Gop wants to reduce what private insurance covers and the dims want to end private insurance.

Well, that's a false choice. But in general, yeah. I can fire a corporation. I can't fire government.
And then what? The options are limited and they all play the same scam.

The options are only limited by government, and your imagination. They all play the same scam because we've been painted into this corner by government in the first place - which is what makes it so egregious that you insist that even more government is the solution. It's like drinking a shot in the morning to cure hangover.

Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
I’ve seen no evidence there is a better option. The healthcare industry will always hose us because they can.
Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
And then what? The options are limited and they all play the same scam.

The options are only limited by government, and your imagination. They all play the same scam because we've been painted into this corner by government in the first place - which is what makes it so egregious that you insist that even more government is the solution. It's like drinking a shot in the morning to cure hangover.

Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
I’ve seen no evidence there is a better option. The healthcare industry will always hose us because they can.
Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.
And healthcare has failed.

What the heck does that even mean???
It means markets don’t work. You are in the ambulance going for emergency care. Where is the downward pressure on the cost?

Again, markets never "work". They simply leave us free to work things out however we like. Saying "markets don't work" is the same as saying "freedom doesn't work".
Normally markets work fine, just not in healthcare. No downward pressure on costs.
The options are only limited by government, and your imagination. They all play the same scam because we've been painted into this corner by government in the first place - which is what makes it so egregious that you insist that even more government is the solution. It's like drinking a shot in the morning to cure hangover.

Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
I’ve seen no evidence there is a better option. The healthcare industry will always hose us because they can.
Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
Democrats don't JUST want to end private Insurance, they want to make private insurance ILLEGAL.

Both sides need to back the hell off.

Making it mandatory for Insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions - Bravo.

Telling what insurance companies can or can not cover, what they must or must not cover is NOT theirs to completely control. I, as the consumer, should have control of my life and my insurance, have the power to NEGOTIATE with the Insurance company what I want covered, what I need and what I don't.

The government - both GOP and DNC - believe that the government is often the answer to everything....and when they f* it up, they believe THEY are the answer to the mess they created.....often a vicious repeating cycle.

We are where we are now because the Democrats decided for all of us that the best way they could HELP us was to destroy the previous health care / health insurance industry, defining what coverage all Americans should have, and giving Americans an ultimatum: Buy our govt-mandated insurance or we will come after you - will punish you with a tax.


Now, the 'Captains of the Exon Valdez' (Democrats) are blaming the coastline clean-up crews (GOP) for the accident, despite the fact that they admitted the ACA was DESIGNED TO FAIL so they could herd all the sheep into govt-controlled Single Payer....

Which is where we are now. The SOLUTION to the government-created problem of Obamacare, which was the SOLUTION to the previous health care system, is the NEW government solution of 'Single-Payer' / Medical Care For All'!
-- If you haven't noticed, stripping us of being able to make choices for ourselves - aka Obamacare - has not worked so the point we are being told we need a new govt solution to Obamacare, which calls for more of our ability to choose for ourselves to be stripped away.


I went through the story, and didn't see word one that indicated the GOP "wants to reduce what private insurance covers".
What do you think Ending Obamacare means?

Giving freedom and liberty back to the American people.

Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

The word liberty means being able to live in your native country without the government persecuting you or the government kicking you out of your native country.

Stop lying and start learning what words mean in the English language. You make a total fool of yourself when you post such ridiculous statements.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.
Sounds great....

Wonder why we felt like there was a healthcare crisis to begin with

Everything seemed much better before 2009.....I wonder how millions more people got coverage when insurance was way cheaper before
I’ve seen no evidence there is a better option. The healthcare industry will always hose us because they can.
Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.
Sounds great....

Wonder why we felt like there was a healthcare crisis to begin with

Everything seemed much better before 2009.....I wonder how millions more people got coverage when insurance was way cheaper before
Costs have been skyrocketing since long before 2009...
And healthcare has failed.

What the heck does that even mean???
It means markets don’t work. You are in the ambulance going for emergency care. Where is the downward pressure on the cost?

Again, markets never "work". They simply leave us free to work things out however we like. Saying "markets don't work" is the same as saying "freedom doesn't work".
Normally markets work fine, just not in healthcare.
Again, what does it mean for a market to "work"? What does it mean for freedom to "work"?
No downward pressure on costs.
We don't currently have a free market in health care. It's manipulated and controlled by an unholy alliance between health care corporations and government. So pointing to the current situation, which ill-conceived government policy created in the first place, and insisting that the only answer is more ill-conceived government policy, is perverse in the extreme.
Seriously though, outside of ideology and matters of faith - does it bother you that the opposing party can control your health care? Do you really want women's reproductive health to be at the mercy of Republicans every time they win an election? Do you want every single election to be a referendum on whether grandma lives or dies?
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
Another conservative who doesn't know the meaning of words in the English language.

