Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.

I'll never forget about Terri Schiavo. That was the case that made the GOP famous by their stance that it is better for "big gubmint" to make life ending decisions rather than the family.


The fight was between Terri's mom, who wanted her alive, and the husband, who wanted to pull the plug. At one point, the hubby was investigated in his wife's death.

Anyway, it was between two family members and people took sides. The husband won.

It had nothing to do with big government. It was a judge deciding on behalf of the husband.

I think the mom should have kept her daughter and taken responsibility for the medical bills.
Well, a universal single payer health care system would put an end to all of this debate. And put an end to a high percentage of emergency room visits. Preventive care is always many time less expensive than emergency care.

Time to bypass the dinosaurs in our system, and join the rest of the civilized world.
The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.

I'll never forget about Terri Schiavo. That was the case that made the GOP famous by their stance that it is better for "big gubmint" to make life ending decisions rather than the family.


The fight was between Terri's mom, who wanted her alive, and the husband, who wanted to pull the plug. At one point, the hubby was investigated in his wife's death.

Anyway, it was between two family members and people took sides. The husband won.

It had nothing to do with big government. It was a judge deciding on behalf of the husband.

I think the mom should have kept her daughter and taken responsibility for the medical bills.

Nope. It was the Bush Administration deciding to get involved through the political system to override the wishes of her husband.

Anyway, as it turned out the husband was 100% correct.

The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.

I'll never forget about Terri Schiavo. That was the case that made the GOP famous by their stance that it is better for "big gubmint" to make life ending decisions rather than the family.


The fight was between Terri's mom, who wanted her alive, and the husband, who wanted to pull the plug. At one point, the hubby was investigated in his wife's death.

Anyway, it was between two family members and people took sides. The husband won.

It had nothing to do with big government. It was a judge deciding on behalf of the husband.

I think the mom should have kept her daughter and taken responsibility for the medical bills.

Question.. do you think a flower plant has the right to stay alive?
I do as long as someone wants to take care of it right?
This was Terri. A potted plant that had carrying parents that loved that plant and wanted to keep it alive.

NOW very very ignorant people say "well I certainly wouldn't want to be kept alive in that condition". How many times have we heard that?
Question.. do you think if you were in that position, you'd know anything? We are told potted plants are not sentient. OK neither was Terri. Or we assume.
But assume she was NOT sentient.. then what difference would it make if she was kept alive, i.e. like a potted plant that is cared for by her parents?
The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.

I'll never forget about Terri Schiavo. That was the case that made the GOP famous by their stance that it is better for "big gubmint" to make life ending decisions rather than the family.


The fight was between Terri's mom, who wanted her alive, and the husband, who wanted to pull the plug. At one point, the hubby was investigated in his wife's death.

Anyway, it was between two family members and people took sides. The husband won.

It had nothing to do with big government. It was a judge deciding on behalf of the husband.

I think the mom should have kept her daughter and taken responsibility for the medical bills.
Welcome to the power of a Marriage License.
Well, a universal single payer health care system would put an end to all of this debate. And put an end to a high percentage of emergency room visits. Preventive care is always many time less expensive than emergency care.

Time to bypass the dinosaurs in our system, and join the rest of the civilized world.

WE HAVE NO crisis!
HOw many times do I have to explain to you idiots there NEVER were 46 million uninsured!
10 million are not citizens!
14 million are like two people I know that meet the Medicaid eligibility but stupidly haven't registered! 14 million counted and all they need do is register!
18 million of so called "uninsured" are under 34! Make over $50,000. Don't want their employers' health plan YET they are counted!
That leaves less the 4 million!
And as far as Preventative care? IT doesn't!
READ and research LIKE I have before jumping to those old worn out cliches!

A 2010 study in the journal Health Affairs, for instance, calculated that if 90 percent of the U.S. population used proven preventive services, more than do now, it would save only 0.2 percent of healthcare spending.
Think preventive medicine will save money? Think again | Reuters

How many times have I written here that the PEOPLE that create $850 billion a year in claims paid by Medicare/Insurance 90% of them agree!
FEAR of lawsuits make the order duplicate test,etc. AND again that old stupid cliche "doctors make money off referrals"! STARK Law prevents. Research Old Rocks not cliches!

Hospitals PAD and pass and I know because unlike you I have the FACTS their unreimbursed service are sometimes 6,000% marked up over costs to recoup!

