GOP to introduce “We Built This!” slogan in taxpayer-built arena

run along and play your make believe games...because it's all about what you believe in your go back into your AM Radio driven paranoid delusions in your own little and bigreb and the T can all mutually masturbate in fear of the nonexistent black helicopters and all of the Commies that are everywhere coming to get you....oh yeah....and your guns.

Hey, don't take MY word for it, Stool:

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obama as anti-business and question his ability to manage a financial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey.

The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.

The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.

“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York.'

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors (Update1) - Bloomberg

yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

You agree with Obama, then!

Obama hates businesses, and the feeling is quite mutual!

Of course, America can't continue like this, so it is time to shat this turd.
Hey, don't take MY word for it, Stool:

Jan. 22 (Bloomberg) -- U.S. investors overwhelmingly see President Barack Obama as anti-business and question his ability to manage a financial crisis, according to a Bloomberg survey.

The global quarterly poll of investors and analysts who are Bloomberg subscribers finds that 77 percent of U.S. respondents believe Obama is too anti-business and four-out-of-five are only somewhat confident or not confident of his ability to handle a financial emergency.

The poll also finds a decline in Obama’s overall favorability rating one year after taking office. He is viewed favorably by 27 percent of U.S. investors. In an October poll, 32 percent in the U.S. held a positive impression.

“Investors no longer feel they can trust their instincts to take risks,” said poll respondent David Young, a managing director for a broker dealer in New York.'

Obama Seen as Anti-Business by 77% of U.S. Investors (Update1) - Bloomberg

yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

You agree with Obama, then!

Obama hates businesses, and the feeling is quite mutual!

Of course, America can't continue like this, so it is time to shat this turd.

Not necessarily. Just asking you to consider the source of the polls. Such as...those businessmen that "hate" Obama? Just might have an agenda too and their responses aren't necessarily the truth.
yeah....can't be that big business is too fucking greedy, traitorous and economically destroying this country to become record breakingly wealthy and powerful.

America's economic recovery is contingent not only on business....but also labor. The vast majority of our country is labor. If labor is broke....they don't buy shit...if they don't buy shit....businesses fail. Labor has been getting screwed since the Reagan era and it's finally caught up to us.

You agree with Obama, then!

Obama hates businesses, and the feeling is quite mutual!

Of course, America can't continue like this, so it is time to shat this turd.

Not necessarily. Just asking you to consider the source of the polls.
Such as...those businessmen that "hate" Obama? Just might have an agenda too and their responses aren't necessarily the truth.


You just said you hate our wealth and job producers.

The feeling is quite mutual, I assure you.
You agree with Obama, then!

Obama hates businesses, and the feeling is quite mutual!

Of course, America can't continue like this, so it is time to shat this turd.

Not necessarily. Just asking you to consider the source of the polls.
Such as...those businessmen that "hate" Obama? Just might have an agenda too and their responses aren't necessarily the truth.


You just said you hate our wealth and job producers.

The feeling is quite mutual, I assure you.

Where in the Hell did I say that? must be "legitimately taping" my words too.
What's with this mentality that republicans and/or conservatives oppose public services and projects paid for and built locally? It's pure bullshit and a red herring. It's nothin more or less than a case of liberal democrats trying to federalize every social effort and not leaving people out here in flyover country alone, as if everything we do needs federal oversight.

You'd think firemen and cops and county road department workers were paid for by the us govt at large. Nonsense!
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What's with this mentality that republicans and/or conservatives oppose public services and projects paid for and built locally? It's pure bullshit and a red herring. It's nothin more or less than a case of liberal democrats trying to federalize every social effort and not leaving people out here in flyover country alone, as if everything we do needs federal oversight.

You'd think firemen and cops and county road department workers were paid for by the us govt at large. Nonsense!

"We Built This" (the GOP's "Call Me Maybe"), is the catchphrase of the season, and it'll be a major theme of the Republican National Convention at the end of this month. The irony? They'll be holding that convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum, formerly the Tampa Bay Ice Palace, which was publicly financed.

GOP Will Tout 'We Built This' In Arena Built With Public Funds - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Oh, the "irony".

