GOP voters must be really shitting their pants over this election

Democrats can wave changing demographic stats all day, but the sad truth is our historic election cycle:It favors the Republicans.

2016 is for the right wingers. Also, we seen how good of a politician Hillary really is in 2008. Any Republican within 10pts of her could win the generals.. Some of you are forgetting the 5/6 months of her in the public eye and how it depletes her popularity.

The more people see her, the less they like her. A bad trait for any politician.
Dems will be left with a full-blown socialist candidate instead of a semi-socialist after Hill-Beast gets indicted or strokes.........and not necessarily in that order.

I see a run on 'Depends' by the that the OP mentions it.

Righties can whine about socialism all they want to but-----but the socialism Bernie Sanders is talking about is already here. And whether righties like it or not, Americans overwhelmingly approve of social insurance programs and-----and most of us prefer to see our social insurance programs expanded and THAT-----that is why in 2016 Democrats will win the Presidency, the Senate, pick up 2-4 governorships and again get millions of votes more than the Republicans in the house but continue to be in the minority and-----and within the first two years of a Democratic Presidency and Senate, 2-3 Supreme Court Justices will be appointed - maybe four. Why Social Insurance Is a Necessary Part of Capitalism

By Mark Thoma
February 10, 2015


What is this really about? The true nature of the Republican’s objection to social insurance programs is betrayed by a sign that appears regularly at Tea Party gatherings. It says “You Are Not Entitled to What I Earn.” Many Republicans believe that their hard-earned money is being taken away through taxation and given to lazy, unmotivated “others” who do not deserve the help.

They recognize that there are some truly deserving poor, people who cannot help themselves no matter how hard the try, but a large part of the money the government collects – money they worked hard to earn – is, in their view, wasted on the undeserving. Thus, we hear:

“It would be a ‘disservice’ to further extend unemployment assistance to those who’ve been out of work for some time, said Senator Rand Paul, Republican of Kentucky. It encourages them to sit at home and do nothing.”

“’People who are perfectly capable of working are buying things like beer,’ said Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, on those getting food assistance in his state.”

But this mischaracterizes both the nature of the recipients and the nature of social insurance programs. There are always exceptions, but most of the poor are hard-working families who do their very best, often working multiple jobs, but have trouble making ends meet. As Washington University professor Mark Rank explains, “the notion that poverty affects a relatively small number of Americans, that the poor are impoverished for years at a time, that most of those in poverty live in inner cities, that too much welfare assistance is provided and that poverty is ultimately a result of not working hard enough.

Although pervasive, each assumption is flat-out wrong.” He goes on to point out that “nearly 40 percent of Americans between the ages of 25 and 60 will experience at least one year below the official poverty line…, and 54 percent will spend a year in poverty or near poverty… Even more astounding, if we add in related conditions like welfare use, near-poverty and unemployment, four out of five Americans will encounter one or more of these events. In addition, half of all American children will at some point during their childhood reside in a household that uses food stamps for a period of time. Put simply, poverty is a mainstream event experienced by a majority of Americans. For most of us, the question is not whether we will experience poverty, but when.”

This is what social insurance is designed for, and an understanding of how the insurance works undercuts the idea that hard-working Americans have income taken from them and given to others – that they get nothing in return. Capitalism is much better than other economic systems such as socialism at providing goods and services, but it also comes with risks that do not occur in these systems.

Business cycles, and the unemployment, homelessness, lack of adequate food, and so on that come with them can all be mostly eliminated under socialism, but in a capitalist system a worker who does everything right to provide for his or her family – show up every day, works hard, etc. – can suddenly find themselves out of work and struggling to make ends meet. Business cycles are an inherent feature of a capitalist system, and globalization and technological change add to the insecurity that workers feel.

Social insurance spreads these risks across the population much as fire insurance spreads the risk of losing a home. Without fire insurance, some people would lose everything if they were unlucky enough to have their house burn down. To prevent this, large groups of people put some money into a collective pot each month, a much, much smaller amount than the value of their house, and the unlucky few who experience a fire draw from this pot and rebuild what was lost, or most of it anyway. Everybody loses a little bit through their monthly contributions instead of a few people losing everything.

To say that those who do not collect get nothing would be wrong. They are purchasing a service, insurance, and that insurance has value whether or not they experience a fire. The same is true for social insurance. During, for example, downturns in the economy instead of some people losing everything, we protect those who are unlucky and become unemployed through unemployment compensation, food stamps, and so on.

