GOP: we need the courage to let poor people 'wither and die'


Fuck you tea party!
Ignorant nonsense.

This ignorance as to the facts concerning public assistance and poverty is typical of most on the right.
Conservatives need to educate themselves first before exhibiting their ignorance on the subject.

And it’s republicans for the most part who are using public assistance as a political tool, to propagate lies and myths about those who receive public assistance for some perceived political gain.

Not at all. A large portion of these people are getting something for nothing. That is NOT the American way; or at least it was never intended to be.

That is not entirely true. A lot of the wealth in this country originated from the concept of "getting something for nothing." Surely you are familiar with the Land Rush of 1889/1893 and the gold rush of 1849. Free land and gold claims may have given any one of our White ancestors or relatives the means to hand down unearned wealth to his/her descendants. That unique position also gave beneficiaries the power to acquire even more unearned wealth from the sweat and labor of he less fortunate or disenfranchised who were either slaves or paid hands.
Wikepedia said:
The Unassigned Lands were considered some of the best unoccupied public land in the United States. The Indian Appropriations Bill of 1889 was passed and signed into law with an amendment by Illinois Representative William McKendree Springer, that authorized President Benjamin Harrison to open the two million acres (8,000*km²) for settlement. Due to the Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, legal settlers could claim lots up to 160 acres (0.65*km2) in size. Provided a settler lived on the land and improved it, the settler could then receive the title to the land.[2]

C_Clayton_Jones said:
Why do WE have to continue supporting people who are either unable or unwilling to support themselves DUE TO THEIR OWN MISTAKES IN LIFE???
Because many Americans walk the walk and talk the talk the way Jesus would have. Those who are true Christians could really have it no other way...Fortunately, these blessed souls appear to be in the majority!
Meanwhile more land was given away FREE!
Wkiipedia said:
The Land Run of 1893, also known as the Cherokee Strip Land Run, marked the opening to settlement of the Cherokee Outlet, in what would become the U.S. state of Oklahoma. The run began at noon on September 16, 1893, with more than 100,000 participants hoping to claim land. The land offices for the run were set up in Perry, Enid, Woodward, and Alva with over 6.5 million acres (26,000*km²) of land. It was the largest land run in United States history.[1]

Land Run of 1893 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How does this differ from Obama's VA?

Will you people stop with this crap? The VA has been screwed up for sixty years through 11 presidents.

It's Obama's now, and he's the one who promised to fix it! When a President takes office he takes ownership of everything in the Executive Branch, that includes the VA. Commander In Chief of the military he double owns the VA.
So just stop passing the buck to his predecessors and lay the responsibility where it belongs.

And as I have said over and over. He specifically said he would fix it. Not only did he not even try. it got worse. Now he needs to reap what he sowed. But he doesn't own this more than any of the other ones.

there were fewer poor people when republicans ran things; even in Bush's worst year; let alone his best years

libs are losers who lie to themselves
You know....................Jesus said that the poor will always be with us.

There is also a point in Jewish theology that says that you should lay about 10 percent of your land to be grown for the poor.

Sorry, but God wanted us to care for those less fortunate. God is kinda socialist in that way.
You know....................Jesus said that the poor will always be with us.

There is also a point in Jewish theology that says that you should lay about 10 percent of your land to be grown for the poor.

Sorry, but God wanted us to care for those less fortunate. God is kinda socialist in that way.

Why is it people want to use God and Jesus when it suits them? They want to boast the teachings of the bible, yet wish to remove crosses that are displayed in public or prohibit the display of nativity scenes. Seems to me this nation has already decided to reject the biblical references in regard to how we are to care for one another and the less fortunate, so why raise the concern now for Jesus' point of view in the matter? I'm sure we don't need to hear biblical references from the government, after fighting so hard to uphold the liberal interpretation of "separation of church and state".
You know....................Jesus said that the poor will always be with us.

