GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

Or maybe the decide to actually try to improve their lives. God forbid they become self sufficient, the Dems would lose their guaranteed votes.

Several things happen when you divorce people from the means of survival in a society.

-They die.
-They commit crime.
-They revolt.
-They overcome the poverty and thrive.

Which do you think is the most likely outcome?

So we buy them off, right? How about you spend YOUR money on that?

So basically you are saying poor black people would choose the middle two (no one is going to die) over the last? How racist of you.

Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.
Several things happen when you divorce people from the means of survival in a society.

-They die.
-They commit crime.
-They revolt.
-They overcome the poverty and thrive.

Which do you think is the most likely outcome?

So we buy them off, right? How about you spend YOUR money on that?

So basically you are saying poor black people would choose the middle two (no one is going to die) over the last? How racist of you.

Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.

A small portion of them did. the rest worked hard.

How does providing a woman with 5 kids from 4 different daddies everything she needs to survive giving them a route out of poverty? Especially if they don't have any negative results if they choose to just get their checks and motor on.
Will you people stop with this crap? The VA has been screwed up for sixty years through 11 presidents.

It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.

Congress controls the VA's money and has the power to fix the VA, notice the ones working on it now is Congress, it's in their jurisdiction..

Uh, who appoints the head of the VA? The President does and that's because the VA is under his direct executive responsibility.

The VA is under the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch. Yes, Congress controls the purse strings, but wait, that was before Obama declared Congress impotent.
Anyway, it's not a money problem, the VA is a bureaucracy and it's primary instinct is self preservation and growth.
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There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

How many of those other countries offer the infastructure, free elementary/secondary education, and relatively stable government of the United States? There are plenty of opportunities here for people to better themselves IF THEY WANT TO and IF THEY MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. People who don't want to better themselves and/or who make poor choices consistantly should not be catered to.

About three weeks ago my fiance and I had lunch at a local diner. As we left I was approached by an individual requesting money for food. I offered to take him into the diner and buy him lunch. He rather forcefully declined, indicating that he'd rather have the cash. I declined to give it to him.

That story seems to me a rather good example of what we do with our social welfare system in this country.... We give people money rather than the things they need to live. How many people do you think would suddenly decide they didn't need SNAP if it gave them bags of healthy groceries on a weekly basis rather than money to spend? I bet you'd see a considerably decline in the number of people collecting on that program.

If I had a nickel for every person who told that bullshit story, I'd be rich
Just Wither and Die please. Like it. Terrific thing to run on. As honest as it gets in politics these days.

Bulworth - Trailer #1 - Video

Or maybe the decide to actually try to improve their lives. God forbid they become self sufficient, the Dems would lose their guaranteed votes.

Several things happen when you divorce people from the means of survival in a society.

-They die.
-They commit crime.
-They revolt.
-They overcome the poverty and thrive.

Which do you think is the most likely outcome?

And that's why the Democrats have to keep them poor, hopeless, believing those 'evil Republicans' are at fault, and fed just enough to keep them from revolting.
And how has meeting their basic needs helped so far? There is generational poverty created by progressive policies. But since it gives you the false aura of "helping people" and "caring" you don't worry about it.

Cite an example from anywhere in the world where the poor have become more successful in society by receiving less

There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

That's the wrong concept, and the wrong question. its not a question of not spending some government money, its a question of how to spend it. Right now all we do is keep them at the same poverty level. We make is so its easy to just perpetuate the cycle, and we make it so there is no real consequences for fathering 6 kids with 6 baby mommas.

Welfare is the racism of low expectations when it comes to minorities, and the classisim of low expectations when it comes to white poor. Your concept of poverty elimination has failed, we've been doing it since the 60's and it has been a absolute waste.

lol, you say it's a question of how to spend the money, but you can't answer the question.

You have no solution, which makes even a mediocre or partial solution, such as we have now, a better idea than yours.
When a thousand people show up to apply for a hundred mostly low income jobs at a Walmart,

it puts an end to the conservative 'idea' that if we just cut people off from their assistance, they will magically go off and find jobs and be prosperous.
How will poor people be motivated to go get a job unless they suffer more? Let some of them start dropping in the street and the others will be motivated to go out and start a business

And how has meeting their basic needs helped so far? There is generational poverty created by progressive policies. But since it gives you the false aura of "helping people" and "caring" you don't worry about it.

