GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

It was rather tactless, but in it lies a certain truth. You shouldn't shield people from their failures. Doing that leads to a false sense of entitlement. Those who have never tasted failure should be made to. Life isn't a bed of roses. What we lack the courage to do, is let poor people find a way for themselves; instead of letting the government lead them by the hand down an endless road, with no clear destination in sight.

Remind us what incentivizes you to stay unemployed.

TK has a safety net being provided by his grandmother. He wants a good job but has no incentive to go out and get one.

But he has a problem with those who don't have a grandma to provide food and shelter and an internet connection
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And how has meeting their basic needs helped so far? There is generational poverty created by progressive policies. But since it gives you the false aura of "helping people" and "caring" you don't worry about it.

Cite an example from anywhere in the world where the poor have become more successful in society by receiving less

There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

That's the wrong concept, and the wrong question. its not a question of not spending some government money, its a question of how to spend it. Right now all we do is keep them at the same poverty level. We make is so its easy to just perpetuate the cycle, and we make it so there is no real consequences for fathering 6 kids with 6 baby mommas.

Welfare is the racism of low expectations when it comes to minorities, and the classisim of low expectations when it comes to white poor. Your concept of poverty elimination has failed, we've been doing it since the 60's and it has been a absolute waste.

That is not all we do. Never has been

Our poverty programs have always provided more than a safety net. It has provided educational opportunities, job training, jobs placement incentives. Millions of people have used these programs to escape poverty

But the problem does not lay with the poor being too lazy to take advantage of opportunities but the lack of opportunities. When there are three people available for every open job, two are going to go without. Trying to pull away the safety net under these economic conditions will only increase suffering and do nothing about motivation
And how has meeting their basic needs helped so far? There is generational poverty created by progressive policies. But since it gives you the false aura of "helping people" and "caring" you don't worry about it.

Cite an example from anywhere in the world where the poor have become more successful in society by receiving less

There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

Excellent point and absolutely the reality. You don't improve the situation of the poor by making them suffer so they will be motivated to do something about their poverty. They usually do as much as they can about their poverty, but are not successful. You all are always complaining and making the assumption that these people are some kind of losers who don't work hard or try to make their way in the world. The vast number of people who receive government assistance do work hard and do try to make their own way in the world. You base your hatred of the poor on the minority who abuse the system. It's frightful how heartless, loathsome and cruel you are.

Bullshit, multi-generational welfare use gives lie to that statement. People not getting off the welfare roles gives lie to that statement. Constant demands for more spending on the poor without any results gives lie to that statement.

People who are destitute and are not mentally ill or druggies are usually destitute for a reason. THEY ARE LAZY. Give them the ability to just get by for free and they will do it.

What is frightful is that by letting them be born, live and die in urban squalor while perpetuating the same hell to the next generation, you actually think you are helping them.

In reality are you are doing is feeding them and buying them off in the feverent hope that they don't move into YOUR neighborhood.
Cite an example from anywhere in the world where the poor have become more successful in society by receiving less

There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

That's the wrong concept, and the wrong question. its not a question of not spending some government money, its a question of how to spend it. Right now all we do is keep them at the same poverty level. We make is so its easy to just perpetuate the cycle, and we make it so there is no real consequences for fathering 6 kids with 6 baby mommas.

Welfare is the racism of low expectations when it comes to minorities, and the classisim of low expectations when it comes to white poor. Your concept of poverty elimination has failed, we've been doing it since the 60's and it has been a absolute waste.

That is not all we do. Never has been

Our poverty programs have always provided more than a safety net. It has provided educational opportunities, job training, jobs placement incentives. Millions of people have used these programs to escape poverty

But the problem does not lay with the poor being too lazy to take advantage of opportunities but the lack of opportunities. When there are three people available for every open job, two are going to go without. Trying to pull away the safety net under these economic conditions will only increase suffering and do nothing about motivation

And when some don't use it, we let them just sit there and rot.

You have any numbers showing the whole 3 people Available for every open job? I see a ton of help wanted signs all around for deli counter people and crap like that.

People who are poor are probably poor for a reason. Some have to be forced to better themselves. But concepts of shame and responsibility are banned words for progressives.
Well, no disrespect to the candidate, but I'm glad we don't have the courage to just let people die of starvation. This guy doesn't profess to be a Christian does he?
How does this differ from Obama's VA?

Will you people stop with this crap? The VA has been screwed up for sixty years through 11 presidents.

It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.
Oh, and another thing! Most VA employees are union and there lies a large portion of the problem. Think Obama's going to go against his union buddies? I think not!
It was rather tactless, but in it lies a certain truth. You shouldn't shield people from their failures. Doing that leads to a false sense of entitlement. Those who have never tasted failure should be made to. Life isn't a bed of roses. What we lack the courage to do, is let poor people find a way for themselves; instead of letting the government lead them by the hand down an endless road, with no clear destination in sight.

Irony.....bucket loads of irony with this post..
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.
I'm not surprised you didn't get it, but decided to go for the literal translation just so you can score a cheap political shot on an obscure political forum.

Tell Me, when has any Democrat actually passed a bill (who was not forced to by the opposition party) that would restore the dignity of the downtrodden and actually get them off the government needle and into productive lives?
Oh, and another thing! Most VA employees are union and there lies a large portion of the problem. Think Obama's going to go against his union buddies? I think not!

Can you tell us which ones? Since many are just govt. employees..
How does this differ from Obama's VA?