There is also a point in Jewish theology that says that you should lay about 10 percent of your land to be grown for the poor.

Sorry, but God wanted us to care for those less fortunate. God is kinda socialist in that way.

Why is it people want to use God and Jesus when it suits them? They want to boast the teachings of the bible, yet wish to remove crosses that are displayed in public or prohibit the display of nativity scenes. Seems to me this nation has already decided to reject the biblical references in regard to how we are to care for one another and the less fortunate, so why raise the concern now for Jesus' point of view in the matter? I'm sure we don't need to hear biblical references from the government, after fighting so hard to uphold the liberal interpretation of "separation of church and state".

I ask the same question myself when it comes to the conservatives. Why do they support various quotes when it suits them, yet go against them when it seems to be appropriate?

Sorry, but conservatives are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.

I particularly like the arrogance and patronizing tone of the statement.

I guess it's easy for someone who is guaranteed a pension and health care for life to say stupid garbage.

Last I knew everyone has equal free access to public education. Now, what they choose to do with that is not the government's responsibility, that rests solely on the individual. If you make the choice to take full advantage and apply yourself, you will make out better than the drop out who chooses to wander the streets. Should the government bear the burden of someone's bad decision, or provide them the resources (not free government provisions) towards earning a wage in order to provide for themselves? Where is the accountability? Is there any record that shows the government's War On Poverty has reduced the nation's poverty rate, or statistics where those once among the poor have been able to successfully work their way out from a life of government dependency?
You know....................Jesus said that the poor will always be with us.

There is also a point in Jewish theology that says that you should lay about 10 percent of your land to be grown for the poor.

Sorry, but God wanted us to care for those less fortunate. God is kinda socialist in that way.

Why is it people want to use God and Jesus when it suits them? They want to boast the teachings of the bible, yet wish to remove crosses that are displayed in public or prohibit the display of nativity scenes. Seems to me this nation has already decided to reject the biblical references in regard to how we are to care for one another and the less fortunate, so why raise the concern now for Jesus' point of view in the matter? I'm sure we don't need to hear biblical references from the government, after fighting so hard to uphold the liberal interpretation of "separation of church and state".

I ask the same question myself when it comes to the conservatives. Why do they support various quotes when it suits them, yet go against them when it seems to be appropriate?

Sorry, but conservatives are nothing more than a bunch of hypocrites.

I haven't heard many conservatives that embrace the complete removal of Christian teachings or prayer in public settings, have you? Have conservative Republicans tried to re-establish God in their political convention platform among a crowd of unhappy booing onlookers? That was the core message surrounding my post regarding the public embrace of biblical teachings, try to stay focused.
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So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

its selfishness, not stupidity. Progressives have sold people a bill of goods that states government can give you all sorts of goodies, and that someone else will pay for them.

Our current electorate likes to vote themselves more stuff, and is willing to give up control of parts of their freedom to do it. That the rest of us don't want to come along for the ride, and should be protected from this via the constitution is irrelevant to them.

All around the world? Not one nation or civilization throughout history has taken on full implementation of conservative ideals because everyone, everywhere throughout history were stupid?

This sounds like the kid with all E's telling his mother that every teacher hates him. It cant be everyone else

The citizens of Greece took on the belief that government should provide their needs, that they were simply "entitled" rather than earn it for themselves, look at the effect it had on their country.
So your answer to why no one wants republican ideals is because 100% of all people are stupid and its NOT the ideals that are crazy...its Billions of individuals all around the world?

Not the common denominator? Thats a new one

No. It's not because they're stupid. Stupid would indicate an incapacity to learn. In the vast majority of cases it's because they choose to willfully obfuscate the truth and to dismiss things they know are correct in favor of those things that are popular.

So, the biggest impediment to conservative ideas is democratic government.

No. Not at all. A truly Conservative government is at least partially democratic in nature. What it is not is open to every moron and loser out there who either can't or won't be proven to be informed, educated, and accepting on the way things SHOULD be done. Like women and the unemployed, for example.