Health care and insurance have absolutely nothing to do with liberty.

No, but laws mandating how we do health care and insurance have everything to do with liberty. They crush it.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

Allowing insurance companies to choose what their policies cover, allows people who want more comprehensive coverage to buy the insurance policies they want, while those who want something simpler and cheaper, to get the policies they want.

In 2006, I had an insurance policy that covered everything I needed, for $67/month.

The cheapest policy I can get today is $300/month. And the deductible on my $67/month policy was less than half the deductible on that $300 policy... which is why I don't have insurance at all right now.

The GOP plan to allow more of a free-market in insurance, will provide more options, and better prices.
Sounds great....

Wonder why we felt like there was a healthcare crisis to begin with

Everything seemed much better before 2009.....I wonder how millions more people got coverage when insurance was way cheaper before
Costs have been skyrocketing since long before 2009...
The costs skyrocketed because something something libtards, Obama....which then lead to the individual mandate, death panels, something something, Soros!!!

And healthcare has failed.

What the heck does that even mean???
It means markets don’t work. You are in the ambulance going for emergency care. Where is the downward pressure on the cost?

Again, markets never "work". They simply leave us free to work things out however we like. Saying "markets don't work" is the same as saying "freedom doesn't work".
Normally markets work fine, just not in healthcare.
Again, what does it mean for a market to "work"? What does it mean for freedom to "work"?
No downward pressure on costs.
We don't currently have a free market in health care. It's manipulated and controlled by an unholy alliance between health care corporations and government. So pointing to the current situation, which ill-conceived government policy created in the first place, and insisting that the only answer is more ill-conceived government policy, is perverse in the extreme.
And you can’t explain why there would ever be downward pressure.
You have an example of this happening in other countries?

No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
I’m telling you needs are in fact pretty much the same regardless of party.

I’m also telling you the poor get worse care than the rich.
No. That kind of shit is weak tea. You can tell me socialism in the US will be rainbows and unicorns, and I can say it will be Venezuela on acid. Both are (almost) entirely unsupported predictions. All I know is what's going on in our country. And politics here are bitterly divided and nasty. Turning health care into a political matter will only throwing fuel on that fire. If you think "scare the seniors" is bad, wait until we're all in the same health care boat and "scare the sick" becomes the political tool of choice.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
I’m telling you needs are in fact pretty much the same regardless of party.
Party doesn't enter into it, but no, everyone's needs are not pretty much the same. Some people, lots of people, have different needs, different values, different preferences, than the majority. What right does the majority have to force their preferences on the outliers?

I’m also telling you the poor get worse care than the rich.
Yes. Getting worse stuff is pretty much the definition of being poor.
Most people regardless of party have the same healthcare needs.

Uh.... that's seems obviously untrue. But regardless, what about the "not most" people? Why should minorities before forced to accept what the majority needs? Are they supposed to just take one for the team?
A dem needing a quadruple bypass is the same as a rep.

Many people can’t afford their needs. Why should people go bankrupt for health needs?

Are you trying to answer my question, or divert to something else because you don't have a good answer to my question?
I’m telling you needs are in fact pretty much the same regardless of party.
Party doesn't enter into it, but no, everyone's needs are not pretty much the same. Some people, lots of people, have different needs, different values, different preferences, than the majority. What right does the majority have to force their preferences on the outliers?

I’m also telling you the poor get worse care than the rich.
Yes. Getting worse stuff is pretty much the definition of being poor.
Give examples then that you think would be negatively effected.

There is only one way to truly fix healthcare in this country and that is to take it all the back to the way things were before the train ran off the rails. That is to get government completely out of the healthcare business and make selling insurance illegal. Nothing other than the free market is required to keep costs as low as possible. I remember when people paid their own affordable bills. There is no mathematical way for insurance companies to bring anything to the equation but increased costs while it is well known that government screws up everything it touches. All you have to do is watch TV for an hour or so to see that this is all true.
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My company switched from PPO's to high deductible plans, that cost me more monthly, and have enormous deductibles.

All to pay for other people.
As many were forced to do.

Obamacare wasn't designed to help. It was designed to crater private healthcare so the next Democrat POTUS could regulate private companies out of business, and force everyone to accept the only alternative. Slavery.

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