GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

I could give shit one about the poor.

I'm sick and tired of bankrolling their lives for em through welfare, medicaide and all that other social bullshit we taxpayers are forced to provice.

Its not my duty to take care of the poor. Those of you who think its your duty then whip out those wallets and checkbooks and have at it.

Oh wait. I forgot. None of you will do that. It would cost you every penny you have. Never mind.

Are you a Christian? Because if you are, it is, in fact, your duty to help the poor.

My stance is not based on religion at all; it's based on reason. Logically, it is clear there will always be people who need assistance, always have been and always will be. If we ignore them, we end up with the type of situations you see in the photos I posted. I am not willing to live in a country where I co-exist with that situation, so I believe that the State needs to step in and help. I don't mind paying for it through my taxes. It is certainly better to pay for that than to pay for wars.

However, I find it incredibly hypocritical for people who profess to be religious, Christian or otherwise, yet have the attitude you, Claudette, have. All of the major religions have guidelines and tenets that say it is their duty to help those in need -- the poor, the weak, the disabled, the disenfranchised, etc. To profess to be religious and ignore the poor is to be a hypocrite.

and that should be a Personal choice of how they want shouldn't be at the end of a gun and FORCED on us to help through government...
but you people don't care how much it takes away from another persons use your religious verse to justify it
It was rather tactless, but in it lies a certain truth. You shouldn't shield people from their failures. Doing that leads to a false sense of entitlement. Those who have never tasted failure should be made to. Life isn't a bed of roses. What we lack the courage to do, is let poor people find a way for themselves; instead of letting the government lead them by the hand down an endless road, with no clear destination in sight.

There's no truth in it. None.

And it's a very dangerous thing to do.

You let enough poor "wither and die" and they become very angry, form into groups and kill the people letting them wither and die.

That's been the main reason for revolution through out history and represents a failure of governance.

Even the Romans knew this. Republicans think that just because they believe the poor should be "taught a lesson" that they will go off into a corner somewhere quiet and die and their hunger and desperation wont turn into actions

Now I understand republicans who dont believe that those actions wont affect them but dont be so sure. I also understand that people shouldnt turn to crime as a solution but saying that doesnt change someones situation and when people get desperate they will do almost anything.

Is that the Republican vision for America? Watch as the poor wither and die in the streets and also be on constant guard from other citizens all for your ideology?

What will America look like once your ideology takes hold? Would you want to stay?
I don't know how many conservatives actually believe this stuff down deep. But that end of the spectrum is currently trapped in an absolutist echo chamber where all of this is bad, all of that is bad, and all of it should end, completely.

I don't know anyone, Conservative or otherwise who wants it ALL done away with. Many of us do want what is retained to have much more oversight and to be done at the STATE level, where it belongs rather than at the Federal level, but few (if any) want it all gone.

That's where the oversight is: the states. :(
So we buy them off, right? How about you spend YOUR money on that?

So basically you are saying poor black people would choose the middle two (no one is going to die) over the last? How racist of you.

Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.

A small portion of them did. the rest worked hard.

How does providing a woman with 5 kids from 4 different daddies everything she needs to survive giving them a route out of poverty? Especially if they don't have any negative results if they choose to just get their checks and motor on.

You think starving those 5 kids is a good lesson? And that would make the kids what? Necessary casualties in the war against the war on poverty?
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

The people make about 20K less than in other states. I love when someone comes out and blames crap on the bottom but ship jobs overseas. They have knipshits about SNAP but you don't hear a peep in reference to crop insurance fraud. Nothing. Not a damn thing.
Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places - In These Times
Now I understand republicans who dont believe that those actions wont affect them but dont be so sure. I also understand that people shouldnt turn to crime as a solution but saying that doesnt change someones situation and when people get desperate they will do almost anything.

That's why most of us go armed..... These wastes of flesh and oxygen step out of line, they don't get a second chance to make that same mistake.