This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

Why is it that liberals seem to sway away from personal accountability and responsibility? It's their notion that the Federal Government should continue to bail-out everyone of their problems. and live in a care free society where someone else will simply pay for what you are in need of? It's hard for a voter to turn away from a promise of a provision they don't have to pay for, even harder to vote for someone who tells you there is more self worth to be found earning something for yourself ... the government is just going to have to take that free provision back.
Indiana GOP candidate: ‘No one has the guts’ to let poor people ‘wither and die’

“I was not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings,” Johnston said. “I saw the opportunity to say something. I think a lot of the poor have no way out, and there’s no motivation to improve your position. It’s like training a child, either you enable them or force them out at some point.”

The candidate made the comments in a discussion thread on the Mad Mac page, which covers local politics.

“For almost three generations people, in some cases, have been given handouts,” Johnston said during the discussion. “They have been ‘enabled’ so much that their paradigm in life is simply being given the stuff of life, however meager.”

“What you see is a setting for a life of misery is life to them never-the-less,” he continued. “No one has the guts to just let them wither and die. No one who wants votes is willing to call a spade a spade. As long as the Dems can get their votes the enabling will continue. The Republicans need their votes and dare not cut the fiscal tether. It is really a political Catch-22.”

Did they learn nothing from 'legitimate rape' guy?

These sound bytes are killers--especially since the base ain't rich.
guys like this one who is trying to cover up his true feeling, they hate the 'Idea of seeing a poor person get food stamps ... they hate any kind of Idea to help the poor... if they are so adamant on the their deaths here, to stop their agony of life, as he is tap dancing all over, then why do the object strongly to aborting them right up front ... look at all the money they will save from not paying them for a life time of being poor

No. It's not because they're stupid. Stupid would indicate an incapacity to learn. In the vast majority of cases it's because they choose to willfully obfuscate the truth and to dismiss things they know are correct in favor of those things that are popular.

No. Not at all. A truly Conservative government is at least partially democratic in nature. What it is not is open to every moron and loser out there who either can't or won't be proven to be informed, educated, and accepting on the way things SHOULD be done. Like women and the unemployed, for example.

This thread is a conservative advocacy for letting children starve to death as a remedy for poverty.

Anyone who supports any semblance of that idea should not be allowed to vote.

Why is it that liberals seem to sway away from personal accountability and responsibility? It's their notion that the Federal Government should continue to bail-out everyone of their problems. and live in a care free society where someone else will simply pay for what you are in need of? It's hard for a voter to turn away from a promise of a provision they don't have to pay for, even harder to vote for someone who tells you there is more self worth to be found earning something for yourself ... the government is just going to have to take that free provision back.

question One:Why is it that liberals seem to sway away from personal accountability and responsibility? because we love to watch you republican become irratated

question two: It's their notion that the Federal Government should continue to bail-out everyone of their problems. we liberals feel it's the republicans responsibility to pay for all of their needs ....

question three: live in a care free society where someone else will simply pay for what you are in need of? well that's what you republicans are here for ... to pay for all of our wants and desires ...

this is what idiots like this one believes ... he feels that every poor person loves hand outs... that they are in their poor place because they love to get free stuff that they don't like the idea of getting ahead in our world ... I've never met a poor person who didn't want to do better in life... never !!!! but I do see republicans saying stupid shit like this all the time
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its selfishness, not stupidity. Progressives have sold people a bill of goods that states government can give you all sorts of goodies, and that someone else will pay for them.

Our current electorate likes to vote themselves more stuff, and is willing to give up control of parts of their freedom to do it. That the rest of us don't want to come along for the ride, and should be protected from this via the constitution is irrelevant to them.

All around the world? Not one nation or civilization throughout history has taken on full implementation of conservative ideals because everyone, everywhere throughout history were stupid?

