GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

Doesnt that tell you something? Like maybe those ideals arent popular? or feasible? or wanted?

Popularity is not the measure of whether something is Right or Wrong. Neither is the population's desire for something. You make the mistake of believing that somehow the population defines Right and Wrong, which is not the truth.

As for feasibility, the things I believe are necessary for a proper nation are more than feasible. What that are not is popular or easy; neither of which actually mean anything to me.
Doesnt that tell you something? Like maybe those ideals arent popular? or feasible? or wanted?

Popularity is not the measure of whether something is Right or Wrong. Neither is the population's desire for something. You make the mistake of believing that somehow the population defines Right and Wrong, which is not the truth.

As for feasibility, the things I believe are necessary for a proper nation are more than feasible. What that are not is popular or easy; neither of which actually mean anything to me.

No but they do define what is possible and impossible.

Why would it be impossible to get elected to office with republican ideals if they are right?

Lets take it further....Why is it that republican ideals arent shown anywhere in the world if they are soo good and practical?

No one...No where? Doesnt that tell you something?
No but they do define what is possible and impossible.

Only if you allow yourself to be limited by the rules. Liberals don't seem to like being limited by the rules, so why should Conservatives? Honestly, Conservative (not Republican) ideals will never succeed in a nation such as America because we allow too many imbeciles to have a say in what happens.

Why would it be impossible to get elected to office with republican ideals if they are right?

Mostly due to the fact that 90% of the American people would go 0/10 on a True/False quiz on Right and Wrong.

Lets take it further....Why is it that republican ideals arent shown anywhere in the world if they are soo good and practical?

Real Conservative ideals haven't been put in place anywhere in the world to date.

No one...No where? Doesnt that tell you something?

What it tells me is the thing I have believed for many years.... Humankind is nothing more than a new form of virus for the most part. Most human beings don't deserve the air they breath nevermind the food they eat or the water they drink.
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one
Only if you allow yourself to be limited by the rules. Liberals don't seem to like being limited by the rules, so why should Conservatives? Honestly, Conservative (not Republican) ideals will never succeed in a nation such as America because we allow too many imbeciles to have a say in what happens.


So, the biggest impediment to conservative ideas is democratic government...

So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

its selfishness, not stupidity. Progressives have sold people a bill of goods that states government can give you all sorts of goodies, and that someone else will pay for them.

Our current electorate likes to vote themselves more stuff, and is willing to give up control of parts of their freedom to do it. That the rest of us don't want to come along for the ride, and should be protected from this via the constitution is irrelevant to them.
It was rather tactless, but in it lies a certain truth. You shouldn't shield people from their failures. Doing that leads to a false sense of entitlement. Those who have never tasted failure should be made to. Life isn't a bed of roses. What we lack the courage to do, is let poor people find a way for themselves; instead of letting the government lead them by the hand down an endless road, with no clear destination in sight.

There's no truth in it. None.

And it's a very dangerous thing to do.

You let enough poor "wither and die" and they become very angry, form into groups and kill the people letting them wither and die.

That's been the main reason for revolution through out history and represents a failure of governance.

plus all the dead bodies laying around do not do anyone anygood.....disease,stench....those who dont want to help them will change their minds if enough of them are dead in front of their place of residence.....
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

its selfishness, not stupidity. Progressives have sold people a bill of goods that states government can give you all sorts of goodies, and that someone else will pay for them.

Our current electorate likes to vote themselves more stuff, and is willing to give up control of parts of their freedom to do it. That the rest of us don't want to come along for the ride, and should be protected from this via the constitution is irrelevant to them.

All around the world? Not one nation or civilization throughout history has taken on full implementation of conservative ideals because everyone, everywhere throughout history were stupid?

This sounds like the kid with all E's telling his mother that every teacher hates him. It cant be everyone else
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

No. It's not because they're stupid. Stupid would indicate an incapacity to learn. In the vast majority of cases it's because they choose to willfully obfuscate the truth and to dismiss things they know are correct in favor of those things that are popular.

So, the biggest impediment to conservative ideas is democratic government.

No. Not at all. A truly Conservative government is at least partially democratic in nature. What it is not is open to every moron and loser out there who either can't or won't be proven to be informed, educated, and accepting on the way things SHOULD be done. Like women and the unemployed, for example.
plus all the dead bodies laying around do not do anyone anygood.....disease,stench....those who dont want to help them will change their minds if enough of them are dead in front of their place of residence.....

Not at all. You burn the bodies and use the ashes to fertilize the garden and lawn.

Y'know, I don't really have a dog in this hunt, all I care about is that neither party has too much power.

That said, if we're going to have another election cycle in which many Republican candidates are obviously Mark Levin/Alex Jones fans, and in which the Democrats' main message is pointing at the circus and saying "holy shit, look at that", I'm gonna need to find a way to avoid the whole thing. I've really had enough.

We need two honest, serious and sane parties, and the current tally is zero.


as i have said before....keep all the farther Left and Right people away from holding any office that affects peoples lives and you may have would be a big improvement anyway....
Ya know if you work hard you won't have to worry about "withering" and "dying." You live in a land of opportunity, there are no victims in the USA.

no kidding, it' pathetic how Democrats make all (47% of the people) are getting some form of government assistance just so helpless they can do anything for themselves

you notice they never suggest ways to wean them off they just make them all victims for life

and why should they get off when we have people who chastise anyone who suggest they could work part time, or do something for their free living while the rest of struggle to feed our families
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All around the world? Not one nation or civilization throughout history has taken on full implementation of conservative ideals because everyone, everywhere throughout history were stupid?

