Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

There is only one way to truly fix healthcare in this country and that is to take it all the back to the way things were before the train ran off the rails. That is to get government completely out of the healthcare business and make selling insurance illegal. Nothing other than the free market is required to just costs as low as possible. I remember when people paid their own affordable bills. There is no mathematical way for insurance companies to bring anything to the equation but increased costs while it is well known that government screws up everything it touches. All you have to do is watch TV for an hour or so to see that this is all true.
If health care was not much of a problem before 2009

Why has it been considered a crisis situation for the past 50 or so years....

Truman pushed for universal healthcare, Nixon pushed for it

How can Nixon have been pushing for national healthcare if there were no issues with healthcare then?

Lessons on Universal Coverage from Richard Nixon
You are either lying or dumber than shit.

Premiums were rising at double digit rates. People with pre-existing conditions had trouble finding coverahe & when they did, they couldn't afford it. Get sick, you got thrown off your policy. People reached their caps. The leading cause of personal bankruptcy was medical bills.

It has been a crisis since Reagan days.

Son most of this is pure bullshit
Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So explain again how they got checkups & went to the doctor before it became an urgent issue?

Evidently, you have no clue what the ACA does.

The ACA lowered the rate of premium increases. It insured millions more people. Burt lets throw it away because it did not cover everyone.
Comprehensive primary care has been available at HHS run clinics on a sliding scale basis for years so check ups and nearly all outpatient treatment was available was already covered and the only gap was if you needed hospital cae, which could have been handled by allowing sick people who needed hospital care but had no insurance to get Medicaid on a temporary basis while they continued to need hospital care. Obama simply lied when he claimed poor people or those with pre existing condition without insurance had no choice but to go to hospital emergency rooms. Obamacare from the start has been about politics, not about healthcare.

It is only free if you are below the FPG. You pay full if it is over twice the fpg. Most would be covered my Medicaid.

One of the purposes of the ACA was to help those not eligible for Medicaid
Since the thousands of HHS clinics provide comprehensive primary care on a sliding scale fee basis, Medicaid is not necessary unless you require hospital care, so all that was needed to provide access to affordable healthcare to everyone was to allow people who qualified for Medicaid on a temporary basis to hold on to some of their assets and income. Obamacare was never needed.
Bullshit which is the stuff Obamacare was made of. The vast majority of Americans got their health insurance from their employer and polls showed they were satisfied with it. Only very poor people who were not quite poor enough to qualify for Medicaid and some people with who had pre existing conditions ran into problems, but these could easily have been resolved, as I previously pointed out to you, without a monstrosity like Obamacare. Obamacare didn't arise from the needs of the people but from the need of the Democratic Party to have a national issue.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.
65% of the senate voted for ACA, THATS Democrat & Republican.
there was a one year debate with both REPUBLICAN & DEMOCRATE putting there fingers in the pie adding and subtracting amendments.
in the end we got this mishmash plan, called a start towards fair health care. it was not in the Republicans political best interest to have a Democratic program be a success. it was not in Democrats best political interest to wait until the ACA faults were worked out. and both sides continue to fight one side because its not there plan the other to keep the plan & no one working on improving or fixing or finding a plan that works well.
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..
The ACA had little effect om employee coverages. If you were actually employed, you would know that.

Millions of people without insurance IS a national issue. Premiums rising at a rate over 9% a year is a national issue.

Prior to trhe ACA, healthcare &health Insurance was financially & literally killing Americans.

For you to claim itr wasdn't is roof of your ignorance.

Pre-existing Conditions
Coverage ceilings
Canceling policies

Small employers got help. Over half of all business have fewer than 9. Self employed got major help.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

Dave doesn't want to debate or learn, he wants to preach from his own ignorance
The Liberals hate the idea of Liberty. Like choosing your own kind of insurance without government interference.

That hatred comes for the demented entitlement mentality that these filthy Liberals have that somebody should have to pay for their health care.
Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

No, but laws mandating how we do health care and insurance have everything to do with liberty. They crush it.

Please tell me how mandating that people be responsible and have health insurance is the government persecuting someone or the government kicking them out of their native country.

