Obama just kept his mouth shut so it wouldn't have gotten so out of control in the national and international media.

Well thats my opinion at this point anyway.
I heard about this meeting. It was in a huge democrat area and most of the people who were protesting and asking qustions of the anoited representative where DEMOCRATS, that were mad as hell and educated about this horable piece of legislation that is try to get implicated against their will. This is their new Democrats trick, blame and lable anyone who disagrees with them as republicans!!! If this was such a great piece of legislation it would get passed with out any problems, the dems don't need one republican vote to pass this abortion!!! So who is apposing them in congress now, DEMOCRATS? Why are they not all supporting this bill? Can't wait for the August break Im going to my congressmens townhall meeting and complain like hell for his actions and past votes!!!!! Counting the days for mid term elections!!!! The people are not in favor of higher taxes "CAP AND TRADE" and federally controled health care, which will also mean higher taxes. These people will pay next election!!!

Same old, same old.... yawnnnnnn. Maybe if nothing gets passed, in another 40 years (which is the length of time SOME kind of health care reform has been attempted), you'll begin to understand. Just think -- in 40 years, you'll be all grown up!
I heard about this meeting. It was in a huge democrat area and most of the people who were protesting and asking qustions of the anoited representative where DEMOCRATS, that were mad as hell and educated about this horable piece of legislation that is try to get implicated against their will. This is their new Democrats trick, blame and lable anyone who disagrees with them as republicans!!! If this was such a great piece of legislation it would get passed with out any problems, the dems don't need one republican vote to pass this abortion!!! So who is apposing them in congress now, DEMOCRATS? Why are they not all supporting this bill? Can't wait for the August break Im going to my congressmens townhall meeting and complain like hell for his actions and past votes!!!!! Counting the days for mid term elections!!!! The people are not in favor of higher taxes "CAP AND TRADE" and federally controled health care, which will also mean higher taxes. These people will pay next election!!!

Same old, same old.... yawnnnnnn. Maybe if nothing gets passed, in another 40 years (which is the length of time SOME kind of health care reform has been attempted), you'll begin to understand. Just think -- in 40 years, you'll be all grown up!

With our current system in 40 years i'll be broke cause my insurance found a way to kick me off cause i got the HR3200 (obama/congress' govt health plan) system i'll be dead because in 40 years they will say its not economically feasable to give me treatment based on the amount of life I have left, thats if after hr3200 is implimented I can even see a doctor.
Don't the states have laws which regulate the conduct of public meetings?

Yes, they do. Yelling and shouting, especially a co ordinated effort to do so, is disorderly.

For some reason, the idiots here think you have rights in public that you don't have at your home. Most people with common sense understand that just the opposite is true.

Thanks for the info, I was a bit worried that it was legal to disrupt public meetings.
You just got to love it when someone who thinks they are liberal makes a thread that is negative about people expressing themselves through the democratic process using their protected first ammendment rights.

Suppose the OP hates all those protesters in Iran, or the G8 Summit protestors, code pink, or the cindy sheehan crowd....i bet all of you against this tactic are against their tactitcs too, right?

Or are you hypocrites?

I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.

Well i'm glad your not against these people trying to have their voice heard using tactics that we have all seen from their opposition over the last several years. If you were i'd call B.S. on anything you had to say ;).

I do think its a little different from gates as we had 2 individuals both acting irrationally in different ways (Gates following out and yelling at cops and Crowley arresting the man, even if it was within policy, on his own rental property). Those 2 needed to come out and say....yeah we both were f-tards in the situation, we both wish Obama just kept his mouth shut so it wouldn't have gotten so out of control in the national and international media.

Well thats my opinion at this point anyway.

And I agree pretty much with you.

The point isn't about if the arrest was wrong or right or if this memo is wrong or right. The point is even handedness. The point is the double standard ass wipes.

You can think the Gates arrest was right and this directive to yell and shout in public is wrong. I got no problem respecting you. You obviously think that yelling and shouting where the public can hear you is wrong and criminal. Fine.

You can think Gates arrest was wrong and this memo to yell and shout is OK. You obviously think yelling and shouting to the public is OK.

The stupid partisan fuckers want Gates arrested for yelling and shouting but have no problem with a memo that directs people to yell and shout about something THEY are concerned about.

It's typical partisan bullshit and it's super easy to see who is fair minded and who adjust their standards according to the political implications. SPINELESS MOTHERFUCKERS. They don't clearly stand for anything, not even the 1st ammendment. Depends on who is doing the yelling.
Don't the states have laws which regulate the conduct of public meetings?

Yes, they do. Yelling and shouting, especially a co ordinated effort to do so, is disorderly.

For some reason, the idiots here think you have rights in public that you don't have at your home. Most people with common sense understand that just the opposite is true.

Thanks for the info, I was a bit worried that it was legal to disrupt public meetings.

