Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

That is not accurate.
The cheapest health insurance anyone could get in the US in 2006 was about $500/month, and that was with a $10k deductible.
Clearly you were only paying a small employee portion of your health insurance.
ACA more than cut health insurance costs in half. That was because only large companies could negotiate good prices before ACA, but after ACA individuals could still be given the same rates large employers got.

Where do you get this bullshit?

I went through the story, and didn't see word one that indicated the GOP "wants to reduce what private insurance covers".
What do you think Ending Obamacare means?
Cheaper better healthcare.
Absolutely! outtathe park!!
Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

Callous conservatism on display ^^^.

Q. When did so many American citizens become so greedy, and have no concern for their fellow citizens

Simpleminded Straw Man on display ^^^

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

A. When they attended a Trump Rally and got caught up in the chant, "lock her up".

Listen to the idiot who's been drooling on himself about "Russian collusion" for two years.

You, of all people, should never comment on the intelligence of anyone.

Q. Who or what made you into the ^*(&^%$%%! you've become.

I went through the story, and didn't see word one that indicated the GOP "wants to reduce what private insurance covers".
What do you think Ending Obamacare means?
Cheaper better healthcare.

It would be a step in the right direction - but other laws need to be repealed as well. In particular, we need to end the tax deductions and regulations that have pushed us into over-reliance on insurance. Employer provided "group" health care is the principal driver of spiraling health care costs. I see no need to ban it, but we can at least stop subsidizing or mandating it. Once the dust settles from doing that, we need to use the Commerce Clause, as it was intended, and bust up the regulatory fiefdoms that insurance companies have built for themselves at the state level.

I went through the story, and didn't see word one that indicated the GOP "wants to reduce what private insurance covers".
Trump’s administration is asking a federal appeals court to strike down the entire health care law. The president vowed on Tuesday to make the GOP the “party of health care” and told Senate Republicans to lean into their own agenda on the issue as they head into next year’s election.

He's now betting on getting 50 goper senators to vote to expand Medicaid after it's ruled illegal. Good luck with that. He may get 50 to cover preexisting, although he didn't last time, and pretty much the same on our kids' on our policies. But again, good luck.

Medicaid ruled illegal? That's exactly what you just wrote. Don't you mean when ObamaCare is ruled unconstitutional?

Why are you under the influence so early in the day? Try writing for comprehension.
No clowns and no jokes. The Democrats recognize that after the Mueller report, their credibility is shot so they are now trying to salvage it by pretending to care about healthcare, but just as Mueller's report exposed Democrats as unprincipled lairs, the President is pushing to make healthcare an issue both parties will have to deal with. If you recall, the President didn't want to get rid of Obamacare until a replacement was agreed on, but the Democrats refused to negotiate on the issue and the Republicans couldn't agree on anything even among themselves, so nothing much happened. Now the President is forcing the issue so with Obamacare gone, peripheral issues that were included in Obamacare and are important to voters on the left and right like the doughnut hole in Part D and lower remittances to hospitals will disappear and voters will demand Congress address these issues. The President is in effect, demanding the Republicans in Congress help him keep his campaign promise to provide a replacement for Obamacare care that will serve the needs of all Americans, and if fact, only a relative handful need help.
Oh please. The Democrats didn't just bring up healthcare, your fat assed orange buddy did.

The Democrats dealt with healthcare in 2009 & 2010. Republican did not do shit on healthcare in the 14 years between their blocking Hillarycare & the passing of Obamacare.

Pedal you bullshit some place else.

There still isn't a replacement plan & quit blaming Democrats on that. YOUR party was in the majority. And Tump IS pushing for repeal without a plan for replace.

Oh I am sure he will protect those with pre-existing conditions just like he promised to do with Medicare & Social Security.

I really don't know who you are trying to fool here, us or yourself.

5788 millions could lose health insurance if Trump gets his way. To you, that is a handful of people??? Really?

WTF are you smoking?
Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

Callous conservatism on display ^^^.

Q. When did so many American citizens become so greedy, and have no concern for their fellow citizens

Simpleminded Straw Man on display ^^^

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

A. When they attended a Trump Rally and got caught up in the chant, "lock her up".

Listen to the idiot who's been drooling on himself about "Russian collusion" for two years.

