GOP wants to screw US over Social Security

It was supposed to be solvent until the early 2070's. It was supposedly based on their belief of an average 4% annual GDP growth in the economy. And of course, any changes since then that added beneficiaries. We need honesty. And we get fairy tales. Sadly, a lot of legislation that has future problems, the ones enacted figure they will not be around. Look at the accusations fly today in D.C. this should not be a political issue. Yet it is.

4% GDP?

Link to that

4% GDP?

Link to that
I attempted to look it up. Did not find it or missed it. At the time there were many arguments against and for raising social security. Also even privatizing it and that drew a howl. Even partly privatizing it drew howls. I am saying to you although no link that that was promoted. I think the 4% growth estimate came from the Congressional budget Office although not sure. Trying to remember everything is not a perfect science. We have not averaged anywhere near 4%. We are a mature economy that stopped rising around 1970 or so and our fiat currency had to decoupled from the last sting to gold from the Bretton Woods post WW 2 agreement that made the dollar the world's reserve currency.
I attempted to look it up. Did not find it or missed it. At the time there were many arguments against and for raising social security. Also even privatizing it and that drew a howl. Even partly privatizing it drew howls. I am saying to you although no link that that was promoted. I think the 4% growth estimate came from the Congressional budget Office although not sure. Trying to remember everything is not a perfect science. We have not averaged anywhere near 4%. We are a mature economy that stopped rising around 1970 or so and our fiat currency had to decoupled from the last sting to gold from the Bretton Woods post WW 2 agreement that made the dollar the world's reserve currency.
So you can’t document your claims again..

Color me shocked
So you can’t document your claims again..

Color me shocked
I know some of you push the documentation angle and I get it. Social Security in that era was a lightning rod because several years before the increases there were stories some of the then elderly eating cat food. The fact is it is a main source of living for many people now. And any chance to change it ended in the 1980's increases with the post WW 2 generation retiring. The fact is there are winners and losers in politics as citizens go.
Not an answer. The programs are trillions in debt for the future. How is that great?

We didn't pay enough, so how are we entitled?
SS has helped millions upon millions actually retire. Do you want people working longer? That's not realistic nor moral. It's immoral.

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

Every presidential election the lying left comes forth with this bullshit. They don't want to end social security they are just trying to save money amidst all the demscum ridiculous spending.

Tax breaks for billionnaires is AOK. Whining about Trans, lets do it. But hold on for one second while we screw our voters over.​

GOP faces internal battle over raising age for Social Security​

Biden has no plan to save social security.... Yellen admits...

Why not run on strengthening SS? That's a win. Instead the main parties aren't saying anything. Losers.
It’s up to Congress
So Biden doesn't have to produce a budget to send to congress?.... Biden is bashing some republicans for sounding the alarm that social security is broke but he himself has no fix?... give me a break...
So Biden doesn't have to produce a budget to send to congress?.... Biden is bashing some republicans for sounding the alarm that social security is broke but he himself has no fix?... give me a break...
WhT does a budget have to do with this subject?

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