As the numbers above make clear, there’s a good chance that most Americans will need this insurance someday, and there is value in being protected whether you use the insurance or not. The money that is contributed to the collective pot is not wasted on the lazy and undeserving, it is providing valuable protection against the risks that come with a capitalist system, risks that could hit any one of us suddenly with little warning (very few people saw the Great Recession coming).

The rich might object by asking why they should be forced to purchase insurance they will never need. But fortunes are sometimes lost and, in any case, the rich have their own forms of social insurance. During the Great Recession, who benefitted the most from bank bailouts and quantitative easing that propped up asset values? It was the people who hold most of the financial assets, the wealthy. Yes, Main Street was helped too, and helping Main Street, not Wall Street, was the main goal according to policymakers. But there is no doubt that the wealthy were insured against large losses.

For the rightwingers that can't seem grasp the concept that the wealthiest among us are taking more from the government via bailouts, subsidies, cheap grazing land, etc. than a would be starving family on food stamps. Did you catch what the author is saying Here it is again - The rich might object... ...But there is no doubt that the wealthy were insured against large losses.

Social insurance that protects us from the inevitable downturns that capitalist systems experience, and also insulates us from the rising insecurity due to globalization and technological change should not be limited to the wealthy, it should be available to us all. We need more social insurance, not less, and it’s shameful to see those who have the most and are protected themselves – the wealthy such as Romney – leading the charge to reduce or eliminate the social insurance that protects those who are aren’t so fortunate.

The simplest definition of Bernie Sanders' socialism is: capitalism with safety nets.
You have to laugh at some of these people, who want the greatest country the world has ever seen revise it's system, and start using the system of failed states. And they do it with a straight face, and think they are convincing!

As far as the OP, the Democratic paper tiger is in deep trouble. If the OP author doesn't know that, then he is not aware of what is actually going on. It is like the person in the other thread on here who claims that, "taxes do not cause prices to rise." Some of these people have no grasp of reality, and listen to their own talking points so much, they start to believe them. It is akin to the mass brainwashing that happens under tyrannies, "We can not be defeated, we are invincible," lol! Meanwhile, someone is dropping bombs on their heads, hehehehehe.

I say------> If the OP author wants to believe his own drivel, let him. Also, it would probably help Debbie Wasserman Shultz if he started e-mailing her every day repeating his mantra. She MIGHT be able to get off her Pepto Bismal and Zantec, since she; like myself, knows the truth!
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.

Yes, and all the Smart people said that Trump would get bored and quit months is that working out for all you smart people.......?

And since democrats are coming out for Trump, and blacks and too will be left wondering how President Trump was elected....
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.

Yeah Billy, blah-blah-blah, Hilly, Bernie, and blah-blah-blah, Trump has no chance, etc.

Hows that working out for ya-)

Are you the bassackwards version of the Great Karnak, or what? I have been going through all your threads, and I haven't seen you get ANYTHING correct! You are o-fer all, lol! Although, you and the mighty Franco are running neck-and-neck for being the most WRONG individual on this board, but since you have more threads, you are the one crowned the most INCOMPETENT, IRRELEVANT, and IMMATERIAL on USMB-) And that is NOT king for a day, no-oh-no. It is crowned king for your whole career!

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Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.
There is no election, what are you lying about now?
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.
There is no election, what are you lying about now?

Get with the majority bruh! Don't be left looking stupid......
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president. He has the highest unfavorability rating of any other candidate and that's not going to change because he's only going to continue running his mouth. That's what children trapped in adult sized bodies do when they feel as insecure as he does.

Hillary would for sure defeat him. You can bitch and whine all you want about believing she is dishonest, but so is Trump; and he also happens to be a moron. Hillary would DESTROY him in the general debates. He doesn't know how to debate. Sure he can talk himself out of a gaffe to a degree or throw zingers at other candidates, but he knows nothing about political issues the way Hillary does. He is complete joke when it comes to foreign policy for instance. Sure by now his advisers have coached him to not sound like an idiot on the issue, but Hillary has an actual deep understanding of what the Middle East is like. He would be no match for her.
There is no election, what are you lying about now?

Get with the majority bruh! Don't be left looking stupid......

Yep Grampa, we all need turn into Bernie bro's, lol. To do this, all we have to do is learn 1 line.

What is that line? (Whosure in his best Bernie voice)----------> People will die-)
Face it guys: Hillary or Bernie will win 2016. There's many reasons to believe this but let's discuss the obvious: the uselessness of the GOP candidates. If Trump gets the nomination, he will lose in a landslide regardless of who is president.
The most pathetic part, is that Billy000 genuinely believed this.

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