Any of you, a friend, a relative, ever grow old alone? It frightens me deeply.

I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?

I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?

Why do you think that you carry the world on your shoulders?
Then quit posting like you're 80. Stop bitching, get out of the house, or STFU because you're getting real close to the "Nobody gives a shit" line. Are you a whine-bot?

People have to choose to be happy. Some choose to be a perpetual victim and whiner.
Then quit posting like you're 80. Stop bitching, get out of the house, or STFU because you're getting real close to the "Nobody gives a shit" line. Are you a whine-bot?
Yes, I am a whine-bot. What's it to you? Are you a cop? An old adage I generally follow "if I don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all". I appreciate the lecture, but I am the one living and in ky country/system. Sometimes I appreciate advice from those who have gone through similar situations..
Yes, I am a whine-bot. What's it to you? Are you a cop? An old adage I generally follow "if I don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all". I appreciate the lecture, but I am the one living and in ky country/system. Sometimes I appreciate advice from those who have gone through similar situations..
Choose to be happy. It will make you mentally stronger when life disappoints you.
I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?

You need to form friendships, get out in your community, take part. It makes a huge difference!

You don't need to be alone
The OP is raising a good point that will be increasingly common in the years to come: people aging who are childless and have no family and friends, of, if they do have children, are estranged from one another.

Assisted Living is an option, but only If you have the money. ALFs, as they are known as, cost anywhere from $4,000.00 to $10,000+ a month and the higher end ones require a $200,000 deposit or more.

The OP ostensibly lives in Canada so he is in better shape than the average American given the Canadian social safety net.

States and local communities do have organizations that assist the elderly, like Meals on Wheels, but many are staffed by volunteers. They do a good job, but they are not a substitute for having someone close to rely on.

I won’t even go into the topic of the rising rate of elder abuse.

The issue of the elderly living alone is an issue that will be of greater and greater concern in the years to come.
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I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?
I like the Amish model. As the children grow older, they leave the family farm and start their own. The youngest inherits the farm, and in turn builds an apartment on the house for Mom and Dad and takes care of them. No one grows old alone.
Yes, I am a whine-bot. What's it to you? Are you a cop? An old adage I generally follow "if I don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all". I appreciate the lecture, but I am the one living and in ky country/system. Sometimes I appreciate advice from those who have gone through similar situations..

I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?
After raising four kids over a span of thirty nine years I am enjoying being alone.
The OP is raising a good point that will be increasingly common in the years to come: people aging who are childless and have no family and friends, of, if they do have children, are estranged from one another.

Assisted Living is an option, but only If you have the money. ALFs, as they are known as, cost anywhere from $4,000.00 to $10,000+ a month and the higher end ones require a $200,000 deposit or more.

The OP ostensibly lives in Canada so he is in better shape than the average American given the Canadian social safety net.

States and local communities do have organizations that assist the elderly, like Meals on Wheels, but many are staffed by volunteers. They do a good job, but they are not a substitute for having someone close to rely on.

I won’t even go into the topic of the rising rate of elder abuse.

The issue of the elderly living alone is an issue that will be of greater and greater concern in the years to come.

And yet we still have numbskulls here crying "overpopulation!" Some idiots here even post repeatedly about how people should not have children. Well, there you go...
Being negative is a real downer...So is an incessant victim narrative. All the elderly are in the same boat. You have to do your share to be happy if you want friends.
I understand this. Deeply.

I came from a VERY stoic family. My grandmother came from a family of Canadian Mennonites. Father always taught us, no matter how bad you have it, someone certainly has it worse, don't be a burden on others emotions. He had no use for sympathy, and had no clue what empathy was.

I lived that all my youth, till I volunteered for a crises call-line that was originally founded to help Vietnam vets, it specialized in empathy. I took a six-week training course, completely non-political. Sometimes, folks just need to know, they are not alone, they just need to be heard. Listened to. It had nothing to do with folks "playing the victim." Real people, in real life.

We prevented a lot of folks from suicide and overdosing. You don't need to treat folks as "victims," or pretending to have sympathy. . just practice empathy.

It really is that simple.

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