GOP voter disenfranchisement in Mississippi

kwc keeps saying things like

virtually every "functioning" member of society already has a photo ID

Most people have them and could easily produce it at the polling place.

vast majority of people have ID

Virtually every, most people, vast majority because he refuses to address what we are talking about which is those people who do NOT have an ID or their ID may be different in some way.

What is your solution for the other people thats not "most people" or "majority"? Those words indicate you know they exist
Ame®icano;8655911 said:
Plenty of people don't renew IDs for a variety of reasons at some point in life. If they're retired, and they don't drive, and they live in small towns where everyone knows everyone, there's simply no need for an ID. So, why should they spend a day traveling several miles to a bigger city in order to pay money to get an ID they don't need?

"Spend a day traveling..."

I can drive from Texas to Florida and back in a day. I'm calling BS on the claim it takes a day of driving to get your ID renewed. Why would anyone need to travel a number of states to get an ID renewed? Oh... maybe you are talking about getting an ID for the place you want to vote in vs. an ID for the location where you actually live?

In Michigan we can renew by mail or online.

Now, some would putting stamp on a envelope call a poll tax...

We do the same here in TX. Saying an adult obtaining an ID is an undue burden to show proof of identification, just makes no sense to me.
Ame®icano;8655692 said:
They've already closed down ones in heavily populated areas making it more difficult to get one. So you're right. First they'll require an ID, then they'll choke off the places that you can get the ID. Then they'll charge a "small" fee..

The whole time neglecting to say...Like 4 pages right here. Why the ID is needed in the first place.

Name few that closed.

Google It For Me!

Nope, none closed, just insinuations.

Still, name few that actually closed.
kwc keeps saying things like

virtually every "functioning" member of society already has a photo ID

Most people have them and could easily produce it at the polling place.

vast majority of people have ID

Virtually every, most people, vast majority because he refuses to address what we are talking about which is those people who do NOT have an ID or their ID may be different in some way.

What is your solution for the other people thats not "most people" or "majority"? Those words indicate you know they exist

All they have to do is get a free photo id at the polling place or voter's registration place, what's the big deal that you keep crying about? Your not one of those people that think a photo is stealing your soul are you? Or maybe you've got a reason you don't want your photo on record?

Again, I'm good with signatures. I'm not married to the photo part. The only thing I think should be necessary is the proof of identification thing.
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Ame®icano;8655763 said:
What purpose will an ID serve for voting? Feel free to be amazed once again

What purpose ID have when purchasing gun?

Lets have the same requirements for both constitutional rights, including waiting time, background checks, etc.

I would agree is not a constitutional right. Constitutional amendments specify things that you can not use to exclude people from voting like race or gender, but nowhere does the constitution declare voting a the right to bear arms.

You're correct. Thanks for clarification.

However, point of my post didn't change.
I would agree is not a constitutional right. Constitutional amendments specify things that you can not use to exclude people from voting like race or gender, but nowhere does the constitution declare voting a the right to bear arms.

I disagree.

24th Amendment

{Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax. }

I see that as an explicit affirmation of a right to vote.

Debatable. I see it just as denial of poll tax.

Otherwise, children as citizens should have right to vote too.
Requirements? I asked you to prove your assertion that he was not disenfranchised. You in response posted requirements. Not proof of him actually voting which would be the proof that he was not disenfranchised.

But you know that already. So now in response you can post the Pledge of Allegiance and claim thats proof of something also...nut ball

So basically you are saying there can be no laws, and particularly no enforcement of laws regarding who can vote or how many times they can vote, because that would be "disenfranchisement." You libtards and your stupid catch phrases, they are so Funny!

If thats what you think it means then go with that.

One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.
Ame®icano;8655911 said:
"Spend a day traveling..."

I can drive from Texas to Florida and back in a day. I'm calling BS on the claim it takes a day of driving to get your ID renewed. Why would anyone need to travel a number of states to get an ID renewed? Oh... maybe you are talking about getting an ID for the place you want to vote in vs. an ID for the location where you actually live?

