Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?

Because insurance companies don't set what doctors get paid?

Didn't you ever look at your bill from the doctor?

Doctor fees: $1500.00
Insurance pays $450.00
A GP/MD deserves no more money than an architect and a heart/vascular surgeon deserves no more than a master cabinet/furniture design/ builder.
Both require equal time/education/experience and, generally speaking, one can not do the others type of work. Therin lies your problem....
OOOPS. SHALOM ! :alirulz:

Except a heart surgeon that makes a mistake can kill someone, whereas a cabinet builder who makes a mistake has to remake something.
Well. You're in a place where overpaid assholes remove the wrong limb or the heart surgeon opens the wrong person who was actually in for a gallbladder removal instead of heart work.

There's a reason we pay those doctors so much. They HAVE to be good, and bad ones get flushed out. The ONLY thing I care about when my loved one is being cut open is the doctor's competency. I don't care if he's the biggest egotist the world has ever known.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?

Because insurance companies don't set what doctors get paid?

Didn't you ever look at your bill from the doctor?

Doctor fees: $1500.00
Insurance pays $450.00

And the remainder is actually closer to what the service is worth in the first place.
Last edited:

The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

prostate exams were covered before obamacare and again I guess I should say depending on what insurance company and state.

Remember the great ObamaCare benefit of paying for colonoscopies? I paid over $3000 out of pocket for my "covered" colonoscopy. Prior to ObamaCare, it would have covered at 90% under my company provided health insurance. How did ObamaCare help that situation?
Take away healthcare from 20 million Americans and what you have are 20 million voters who show up.

No, they won't.

Again, you don't even understand the terms you are using. You don't take away healthcare. You take away expensive health INSURANCE that none of them are able to afford anyway!
So You think taking away access is not taking it away.

The ACA exchanges offered health insurance policies with subsidies for those households earning less than 4x poverty rate. The subsidies were based on people paying the maximum of 9.5% of that income on premiums.

You really need to learn what is in the ACA because you are making an ass out of yourself on this subject.
A GP/MD deserves no more money than an architect and a heart/vascular surgeon deserves no more than a master cabinet/furniture design/ builder.
Both require equal time/education/experience and, generally speaking, one can not do the others type of work. Therin lies your problem....
OOOPS. SHALOM ! :alirulz:

ROFL! You're serious? Do you actually believe that a cabinet maker could do what a heart surgeon does? Being a cabinet maker requires a high school education, moron.

Actually, it doesn't even require that level of education.

The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

prostate exams were covered before obamacare and again I guess I should say depending on what insurance company and state.

Remember the great ObamaCare benefit of paying for colonoscopies? I paid over $3000 out of pocket for my "covered" colonoscopy. Prior to ObamaCare, it would have covered at 90% under my company provided health insurance. How did ObamaCare help that situation?
Wow, with my policy, my share was around $600.00. Either you chose a really crappy policy or your colonoscopy cost of lot more due to the much larger area to scope.

The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

prostate exams were covered before obamacare and again I guess I should say depending on what insurance company and state.

Remember the great ObamaCare benefit of paying for colonoscopies? I paid over $3000 out of pocket for my "covered" colonoscopy. Prior to ObamaCare, it would have covered at 90% under my company provided health insurance. How did ObamaCare help that situation?

Our country need a "come to Jesus" moment - we need to face the reality that, in the end, insurance makes health care less affordable for everyone. It's a kind of pyramid scam that undermines markets and drives prices higher and higher. We're better off paying for as much of our own health care as we can possibly afford.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

Do you libtards not understand that there is a difference in health CARE and health INSURANCE?
To get CARE you need to be INSURED.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER

Why? It seemed to work well for just about everyone I know that had a job and worked for a living.
Because your employer took all the increases.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?

Because insurance companies don't set what doctors get paid?

Didn't you ever look at your bill from the doctor?

Doctor fees: $1500.00
Insurance pays $450.00

Yes, I do. The difference would be that my doctor would charge $1500.00 and single payer would pay $4.50. My doctor could not make any money, so they would just go to vet school and take care of dogs and cats.

I know insurance is a racket. I had health insurance but my share of the lab tests that I required was running me several hundred a month. My doctor told me that he would treat me as having no insurance at all and I could get the exact same test that I paid over $100 out of pocket and my insurance company paid out hundreds for was only $7 if I didn't use my insurance. I have the paper tacked on my bulletin board for my next visit.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER

Why? It seemed to work well for just about everyone I know that had a job and worked for a living.
Because your employer took all the increases.

My employer did no such thing. There were no increases. Both insurance premiums for my wife and I paid out of pocket and those paid by the company did not increase significantly at all during that period.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?

