GOP will hand the election over to Democrats if they go with a Trump, a Carson, a Cruz, a Fiorina

What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?

Can it get much worse?

History also shows that it's seldom a person gets elected President after a two-term President of his own party.

How are we doing with all these professional politicians anyway?
What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?

Can it get much worse?

History also shows that it's seldom a person gets elected President after a two-term President of his own party.

How are we doing with all these professional politicians anyway?
Tell it to Harry Truman and George H.W. Bush.

And it seems that the professional politicians controlling Congress have done nothing about governing and everything about political obstruction. How's that working out? About a 8% approval rating for congress.
What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?

Can it get much worse?

History also shows that it's seldom a person gets elected President after a two-term President of his own party.

How are we doing with all these professional politicians anyway?
better than we would with non professionals
I hope Obama makes another executive order tomorrow. We need to go ahead and secure this election.

Trump shows complete domination of USMB. :badgrin::badgrin:

Yes. He strikes terror in the hearts of Liberals. The very idea that he plans to put them on a job scares them to death.

But yet your kind wants to do away with millions of other jobs and finish destroying the middle class with your deregulation crap.
What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?

Can it get much worse?

History also shows that it's seldom a person gets elected President after a two-term President of his own party.

How are we doing with all these professional politicians anyway?
Tell it to Harry Truman and George H.W. Bush.

And it seems that the professional politicians controlling Congress have done nothing about governing and everything about political obstruction. How's that working out? About a 8% approval rating for congress.


We seen with Obama winning by 360 and 332 electorals what the majority wants. It sure as fuck isn't deregulations, abolishment and third worldiness for America.
GOP will hand the election over to Democrats if they go with either Trump, Carson, Cruz, or stone-faced Fiorina. She said she was told to smile more. She did once and it almost gave her a stroke

As much as I dislike Trump, Cruz, Carson and Fiorina the fact remains that the average American voter has a slight case of retardation.

You either have Hillary Clinton or the clown car of the right, and what great choices there, and I know you suck down the bath water of Hillary Clinton but the actual reality is she is a terrible choice for the oval office.

In 2012 Huntsman was the best candidate that election cycle but the GOP primary voter was too stupid to see that. The Mitt Romney was the choice and the Tea Party was still looking for their next Reagan did not realize Romney was the closet to Reagan.

Now you have this election cycle the best candidate was Jim Webb but instead the choice on the left will be Hillary Clinton and yet her supporters can not see what is so damn wrong with that choice.

I mean I would rather see Bernie Sanders win the nomination over Hillary Clint, and I know how dare I write my honest opinion because political whores will find it offensive to read that someone does not support their stupid candidate.

As for the right Kasich is my choice and if he fails to gain the nomination then I will vote for the Green Nazi Libertarian candidate if they run one.
What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?

Can it get much worse?

History also shows that it's seldom a person gets elected President after a two-term President of his own party.

How are we doing with all these professional politicians anyway?
Tell it to Harry Truman and George H.W. Bush.

And it seems that the professional politicians controlling Congress have done nothing about governing and everything about political obstruction. How's that working out? About a 8% approval rating for congress.

When has Congressional approval rating ever meant anything? What was their rating just before that historic sweep that included leadership of the Senate?

Congress makes the laws in this country, not the President. If anybody is obstructing, it's Ears himself, not the Republicans.

Trump shows complete domination of USMB. :badgrin::badgrin:
Trump is merely idle entertainment for the knowledgable, while the alumanutty believe he is the real thing.

He just might be the real thing. I seem to remember a couple of governors with no experience: one was a weight lifter/actor, and the other was a fake wrestler. I also know of a comedian and a singer that made it to the Senate.


This is America dammit and anybody can be a leader.

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