Cite an example from anywhere in the world where the poor have become more successful in society by receiving less

There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

It's the question no conservative can answer. That's why they pretend it's not a valid question.
If I had a nickel for every person who told that bullshit story, I'd be rich

Well, then I can guarantee you that you won't see it from me again. I do one thing with people who call me a liar.... Welcome to the Ignore List.
It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.

Congress controls the VA's money and has the power to fix the VA, notice the ones working on it now is Congress, it's in their jurisdiction..

Uh, who appoints the head of the VA? The President does and that's because the VA is under his direct executive responsibility.

The VA is under the jurisdiction of the Executive Branch. Yes, Congress controls the purse strings, but wait, that was before Obama declared Congress impotent.
Anyway, it's not a money problem, the VA is a bureaucracy and it's primary instinct is self preservation and growth.

The problems at the VA was because of money, greed by doctors and VA had a 96% effective rate when audited recently..

I don't know how many conservatives actually believe this stuff down deep. But that end of the spectrum is currently trapped in an absolutist echo chamber where all of this is bad, all of that is bad, and all of it should end, completely.

That corner into which they're painting themselves is gonna get smaller and smaller.

Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

It's the Christian thing to do, right??
It's the question no conservative can answer. That's why they pretend it's not a valid question.

Excuse me.... I answered it previously in this very thread.....

Show me the other member of that list of 100 countries that has the reliable infastructure, free education, and stable government that the United States has. There are more than reasonable opportunities for people to improve their own lives.

The problem is that many of these people want things handed to them rather than actually having to work for them. They want to be excused from the consequences of their own actions and choices rather than being held responsible for them.
I don't know how many conservatives actually believe this stuff down deep. But that end of the spectrum is currently trapped in an absolutist echo chamber where all of this is bad, all of that is bad, and all of it should end, completely.

I don't know anyone, Conservative or otherwise who wants it ALL done away with. Many of us do want what is retained to have much more oversight and to be done at the STATE level, where it belongs rather than at the Federal level, but few (if any) want it all gone.
It's the question no conservative can answer. That's why they pretend it's not a valid question.

Excuse me.... I answered it previously in this very thread.....

Show me the other member of that list of 100 countries that has the reliable infastructure, free education, and stable government that the United States has. There are more than reasonable opportunities for people to improve their own lives.

The problem is that many of these people want things handed to them rather than actually having to work for them. They want to be excused from the consequences of their own actions and choices rather than being held responsible for them.

So why do a thousand people show up to apply for a hundred jobs at a Walmart?
If I had a nickel for every person who told that bullshit story, I'd be rich

Well, then I can guarantee you that you won't see it from me again. I do one thing with people who call me a liar.... Welcome to the Ignore List.

The reason the "I offered to buy him food and he declined" story is bullshit is because people want to limit their contact with beggars. They either toss them a buck or turn and walk away quickly

The "I will buy you dinner.." line works until the guy says " me dinner". I suspect few are willing to escort a homeless person into a restaurant and pick up the tab

So, Mr Anathema..........I call your claim, like others to be bullshit
So we buy them off, right? How about you spend YOUR money on that?

So basically you are saying poor black people would choose the middle two (no one is going to die) over the last? How racist of you.

Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.

A small portion of them did. the rest worked hard.

How does providing a woman with 5 kids from 4 different daddies everything she needs to survive giving them a route out of poverty? Especially if they don't have any negative results if they choose to just get their checks and motor on.

Basically prior to the New Deal?

You were guaranteed to work long hours, make very little money, get booted from your job at 50 and die at 55-60. And that's IF you could find employment.

That was life in the US of A.

After the New Deal? Life got better. ALOT better. Poverty went down from 20% or so to 11%. And there was very real social mobility and wage gain. And that's when a very real and robust middle class was created in this country.

Thanks to Reagan?

That got halted in it's tracks.
So why do a thousand people show up to apply for a hundred jobs at a Walmart?

Because in certain states, the benefits eventually run out and they can no longer steal our money via the Government. Honestly, if all the people who should be showing up to apply for each of those jobs did, they'd have thousands of people showing up for each individal job, nevermind a thousand of them.

I also wonder how long most of the ones who get the jobs stay there. One of my soon to be sisters-in-law got two jobs the beginning of this month when here state aid ran out. She quit one of them on her first day because she didn't like doing what she was required to (and this is a job she's had for short periods of time before, so she knew what she was getting into).
The problem with Hazelnut is that though he lacks the brain power to think, he has just enough to type.

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