Because insurance companies don't set what doctors get paid?

Didn't you ever look at your bill from the doctor?

Doctor fees: $1500.00
Insurance pays $450.00

That's done deliberately, because the insurance companies routinely pay a percentage of the actual bill. The hospital/doctor inflates the price to drive the actual payment up to about the real cost. Take a good look at the bill and you'll usually see an adjustment or something that is a write off of most of the bill.
How in the world can the GOP "reduce what private insurance covers"? The whole A.P. story is a pathetic effort to give democrats aid and comfort and something, anything to hold on to in 2020 after they ...sniff...sniff failed in their effort to overturn the election

You end obamacare and it gets rid of many protections and coverages. You never did know anything about the ACA did you?

What protections and coverages? If you cannot afford the high premiums and huge deductibles, what difference do those mean?
Pre=existing condution eliminated
Caps eliminated
You can't have your policy cancelled just because you get sick
Free certain diagnostics & checkups.

Under the ACA & The exchanges, the most you pay is 9 1/2% of your household income .

You don't know shit about health insurance because as a teacher (as you claim) you had excellent health insurance. You never had to buy it as an individual, or small business owner, you never had to worry about pre-existing conditions.

So really, shut the fuck up.
"The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices."

or will it?

we've been fooled and lied to before.

"trickle down" never worked.

Jesus people.

We had THAT plan before.

That's WHY Obamacare was passed.

"Free Market" healthcare was a DISASTER

Why? It seemed to work well for just about everyone I know that had a job and worked for a living.
Because your employer took all the increases.

My employer did no such thing. There were no increases. Both insurance premiums for my wife and I paid out of pocket and those paid by the company did not increase significantly at all during that period.
This is ridiculous.
The decision to cover or not to cover should be at the discretion of the insurance companies

Minimum coverages are set to protect the consumer.

Yes, I definitely need to be protected from the "horrors" of having a health care plan that doesn't cover prostate exams or birth control. What would I, a 50-year-old woman, do without those "essential" coverages in my life? And how could anyone POSSIBLY assume I'm intelligent enough to decide for myself what I do and don't need, simply because I'm an adult who looks after herself on everything else in my life?

prostate exams were covered before obamacare and again I guess I should say depending on what insurance company and state.

Remember the great ObamaCare benefit of paying for colonoscopies? I paid over $3000 out of pocket for my "covered" colonoscopy. Prior to ObamaCare, it would have covered at 90% under my company provided health insurance. How did ObamaCare help that situation?

Our country need a "come to Jesus" moment - we need to face the reality that, in the end, insurance makes health care less affordable for everyone. It's a kind of pyramid scam that undermines markets and drives prices higher and higher. We're better off paying for as much of our own health care as we can possibly afford.
That moment is single payer See we agree.
The Republican Party is going to be known as the party of taking health care away from millions of Americans. This administration is going completely against the will of the people, going against the will of Congress, and trying to pull the rug out from under millions and millions of American families

I'm not a Republican, and I despise Trump - but if he and the Republicans can reverse the 100 year campaign to socialize health care, they might just get my vote.

But I'm not holding my breath. For most of them, it's just bluster. They like power every bit as much as the Democrats.
There is no effort to socialize health care. You evidently have no clue what that means.

With single payer you get healthcare from the private doctors of your choice at private facilities.

Except for the fact that the single-payer determines what the amount paid for said coverage is. Why would anyone want to go to medical school and sacrifice all they do in order to be poor?

Because insurance companies don't set what doctors get paid?

Didn't you ever look at your bill from the doctor?

Doctor fees: $1500.00
Insurance pays $450.00

That's done deliberately, because the insurance companies routinely pay a percentage of the actual bill. The hospital/doctor inflates the price to drive the actual payment up to about the real cost. Take a good look at the bill and you'll usually see an adjustment or something that is a write off of most of the bill.

And if you're not insured, you can usually bargain with the doctor to pay the actual prices, and rather than the inflated price they charge insured customers. I went without health insurance for years, even while raising my two sons, and I got pretty good at cutting these kinds of deals.
Our country need a "come to Jesus" moment - we need to face the reality that, in the end, insurance makes health care less affordable for everyone. It's a kind of pyramid scam that undermines markets and drives prices higher and higher. We're better off paying for as much of our own health care as we can possibly afford.
That moment is single payer See we agree.

Nope. We don't agree. Single payer is even worse. It's still insurance. But instead of a handful of corporate giants running things, it reduces it to one, and forces us to pay premiums (in the form of taxes) whether we want to or not. It's hard to see that as a win.

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