Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..

What we do know Moon Bat is that when that disastrous Obamacare was enacted us productive Americans that actually earn our living had our insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments increased drastically in order to provide subsidies to you sorry ass welfare queens and your Illegal buddies. That is in addiction to taxes being increased.

The fucking oppressive government needs to get out of the business of trying to control our lives and they can bloody well start with health care.

The ACA was fully funded & not by raising your premiums deductibles, etc

There was a slight one time increase due to increasing what policies had to cover in some instances. Most good plans offered by employers were not affected.

If your health insurance policy was degraded it was because your bosses no longer thought you worthy.

You really are full of shit Davey boy. Ind plans dedicated, out of pocket, and premiums went through the roof

It is call Libtard Moon Bat denial. Dave haz it.

These idiots have to lie in order to justify the damage done by that Obama asshole. Lying about the insurance premiums, co payments and deductibles are just one of many of the lies they tell.

Not even worth calling him on it. When you are an Obama loving Moon Bat like this dimwit Dave no amount of reasoning will ever get him to pull his head out of his ass.

The sad thing is that greedy little dumbasses like him have the right to vote. No wonder our country got so screwed up under Obama.
Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

No, but laws mandating how we do health care and insurance have everything to do with liberty. They crush it.

Please tell me how mandating that people be responsible and have health insurance is the government persecuting someone or the government kicking them out of their native country.

Because having insurance isn't the only way to be responsible. In fact, having group insurance actually encourages people to be irresponsible.

That is the system we have here in America. No politician is willing to get rid of insurance companies. So we have to work with what we have.

It's irresponsible to not have health insurance in America. People end up with bills they can't pay so those of us who do pay for insurance have to pay higher premiums and medical bills because irresponsible people can't or don't pay for their health care.

Do you have the money to fight cancer? It's an expensive disease. Do you have the money to fight heart disease? It's another expensive disease. Do you have the money to pay for all the other medical needs you will have in your life? Just to walk through the door for an appointment is hundreds of dollars depending on what type of doctor you see. Then add in the lab fees and all the tests and you have a huge bill. For something like an ear infection, a person can be hit with thousands of dollars in medical bills they can't pay.

Just to walk through the door to see my oncologist costs 600 dollars. Then add in all the lab fees and treatment. No regular person can afford it.

I agree insurance shouldn't be involved with health care but that's not the America we live in. We live in an America where insurance companies decide who gets what care and how much it costs.

That isn't going to change. So we work within the system we have. That system is medical insurance to cover your medical needs. Those who make the choice to not have that insurance are being irresponsible and selfish.

It served SOME of the population reasonably well...and drove hundreds of thousands into bankruptcy

Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.

Spending down assets? Are you talking about people over 65 or ones going into a long term care facility? I know for a fact not everyone qualifies for Medicaid it is different in each state.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

That is not accurate.
The cheapest health insurance anyone could get in the US in 2006 was about $500/month, and that was with a $10k deductible.
Clearly you were only paying a small employee portion of your health insurance.
ACA more than cut health insurance costs in half. That was because only large companies could negotiate good prices before ACA, but after ACA individuals could still be given the same rates large employers got.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

Only a fool or a scofflaw doesn't pay for health insurance. So, what will you do when injured or very ill? Go to the public hospital or die?

When employer benefits were allowed to be tax exempt in the late 1950s, essentually poor people who did not get any employer benefits, like health insurance, ended up having to pay for the breaks the large companies were negotiating for their employees. Health care for the poor more than tripled, while health care for the wealthier became subsidized by being pre-tax dollars.

No one should ever pay health insurance.
It is a fraud and extortion.
When ever you prepay anything, you totally lose control over quality and cost.
You can't complain, because you already paid them.
And I paid in over half a million dollars in health insurance in my life, and I got nothing. As soon as I ever changed a job, all the money I had paid in towards that health care, was thrown away and lost, as far as I was concerned. I never got a cent back out of it. I had a few times I needed stitches, etc., but that was never as much as the deductible. And now that I am retires, I am going to have to make do with Medicare. So don't try to tell me how responsible it is to buy health insurance. It is just stupid. Anyone buying private insurance is just a sucker.
Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.

Spending down assets? Are you talking about people over 65 or ones going into a long term care facility? I know for a fact not everyone qualifies for Medicaid it is different in each state.

No, while each state does administer Medicaid, they are all almost identical. To qualify for Medicaid you have to be pretty much broke, but if you are injured, you are not working, so then are pretty much broke. You can own a reasonable amount of homestead equity, but not a mansion, rental properties, or things like that.
Can you tell me when was this golden age of health insurance you keep referring to?
Healthcare was much more affordable the average lifespan was under 65, there were no MRI machines, no organ transplants, and almost everyone died of cancer.