In Michigan we can renew by mail or online.

Now, some would putting stamp on a envelope call a poll tax...

No, because that is not THE ONLY way to register/renew.

True. But do I need to yell sarcasm...
I disagree.

24th Amendment

{Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax. }

I see that as an explicit affirmation of a right to vote.

Nope. Again, it states what can not be used as a reason to deny voting.

shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

A state can set the requirements of who is eligible to vote as long as it doesn't violate those items in the constitution that says can not be used as a reason. We already have age limits and in many states felons do not have the right to vote. The constitution does not guarantee the right to vote. It just isn't there.

Yes, it is. That doesn't mean that right cannot be revoked. The Constitution also provides a right for all citizens to own a firearm. But that right can be withdrawn for good cause too.

Then I challenge you to provide a cut and paste of the text from the constitution that guarantees every citizen the right to vote. Bonus for any text that defines what could disqualify or limit someone from that right. It isn't there.

Here is a link from the government archines. Do a find on the word vote. You'll find it 15 times and it is reference to Congress and electors, not citizens.

Transcript of the Constitution of the United States - Official Text

Here is a link to the first 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights. Do a find on the word vote. Zero.

Bill of Rights Transcript Text

Here is a link to the 11th thru 27th amendment. Do a find on the word vote. You will find 21. None guarantee a right to vote. They do say that the right can't be denied based on X.

The Constitution of the United States: Amendments 11-27
kwc keeps saying things like

virtually every "functioning" member of society already has a photo ID

vast majority of people have ID

Virtually every, most people, vast majority because he refuses to address what we are talking about which is those people who do NOT have an ID or their ID may be different in some way.

What is your solution for the other people thats not "most people" or "majority"? Those words indicate you know they exist

All they have to do is get a free photo id at the polling place or voter's registration place, what's the big deal that you keep crying about? Your not one of those people that think a photo is stealing your soul are you? Or maybe you've got a reason you don't want your photo on record?

Again, I'm good with signatures. I'm not married to the photo part. The only thing I think should be necessary is the proof of identification thing.

Finally you admit that not everyone has one. Good.

Nothings a big deal when its hypothetical. Its always the person that doesnt have to do something that starts with "All you have to do is..."
I also think people should be required to produce an ID to use their food stamp cards. That could cut down on people selling their food stamps to others.

It is already a requirement - which is why the bullshit by the left that ID disenfranchises the poor is disingenuous.

You must have photo ID to use SNAP, both food stamps and cash grants. You must have photo ID to cash or deposit a Social Security check, or to obtain direct deposit. You must have photo ID to use Medicare benefits.

The truth is that there is only one reason to oppose voter ID, because the democrats support election fraud.

That is the simple truth of this whole thing.

And we ALL know it. democrats believe it is their god given right to cheat in elections.

Like Republicans NEVER cheat?????
I hate it when Democrats cheat - I hate it when Republicans Cheat
Just don't try to pretend it's all one side doing it.

BTW - I am not aware of any SNAP regulations regarding ID. Not on the federal level at least. Some states may require it but I haven't heard of it. Could you provide a link to info on that?
So basically you are saying there can be no laws, and particularly no enforcement of laws regarding who can vote or how many times they can vote, because that would be "disenfranchisement." You libtards and your stupid catch phrases, they are so Funny!

If thats what you think it means then go with that.

One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.

Ding Ding!

The argument they are making though, is that the ID they originally used may have become lost, destroyed, or invalid over time.
One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.

They didn't register to vote.

That's the whole point. These are people voting using the registration of a dead person. This is why Closed Caption opposes voter ID, it stops fraud, which is viewed as a sacred right of democrats.
One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.

They didn't register to vote.

That's the whole point. These are people voting using the registration of a dead person. This is why Closed Caption opposes voter ID, it stops fraud, which is viewed as a sacred right of democrats.

