GOP wants to punish old people for getting battle scars of working hard


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I understand the need to protect the younger people and not punish them financially with healthcare. But ya see when I was younger, paying into SS and medicare for people who put no where near the kind of money I was paying into the system use to piss me off too, but it was a gov. mandate and I got over it.....because guess what, I realized that someday, I too would be getting old....well, here I am, OLD and now its game fuckin change time??????? I've been working since I was 16 years old and unlike some people, my jobs all required labor of movement...I have severe carpel tunnel, RA up the ass, my sight is fucked up and I ache 25 hours a day...not from sitting on my ass for the last 50 plus years, but from working my ass off. And now the GOP wants to punish me and force me to pay more because I dared get old???

While these aging white motherfuckers benefit from my labor also, what the fuck!!!

Yeah, I guess standing in line for a handout could be considered labor.
Ditto climbing the stairs out of the basement, leaving the comfy couch for some free home cooking.

Laborious as Hell, Trig?

Yeah, I guess standing in line for a handout could be considered labor.
Ditto climbing the stairs out of the basement, leaving the comfy couch for some free home cooking.

Laborious as Hell, Trig?

I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch

Yeah, I guess standing in line for a handout could be considered labor.
Ditto climbing the stairs out of the basement, leaving the comfy couch for some free home cooking.

Laborious as Hell, Trig?

I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch
Your white privilege has served you well liberal!
While these aging white motherfuckers benefit from my labor also, what the fuck!!!

Realize that, given the option to get out of paying Medicare and Social Security and not receive any benefits when we're older, MOST Conservatives would do exactly that.
The only reason that you will not receive any benefits from SS amd Medicare is if the 'Conservatives' get their way.

Yeah, I guess standing in line for a handout could be considered labor.
Ditto climbing the stairs out of the basement, leaving the comfy couch for some free home cooking.

Laborious as Hell, Trig?

I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch
Your white privilege has served you well liberal!
Which does not address the fact that the GOP wishes to put health care out of the reach of older Americans. Or Americans that have pre-existing conditions. Should they succeed, before 2024, we will have single payer universal health care.

Yeah, I guess standing in line for a handout could be considered labor.
Ditto climbing the stairs out of the basement, leaving the comfy couch for some free home cooking.

Laborious as Hell, Trig?

I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch

You did good.
The only reason that you will not receive any benefits from SS amd Medicare is if the 'Conservatives' get their way.

Not really. I will not take ml ey or benefits from the Government. If they refuse to csncel the benefits..... I won't cash the checks. I won't use the healthcare. I'd rsther be dead.
I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch

Yeah, some people do just fall upon hard times after a good run. Usually it involves drugs but sometimes a fall - major fractures. Yes, there are good reasons......
I'm a product of the 60's.....My first job at 16 was fast food. I joined the military at 19....10 years USN, got out under Reagan and spent the remainder of my life working and working hard, at my current job, almost 20 years. No welfare here and raised 5 kids, all of whom are college educated with Masters and all currently employed and making mega careers for themselves. I own my home and a car, I owe nothing but medical bills at this point...I did good and I'm proud of myself....I could give a fuck about you and what you think of me and my race...good day bitch

Yeah, some people do just fall upon hard times after a good run. Usually it involves drugs but sometimes a fall - major fractures. Yes, there are good reasons......
I'm just getting old, we all are. Have I live a clean healthy good life, no....but I didn't do drugs, I don't drink, I smoke, have we all..the mary of course, but my aches and pains are from labor jobs I've done all my life...Union all the way, up until now. I'm just getting old and these old hands don't always do what you tell them...

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