GOP unwilling to even censure Schiff

I'm not a libertarian. Not really. A lot of folks think I am, though. I'll congregate with em, but I'm not one. Whenever self-described ''libertarians'' (specially the modern libertine types) show up under the tent they tend to get to work swinging a wrecking ball all over your hard work.

Anyway. This was the language in the bill...

"if it is determined by an investigation conducted by the Committee on Ethics that Representative Schiff lied, made misrepresentations, and abused sensitive information, he should be fined in the amount of $16,000,000''

They don't care about ethos. The specific language sets a precedent that they can disregard their constitutional limitations at whim and to expect full support of the electorate in doing so because...I

And they know it. It's why they chose the language. These people aren't stupid. They know what they're doing.
Was referring to Massie and his alleged philosophy, not you....I abandoned the libertarians after Harry Browne, when they thought nominating GOP washouts was a good idea.

Anyone worth their salt can work around the literal language to say they voted for the "fine" as remuneration to the treasury....Happens all the time, and nobody but a navel gazer would give anyone a moment's guff for doing so.
Was referring to Massie and his alleged philosophy, not you....I abandoned the libertarians after Harry Browne, when they thought nominating GOP washouts was a good idea.

Anyone worth their salt can work around the literal language to say they voted for the "fine" as remuneration to the treasury....Happens all the time, and nobody but a navel gazer would give anyone a moment's guff for doing so.

Looks like he's been on the tweeter defending his position...

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Looks like he's been on the tweeter defending his position...

His explanations are lost in that sewer.

His best defense would be to bring a bill to the floor with language to his liking, instead of trying to explain his way out of it.
His explanations are lost in that sewer.

His best defense would be to bring a bill to the floor with language to his liking, instead of trying to explain his way out of it.

Yeah, I know, but he does have the fortitude to make the effort.

They are introducing a constitutional version of the bill, though.

In this case I prefer that it was a consequence of his disagreement with the language of the bill that caused its authors to do it over again, except without a back door to invalidate a constitutional limitation on their authority. Slick try, though.

The whole reason for working so hard to get people like Rand and Massie elected is to set examples for how limited government is supposed to work for their peers in Washington who often demonstrate very little regard for and whom have a general, open disdain for those limitations. Notwithstanding the collective lack of intellectual capacity and growing lack of respect for the American heritage and traditional philosophy of American governance, in many cases, to even understand or eve ncare about the reason for those limitations. To encourage establishment politicians to demonstrate at least some regard for the Constitution and for their oath to protect it rather than working so hard to invalidate it in the interest of acquiring additional power that they do not have through some kind of hardly clever legislative language is, in my view, desirable.

Ah well. We're probably gonna just disagree about it. Happens. I don't hate you.
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Yeah, but your one vote added to so many other one votes that were not cast does kinda add up. And in some states the difference between candidate A and B isn't much. As far as 'conservatives' go, yes they are pretty much a spineless lot, BUT still better than a democrat in most cases.
At this point in time the "vote" can not be trusted
1. WRONG again dumbass. I double-dare antifa and BLM to try to storm the Capitol when the NG is there with bayonets
Why would President Biden call out the National Guard? And again, given that the DC National Guard is like 95% blacks, I don't think you are going to get them to stick bayonets into BLM Protestors.
2. Why would we need the NG? If antifa and BLM schedule a riot in DC, just sayin'
Hey, no reason for them to... since Biden will easily win re-election.

3. Trump lost the 2020 election by 43,000 votes in 3 states, AZ, GA, and WI. He lost because the FBI Gestapo paid the oligarchs to censor the Hunter Biden laptop crimes, and due to the 51 traitors who called the laptop crimes "Russian Disinformation". The MSM propaganda swayed the electorate in a very close election.
He lost by 8 million votes. Again, you guys have decided that whichever angry mob gets to the capitol will have it's way.

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