Yes, I know. But try to get one of them to admit that.
Not only is there a right to vote in the Constitution, but it’s the single right that appears most often in the Constitution’s text – five times in all. In fact, four separate Amendments – the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th – even use the same powerful language to protect it: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . . . .” Of course, like every other constitutional right, the right to vote is subject to reasonable restrictions. Nevertheless, it’s just as much a constitutional right as any other embodied in our Constitution.
If thats what you think it means then go with that.

One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.

Ding Ding!

The argument they are making though, is that the ID they originally used may have become lost, destroyed, or invalid over time.

If I lose my ID, thats my problem, not anyone else's. If it prevents me from voting, thats also my problem.

But this isn't about that, its about the dems needing the votes of dead people and multiple votes of live people in order to win. Thats what this who ID thing is about-----democrat voter fraud.
Nope. Again, it states what can not be used as a reason to deny voting.

Yes it does, right after it affirms that voting is a right of citizens in the United States.

shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

A state can set the requirements of who is eligible to vote as long as it doesn't violate those items in the constitution that says can not be used as a reason. We already have age limits and in many states felons do not have the right to vote. The constitution does not guarantee the right to vote. It just isn't there.

This is no different than the "Well regulated militia" argument. "Why" does not constrain "what."

Read it again.

The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay poll tax or other tax.

It says you can not deny the right BASED on this condition. Otherwise, why not create an all encompassing amendment that says that every American aged 18 and over is guaranteed the right to vote period? Voting isn't a federal thing except for the president. The US constitution leaves the requirements up to the states to decide because that is where the majority of elections and voting takes place from dog catcher to congress. The US government weighed in on certain issues thru amendments that says you can't use this reason as an exclusion for eligibility. That is not an implicit or implied right by the constitution. It's a states rights issue except for those things prohibited in the amendments.
kwc keeps saying things like

Virtually every, most people, vast majority because he refuses to address what we are talking about which is those people who do NOT have an ID or their ID may be different in some way.

What is your solution for the other people thats not "most people" or "majority"? Those words indicate you know they exist

All they have to do is get a free photo id at the polling place or voter's registration place, what's the big deal that you keep crying about? Your not one of those people that think a photo is stealing your soul are you? Or maybe you've got a reason you don't want your photo on record?

Again, I'm good with signatures. I'm not married to the photo part. The only thing I think should be necessary is the proof of identification thing.

Finally you admit that not everyone has one. Good.

Nothings a big deal when its hypothetical. Its always the person that doesnt have to do something that starts with "All you have to do is..."

I never said everyone has one.

I agree, hypothetically, to the point that hypothetical statements are easy to make.

Again, my point from the start was just sign the damn form swearing you are who you say you are under penalty of law and move on. We'll use your signature to verify you are the same guy who signed the damn form the first time. Again this is not undue as you already signed the damn form when you registered the first damn time. My solution requires no additional IDs and no additional signatures... NOTHING NEW All I did was introduce a process to "automatically" check signatures just like we check bank checks today. Good enough for banks to hand out cash, must be good enough to control voting.
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So basically you are saying there can be no laws, and particularly no enforcement of laws regarding who can vote or how many times they can vote, because that would be "disenfranchisement." You libtards and your stupid catch phrases, they are so Funny!

If thats what you think it means then go with that.

One question: if these people have no ID, how did they register to vote? you need to prove your identity in order to get on the voter rolls.

If they are registered, then they have an ID.
If you have no ID the govt will give you one
This is a non issue.

True. Issue starts when registered voters who died "show up" to vote. Mostly by proxy, and some even in person.
Not only is there a right to vote in the Constitution, but it’s the single right that appears most often in the Constitution’s text – five times in all. In fact, four separate Amendments – the 15th, 19th, 24th, and 26th – even use the same powerful language to protect it: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged . . . .” Of course, like every other constitutional right, the right to vote is subject to reasonable restrictions. Nevertheless, it’s just as much a constitutional right as any other embodied in our Constitution.

Yes, but the limits are one vote per citizen and only living citizens can vote.

Proving your identity is done every day, you do it to buy booze, get on a plane, buy some legal drugs, buy tobacco, get welfare, get food stamps.

this whole debate is nothing but dem bullshit.

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