So again I've asked dozens of times WHY not tax 10% of the $270 billion lawyers make and use that to pay the $5,000 premium for each of the 4 million uninsured.
THEN these hospitals would NOT be padding sometimes 6,000% to recoup. THEY would be paid like other claims!
Remember ACA taxes tanning salons 10% because tanning causes cancer... so take the experts opinion physicians and tax lawyers 10%
See how quick the $850 billion drops especially if the declining figure is linked to reducing the 10% tax rate.

But this is obviously so clear and simple that it goes over MOST people like you Old rocks head!
Rocks for brains because
A) Never been 46 million truly uninsured...less the 4 million!
B) you believe single payer best solution... WELL TELL YOU dumb f...k what will the 1,300 payers that pay $100 billion in taxes a year and have 400,000 employees do?
C) Why can't you take the word of the people that create the $850 billion and go after those millionaire rich lawyers??? Tax them 10%!
D) Why don't you for once do some research before hyperbolizing about something you obviously KNOW nothing about!
Well, a universal single payer health care system would put an end to all of this debate. And put an end to a high percentage of emergency room visits. Preventive care is always many time less expensive than emergency care.

Time to bypass the dinosaurs in our system, and join the rest of the civilized world.

Yes, yes, your socialist agenda is one step closer to your communist roots, roxie.

If you haven't noticed, the other civilized countries are experiencing problems inherent with their single payer....not to mention the massive taxes and debt associated with it.
Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



Those damn GOP'ers are true haters. Poor people, old people, the children, the women, the minorities.....just when will their hate stop?

Good grief, there are a lot of low informed posters on this board, DaGoose.....I sure am glad you're not one of them. :eusa_whistle:
Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



The reason we're in the mess we're in is because POOR people use our hospital emergency rooms as their doctor's office. They go into the emergency room for common cold's and flu symptoms--a stubbed toe whatever-delivery of a baby--and the state (under Medicade) meaning the taxpayers get the bill for it. We have hospitals in this country that are near bankrupt because of this policy.

Medicade has been around for decades--and the poor sign up for Medicade benefits--that enables to go into clinics-see a regular doctor--for treatment of non-threatening office visits, (and not hospital emergency rooms.)

It appears that you need to learn a lot about our medical system before you post.
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Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



you've heard them here calling people who get subsidies or medicaid parasites, leaches or takers ... even though these parasites, leaches or takers work 2 some times 3 jobs a week just to get by .... the fact that they would get a break these republicans here still call them names ... its their nature ...
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The reason we're in the mess we're in is because POOR people use our hospital emergency rooms as their doctor's office. They go into the emergency room for common cold's and flu symptoms--a stubbed toe whatever-delivery of a baby--and the state (under Medicade) meaning the taxpayers get the bill for it. We have hospitals in this country that are near bankrupt because of this policy.

Medicade has been around for decades--and the poor sign up for Medicade benefits--that enables to go into clinics-see a regular doctor--for treatment of non-threatening office visits, (and not hospital emergency rooms.)

It appears that you need to learn a lot about our medical system before you post.

are you uninformed or what... its medicaid not medicade ... if a person goes to the hospital emergency room the person is responsible for that payment either by their own insurance plan or buy them selves if by some chance they did have medicaid, not medicade, then the hospital would get paid ... if they didn't have medicaid, not medicade the person is responsible to pay for it... if they don't pay it the hospital is out ... where ever you get this notion that medicaid, not medicade just jumps right in and pays for it is beyond me ... as for the tax payer getting the bill ... that just doesn't happen either the hospital takes the loss ...

It appears that it is YOU who needs YOU need to learn a lot about our medical system before you post...

to get on medicaid, not medicade, you have to qualify ... you apply for it ... you have to show that you haven't any income that could cover the cost of a health care plan ... that takes six months, not just sign on the dotted line ... most medicaid, not medicade, is done for children and not the adult ... if you are a adult you have to show you have any income at all because of your health ... that too takes 6 months ... you have to show that you haven't got a dime for the last 6 months because of your health ... you just don't go in and sign on the dotted line and get sign up ....

Like I said

It appears that it is YOU who needs to learn a lot about our medical system before you post
Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



you've heard them here calling people who get subsidies or medicaid parasites, leaches or takers ... even though these parasites, leaches or takers work 2 some times 3 jobs a week just to get by .... the fact that they would get a break these republicans here still call them names ... its their nature ...

Your post is incorrect. Medicade has been around for decades for poor people to receive standard medical treatment just like someone who pays for their own medical insurance.

No Republican is arguing that poor people need to be kicked into the ditch when it comes to medical care. They are taken care of in this country, and they always will be.

