GOP wins (officially nonpartisan) mayor's race in Columbia, SC, which was 71% Biden last year. Obama placed robocalls for the Democrat candidate

People should never forget that it was under Obama that the Democrat party started this lawless totalitarianism, and it's getting worse every year. I'm glad to see the people in Columbia, SC are seeing this.
Democrats are toxic, and its just starting, 2022 and 2024 should be historic.
It could have been handled years ago but we live in a PC, Diversity, Racial tightrope world. Where equity is the law and equality is a past agenda relic to be forgotten as it is now hate.
congrats, young man!

What this shows is, just like in Virginia and New Jersey, Democrats..........not far Leftists.........are turning against the Democratic party. The Democratic party coalition is just so far gone, that even reasonable Democrats can no longer handle the filth handed to them.

While I am positive that GOP candidates are NOT the regular Democrats bread and butter, they are aware of what is going on around them, and just like the rest of us, have chosen what they see as the lesser of 2 evils. But, if the GOP gets it correct, the Democrats are honestly done, because they have sold their souls to groups that are seen as mostly anti-American, in a blatant attempt to keep power. To hell with anyone moderate from either side, we are all in was their mantra. Seems they miscalculated as Americans are rejecting their idiocy everywhere!

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