Actually the REAL costs of health care are much lower now.
Life span is higher now because we are healthier, so we need less health care. Fewer lung cancers from cigarettes, fewer black lung and other industrial illnesses.
MRIs actually cost nothing to run. The machine is expensive, but less so than lots of one-off machines used decades ago.
Organ transplants now cost almost nothing, and usually work.
Curing cancer costs a lot less than the terminal maintenance while people die from cancer.
The ballooning of health care charges has nothing at all to do with health care costs. The actual cost are only a fraction of what they used to be.
Market doesn’t work for healthcare. There is obviously no downward pressure on costs.
There's no downward pressure on costs because no one is paying for their own health care. That has nothing to to do with free markets, and everything to do with ill-conceived tax and regulatory polices.

I saw an article that said Dem and Republican politicians are pushing the healthcare industry to "post prices". Just goes to show that politicians have no idea how billing, pricing, and payment work in the current healthcare industry.
What exactly is the gop planone the ACA is gone?

Best plan I've heard suggested involves block grants to states for them to set up and manage their own plans for those who are unlikely otherwise to have coverage. Had a lot of other good points. Unfortunately, I saw the article while I was busy doing other stuff and didn't have time to save it. Now I'm having trouble locating it again. If I can, I will post a link.
Giving freedom and liberty back to the American people.
Yes,the "freedom" to transfer the costs of unpaid care to everyone else.

Yes, that's what conservatives are dying for: the "freedom" to do something that's the hallmark of LEFTIST worldviews, not ours.

If you really don't like people being forced to pay for other people goodies - and I don't believe it for a second, because that's what you champion on virtually every topic - feel free to stop pushing for government redistribution and giveaways.
reform Medicaid medicare for seniors and the poor

let the free markets loose on private coverage . im paying way to much for health.
i pay jack shit next to nothing for full coverage auto on a large german sedan ,pickup and jeep

it'll work for health also
What exactly is the gop planone the ACA is gone?

Hopefully their plan is to get government out of the health care business altogether.

I doubt it, because no one's going to accept the poor and indigent being left to fend for themselves. But it's certainly possible to work a system that allows for taking care of those people without skyrocketing costs and government intrusion.
most health care can be price shopped.
Hmm, not really. There aren't that many hospitals and specialists to choose from. My metro area is about 300,000 people, and there is ONE sports medicine practice. And two hospital conglomerates.

Another problem with the idea of shopping for treatment is that , unless you have a chronic condition, one practice is not going to accept the diagnosis of another practice. So what you are suggesting is akin to going to 5 different mechanics and paying $150 at each to diagnose your car's problem, in hopes of saving a couple hundred bucks.

Who told you that one practice won't accept the diagnosis of another practice?

And btw, price shopping does not actually require you to go in and have an exam at every single doctor. Honestly, you're a moron.
Can you tell me when was this golden age of health insurance you keep referring to?
Healthcare was much more affordable the average lifespan was under 65, there were no MRI machines, no organ transplants, and almost everyone died of cancer.

Actually the REAL costs of health care are much lower now.
Life span is higher now because we are healthier, so we need less health care. Fewer lung cancers from cigarettes, fewer black lung and other industrial illnesses.
MRIs actually cost nothing to run. The machine is expensive, but less so than lots of one-off machines used decades ago.
Organ transplants now cost almost nothing, and usually work.
Curing cancer costs a lot less than the terminal maintenance while people die from cancer.
The ballooning of health care charges has nothing at all to do with health care costs. The actual cost are only a fraction of what they used to be.
Don't tell that to the aging people I have known. And the younger ones who have sexual diseases or are spazzed out pigs it is pretty bad.
how can progressive defend that sham aca ?that was written by multi billion dollar corporations?
"we'll have to pass it to see whats in it"

for however many it "helped " thiers just horror story after horror story of people no longer able to afford coverage or loose it all together
AND they got the nerve to give the IRS the power to fine you if you choose not to carry.

insult to injury
This is a losing proposition for the Republicans. Going back to pre-ACA days means no protections for pre-exisiring conditions, higher deductibles and exclusion of millions from Heath care.

The Republicans lost the House in 2018 because Americans want reliable health care, not dictates from insurance companies more concerned with the bottom line than the health of their policy holders.

OMG, the scare tactics! "You have to do what we want, because the ONLY alternative is to die in the streets with no doctors AT ALL!!!!"
This is a losing proposition for the Republicans. Going back to pre-ACA days means no protections for pre-exisiring conditions, higher deductibles and exclusion of millions from Heath care.

The Republicans lost the House in 2018 because Americans want reliable health care, not dictates from insurance companies more concerned with the bottom line than the health of their policy holders.

OMG, the scare tactics! "You have to do what we want, because the ONLY alternative is to die in the streets with no doctors AT ALL!!!!"
You'll have less talented physicians and less research under government rule.
Indiana GOP Sen Marvelous Mike Braun says that the GOP has often been “apologists for the health care industry” and benefitted from the health care “gravy-train.”

The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

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