GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'

No Republican has the guts to admit that abortion is a necessary evil. We need to thin the herd. This planet is over populated.

then why don't you and your friends pay for them leftard; why do we have to?

You don't want to abort them and you don't want to pay for them......what other options do you have?

Unfortunately there are too many single moms having to contend with dads that have developed that kind of attitude. They have kids but then realize they can't afford the responsibility, so they walk away. Why is it that some people believe that life should provide for us an easy path for the choices we make? You can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices and work a little harder towards achieving those opportunities you seek. Instead we want to blame others and simply TAKE what they own, rather than seek to educate ourselves in how they attained their success. The question is: would we be willing to go through the long hours, take some financial risk, and be willing to fail in order that we may learn how we can succeed in life? Instead the solution seems - we simply take from those who have earned and benefited from their education and labor, and give to those who would rather not put in the time and effort. In short that is what Rightwinger, and others like him, are desiring that our government to do.
then why don't you and your friends pay for them leftard; why do we have to?

You don't want to abort them and you don't want to pay for them......what other options do you have?

Unfortunately there are too many single moms having to contend with dads that have developed that kind of attitude. They have kids but then realize they can't afford the responsibility, so they walk away. Why is it that some people believe that life should provide for us an easy path for the choices we make? You can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices and work a little harder towards achieving those opportunities you seek. Instead we want to blame others and simply TAKE what they own, rather than seek to educate ourselves in how they attained their success. The question is: would we be willing to go through the long hours, take some financial risk, and be willing to fail in order that we may learn how we can succeed in life? Instead the solution seems - we simply take from those who have earned and benefited from their education and labor, and give to those who would rather not put in the time and effort. In short that is what Rightwinger, and others like him, are desiring that our government to do.

Nice dodge of the question. Buckle down and try hard seems to be the standard conservative reply, but it doesn't address the situation

Young woman is pregnant. She has a choice to make
Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child

If your answer is......suck it up, buckle down and try harder, it seems you want to encourage her to abort
there are more poor people since Obama and Democrats came to power; millions more.
they are people that used to have it better

stay in denial all day leftardz; you are a pathetic bunch

I got to go; i'll be back to ridicule your moronic denial and projection some more later
you idiot


are you so stupid; or to put it another way; think the people you claim to want to protect are so stupid that they wouldn't be more careful about getting pregnant if they they knew there wasn't an automatic welfare check for them regardless?
you idiot


are you so stupid; or to put it another way; think the people you claim to want to protect are so stupid that they wouldn't be more careful about getting pregnant if they they knew there wasn't an automatic welfare check for them regardless?

Again you don't answer the question

The woman is already pregnant. What do conservatives want her to do?
She has a short window to make her decision

Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child?
redundant and outright criminal use of taxpayer dollars but the radical left keeps blaming republicans. It's another definition of insanity.

Republicans are to blame. Why are you talking about "outright criminal use of taxpayer dollars" as if Republicans have never done that?


Insanity is accusing others of doing what you are doing while you claim innocence.
then why don't you and your friends pay for them leftard; why do we have to?

You don't want to abort them and you don't want to pay for them......what other options do you have?

Unfortunately there are too many single moms having to contend with dads that have developed that kind of attitude. They have kids but then realize they can't afford the responsibility, so they walk away. Why is it that some people believe that life should provide for us an easy path for the choices we make? You can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices and work a little harder towards achieving those opportunities you seek. Instead we want to blame others and simply TAKE what they own, rather than seek to educate ourselves in how they attained their success. The question is: would we be willing to go through the long hours, take some financial risk, and be willing to fail in order that we may learn how we can succeed in life? Instead the solution seems - we simply take from those who have earned and benefited from their education and labor, and give to those who would rather not put in the time and effort. In short that is what Rightwinger, and others like him, are desiring that our government to do.

It would be awesome if there actually existed clear straightforward paths out of poverty but the reality is that it's a mighty slippery slope at the bottom and mere encouragement is useless and punishing poverty as an exclusively personal failing is probably the very worse way to fight it.
You don't want to abort them and you don't want to pay for them......what other options do you have?

Unfortunately there are too many single moms having to contend with dads that have developed that kind of attitude. They have kids but then realize they can't afford the responsibility, so they walk away. Why is it that some people believe that life should provide for us an easy path for the choices we make? You can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices and work a little harder towards achieving those opportunities you seek. Instead we want to blame others and simply TAKE what they own, rather than seek to educate ourselves in how they attained their success. The question is: would we be willing to go through the long hours, take some financial risk, and be willing to fail in order that we may learn how we can succeed in life? Instead the solution seems - we simply take from those who have earned and benefited from their education and labor, and give to those who would rather not put in the time and effort. In short that is what Rightwinger, and others like him, are desiring that our government to do.