Republicans will probably win because the rest of America is more interested in Kim Kardashian.


rdean neglected this point:

The arena's recent $40 million renovation, though, was privately funded. There's also the $20 million that the RNC is spending on renovating, which includes a $2.5 million stage for Mitt Romney. That's something they can proudly say they built.

I'm waiting for a REAL article rather then an opinion blog...

[ame=]Romney to Olympians: 'You Didn't Get Here Solely On Your Own' - YouTube[/ame]

See what I'm saying? I asked these "Sad Sacks" what they think of this video and not a single comment. Just rants and tons of bull shit. They can't face anything. It's like they have all gone completely crazy.
"We Built This" (the GOP's "Call Me Maybe"), is the catchphrase of the season, and it'll be a major theme of the Republican National Convention at the end of this month. The irony? They'll be holding that convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum, formerly the Tampa Bay Ice Palace, which was publicly financed.

GOP Will Tout 'We Built This' In Arena Built With Public Funds - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Oh, the "irony".

Republicans will probably win because the rest of America is more interested in Kim Kardashian.

[ame=]We Built This City - YouTube[/ame]
You mean in the forum built by businesses?

The horror, the horror.

oh....only businesses pay taxes? seems to me we ALL. build publicly funded projects....but that's the Conservative mind for you. The Conglomerate is God....everyone else doesn't matter.
Seems to Me that in order to pay their fair share, businesses pay not only their taxes, but over half of the populations as well.

I see a forum, built by business, using local labor, local skill (probably even some union labor and skill in there too!), all for the purpose of community events.

What I DON'T see is a forum built using government carpenters, government plumbers, government brick layers, government electricians, government catering, government designers.....etc., etc...

However, the direct fact that this forum likely cost 50 times more than it should have can be attributed to government lackeys, government politicians, and government regulations.

I just want to make sure I get the ever changing right wing ideology correct - its OK for government to spend taxpayer money building anything they like - so long as they outsource the labor? Is that the new Republican position?
"We Built This" (the GOP's "Call Me Maybe"), is the catchphrase of the season, and it'll be a major theme of the Republican National Convention at the end of this month. The irony? They'll be holding that convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum, formerly the Tampa Bay Ice Palace, which was publicly financed.

GOP Will Tout 'We Built This' In Arena Built With Public Funds - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Oh, the "irony".

Republicans will probably win because the rest of America is more interested in Kim Kardashian.

It doesn't get more republican than basing your campaign slogan on a lie and then picking a venue like this to highlight it.

They are the clown shoes party. see all of that? You must be the Amazing Carnac. I see a taxpayer funded building that wouldn't exist without public dollars....That a business profited off of and gave some good people decent jobs for a while.
Do you honestly think that government has its own money?

That money comes from us.

It comes from businesses. It comes from communities. It is often seed money from an investor that builds that kind of building.

What it is NOT is something government built.

Right - government didn't build it - the People did. The People got together, decided to build it, decided how much each person would chip in, decided to plan it, decided to hire contractors to get the work done, and they made all these decisions through an indirect form of representation - but it wasn't a government! Couldn't have been. Government's bad! Got it!

More like:
"We Built This (and by "we" we mean "you")!"

BTW morons - the fact that venues like this - and the roads and schools and the beginnings of the internets - were built with tax dollars is KINDA THE POINT.
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Yeah, we know that others and especially the government didn't build anything or help businesses! Keep spewing the lies! Don't let reality, facts and fairness get in the way though!

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2011 (SOURCE - Whether you’re thinking about opening a new business or you’re trying to strengthen or expand an enterprise you already have, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is there to help.The SBA is a federal agency that helps small businesses grow and succeed. It provides business counseling and training, and offers a wide range of financing programs such as loans and grants.

Counseling and Training
You can get immediate help from the SBA by taking one of its online training courses on how to start, manage and finance a business. Each subject features a variety of courses about successful business management.

Ray Gaster Built his business with a lot of government help!


