GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

So republicans have convinced themselves that billions of people throughout thousands of years are not as smart as they are and thats why republican ideals werent implemented anywhere in the entire history of the world.

You fuckers need to wake up
This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

Death has always been the #1 remedy for the poor. Once they die it doesn't matter how much money they have or don't have. All we're suggesting is quicker ways to get them to that point.

The poor are generally so because of mistakes they or their relatives have made. That's not our problem to fix.
This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

Death has always been the #1 remedy for the poor. Once they die it doesn't matter how much money they have or don't have. All we're suggesting is quicker ways to get them to that point.

The poor are generally so because of mistakes they or their relatives have made. That's not our problem to fix.

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This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

Death has always been the #1 remedy for the poor. Once they die it doesn't matter how much money they have or don't have. All we're suggesting is quicker ways to get them to that point.

The poor are generally so because of mistakes they or their relatives have made. That's not our problem to fix.


What? You've never heard Ebenezer Scrooge before?
How will poor people be motivated to go get a job unless they suffer more? Let some of them start dropping in the street and the others will be motivated to go out and start a business

And how has meeting their basic needs helped so far? There is generational poverty created by progressive policies. But since it gives you the false aura of "helping people" and "caring" you don't worry about it.

it needs to be cut off at a certain point.....and you make sure those about to get on it understand that....and enforce it....
Death has always been the #1 remedy for the poor. Once they die it doesn't matter how much money they have or don't have. All we're suggesting is quicker ways to get them to that point.

The poor are generally so because of mistakes they or their relatives have made. That's not our problem to fix.


What? You've never heard Ebenezer Scrooge before?

Are there no prisons? Are there no work houses?
Ya know if you work hard you won't have to worry about "withering" and "dying." You live in a land of opportunity, there are no victims in the USA.

that's funny?
all those who died and almost died to come here to the land of the free to make their lives on their own hard work, would be ashamed of us today

it's been sad watching it die and become a country of give me, I deserve, the hell if it's off taxpayers backs
Ya know if you work hard you won't have to worry about "withering" and "dying." You live in a land of opportunity, there are no victims in the USA.

that's funny?
all those who died and almost died to come here to the land of the free to make their lives on their own hard work, would be ashamed of us today

it's been sad watching it die and become a country of give me, I deserve, the hell if it's off taxpayers backs

I have a friend from another country. His family worked very hard to get here. His favorite saying is...
Only in America do you have the opportunity to do and be Whatever you want. And only in America will able bodied Americans sit around waiting for a gov't check.

Where else in the world do they pay people to do nothing???

that's funny?
all those who died and almost died to come here to the land of the free to make their lives on their own hard work, would be ashamed of us today

it's been sad watching it die and become a country of give me, I deserve, the hell if it's off taxpayers backs

I have a friend from another country. His family worked very hard to get here. His favorite saying is...
Only in America do you have the opportunity to do and be Whatever you want. And only in America will able bodied Americans sit around waiting for a gov't check.

Where else in the world do they pay people to do nothing???

well when you have people who are enablers to keeping people down like a lot of bleeding hearts liberals and the Democrat party , who feed them a constant diet of how it's not their fault and we are you only champion for WE CARE and that other party doesn't so vote for us for your free money to keep rolling in
I think we're pretty much history and that what Obama and Democrats see's it the time to FINISH US OFF....say goodby to being a free people.... they just took control of our healthcare now they us right where they want us...bowing to our new masters in the Government
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What? You've never heard Ebenezer Scrooge before?

Are there no prisons? Are there no work houses?

Scrooge was a pansy. Prisons? Work Houses? How about mass, unmarked graves and a couple dozen cases of 7.62mm ammo.

Scrooge was intelligent.

He got some free labor out of the poor before they dropped dead.

7.62mm ammo costs money. A corpse is practially useless as a laborer. Apart from any gold fillings that may be extracted, which, incidently can be accomplished without the expenditure on ammo, the dead contribute nothing but fuel.
Scrooge was intelligent.

He got some free labor out of the poor before they dropped dead.

7.62mm ammo costs money. A corpse is practially useless as a laborer. Apart from any gold fillings that may be extracted, which, incidently can be accomplished without the expenditure on ammo, the dead contribute nothing but fuel.

I wouldn't hire the vast majority of America's poor to dig a hole in the ground and fill it in again for me, nevermind anything more complex. It would require a supervisor at 5x the pay of the laborer to get the work done properly in the appropriate time period. I can just pay the skilled laborer twice what I pay the poor man and end up spending a third of the money I did previously because I don't need a supervisor for every single employee. Hell, I can save almost 17% by having the Supervisor dig and fill in the hole himself.
I see these guys have a slightly different version of the Prodigal Son. In their version the father meets him at the gate and says you are no longer my son you dirty worthless bum, and the brother shoots him in the back as he walks away in tears. Jesus would be proud, or not.
I see these guys have a slightly different version of the Prodigal Son. In their version the father meets him at the gate and says you are no longer my son you dirty worthless bum, and the brother shoots him in the back as he walks away in tears. Jesus would be proud, or not.

You make the mistake of believing....

a. That any child of mine wouldn't have known heading out the door that they would never be welcome back.

b. That all Conservatives are Christians.
I see these guys have a slightly different version of the Prodigal Son. In their version the father meets him at the gate and says you are no longer my son you dirty worthless bum, and the brother shoots him in the back as he walks away in tears. Jesus would be proud, or not.

You make the mistake of believing....

a. That any child of mine wouldn't have known heading out the door that they would never be welcome back.

b. That all Conservatives are Christians.
I made no mistakes. a. I fully believe. b. I never assumed, you did that.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

I particularly like the arrogance and patronizing tone of the statement.

I guess it's easy for someone who is guaranteed a pension and health care for life to say stupid garbage.

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