Is that the Republican vision for America? Watch as the poor wither and die in the streets and also be on constant guard from other citizens all for your ideology?

Ideology is all that we have as human beings. How well we do at living up to it is what we will be judged on at the end. Which is why most Republicans fail.... they can't live up to their own ideology. See one Cantor, Eric and his failed primary this past Tuesday for proof of that.

What will America look like once your ideology takes hold? Would you want to stay?

Because it hasn't taken hold is the main reason I'm trying to get the hell out of here as it is. I wonder if Putin is taking immigration and citizenship requests from Americans who aren't either rich or holding US State Secrets. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia is not at this time.
Now I understand republicans who dont believe that those actions wont affect them but dont be so sure. I also understand that people shouldnt turn to crime as a solution but saying that doesnt change someones situation and when people get desperate they will do almost anything.

That's why most of us go armed..... These wastes of flesh and oxygen step out of line, they don't get a second chance to make that same mistake.

Have you ever had to shoot someone? Trust me, it aint all "bang bang ur dead lol".

Is that the Republican vision for America? Watch as the poor wither and die in the streets and also be on constant guard from other citizens all for your ideology?

Ideology is all that we have as human beings. How well we do at living up to it is what we will be judged on at the end. Which is why most Republicans fail.... they can't live up to their own ideology. See one Cantor, Eric and his failed primary this past Tuesday for proof of that. [/quote]

No actually we also have virtues. Want to know why no one seems to ever live up to Republican Ideology ever? Is it because no one in history could or that the ideology is so fake that its impossible to live up too.

What will America look like once your ideology takes hold? Would you want to stay?

Because it hasn't taken hold is the main reason I'm trying to get the hell out of here as it is. I wonder if Putin is taking immigration and citizenship requests from Americans who aren't either rich or holding US State Secrets. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia is not at this time.[/QUOTE]

Where are you going to go? I'd love to hear where this Republican utopia exists. Russia sure aint it.
Ya know if you work hard you won't have to worry about "withering" and "dying." You live in a land of opportunity, there are no victims in the USA.
Now I understand republicans who dont believe that those actions wont affect them but dont be so sure. I also understand that people shouldnt turn to crime as a solution but saying that doesnt change someones situation and when people get desperate they will do almost anything.

That's why most of us go armed..... These wastes of flesh and oxygen step out of line, they don't get a second chance to make that same mistake.

Have you ever had to shoot someone? Trust me, it aint all "bang bang ur dead lol".

Is that the Republican vision for America? Watch as the poor wither and die in the streets and also be on constant guard from other citizens all for your ideology?

Ideology is all that we have as human beings. How well we do at living up to it is what we will be judged on at the end. Which is why most Republicans fail.... they can't live up to their own ideology. See one Cantor, Eric and his failed primary this past Tuesday for proof of that.

No actually we also have virtues. Want to know why no one seems to ever live up to Republican Ideology ever? Is it because no one in history could or that the ideology is so fake that its impossible to live up too.

What will America look like once your ideology takes hold? Would you want to stay?

Because it hasn't taken hold is the main reason I'm trying to get the hell out of here as it is. I wonder if Putin is taking immigration and citizenship requests from Americans who aren't either rich or holding US State Secrets. Unfortunately Saudi Arabia is not at this time.[/QUOTE]

Where are you going to go? I'd love to hear where this Republican utopia exists. Russia sure aint it.[/QUOTE]

Republican utopia can be right here in US if we fight to take it back from the Marxist who control White House and Senate.
Have you ever had to shoot someone? Trust me, it aint all "bang bang ur dead lol".

I have not had to do so as of yet. I have had the pleasure of sitting and speaking to/learning from a number of individuals who have had to, in LEO, self-defense, and military roles. Their comments and experiences go into the way that I train. The fact that I have little to no regard for human life doesn't hurt either.

