GOP wants to screw US over Social Security

Finally a thread on the GOP and social security, thank god someone was finally smart enough to start a thread on this neglected topic

  1. GOP wants to screw US over Social Security

    Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over. GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security...
  2. [IMG alt="skews13"][/IMG]

    House GOP Makes It Official: Ending Social Security And Medicare Is The Goal

    Republicans are never going to be known for their eco-friendliness, but there is one thing they are very good at recycling: plots that combine ending Social Securityand Medicare with schemes to cut taxes for the rich. They’re at it again with a new fiscal blueprint for the next 10 years...
  3. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    Can We Fix Social Security? A Discussion with Louisiana GOP Sen. Bill Cassidy

    Lindsey Graham just said Social Security and Medicare are entitlements and he doesn't need them so they should be cut. Who thinks officials should loose their lifetime benefits an be required to use Social Securityinstead?
  4. [IMG alt="Thinker101"][/IMG]

    FACT CHECK: Is Biden a 'liar' for claiming GOP wants Social Security and Medicare cuts?

    Biden’s accusations. “Let us commit here tonight that the full faith and credit of the United States of America will never, ever be questioned. So my — many of — some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage — I get it — unless I agree to their economic plans. All of you at...
  5. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    Bernie, author of Sanders/Warren bill extending Social Security to 75 years & adding $200 to payments, makes case against GOP cuts to Social Security

    Bernie warns that a default on the debt would lead to a global financial crisis, and that the GOP shouldn't hold seniors hostages by threating to cut social security. i agree!
  6. [IMG alt="Biff_Poindexter"][/IMG]

    Will The GOP Plan To Raise The Retirement Age For Social Security Be Very Popular?

    social-security-house-republican "Republican Rep. Rick Allen of Georgia suggested last week that he would support raising the Social Securityretirement age—a policy change that would slash benefits across the board—because people have approached him and said...
  7. [IMG alt="MAGA Macho Man"][/IMG]

    YOU LIE! Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Out Biden At SOTU For Claiming GOP Wants To ‘Sunset’ Social Security And Medicare

    She pulled a Joe Wilson like when he shouted out to Obama (usurper) "You Lie!" during his SOTU. The current usurper gladly deserved to be called a liar for saying Republicans want to sunset social securityand medicare...
  8. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    Chip Roy rebuts White House accusation of GOP raising taxes, protecting the rich & tax cheats, raising gas prices & cutting Medicare & Social Security

    just because they make spending restraint their top priority, doesn't make all these accusations true
  9. [IMG alt="My_Chinchilla_Is_A_Racist"][/IMG]

    So. If GOP Takes Over in 2023. It's The End Of Social Security, Medicare, ect. Really? Are all Americans That Stupid To Believe This?

    Does the left bring this up every time we have an election? If republicans win, they will put a stop to social security and the other benefits seniors have a right to? And what does congress have to do with Social Securitymatters anyway? It's as the left thinks that over 75% us have an I.Q...
  10. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    McCarthy: if GOP win House we will use raising debt limit as leverage to force spending cuts — including Medicare, Social Security, & Ukraine war fund

    House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy “signaled that additional aid to Ukraine, now in the ninth month of war with Russia, is unlikely if Republicans have a House majority.”
  11. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    Bernie: at a time of great hardship & corporate greed, GOP wanna cut Medicare & Social Security, that's grotesque, if we talk economy, we win midterms

    Bernie is also asked if Fetterman should release his medical records, he sort of dodges, but says he's known him for years, and hopes he wins his race. says the same of Tim Ryan in Ohio
  12. [IMG alt="Bass v 2.0"][/IMG]

    The GOP has consistently borrowed from and gutted social security and has not paid that money back

    What are their plans to pay back and replace the money that they basically stole from social security? That's stealing from all the people who actually have a job and work hard and contributed to it.
  13. [IMG alt="skews13"][/IMG]

    GOP Plan To Decimate Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security Advances In House

    On Tuesday, House Republicans released their budget for 2019, along with a malignant plan to force cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Obamacare this year. On Thursday, the House Budget Committee passed that budget, preparing it to go to the floor. They would cut the deficit by $8.1 trillion over...
  14. [IMG alt="ScienceRocks"][/IMG]

    The GOP Tax Bill: A Stealth Attack On Medicare And Social Security

    The GOP Tax Bill: A Stealth Attack On Medicare And Social Security The GOP Tax Bill: A Stealth Attack On Medicare And Social SecurityPeople pay into these programs over decades to have them when they're old. What do the republicans want to do? Cut them and throw them on the street. I feel...
  15. [IMG alt="basquebromance"][/IMG]