To build a little on Being Liberal’s annotated graphic, consider that a web cache of the recently yanked local Bloomingdale city council minutes for 2010 reveals that the city of Bloomingdale (suburban Savannah) paid thousands of dollars to move a fence on the border of Gaster Lumber so it could perform “drainage work needed for the site.” Ray Gaster didn’t do that work. Government did. Look up unified zoning maps and you’ll see that Gaster Lumber’s site on 15010 Abercorn Street has been zoned for business – another government action that benefits business by creating areas of a community with clusters of commerce that reinforce one another and attract customers. Ray Gaster didn’t do that work. Government did. Then, of course, there’s the right to free political expression, a right that Ray Gaster is exercising. That’s a right maintained with reference to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution — a government-created and government-maintained document.

There are two poles that attract people in American political culture. One pole reads, “My Government, Right or Wrong.” The other pole reads, “My Government Never Does Anything Right.” It doesn’t hurt to point out that the truth lies somewhere in between.

Update, August 8:

As Dean points out in a column below, Ray Gaster got his business degree by attending a state university at which the government pays a significant share of the cost of education in order to keep tuition low. This is just one more way in which Ray Gaster got government help

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Obama’s awkward “that” referred to “roads and bridges,” not businesses. But the president wasn’t at his best that day, to put it mildly. He needed to match his point about collaborative success with paeans to those he saluted in his inaugural address (and in many other speeches) as “the risk takers, the doers, the makers of things.” His failure to bring business executives into his White House and use them as surrogates means he has to handle damage control on his own, which looks bad

On this, the evidence is in. Alexander Hamilton’s federally chartered Bank of the United States; the Whig “internal improvements” of the early Republic; the transcontinental railroad; the land-grant colleges; the Interstate Highway System; the Internet and other government-backed transportation, communications and education endeavors aren’t just examples of “government spending” long supported by both parties. They have proved essential to the creation of thousands of small enterprises.

All major energy sources have received government help in one form or another, as have aviation, biotech, real estate and scores of other industries. Even companies that don’t get direct assistance from the federal government receive plenty of downstream benefits through the tax code.

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Yeah, we know that others and especially the government didn't build anything or help businesses! Keep spewing the lies! Don't let reality, facts and fairness get in the way though!

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2011 (SOURCE - Whether you’re thinking about opening a new business or you’re trying to strengthen or expand an enterprise you already have, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is there to help.The SBA is a federal agency that helps small businesses grow and succeed. It provides business counseling and training, and offers a wide range of financing programs such as loans and grants.

Counseling and Training
You can get immediate help from the SBA by taking one of its online training courses on how to start, manage and finance a business. Each subject features a variety of courses about successful business management.

Ray Gaster Built his business with a lot of government help!


To build a little on Being Liberal’s annotated graphic, consider that a web cache of the recently yanked local Bloomingdale city council minutes for 2010 reveals that the city of Bloomingdale (suburban Savannah) paid thousands of dollars to move a fence on the border of Gaster Lumber so it could perform “drainage work needed for the site.” Ray Gaster didn’t do that work. Government did. Look up unified zoning maps and you’ll see that Gaster Lumber’s site on 15010 Abercorn Street has been zoned for business – another government action that benefits business by creating areas of a community with clusters of commerce that reinforce one another and attract customers. Ray Gaster didn’t do that work. Government did. Then, of course, there’s the right to free political expression, a right that Ray Gaster is exercising. That’s a right maintained with reference to the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution — a government-created and government-maintained document.

There are two poles that attract people in American political culture. One pole reads, “My Government, Right or Wrong.” The other pole reads, “My Government Never Does Anything Right.” It doesn’t hurt to point out that the truth lies somewhere in between.

Update, August 8:

As Dean points out in a column below, Ray Gaster got his business degree by attending a state university at which the government pays a significant share of the cost of education in order to keep tuition low. This is just one more way in which Ray Gaster got government help

If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Obama’s awkward “that” referred to “roads and bridges,” not businesses. But the president wasn’t at his best that day, to put it mildly. He needed to match his point about collaborative success with paeans to those he saluted in his inaugural address (and in many other speeches) as “the risk takers, the doers, the makers of things.” His failure to bring business executives into his White House and use them as surrogates means he has to handle damage control on his own, which looks bad
On this, the evidence is in. Alexander Hamilton’s federally chartered Bank of the United States; the Whig “internal improvements” of the early Republic; the transcontinental railroad; the land-grant colleges; the Interstate Highway System; the Internet and other government-backed transportation, communications and education endeavors aren’t just examples of “government spending” long supported by both parties. They have proved essential to the creation of thousands of small enterprises.