This sounds like the kid with all E's telling his mother that every teacher hates him. It cant be everyone else

The citizens of Greece took on the belief that government should provide their needs, that they were simply "entitled" rather than earn it for themselves, look at the effect it had on their country.

you have no Idea again what you're talking about here
There are over a hundred countries in the world where the poor receive less than in the US. Why aren't they thriving?

How many of those other countries offer the infastructure, free elementary/secondary education, and relatively stable government of the United States? There are plenty of opportunities here for people to better themselves IF THEY WANT TO and IF THEY MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES. People who don't want to better themselves and/or who make poor choices consistantly should not be catered to.

About three weeks ago my fiance and I had lunch at a local diner. As we left I was approached by an individual requesting money for food. I offered to take him into the diner and buy him lunch. He rather forcefully declined, indicating that he'd rather have the cash. I declined to give it to him.

That story seems to me a rather good example of what we do with our social welfare system in this country.... We give people money rather than the things they need to live. How many people do you think would suddenly decide they didn't need SNAP if it gave them bags of healthy groceries on a weekly basis rather than money to spend? I bet you'd see a considerably decline in the number of people collecting on that program.

Why are you making up your personal anecdotes?

You need to become educated.
Is it weird that our USMB nutters won't come to grips with the fact that most of the adult poor in this nation have jobs. The kinds of jobs that used to allow a person to raise a family and retire with dignity?

Yes. It is weird.
plus all the dead bodies laying around do not do anyone anygood.....disease,stench....those who dont want to help them will change their minds if enough of them are dead in front of their place of residence.....

guys like this one who is trying to cover up his true feeling, they hate the 'Idea of seeing a poor person get food stamps ... they hate any kind of Idea to help the poor... if they are so adamant on the their deaths here, to stop their agony of life, as he is tap dancing all over, then why do the object strongly to aborting them right up front ... look at all the money they will save from not paying them for a life time of being poor

So we have one advocating we simply lay the dead corpses in front of people's homes, while the other making justification to simply kill off their problems before they are born. Neither one addresses the problems of the poor and their dependency on government.

Yet we have a system where public education is free to all, and with some effort they may advance their education goals as high as they wish to go. Some simply desire to do enough graduate with the tools necessary to equip them with a lower skill level job, while others never graduate at all. It appears everyone has an equal opportunity to choose which of these paths they desire to take for themselves. Of course if quality education is the problem, we can always look to those politicians which are against educational "choice" through vouchers OVER public education ... while they send their own children to private schools. Now isn't that the perfect advocacy message for supporting our current educational system, through these politicians efforts to lead by example.
Surely there would be enough of those caring, bleeding heart marxists that would come to their rescue ... No ??? Lol
plus all the dead bodies laying around do not do anyone anygood.....disease,stench....those who dont want to help them will change their minds if enough of them are dead in front of their place of residence.....

guys like this one who is trying to cover up his true feeling, they hate the 'Idea of seeing a poor person get food stamps ... they hate any kind of Idea to help the poor... if they are so adamant on the their deaths here, to stop their agony of life, as he is tap dancing all over, then why do the object strongly to aborting them right up front ... look at all the money they will save from not paying them for a life time of being poor

So we have one advocating we simply lay the dead corpses in front of people's homes, while the other making justification to simply kill off their problems before they are born. Neither one addresses the problems of the poor and their dependency on government.

Yet we have a system where public education is free to all, and with some effort they may advance their education goals as high as they wish to go. Some simply desire to do enough graduate with the tools necessary to equip them with a lower skill level job, while others never graduate at all. It appears everyone has an equal opportunity to choose which of these paths they desire to take for themselves. Of course if quality education is the problem, we can always look to those politicians which are against educational "choice" through vouchers OVER public education ... while they send their own children to private schools. Now isn't that the perfect advocacy message for supporting our current educational system, through these politicians efforts to lead by example.

It appears that way to those who are not willing or capable of really understanding the situation.

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