Will you people stop with this crap? The VA has been screwed up for sixty years through 11 presidents.

It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.

Congress controls the VA's money and has the power to fix the VA, notice the ones working on it now is Congress, it's in their jurisdiction..
Just Wither and Die please. Like it. Terrific thing to run on. As honest as it gets in politics these days.

Bulworth - Trailer #1 - Video

Or maybe the decide to actually try to improve their lives. God forbid they become self sufficient, the Dems would lose their guaranteed votes.

Several things happen when you divorce people from the means of survival in a society.

-They die.
-They commit crime.
-They revolt.
-They overcome the poverty and thrive.

Which do you think is the most likely outcome?
I could give shit one about the poor.

I'm sick and tired of bankrolling their lives for em through welfare, medicaide and all that other social bullshit we taxpayers are forced to provice.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor. Those of you who think its your duty then whip out those wallets and checkbooks and have at it.

Oh wait. I forgot. None of you will do that. It would cost you every penny you have. Never mind.

Are you a Christian? Because if you are, it.

My stance is not based on religion at all; it's based on reason. Logically, it is clear there will always be people who need assistance, always have been and always will be. If we ignore them, we end up with the type of situations you see in the photos I posted. I am not willing to live in a country where I co-exist with that situation, so I believe that the State needs to step in and help. I don't mind paying for it through my taxes. It is certainly better to pay for that than to pay for wars.

However, I find it incredibly hypocritical for people who profess to be religious, Christian or otherwise, yet have the attitude you, Claudette, have. All of the major religions have guidelines and tenets that say it is their duty to help those in need -- the poor, the weak, the disabled, the disenfranchised, etc. To profess to be religious and ignore the poor is to be a hypocrite.

Oh I'm not religious at all. I view religion as one of the biggest problems in this world. More people have been killed over religion and there have been more wars fought over relgion than for any other reason. So nope, this chick ain't religious at all nor do I want to be.

Sorry. But its not my duty to bankroll someones life for em.

If you, Es, want to bankroll those lives then whip out that checkbook and wallet and have at it. It will be your choice and believe me they will bleed you dry.
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That's the wrong concept, and the wrong question. its not a question of not spending some government money, its a question of how to spend it. Right now all we do is keep them at the same poverty level. We make is so its easy to just perpetuate the cycle, and we make it so there is no real consequences for fathering 6 kids with 6 baby mommas.

Welfare is the racism of low expectations when it comes to minorities, and the classisim of low expectations when it comes to white poor. Your concept of poverty elimination has failed, we've been doing it since the 60's and it has been a absolute waste.

That is not all we do. Never has been

Our poverty programs have always provided more than a safety net. It has provided educational opportunities, job training, jobs placement incentives. Millions of people have used these programs to escape poverty

But the problem does not lay with the poor being too lazy to take advantage of opportunities but the lack of opportunities. When there are three people available for every open job, two are going to go without. Trying to pull away the safety net under these economic conditions will only increase suffering and do nothing about motivation

And when some don't use it, we let them just sit there and rot.

You have any numbers showing the whole 3 people Available for every open job? I see a ton of help wanted signs all around for deli counter people and crap like that.

People who are poor are probably poor for a reason. Some have to be forced to better themselves. But concepts of shame and responsibility are banned words for progressives.

There are 3 unemployed people for every job opening, Obama adviser says | PolitiFact

People are poor for a reason. There is always going to be a lower 25% of any population. In a good economy, that lower 25% will be able to find employment. In a bad economy, they will be the first to be let go

I fail to see how "shaming" poor people will help their lot in life
There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

How many of those other countries offer the infastructure, free elementary/secondary education, and relatively stable government of the United States? There are plenty of opportunities here for people to better themselves IF THEY WANT TO and IF THEY MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. People who don't want to better themselves and/or who make poor choices consistantly should not be catered to.

About three weeks ago my fiance and I had lunch at a local diner. As we left I was approached by an individual requesting money for food. I offered to take him into the diner and buy him lunch. He rather forcefully declined, indicating that he'd rather have the cash. I declined to give it to him.

That story seems to me a rather good example of what we do with our social welfare system in this country.... We give people money rather than the things they need to live. How many people do you think would suddenly decide they didn't need SNAP if it gave them bags of healthy groceries on a weekly basis rather than money to spend? I bet you'd see a considerably decline in the number of people collecting on that program.
Just Wither and Die please. Like it. Terrific thing to run on. As honest as it gets in politics these days.

Bulworth - Trailer #1 - Video

Or maybe the decide to actually try to improve their lives. God forbid they become self sufficient, the Dems would lose their guaranteed votes.

Several things happen when you divorce people from the means of survival in a society.

-They die.
-They commit crime.
-They revolt.
-They overcome the poverty and thrive.

Which do you think is the most likely outcome?

So we buy them off, right? How about you spend YOUR money on that?

So basically you are saying poor black people would choose the middle two (no one is going to die) over the last? How racist of you.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.


more lies from another libernitwit. :up:
Will you people stop with this crap? The VA has been screwed up for sixty years through 11 presidents.

It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.

Congress controls the VA's money and has the power to fix the VA, notice the ones working on it now is Congress, it's in their jurisdiction..

The VA's money has increased every year for over a decade.

VA's Budget, and Rolls, Have Boomed - WSJ

VA spending up 92.2% in the last decade.

VA's Spending Up 92.2% in One Decade | CNS News

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