Stupid, or Ignorant, or simply unwilling/fearful to put the unpopular limits on individuality in place for the betterment of society as a whole.
Have you ever had to shoot someone? Trust me, it aint all "bang bang ur dead lol".

I have not had to do so as of yet. I have had the pleasure of sitting and speaking to/learning from a number of individuals who have had to, in LEO, self-defense, and military roles. Their comments and experiences go into the way that I train. The fact that I have little to no regard for human life doesn't hurt either.

No actually we also have virtues. Want to know why no one seems to ever live up to Republican Ideology ever? Is it because no one in history could or that the ideology is so fake that its impossible to live up too.

I disagree. What I think is impossible is to live those ideals and still get elected in large parts of the country.

Where are you going to go? I'd love to hear where this Republican utopia exists. Russia sure aint it.

Given my preference.... Saudi Arabia.

Republican utopia can be right here in US if we fight to take it back from the Marxist who control White House and Senate.

Republicans really don't have a utopia because they don't have ideals, as Mr. Cantor proved on Tuesday. They have re-election strategies. Conservatives have ideals though our Utopia cannot come into existance in this nation without significant bloodshed.

Only that last quote was mine.
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

its selfishness, not stupidity. Progressives have sold people a bill of goods that states government can give you all sorts of goodies, and that someone else will pay for them.

Our current electorate likes to vote themselves more stuff, and is willing to give up control of parts of their freedom to do it. That the rest of us don't want to come along for the ride, and should be protected from this via the constitution is irrelevant to them.

All around the world? Not one nation or civilization throughout history has taken on full implementation of conservative ideals because everyone, everywhere throughout history were stupid?

This sounds like the kid with all E's telling his mother that every teacher hates him. It cant be everyone else

Considering statists want to continue the status quo, you clowns are the conservatives, and we are the progressives looking for change.

And I don't give a rats ass how what the politics are in other countries.
Ya know if you work hard you won't have to worry about "withering" and "dying." You live in a land of opportunity, there are no victims in the USA.

no kidding, it' pathetic how Democrats make all (47% of the people) are getting some form of government assistance

you notice Democrats never find ways to wean them off they just make them all victims for life

and why should they get off when we have people who chastise anyone who suggest they could work part, or do something for their free living while the rest of struggle to feed our families

Thats what immigration debate is all about. Bring in poor people from impoverished 3rd World countries and BOOM! Instant victim class. "Mean ol' America keeping those poor immigrants down trodden...we better let em vote." Democrat strategy.
the left is so out of ideas and so narrow minded that any suggestion to change something or make some cuts to government they lose it and poo poo right it off the bat..

so all they can do is jump on something one person says and turn into how we hate the poor and they stand up for them..

it's the same ole same ole
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

No. It's not because they're stupid. Stupid would indicate an incapacity to learn. In the vast majority of cases it's because they choose to willfully obfuscate the truth and to dismiss things they know are correct in favor of those things that are popular.

So, the biggest impediment to conservative ideas is democratic government.

No. Not at all. A truly Conservative government is at least partially democratic in nature. What it is not is open to every moron and loser out there who either can't or won't be proven to be informed, educated, and accepting on the way things SHOULD be done. Like women and the unemployed, for example.

This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

No. It's not because they're stupid. Stupid would indicate an incapacity to learn. In the vast majority of cases it's because they choose to willfully obfuscate the truth and to dismiss things they know are correct in favor of those things that are popular.

So, the biggest impediment to conservative ideas is democratic government.

No. Not at all. A truly Conservative government is at least partially democratic in nature. What it is not is open to every moron and loser out there who either can't or won't be proven to be informed, educated, and accepting on the way things SHOULD be done. Like women and the unemployed, for example.

This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

You haven't heard their "Let em die" chant before?

They don't care if people can see a doctor, why should they care if they have food?
“My main point is that the programs are used as political tools,” Johnston said. “Sometimes it hurts, but you might give them less to motivate someone to get a job.”
Ignorant nonsense.

This ignorance as to the facts concerning public assistance and poverty is typical of most on the right.

Conservatives need to educate themselves first before exhibiting their ignorance on the subject.

And it’s republicans for the most part who are using public assistance as a political tool, to propagate lies and myths about those who receive public assistance for some perceived political gain.

Jones is an example of the type of mindset to keep away from offices that affect peoples lives....this poor fucker is so far left he cant possibly entertain the thought that Democrats are part of this problem too.....out here there have been lots of good intended social programs started by Democrats to help one policed them so it got out of hand and people of course started abusing along comes a Republican and says...." this program needs to be stopped its out of control"....along comes Jones...."you are a fucking Right wing racist who doesnt care about anyone,shut the fuck up" nothing is done,no one wants to be called a along comes a Democrat...."hey this program is nice and all but its out of control someone should make it right again"....along comes Jones....."shut the fuck up,this program is here to help people,you are being just as racist as those fucking right wingers,you must be a "Blue Dog" wonder you are a heartless basterd racist".....once again no one wants to be called a racist so nothing gets done and the program just keeps on going ripe with abuse and corruption....

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