No actually we also have virtues. Want to know why no one seems to ever live up to Republican Ideology ever? Is it because no one in history could or that the ideology is so fake that its impossible to live up too.

I disagree. What I think is impossible is to live those ideals and still get elected in large parts of the country.

Where are you going to go? I'd love to hear where this Republican utopia exists. Russia sure aint it.

Given my preference.... Saudi Arabia.

Republican utopia can be right here in US if we fight to take it back from the Marxist who control White House and Senate.

Republicans really don't have a utopia because they don't have ideals, as Mr. Cantor proved on Tuesday. They have re-election strategies. Conservatives have ideals though our Utopia cannot come into existance in this nation without significant bloodshed.
Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.

A small portion of them did. the rest worked hard.

How does providing a woman with 5 kids from 4 different daddies everything she needs to survive giving them a route out of poverty? Especially if they don't have any negative results if they choose to just get their checks and motor on.

Basically prior to the New Deal?

You were guaranteed to work long hours, make very little money, get booted from your job at 50 and die at 55-60. And that's IF you could find employment.

That was life in the US of A.

After the New Deal? Life got better. ALOT better. Poverty went down from 20% or so to 11%. And there was very real social mobility and wage gain. And that's when a very real and robust middle class was created in this country.

Thanks to Reagan?

That got halted in it's tracks.

That was urban immigrant life in the USA. You limit the sample set to suit your own agenda.

WWII is what lifted the economy up. The New Deal was a Band-Aid.
Buy them off?


Provide assistance and educate, yes. That's been the most successful route out of poverty.

And where in my post do you see anything about black folks?

By the way..the way most immigrant waves have survived in this country..that includes Germans, Italians, Irish, etc..who came AFTER blacks..were to form organized crime groups.

A small portion of them did. the rest worked hard.

How does providing a woman with 5 kids from 4 different daddies everything she needs to survive giving them a route out of poverty? Especially if they don't have any negative results if they choose to just get their checks and motor on.

You think starving those 5 kids is a good lesson? And that would make the kids what? Necessary casualties in the war against the war on poverty?

When you take care of them for the irresponsible parents, you tell prospective irresponsible parents that they will be taken care of as well.

No one is talking about starving. What should come back are children's homes. We will even let you bleeding hearts run them, provide a rudimentary budget, and let you go out and raise additional funds. What shouldn't happen is a blank check to anyone who decides to do whatever the fuck they want to, and make someone else pay for it.

These parents should not be rewarded for fucking over the system. They are now.

I don't know how many conservatives actually believe this stuff down deep. But that end of the spectrum is currently trapped in an absolutist echo chamber where all of this is bad, all of that is bad, and all of it should end, completely.

That corner into which they're painting themselves is gonna get smaller and smaller.

Absolutism can be one of the most dangerous aspects if a group. It's something you are seeing more on the right.
Laws that come from people like that need to be really examined.
Give a man a fish he eats for a day. Teach a man how to fish he eats for a lifetime.

There is No Way out of poverty without an education. Education should be a part of the welfare program. There needs to be an end date with a plan in place. Right now it's a never ending free for all. As long as we're giving out free stuff there will never be a reason to stop receiving the free stuff.

I know exactly how the system works as I worked the system for 3 years. It was a hand up not a hand out. For many it is a hand out and they want free coffee & donuts to go along with that free brick of gov't cheese. It's a vicious cycle unless educated enough to realize nothing is ever going to change without making the much needed changes.

There needs to be a complete overhaul of the welfare system. It's crazy ~ I get this much money for welfare. If I get food stamps then they take money from my welfare check. I get HUD housing so that meant I get less food stamps. No way to get ahead.
A never ending story...
Much better to give me all these programs for up to 6 years without playing games so I can go to school, get a good paying job, take care of my kid and get on with my life as a functioning tax paying citizen contributing instead of taking. The programs are not designed for anyone to do anything except wait for the next check.

We need to stop feeding and start teaching....

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