Actually Willie is wrong, :eek:, there is more leeway in a public forum such as political rally or city/county/state meeting than on front porch of your home. D'oh
I'm not in favor of arresting anyone for exercising their rights to speech.

The fucking hypocrites are crawling in this place though. An ass load of them that favored the arrest of a man for disorderly conduct for yelling from his front porch. Now they don't seem to want to show that same reasoning for people who are being directed to yell and shout at a public meeting.

Well i'm glad your not against these people trying to have their voice heard using tactics that we have all seen from their opposition over the last several years. If you were i'd call B.S. on anything you had to say ;).

I do think its a little different from gates as we had 2 individuals both acting irrationally in different ways (Gates following out and yelling at cops and Crowley arresting the man, even if it was within policy, on his own rental property). Those 2 needed to come out and say....yeah we both were f-tards in the situation, we both wish Obama just kept his mouth shut so it wouldn't have gotten so out of control in the national and international media.

Well thats my opinion at this point anyway.

And I agree pretty much with you.

The point isn't about if the arrest was wrong or right or if this memo is wrong or right. The point is even handedness. The point is the double standard ass wipes.

You can think the Gates arrest was right and this directive to yell and shout in public is wrong. I got no problem respecting you. You obviously think that yelling and shouting where the public can hear you is wrong and criminal. Fine.

You can think Gates arrest was wrong and this memo to yell and shout is OK. You obviously think yelling and shouting to the public is OK.

The stupid partisan fuckers want Gates arrested for yelling and shouting but have no problem with a memo that directs people to yell and shout about something THEY are concerned about.

It's typical partisan bullshit and it's super easy to see who is fair minded and who adjust their standards according to the political implications. SPINELESS MOTHERFUCKERS. They don't clearly stand for anything, not even the 1st ammendment. Depends on who is doing the yelling.
yeah, because there is no difference in yelling racist crap at a cop while he is trying to do his job and yelling at a congressman that isnt doing his
Well i'm glad your not against these people trying to have their voice heard using tactics that we have all seen from their opposition over the last several years. If you were i'd call B.S. on anything you had to say ;).

I do think its a little different from gates as we had 2 individuals both acting irrationally in different ways (Gates following out and yelling at cops and Crowley arresting the man, even if it was within policy, on his own rental property). Those 2 needed to come out and say....yeah we both were f-tards in the situation, we both wish Obama just kept his mouth shut so it wouldn't have gotten so out of control in the national and international media.

Well thats my opinion at this point anyway.

And I agree pretty much with you.

The point isn't about if the arrest was wrong or right or if this memo is wrong or right. The point is even handedness. The point is the double standard ass wipes.

You can think the Gates arrest was right and this directive to yell and shout in public is wrong. I got no problem respecting you. You obviously think that yelling and shouting where the public can hear you is wrong and criminal. Fine.

You can think Gates arrest was wrong and this memo to yell and shout is OK. You obviously think yelling and shouting to the public is OK.

The stupid partisan fuckers want Gates arrested for yelling and shouting but have no problem with a memo that directs people to yell and shout about something THEY are concerned about.

It's typical partisan bullshit and it's super easy to see who is fair minded and who adjust their standards according to the political implications. SPINELESS MOTHERFUCKERS. They don't clearly stand for anything, not even the 1st ammendment. Depends on who is doing the yelling.
yeah, because there is no difference in yelling racist crap at a cop while he is trying to do his job and yelling at a congressman that isnt doing his

Fucking retard.

The congressman is doing his job, just the same as the cop. The fact you don't like the way he is doing it means NOTHING.
And I agree pretty much with you.

The point isn't about if the arrest was wrong or right or if this memo is wrong or right. The point is even handedness. The point is the double standard ass wipes.

You can think the Gates arrest was right and this directive to yell and shout in public is wrong. I got no problem respecting you. You obviously think that yelling and shouting where the public can hear you is wrong and criminal. Fine.

You can think Gates arrest was wrong and this memo to yell and shout is OK. You obviously think yelling and shouting to the public is OK.

The stupid partisan fuckers want Gates arrested for yelling and shouting but have no problem with a memo that directs people to yell and shout about something THEY are concerned about.

It's typical partisan bullshit and it's super easy to see who is fair minded and who adjust their standards according to the political implications. SPINELESS MOTHERFUCKERS. They don't clearly stand for anything, not even the 1st ammendment. Depends on who is doing the yelling.
yeah, because there is no difference in yelling racist crap at a cop while he is trying to do his job and yelling at a congressman that isnt doing his

Fucking retard.

The congressman is doing his job, just the same as the cop. The fact you don't like the way he is doing it means NOTHING.
the con gressman is supposed to REPRESENT HIS PEOPLE
doing something they dont want is NOT doing his job

and you are proving that it is YOU that is the fucking retard
although that might be an insult to those that are mentally challenged

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