Any of you, a friend, a relative, ever grow old alone? It frightens me deeply.

There are, I presume, many organizations - e.g., churches - that cater to the wants and needs of the elderly, including the desire to be sociable. If you are ABLE, I suggest you look for volunteer work. I drive a courtesy bus for "Seniors," most of whom are younger than I am. The organization also delivers meals, takes individuals shopping and to doctor appointments.

Ever heard of Hospice? They send volunteers to elderly people who are alone. Just to talk and be a friend.

Seek and you shall find.
That's not what hospice is.
What's so terrible of being alone?

We have books, we have internet, and most important of all ....we have our adoring pets!

You have to learn to love your own company.

We came to this world alone, we leave this world alone

No biggie.
Come to that if I'm headed out I'd not want to be aggravated by a bunch of people hanging about. They are my last breaths, let me have them in peace.

It would be my luck that they would have had chili (with beans) before they showed-up. ;)
well yes Relluc, i'd like to expire peacefully, preferably from something i like to do.... ;)

It's just the long ride on out , loosing one freedom after the next ......


The fear of so called "loneliness" is irrational to me.

But that's just me.:dunno:
I am a social human. I like to tell jokes, to be a clown, to have deep conversations about life, G-d and the like. Affection, empathy, share lifes experiences. Hopefully someone there by my bedside when I pass, someone to handle my funeral etc.

You think about life, spirituality and mortality and you understand the need for confirmation that you actually exist.
I am a social human. I like to tell jokes, to be a clown, to have deep conversations about life, G-d and the like. Affection, empathy, share lifes experiences. Hopefully someone there by my bedside when I pass, someone to handle my funeral etc.

You think about life, spirituality and mortality and you understand the need for confirmation that you actually exist.

And you are free to feel what you want!:)

it is what it is, nothing will change anything!

We came alone to this Earth we leave alone.
I am on a friend chat site, but only as a free member. So you scroll through profiles, images etc. If you scroll by one as a free user, you will get a pop up that says basically "you may have missed a match". This means that the last image/profile you scrolled by that you did not show interest in, had shown interest in you (me).

So I have chatted with a couple of people this way. I am extremely cautious, not trusting right now and won't be for awhile. At least until I am official divorced so it is all platonic and whatnot.

Anyways, there was a very attractive lady and her profile was nice. I am not shallow so looks aren't my focus, but, I thought, "wow, this one is going to receive plenty of attention". Classy attractive and a real woman. Anyways I scrolled past her and then I received that pop up. Therefore she had shown interest in me, lol.

So, if I were a paid member I would be able to have a "redo" and just see all who had shown interest in me, including her, so I could then message her. I've had anywhere from 0 interested for the day of course, to 4 or 5, but their profiles are blanked out. I know it isn't a scam because I have been there looking for friends for months and most in which I receive that pop up are quite normal/average people with normal, even mundane profiles at times.

I took out my C.C and then thought better of it lol. I figure, G-d will hopefully not let me down in that moment where decisiveness is required.
Get you one of those Visiting Angel chicks to stop by and check on you daily. For an extra fifty she will probably blow you too!
I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?
Unfortunately too many marriages today crumble due to selfishness and the desire for material goods.
I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?

Jeeesus...better start training and get your ass in gear. If you got balls...pick them up off the floor. Go out with a bang. Dems will be coming for you soon enough with their army of illegals. And if you are a dem...fuck you for destroying America.

AOC safekeeping.jpg
I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?
It is sad, but the answer for many is to move to a group home--an independent living or assisted living facility where interaction with other people is inevitable and pretty much everybody makes friends. Do they have those in Canada? My aunt, now in her late 90's, did that a year ago and it has made such a difference for her. She never has to eat alone, has made friends to talk to and do things with. She wishes she had made the decision to do that earlier. And here if you can get your doctor to sign it off as a medical recommendation for you, at least some of the room and board is tax deductible.
It's unfortunate if a spouse dies but usually there is a family support system. You can choose to isolate yourself without a plan but that's your own fault.
I used to be fiercely independent, I was much younger then, time on my side. When I had my first brush of health issues is when I first realized, "you can't carry the world on your shoulders alone"/

Now I am alone, with my elderly dog who each passing day is going downhill, but doing his best to be my best friend. How do people grow old alone in a cruel world, and when we are such social creatures?
Hit the senior center and get a piece.

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