    Senator Rubio tells a secret:After giving tax cut to the rich, GOP will cut Social Security+Medicare

    gop-social-security-20171130-story.html Apparently Republicans want to kick the middle class in the face, pulverize the poor and cut seniors off at the knees
  16. O

    GOP plans for Social Security

    Johnson's "Social SecurityReform Act" changes the program's benefit formula to provide modest benefit increases for the lowest-earning workers in the system- those who earned up to an annual average of about $22,105 over their lifetimes in inflation-indexed pay - with cuts for everyone else...
  17. [IMG alt="Wry Catcher"][/IMG]

    GOP introduces bill to cut Social Security

    gop-introduces-plan-to-massively-cut-social-security-222200857.html If Ryan puts this up for a vote, and McConnell too, and they do not includes massive cuts to the salary and benefits of members of Congress, members of the Supreme Court and to all elected and...
  18. [IMG alt="guno"][/IMG]

    Closed Social Security offices, furloughed staff under GOP cuts, agency warns

    the attacks on the retired workers by the white christian party continues “There would be up to two weeks of furloughs for all employees,” the agency said in information obtained by The Washington Post. “During this time, our offices would be closed to the public. Additionally, a full hiring...
  19. R

    GOP fought against Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid. But GOP policies started the "great debt".

    GOP fought tooth and nail against Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Social Security - the greatest anti poverty program in the history of the world. Republicans said these programs will bankrupt the United States. That was their reason. The GOPinsists they were fighting for fiscal...
    • rdean
    • Thread
    • Feb 2, 2016
    • Replies: 103
    • Forum: Politics
  20. [IMG alt="Siete"][/IMG]

    Trump promises to keep Social Security at GOP summit ..

    Donald Trump Rails Against Cutting Social Security, Medicare During GOPSummit
  21. [IMG alt="Stephanie"][/IMG]

    In 2005 Dems Blocked GOP Proposals to Fix Social Security Today Social Security Is O

    SNIP:: Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, October 30, 2011, 8:58 AM In 2005 Congressional Democrats blocked Republican proposals to save Social Security. Then they wildly cheered their own obstructionism during the State of the Union Address the following year. Democrats Applauding Their...
  22. [IMG alt="Flaylo"][/IMG]

    Democrats Refuse to Buckle to GOP Demands for Huge Cuts in Social Security, Medicare

    Robert Creamer: Democrats Refuse to Buckle to GOP Demands for Huge Cuts in Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid In these tough economic times the Republicans are stupid if they think most Americans are going to support a party that believes in making the rich richer and cutting programs...
  23. [IMG alt="DaGoose"][/IMG]

    GOP: Millions For The Wealthy But We Can't Afford To Award $250 Social Security COLA

    As long as the GOP keeps this up the Dems will have no problems in 2012. "House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase." GOPblocks legislation...
  24. [IMG alt="Yurt"][/IMG]

    Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security

    Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security Obama: GOP trying to destroy Social Security- Politics - White House - as is the case with obama....yet another lie because the truth is: and some democrats support the idea, but leave it to the liar in chief to sling mud and...
  25. R

    Social Security 2.5 trillion surplus minus 2.4 trillion GOP Tax break

    Suddenly Social Securityis in the news. The Republicans are worried it will be out of money. I knew it had a surplus of 2.5 trillion and was supposed to be fully paid for the next 27 years and able to pay at least 78% after that. Suddenly it's gone! Is this where the money from the Bush...
    • rdean
    • Thread
    • Aug 16, 2010
    • Replies: 17
    • Forum: Economy
  26. [IMG alt="sealybobo"][/IMG]

    GOP Plot to Kill Social Security

    Jun 12, 2003 | On May 28, in a ceremony in the East Room of the White House, President Bush signed into law the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, the second major tax-cut bill of his presidency. The plan, which carries an official 10-year price tag of $350 billion but is...
Dude, get a hobby.

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

You voted for joe xiden, who already raised the age limit
You voted for joe xiden, who already raised the age limit

SS has helped millions upon millions actually retire. Do you want people working longer? That's not realistic nor moral. It's immoral.

Where does all this money come from?


Are you aware, or care, that when it started, SS benefits did not kick in until a person had already exceeded their life expectancy?

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

LOL. I'm in my sixties and I remember 5 decades ago democrats telling us Republicans would take social security away. It's a scare tactic to win elections, just like now they are saying Trump will take democracy away if we democratically vote him to be president.

