GOP will hand the election over to Democrats if they go with a Trump, a Carson, a Cruz, a Fiorina

GOP will hand the election over to Democrats if they go with either Trump, Carson, Cruz, or stone-faced Fiorina. She said she was told to smile more. She did once and it almost gave her a stroke

Nah. We can depend on Obama to destroy any and all chances of a Democrat victory. He's on a roll to turn everyone against the Dems.
"GOP will hand the election over to Democrats if they go with a Trump, a Carson, a Cruz, a Fiorina"

...a Bush, a Rubio...
So now the loserterians want to shut the government down and fuck over millions of people or the republicans are backstabbers.

WTF is wrong with you loons?

Hint: If your government is working against the country, and not for the country. Shutting it down is the intelligent response.
We need a candidate who has experience balancing the federal budget, turning deficits into surpluses, cutting taxes, and creating jobs. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a candidate who had that kind of experience?

Oh wait, there is one....

We have someone running for president who was in office when Eisenhower was president? Since 1957 is the last time the government ran an actual surplus, that's how far back you have to go.
I believing that Christie, never my favorite, can win this year election. Only if Trump missed points by the people in january this year.
Appears to me that there will be a lot of vacant homes in Hollywood following the election since so many actors have said they will leave the country WHEN Trump is elected.
There would be no loss if 95% of Hollywood packed up and moved
Folks are leaving California in droves anyway. Florida, my state, is now number three in population growth.
First some interesting facts. I know, I know those damn facts, what do they have to do with imaginings? But...

Business Day
The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes
Common Sense


Oops: The Texas Miracle That Isn’t

Economic forecast: More businesses entering California than leaving, report finds

Ben Bergman

April 07 2015
SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

The California business exodus myth
Why do we love to think that the state is driving jobs and employers away?
Feb 8, 2013, 3:00am PST
Appears to me that there will be a lot of vacant homes in Hollywood following the election since so many actors have said they will leave the country WHEN Trump is elected.
There would be no loss if 95% of Hollywood packed up and moved
Folks are leaving California in droves anyway. Florida, my state, is now number three in population growth.
First some interesting facts. I know, I know those damn facts, what do they have to do with imaginings? But...

Business Day
The Myth of the Rich Who Flee From Taxes
Common Sense


Oops: The Texas Miracle That Isn’t

Economic forecast: More businesses entering California than leaving, report finds

Ben Bergman

April 07 2015
SoCal economic forecast: More businesses coming than going

The California business exodus myth
Why do we love to think that the state is driving jobs and employers away?
Feb 8, 2013, 3:00am PST

I was speaking of people, not businesses. Florida is number three in people immigration while Texas is number two in people immigration.
What the supporters of Trump, Carson and Fiorina have failed to do is study recent history. What they hope for, and what they'll get are two different things. They want a Washington outsider. Well, we got one in 1976.

Jimmy Carter came to Washington with no federal experience and no one on staff with experience. And Carter's administration showed what the lack of experience brings. A legislative agenda without congressional cooperation. While Carter is an honorable man (something that cannot be said for Trump), he turned out to be an inept president without accomplishment beyond the Camp David accords.

So, Trump supporters, Carson supporters and whoever can be counted among Fiorina supporters, do you want a replay of the late 70s?
Christie have big chanch then Trump then Rubio then Carson. In Democrats it is Sanders and Hillary Clinton. I will self two in middle of this six candidates with winner chanch.

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