All major energy sources have received government help in one form or another, as have aviation, biotech, real estate and scores of other industries. Even companies that don’t get direct assistance from the federal government receive plenty of downstream benefits through the tax code.


Sorry but government didn't build those things. Those things were built by the People, who got together through a system of representative decision making, and decided who would pay how much and what to build with the money. But that's not government.
So next time my kid gets the honor roll I need to thank the bus driver, the janitor..and maybe the kitchen lady too?

No... she worked for that, and deserves ALL the credit for doing so.

This entire debate is rediculous if ya ask me....

Sure we all share in the success of America (at least the contributors can) but lets get a grip folks, thats NOT the context Obama was using.

If you think it was, you do not know Obama.
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Yeah, we know that others and especially the government didn't build anything or help businesses! Keep spewing the lies! Don't let reality, facts and fairness get in the way though!

WASHINGTON, Sept. 2, 2011 (SOURCE - Whether you’re thinking about opening a new business or you’re trying to strengthen or expand an enterprise you already have, the Small Business Administration (SBA) is there to help.The SBA is a federal agency that helps small businesses grow and succeed. It provides business counseling and training, and offers a wide range of financing programs such as loans and grants.

Counseling and Training
You can get immediate help from the SBA by taking one of its online training courses on how to start, manage and finance a business. Each subject features a variety of courses about successful business management.


If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.

Obama’s awkward “that” referred to “roads and bridges,” not businesses. But the president wasn’t at his best that day, to put it mildly. He needed to match his point about collaborative success with paeans to those he saluted in his inaugural address (and in many other speeches) as “the risk takers, the doers, the makers of things.” His failure to bring business executives into his White House and use them as surrogates means he has to handle damage control on his own, which looks bad
On this, the evidence is in. Alexander Hamilton’s federally chartered Bank of the United States; the Whig “internal improvements” of the early Republic; the transcontinental railroad; the land-grant colleges; the Interstate Highway System; the Internet and other government-backed transportation, communications and education endeavors aren’t just examples of “government spending” long supported by both parties. They have proved essential to the creation of thousands of small enterprises.

All major energy sources have received government help in one form or another, as have aviation, biotech, real estate and scores of other industries. Even companies that don’t get direct assistance from the federal government receive plenty of downstream benefits through the tax code.


Sorry but government didn't build those things. Those things were built by the People, who got together through a system of representative decision making, and decided who would pay how much and what to build with the money. But that's not government.

The people are the government and the government is the people. Obama made an unfortunate gaffe and most reasonable people know he was referring to bridges and roads, not an individual's business.
So next time my kid gets the honor roll I need to thank the bus driver, the janitor..and maybe the kitchen lady too?

No... she worked for that, and deserves ALL the credit for doing so.

Funny how the right seems to think teachers have nothing to do with a child's success but everything to do with their failures.

This entire debate is rediculous if ya ask me....

Sure we all share in the success of America (at least the contributors can) but lets get a grip folks, thats NOT the context Obama was using.

If you think it was, you do not know Obama.

You're right, you know him better than us. His actual words are irrelevant - you just know what he means, because you've got a feeling in your gut that just tells you. In fact - Obama doesn't even have to speak for you to know what he means. Its like you've got a psychic connection to him that the rest of us can't understand. I mean -who the fuck cares what he says? we all know he's a commie. So many people wouldn't be saying he was one if he wasn't.
"We Built This" (the GOP's "Call Me Maybe"), is the catchphrase of the season, and it'll be a major theme of the Republican National Convention at the end of this month. The irony? They'll be holding that convention at the Tampa Bay Times Forum, formerly the Tampa Bay Ice Palace, which was publicly financed.

GOP Will Tout 'We Built This' In Arena Built With Public Funds - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

Oh, the "irony".

Republicans will probably win because the rest of America is more interested in Kim Kardashian.

God! What a body, what I wouldn't give to,,,

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