Because being free means I have the right to be irresponsible.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid

In other words, you are not capable of understanding what I am proposing.
As I've explained before, everyone had access to healthcare before ACA, but if they needed hospital care, they had to spend down their assets and not have much in the way of earnings to be eligible for Medicaid, but that could have been remedies by simply passing a law that raised the amount of earnings and assets slightly that applied to people who would not normally have been eligible for Medicaid if they needed hospital care. The rest of ACA was strictly political. ACA was a great success politically, but as healthcare reform, it failed to hold down costs or provide universal healthcare and the courts will probably find it was unconstitutional.

So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..

What we do know Moon Bat is that when that disastrous Obamacare was enacted us productive Americans that actually earn our living had our insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments increased drastically in order to provide subsidies to you sorry ass welfare queens and your Illegal buddies. That is in addiction to taxes being increased.

The fucking oppressive government needs to get out of the business of trying to control our lives and they can bloody well start with health care.
So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..

What we do know Moon Bat is that when that disastrous Obamacare was enacted us productive Americans that actually earn our living had our insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments increased drastically in order to provide subsidies to you sorry ass welfare queens and your Illegal buddies. That is in addiction to taxes being increased.

The fucking oppressive government needs to get out of the business of trying to control our lives and they can bloody well start with health care.

The ACA was fully funded & not by raising your premiums deductibles, etc

There was a slight one time increase due to increasing what policies had to cover in some instances. Most good plans offered by employers were not affected.

If your health insurance policy was degraded it was because your bosses no longer thought you worthy.
Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

No, but laws mandating how we do health care and insurance have everything to do with liberty. They crush it.

Please tell me how mandating that people be responsible and have health insurance is the government persecuting someone or the government kicking them out of their native country.

Because being free means I have the right to be irresponsible.
If we could tattoo that on your foiehead so the hospital can not allow you in after your motorcycle wreck, than that would be fine with me.
So how many states does this eligibility include? Certainly not all.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..

What we do know Moon Bat is that when that disastrous Obamacare was enacted us productive Americans that actually earn our living had our insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments increased drastically in order to provide subsidies to you sorry ass welfare queens and your Illegal buddies. That is in addiction to taxes being increased.

The fucking oppressive government needs to get out of the business of trying to control our lives and they can bloody well start with health care.
So you tan a lot? That is the only new tax you saw.
The Liberals hate the idea of Liberty. Like choosing your own kind of insurance without government interference.

That hatred comes for the demented entitlement mentality that these filthy Liberals have that somebody should have to pay for their health care.
Because choosing to buy insurance from a private insurance company to get care from a private doctor at a private facility is taking away your freedom. You certainly are exercising the freedom to be a fool.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

Only a fool or a scofflaw doesn't pay for health insurance. So, what will you do when injured or very ill? Go to the public hospital or die?

Only a couple of Democrats have stated they want to end private health insurance. As I Democrat is find that sort of speech absurd, unrealistic and helpful to the Republicans.

I support medicare to expand and provide preventative medicine to all, from cradle to grave. Being proactive and not reactive in health care is cost effective.

It will save the private insurance companies a bundle when major illness (cancer, heart disease, diabetes) are discovered and treated sooner than later. When DNA determines the likelihood of genetic disease and can prevent its onset, even before the birth of the child.

What existed before the PPACA (aka: Obamacare) didn't work for everyone, and reform for health care in America became a political football as early as the turn of the 20th Century. Made worse by Palin and company who know nothing about medicine but railed against so called socialism. A damn lie as anyone educated knows.
Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

No, but laws mandating how we do health care and insurance have everything to do with liberty. They crush it.

Please tell me how mandating that people be responsible and have health insurance is the government persecuting someone or the government kicking them out of their native country.

Because being free means I have the right to be irresponsible.
If we could tattoo that on your foiehead so the hospital can not allow you in after your motorcycle wreck, than that would be fine with me.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.

Only a fool or a scofflaw doesn't pay for health insurance. So, what will you do when injured or very ill? Go to the public hospital or die?

I choose to die.