The problem we have is not necessarily the dirt poor--but the people who actually work at jobs--who prefer not to get or pay for their own medical insurance that abuse the system. They head into the emergency room and treat it like their doctors office--so they get out of paying for any medical services rendered. Most of them are young--and could easily afford a medical insurance policy. In Romney's state of Mass. prior to Romneycare--they discovered that 75% of the uninsured in his state made 75k per year. Henceforth Romneycare.

Now why I believe that medical insurance should be mandatory--just like auto insurance--Obamacare has turned out to be a disaster. The premiums and deductibles are way to high for average middle incomes. We have had a fire sale going on with Obamacare--in Medicade--(for free) and of course lower incomes that are subsidized--but all in all someone is going to have pay for all of it--to keep Obama's other promise of this won't add a single dime to the deficit. And that would be charging others more for it. Now this isn't the rich that are paying for it--they can afford any type of premium--it's middle class Americans that are getting slammed dunked over their new premiums to pay for everyone else.

Welcome to your hope and change!
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right here folks is why a liberal is DISPISED
They think they know more than anyone else
Did you tire of haten on Joe the Plumber, someone who never did ANYTHING to you

Step I am schooling ya sweetheart.

And it's "DESPISED".

And "hating".

hummhumm...go back to haten Joe the Plumber...You're just as ugly there

Aw Step.

Did you have to go and hurt my feelings.

Come on.

Make me a hot pocket.

Pronto girl!

The video's that Liberals really don't want to watch. The effects of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans.

The health consequences

Then the cost of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans

Welcome to your hope and change!
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The video's that Liberals really don't want to watch. The effects of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans.

The health consequences

Then the cost of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans

Welcome to your hope and change!
So what is your plan or idea for America, in order for it to do better about health care in this nation ? Should it go the way of big oil and everything else that has gotten totally out of control, and this whether it is price wise and/or quality wise just as well ? Tell us all how to fix these things, because we sure need to know out here. Should we go backwards with no help to solve these problems like it was before ? I just want a plan that all Americans can be happy with, don't you ?
The video's that Liberals really don't want to watch. The effects of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans.

The health consequences

Then the cost of Obamacare on real average--everyday Americans

Welcome to your hope and change!
So what is your plan or idea for America, in order for it to do better about health care in this nation ? Should it go the way of big oil and everything else that has gotten totally out of control, and this whether it is price wise and/or quality wise just as well ? Tell us all how to fix these things, because we sure need to know out here. Should we go backwards with no help to solve these problems like it was before ? I just want a plan that all Americans can be happy with, don't you ?

I am really not certain what "big oil" has to do with health care in this nation? Republicans have had a plan for decades now--you just didn't want to hear it. One of problems with Obamacare is the LACK OF COMPETITION in many states. For instance in the video you just watched in PA there are only two insurers that are competing in the O-Care exchange. Meaning cost of premiums are much higher than say Colorado--who has several insurers to choose from. We actually have states with super high premiums that only have one insurer for the entire state. They can charge anything they want to because O-Care is now federal law--and by golly you better get it or the IRS will be climbing up your rear-end.

The Republican plan for healthcare:

1. Republicans have ALWAYS wanted to let insurers cross state lines in order to bring in more competition thereby opening up the private marketplace so that premiums will drop while quality goes up. 2. Also- allow-small business in this country to be able to group together so they can get the same low rates as large corporations get. 3. Tort reform to where our doctors and practitioners aren't paying out $3000.00+ per month for medical mal-practice insurance. To clarify--a person that has sustained damage by a doctor--would be paid for all lost wages--financial damage for a lifetime if necessary--but the punitive damages would cap at 250K. We have run-a-way juries that will award 60 million for a broken tooth today.--and that's why medical mal-practice insurance is so expensive for our doctors and their assistants and nurse practitioners.

Competition works. We saw it work with computers. My first computer was a two floppy disk system (no hard drive) that I paid over $2000.00 for. Today we have lots of choices in the computers we buy (at much better quality and much less the cost)--along with cell phones that can do about everything--at a very reasonable price. WHY? Because of competition in the private marketplace.

Instead Obama had a filibuster proof congress in his first two years--and they managed to shove down a 3000 page bill (that no one read before signing off on it) to take total control over the private insurance market. Noted that this is the first bill in our nations history that did not get ONE SINGLE VOTE for approval from the minority party--(republicans.)

So there you have it in a nutshell.

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