Nice dodge of the question. Buckle down and try hard seems to be the standard conservative reply, but it doesn't address the situation

Young woman is pregnant. She has a choice to make
Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child

If your answer is......suck it up, buckle down and try harder, it seems you want to encourage her to abort

If she has the support of a working husband or boyfriend, why would she ever have the need to abort? Do you support the decision of the man to get up and walk away?
Unfortunately there are too many single moms having to contend with dads that have developed that kind of attitude. They have kids but then realize they can't afford the responsibility, so they walk away. Why is it that some people believe that life should provide for us an easy path for the choices we make? You can't always get what you want, sometimes you have to be willing to make sacrifices and work a little harder towards achieving those opportunities you seek. Instead we want to blame others and simply TAKE what they own, rather than seek to educate ourselves in how they attained their success. The question is: would we be willing to go through the long hours, take some financial risk, and be willing to fail in order that we may learn how we can succeed in life? Instead the solution seems - we simply take from those who have earned and benefited from their education and labor, and give to those who would rather not put in the time and effort. In short that is what Rightwinger, and others like him, are desiring that our government to do.

Nice dodge of the question. Buckle down and try hard seems to be the standard conservative reply, but it doesn't address the situation

Young woman is pregnant. She has a choice to make
Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child

If your answer is......suck it up, buckle down and try harder, it seems you want to encourage her to abort

If she has the support of a working husband or boyfriend, why would she ever have the need to abort? Do you support the decision of the man to get up and walk away?

You are still not addressing her problem

She is pregnant NOW. What do you propose to do?

Should she abort ?
Will you offer her support for her and her child?
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

I'm going to pass up the opportunity to criticize Johnston for the more obvious reason and skip right over that to deal with what's referred to as welfare for the rich.

Regardless of where people live, I advise them to take a close look at what happens when wealthy professional sports owners petition your state gov't (and county gov'ts) to "help them" finance the building of a new stadium. Generally what happens is a bond issue is floated or an increase in the sales tax is levied and ALL taxpayers, including people who don't care one whit about sports, are essentially forced to help pay for a new stadium and all the amenities (like sky boxes) which benefit the owners and the wealthy.

Generally, the argument for such taxpayer help goes something like this: The new stadium will benefit the whole city/state and bring increased wealth to the area in the form of business, tourism, etc. Well, the same argument could be made for any public works project that doesn't funnel money to very wealthy people, so what's the REAL reason why team owners get such a benefit? Because they're well-connected, and they grease the right palms along the way. That's why.

Take a look at a lot of the sports team franchises all across the country. They're worth BILLIONS of dollars now because taxpayers from all income strata have helped the owners finance the building of stadiums in sweetheart deals that have often turned over parking and concessions to the owners that was money that once, at least in part, used to go to the cities.

The point is that most of the owners could have financed these projects privately and STILL reaped a huge financial windfall at the end of the day. But the taxpayer very often gets stuck with a big chunk of the bill and the cities give away too much in the process, all of which helped make billionaires out of multimillionaires. But you don't hear these wealthy people and their representatives talk about how gov't should not get involved in private enterprise unless or until gov't is trying to tax them or hold them accountable in some way, do you?

All I can say is let me know when a Republican doesn't bow down at the feet of a wealthy campaign contributor who wants a no bid gov't contract (like Halliburton and the telecommunications industry), or a tax break of some kind (trade associations and lobbyists), or immunity from law suits (like the gun industry and the telecommunications industry in the wake of the spying scandals of a few years ago). If and when I ever see that happen, then I'll take Republicans seriously. But not until then!
Nice dodge of the question. Buckle down and try hard seems to be the standard conservative reply, but it doesn't address the situation

Young woman is pregnant. She has a choice to make
Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child

If your answer is......suck it up, buckle down and try harder, it seems you want to encourage her to abort

If she has the support of a working husband or boyfriend, why would she ever have the need to abort? Do you support the decision of the man to get up and walk away?

You are still not addressing her problem

She is pregnant NOW. What do you propose to do?

Should she abort ?
Will you offer her support for her and her child?

Having the father take on the financial responsibility is the answer to "what does she do NOW". Why do you insist on ignoring personal responsibility? Why should the government have the American taxpayer pay for everyone else's mistakes and personal decisions? If an illiterate individual trusts what the bank says on a mortgage loan, should I bail that person out because he or she refuses to educate themselves? I wish I didn't have to work so hard to pay all my bills, perhaps I should sit back and let all the other taxpayers take care of them for me. Some people find it more rewarding to work their way out of their own problems they face, rather than allow someone else to do it because it's too damn hard.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

I'm going to pass up the opportunity to criticize Johnston for the more obvious reason and skip right over that to deal with what's referred to as welfare for the rich.