Only a couple of Democrats have stated they want to end private health insurance. As I Democrat is find that sort of speech absurd, unrealistic and helpful to the Republicans.

I support medicare to expand and provide preventative medicine to all, from cradle to grave. Being proactive and not reactive in health care is cost effective.

It will save the private insurance companies a bundle when major illness (cancer, heart disease, diabetes) are discovered and treated sooner than later. When DNA determines the likelihood of genetic disease and can prevent its onset, even before the birth of the child.

What existed before the PPACA (aka: Obamacare) didn't work for everyone, and reform for health care in America became a political football as early as the turn of the 20th Century. Made worse by Palin and company who know nothing about medicine but railed against so called socialism. A damn lie as anyone educated knows.
Well I think the calls for single payer are really about ending private insurance. It won't happen because a maj of people are already on medicare or medicade and/or have employer sponsored that they really don't want to have assimilated.

But the progressive wing of the dems including Bernie and Warren are all for it. Harris has signed on too, but imo she'll push anyone out of the boat who would interfere with her quest for power.

Since the gop is firmly in the hands of the .1%, it's unable to pass anything that would raise revenue and use it to fund things like Tax Credits or even deductions for individuals to buy insurance. So we're headed to some form of single payer. Germany has a base package funding totally from taxes with no out of pocket premium, and then people and employers can negotiate for more benefits. We may end up there, or we may end up like Canada. But the dems are really the only party even addressing the issue now.
Can you tell me when was this golden age of health insurance you keep referring to?
Healthcare was much more affordable the average lifespan was under 65, there were no MRI machines, no organ transplants, and almost everyone died of cancer.
Everyone presently qualifies for Medicaid on a temporary basis if they are poor enough and sick enough, but presently you must spend down nearly all your assets and have very little income, forcing people into bankruptcy to qualify. The law could be changed to allow people to keep some assets and income while receiving Medicaid on a temporary basis so they are not financially ruined. Combined with the HHS clinics that charge sliding scale fees and provide comprehensive primary care and everyone in the US would have access to affordable healthcare. There was never any need for Obamacare. All that was needed was a few tweaks to existing systems.
So how did the ACA cover tens of millions more?

Why is it political to eliminate the pre-existing condition considerations?
Why is it political to remove caps
Why is it political to stop insurance companies from cancelling policies when people got sick
Why is it political to slow the rate of premium increases
why is it political to set certain screenings to be covered
Why is it political to allow individuals & small employers to buy as a large group

My health insurer quoted me $1850 a month (my wife & I) the years exchanges opened,. I bought an equivalent policy for $900. no subsidies.

That had NOTHING political about it.
You and your family had access to comprehensive primary care at any of HHS' clinics on a sliding scale fee basis and if you required hospital care, you could qualify for Medicaid on a temporary basis once you had spent down your assets and didn't have too much income, so all that was needed was a tweak to Medicaid eligibility requirements so that you could keep some of your income and assets while receiving Medicaid and everyone in the US would have affordable access to healthcare. Obamacare was clearly never necessary - it was always about nothing but politics.

What part of that I would need top pay. What is different between paying there & at my family doc.

You only get a discount at those facilities if your income is 138% of the FPG or less.

So, according to you, I could have sold my home & vehicles & spend all my money on healtrhcasre so I could get a discount at one of these clinic.

I have decided you are too fucking stupid to further any conversation. You know nothing about the ACA. You know NOTHING about these clinics.

The ACA was not about people already eligible for Medicad you stupid fuck..

What we do know Moon Bat is that when that disastrous Obamacare was enacted us productive Americans that actually earn our living had our insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments increased drastically in order to provide subsidies to you sorry ass welfare queens and your Illegal buddies. That is in addiction to taxes being increased.

The fucking oppressive government needs to get out of the business of trying to control our lives and they can bloody well start with health care.

The ACA was fully funded & not by raising your premiums deductibles, etc

There was a slight one time increase due to increasing what policies had to cover in some instances. Most good plans offered by employers were not affected.

If your health insurance policy was degraded it was because your bosses no longer thought you worthy.

You really are full of shit Davey boy. Ind plans dedicated, out of pocket, and premiums went through the roof

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