You, of all people, should never comment on the intelligence of anyone.

Q. Who or what made you into the ^*(&^%$%%! you've become.
Tissue, dear?

How in the world can the GOP "reduce what private insurance covers"? The whole A.P. story is a pathetic effort to give democrats aid and comfort and something, anything to hold on to in 2020 after they ...sniff...sniff failed in their effort to overturn the election

You end obamacare and it gets rid of many protections and coverages. You never did know anything about the ACA did you?

What protections and coverages? If you cannot afford the high premiums and huge deductibles, what difference do those mean?
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER

Why? It seemed to work well for just about everyone I know that had a job and worked for a living.
Giving freedom and liberty back to the American people.

Yea...the freedom to DIE because you can't get healthcare you can afford

I'll agree that YOUR doctor deserves far less than virtually any professional, since I don't value YOUR life in the slightest.

MY life, however, is worth quite a bit more.

There ya go folks.

That's Republican thinking.
"I got mine so fuck you"

If you think that the ACA is affordable you are more stupid than you look

Now in Lesh's defense, nobody could be THAT stupid and still breathe!
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

Do you libtards not understand that there is a difference in health CARE and health INSURANCE?
A GP/MD deserves no more money than an architect and a heart/vascular surgeon deserves no more than a master cabinet/furniture design/ builder.
Both require equal time/education/experience and, generally speaking, one can not do the others type of work. Therin lies your problem....
OOOPS. SHALOM ! :alirulz:

Except a heart surgeon that makes a mistake can kill someone, whereas a cabinet builder who makes a mistake has to remake something.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?
Callous conservatism on display ^^^.

Q. When did so many American citizens become so greedy, and have no concern for their fellow citizens

Simpleminded Straw Man on display ^^^

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

Q. When did so many American citizens become so intellectually void and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever?

A. When they attended a Trump Rally and got caught up in the chant, "lock her up".

Listen to the idiot who's been drooling on himself about "Russian collusion" for two years.

You, of all people, should never comment on the intelligence of anyone.

Q. Who or what made you into the ^*(&^%$%%! you've become.
Tissue, dear?


Your Condescension is noted, such arrogance is not warranted, appreciated or thoughtful. And, I'm being polite.
How in the world can the GOP "reduce what private insurance covers"? The whole A.P. story is a pathetic effort to give democrats aid and comfort and something, anything to hold on to in 2020 after they ...sniff...sniff failed in their effort to overturn the election

You end obamacare and it gets rid of many protections and coverages. You never did know anything about the ACA did you?

What protections and coverages? If you cannot afford the high premiums and huge deductibles, what difference do those mean?

Get a better job (LOL, that's how the right wingers argue against the minimum wage). The fact is, the PPACA (Obamare) subsidizes the cost for health care.
A GP/MD deserves no more money than an architect and a heart/vascular surgeon deserves no more than a master cabinet/furniture design/ builder.
Both require equal time/education/experience and, generally speaking, one can not do the others type of work. Therin lies your problem....
OOOPS. SHALOM ! :alirulz:

Except a heart surgeon that makes a mistake can kill someone, whereas a cabinet builder who makes a mistake has to remake something.
Well. You're in a place where overpaid assholes remove the wrong limb or the heart surgeon opens the wrong person who was actually in for a gallbladder removal instead of heart work.
65% of the senate voted for ACA, THATS Democrat & Republican.
there was a one year debate with both REPUBLICAN & DEMOCRATE putting there fingers in the pie adding and subtracting amendments.
in the end we got this mishmash plan, called a start towards fair health care. it was not in the Republicans political best interest to have a Democratic program be a success. it was not in Democrats best political interest to wait until the ACA faults were worked out. and both sides continue to fight one side because its not there plan the other to keep the plan & no one working on improving or fixing or finding a plan that works well.

That is a bald-faced lie and you know it!

The vote was 60-39. Now, remember I am a retired math teacher. Please explain how you arrived at a solution of 65%!

Also, not a single Republican Senator voted for the ACA, so you lied there also.

So, here is you opportunity to explain your poor math skills and blatant lies.

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