Regardless of where people live, I advise them to take a close look at what happens when wealthy professional sports owners petition your state gov't (and county gov'ts) to "help them" finance the building of a new stadium. Generally what happens is a bond issue is floated or an increase in the sales tax is levied and ALL taxpayers, including people who don't care one whit about sports, are essentially forced to help pay for a new stadium and all the amenities (like sky boxes) which benefit the owners and the wealthy.

Generally, the argument for such taxpayer help goes something like this: The new stadium will benefit the whole city/state and bring increased wealth to the area in the form of business, tourism, etc. Well, the same argument could be made for any public works project that doesn't funnel money to very wealthy people, so what's the REAL reason why team owners get such a benefit? Because they're well-connected, and they grease the right palms along the way. That's why.

Take a look at a lot of the sports team franchises all across the country. They're worth BILLIONS of dollars now because taxpayers from all income strata have helped the owners finance the building of stadiums in sweetheart deals that have often turned over parking and concessions to the owners that was money that once, at least in part, used to go to the cities.

The point is that most of the owners could have financed these projects privately and STILL reaped a huge financial windfall at the end of the day. But the taxpayer very often gets stuck with a big chunk of the bill and the cities give away too much in the process, all of which helped make billionaires out of multimillionaires. But you don't hear these wealthy people and their representatives talk about how gov't should not get involved in private enterprise unless or until gov't is trying to tax them or hold them accountable in some way, do you?

All I can say is let me know when a Republican doesn't bow down at the feet of a wealthy campaign contributor who wants a no bid gov't contract (like Halliburton and the telecommunications industry), or a tax break of some kind (trade associations and lobbyists), or immunity from law suits (like the gun industry and the telecommunications industry in the wake of the spying scandals of a few years ago). If and when I ever see that happen, then I'll take Republicans seriously. But not until then!

Dems were the first ones to give Halliburton no-bid contracts
the majority of taxes paid are paid by the wealthy and corporations

regular folks had it better when the mean ol corporation-loving Republicans were running things

ok; go back to drooling

I'll stand up and call him out on it if he said that.. It's despicable ..

Now let's see you do the same with Hillary's defense of a child rapist.
Artificially supporting the slow, stupid, sick and weak strains limited resources and, in the end, weakens the species; as such, doing so runs contrary to the laws of nature.
you idiot


are you so stupid; or to put it another way; think the people you claim to want to protect are so stupid that they wouldn't be more careful about getting pregnant if they they knew there wasn't an automatic welfare check for them regardless?

Again you don't answer the question

The woman is already pregnant. What do conservatives want her to do?
She has a short window to make her decision

Do you want her to abort or are you willing to help her with the child?

i want her to go find you; i know you wont desert her in her hour of need.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

I'm not sure what Johnston's really talking about since Republicans have shown little in the way of squeamishness when it comes to letting the poor wither on the vine while at the same time feathering the nests of wealthy campaign contributors. Their recent vote regarding the SNAP program shows that to be true. In that respect, Republicans have "guts" galore.
poor people had it better when Republicans ran things

the very richest and ONLY the very richest have gotten ahead under obama and Progressive majority rule

under obama and dems; the rich are getting richer FASTER than they were under republicans and bush

and under obama the poor are getting POORER FASTER than they were under Republicans

libs are losers who lie to themselves
poor people had it better when Republicans ran things

the very richest and ONLY the very richest have gotten ahead under obama and Progressive majority rule

under obama and dems; the rich are getting richer FASTER than they were under republicans and bush

and under obama the poor are getting POORER FASTER than they were under Republicans

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Most poor people in the US live like kings compared to the poor in the rest of the world; if you're overweight, have a cell phone and cable TV, you aren't poor.
Most poor people in the US live like kings compared to the poor in the rest of the world; if you're overweight, have a cell phone and cable TV, you aren't poor.

Unless, of course, you qualify for "lifeline" cable TV rates and have one or more Obamaphones. For those you have to at least claim you're poor.
My stance is not based on religion at all; it's based on reason.

Logically, it is clear there will always be people who need assistance, always have been and always will be. If we ignore them, we end up with the type of situations you see in the photos I posted.
Since these people will always be, they will be if we ignore them or not.

I am not willing to live in a country where I co-exist with that situation, so I believe that the State needs to step in and help.
There you go, kids:
I am not willing to tolerate this, so I want the state to force everyone to live up to my sense of morality!

Who are you to impose your version of morality on others?

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