Where does all this money come from?


Are you aware, or care, that when it started, SS benefits did not kick in until a person had already exceeded their life expectancy?
Go ahead run on getting rid of it. The nation goes into a tailspin.
The "rich" don't have enough money to solve this problem. What is your solution? Or are you just going to whine about the "rich" needing to pay more?

Our Unfunded Liability. This is from about six months ago, it is higher today.


It should be important to also acknowledge that our Unfunded Liabilities amount to more than half of the entire world's wealth ...
Meaning the Government could take everything from every Citizen in the United States and still not cover the bill ... 👍

Instead ... The Current Administration is printing money and giving it to Foreign Nationals.
The best piece of advice ... Don't hold your breath thinking the Government can fix this boondoggle.

Go ahead run on getting rid of it. The nation goes into a tailspin.
That's a foolish but very popular argument from the far left: The Prison of Two Ideas. It's just goofy and sounds like a five—or six-year-old child. You are saying there is no place in between. Either we continue willy-nilly spending trillions more than we're taking in or get rid of it entirely. How childish.

You have no solution, so you wrinkle up your face and whine.


I'm older than dirt. I was a Realtor for 45+ years and invested in rental properties, so I'm fine. Now, folks coming to retirement in five, ten, or more years, I hope you have a good investment plan already in practice.
That's a foolish but very popular argument from the far left: The Prison of Two Ideas. It's just goofy and sounds like a five—or six-year-old child. You are saying there is no place in between. Either we continue willy-nilly spending trillions more than we're taking in or get rid of it entirely. How childish.

You have no solution, so you wrinkle up your face and whine.


I'm older than dirt. I was a Realtor for 45+ years and invested in rental properties, so I'm fine. Now, folks coming to retirement in five, ten, or more years, I hope you have a good investment plan already in practice.
They are owed the money they paid in. Illegal to deny that.
That's a foolish but very popular argument from the far left: The Prison of Two Ideas. It's just goofy and sounds like a five—or six-year-old child. You are saying there is no place in between. Either we continue willy-nilly spending trillions more than we're taking in or get rid of it entirely. How childish.

You have no solution, so you wrinkle up your face and whine.


I'm older than dirt. I was a Realtor for 45+ years and invested in rental properties, so I'm fine. Now, folks coming to retirement in five, ten, or more years, I hope you have a good investment plan already in practice.
There's alot of business related programs to cut first.
When you actually read all of it you can see it's not as bad as you make it out to be. And they aren't even putting a bill up or anything, they are talking about ways to keep social security alive for the next generation to retire.

If our economy wasn't in the shitter and we were wasting trillions like we are right now no one would need to bring up social security.

I know you don't like republicans and doing your imitation of chicken little, but you're jumping the gun.
i've read the plans. "personal retirement accounts " held by a private sector bank collecting service charges, brokerage fees etc which also means a "medicare advantage type of decades long 24/7 sales pitch by telephone mail and internet.

bernie's solution : raise he fica cut off, takes care of social security and a lot more . i
If they had paid attention 20 years ago when Republicans were raising the issue of the inevitable bankrupting of the program, we could have put in place some relatively painless measures that would have headed off the painful things we need to do now. But we're talking about democrats here.
we raised the fica under reagan, doubled the most regressive tax in american history so he could cut tases for the rich and build useless military toys (the b1 and the iowa class for two incredible wastes. )
They are owed the money they paid in. Illegal to deny that.

It isn't a savings account or an annuity.

It didn't start that way, but it has become the biggest Ponzi scheme our country has ever seen. Bernie Madoff is green from envy, or maybe now it's mold! :D

How is it not a Ponzi scheme

Pon·zi scheme
[ˈpänzē ˌskēm]
  1. a form of fraud in which belief in the success of a nonexistent enterprise is fostered by the payment of quick returns to the first investors from money invested by later investors:
    "a classic Ponzi scheme built on treachery and lies"
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i've read the plans. "personal retirement accounts " held by a private sector bank collecting service charges, brokerage fees etc which also means a "medicare advantage type of decades long 24/7 sales pitch by telephone mail and internet.

bernie's solution : raise he fica cut off, takes care of social security and a lot more . i
People get out of SS based on what they put in, so raising the cap means those that pay more only get more out

So no that solution won’t work its own

The solution is so what Sweden did

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

I understand if we fail to do something, Social Security will Have to reduce benefits in ten years or so.


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