Gop would bar poor from health care altogether

The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.
Obamacare will bar more people from health care than anything. Over 6 million had their plans cancelled, lost their doctors and many can't afford a new plan under Obamacare. Pathetic attempt at vilifying the right after the disaster created by the left.

Many hospitals won't be able to keep their doors open if they accept Obamacare patients. Medicaid only pays a fraction of the actual cost of care. That means the hospital either rejects people or closes. Not much of a choice.
Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



Which one of these "poor" uninsured???
The 10 million counted as "uninsured" that are NOT citizens?
Or how about the"poor' 14 million while counted as "uninsured" all they need do bEFORE Obamacare was register with Medicaid/CHIP... they were eligible already?
Or the 18 million under 34 that Obamacare is trying to snooker to think THEY need to pay in part of their $50,000 a year income EVEN though they don't want their
current employers' health plan... that 18 million that are poor??

See you and the other Obama idiots don't seem to grasp the fact there NEVER were 46 million truly uninsured that were legal or registered with medicaid or
wanted health insurance.. but there were only 4 million!

YET we had this gigantic LIE there were 46 million uninsured BULLSHIT!!!

Now as far as the "decades federal law ... 1986 EMTALA...Enacted by the federal government in 1986, requires that hospital emergency departments treat emergency conditions of all patients regardless of their ability to pay and is considered a critical element in the "safety net" for the uninsured, but established no direct payment mechanism for such care. Indirect payments and reimbursements through federal and state government programs have never fully compensated public and private hospitals for the full cost of care mandated by EMTALA. Health care in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These hospitals sometimes charge Medicare 6,000% above COSTS in recuperating their "unreimbursed" expenses so THEY are making it up by charging
insurance companies and Medicare ..padding and passing' this costs.
So damn right we should audit them as the GA. Governor suggests! Totally stupid when there is a very very simple solution!
Tax the lawyers 10% of their $270 billion and reduce the tax rate in relation to the reduction of the $850 billion a year physicians say they waste simply because they fear lawsuits!
Take the $27 billion and FORCE AND require hospitals instead of padding and passing on the "EMTALA" they send all the uninsured claims to the company managing the $27 billion in annual premium that would cover every one of the truly 4 million uninsured!

Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?


Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

why are you worried about this.....?

the great Obamacare is supposed to cover everybody isn't it.....? except illegals of course....
Dback is always full of it ...


No one is seeking to ‘control health care with government,’ the notion is idiocy.

Heh... musta struck a nerve.

How is what I said inaccurate? Isn't that exactly what you want? Don't you, in fact, want to pluck health care from the "cruel and capricious machinations of the free market" and, have us depend on the omni-benevolent state instead?
If the free market wouldn't have become so corrupted and greedy while handlling healthcare in that market, and this because it was to free to do as it pleased while no one was looking to hard or paying attention, then we wouldn't be in this situation today that we are in now.

What would you say was going on that was corrupt, and who was doing it?

Want to tell me how things were better for us before ?
We could say "No".

Want to tell me how we're better off now?
Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

why are you worried about this.....?

the great Obamacare is supposed to cover everybody isn't it.....? except illegals of course....

You are right! Where are the "uninsured" ? Isn't Obamacare to cover the 46 million uninsured 100% everyone..right???
yeah right, the only greedy one's who have cost health care prices to go up is, Lawyers, dead beats who don't want to pay their bills, and government Regulations..

Now you all call for MORE GOVERNMENT to run our health care and make the decisions on our lives and death...remember how you all howled there were no, death panels...well you already have that with ObamaCare...thank Obama and people like Tucker, Clay, Sallow and your fascist government today for all the pain and cost that will be coming your way

Ya know Step it seems you don't know what a Fascist government is..

So I will help you.
-It is a Nexus of Corporations and Religion.
-It takes the choice of Representation out of the hands of the People.
-It is Nationalistic and Militaristic.
-It is generally Xenophobic.
-It is in constant need of an enemy.
-It supports the concentration of wealth and power.
-It is anti-education, anti-science and anti-Free speech.
-It is anti-labor and anti-union.

Since you can still vote, haven't been shot in the face for expressing your viewpoints and can worship whatever religion you want? I'd say we don't have a "Fascist" government.

right here folks is why a liberal is DISPISED
They think they know more than anyone else
Did you tire of haten on Joe the Plumber, someone who never did ANYTHING to you

Step I am schooling ya sweetheart.

And it's "DESPISED".

And "hating".
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Ya know Step it seems you don't know what a Fascist government is..

So I will help you.
-It is a Nexus of Corporations and Religion.
-It takes the choice of Representation out of the hands of the People.
-It is Nationalistic and Militaristic.
-It is generally Xenophobic.
-It is in constant need of an enemy.
-It supports the concentration of wealth and power.
-It is anti-education, anti-science and anti-Free speech.
-It is anti-labor and anti-union.

Since you can still vote, haven't been shot in the face for expressing your viewpoints and can worship whatever religion you want? I'd say we don't have a "Fascist" government.

right here folks is why a liberal is DISPISED
They think they know more than anyone else
Did you tire of haten on Joe the Plumber, someone who never did ANYTHING to you

Step I am schooling ya sweetheart.

And it's "DESPISED".

And "hating".

hummhumm...go back to haten Joe the Plumber...You're just as ugly there
Search is hard thing for some people when they plan to put others down

the left is getting more ugly every day...It couldn't be that almost 60% Disapproval Obama and his comrades in arms have

And the fact a majority of the people hate their, OscamCare and is avoiding it like it's a plague

they are having orgasms over some opinion piece written by some dingbat named, Cynitha Tucker
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Who says the GOP doesn't have a plan????? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

During a Republican primary debate in the last presidential election cycle, there was a dispiriting moment in which tea party audience members cheered at the idea that a comatose uninsured American -- unable to afford health insurance -- would be left to die.

Now, one Republican politician is pushing that callousness to new lows: He wants to bar the uninsured from hospital emergency rooms.

Last week, Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal criticized a decades-old federal law that requires all hospitals that receive Medicare funds and have emergency facilities -- and that's most -- to treat any patient who walks in needing care, regardless of his ability to pay.

So, to sum up, Deal hates Obamacare and refuses its Medicaid expansion, which would keep the working poor out of emergency rooms. In addition, he wants to deny them access to emergency rooms unless they can pay. Really, governor? Don't you insist that your values are "pro-life"?



Somehow, I believe he's being taken out of context.
Another one of the nutters just posted this exact same thread like two days ago. It must be making its rounds on the fringe end of the blogosphere.
**********left wing propaganda alert in an election year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**********
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It's a smear campaign. Only a small percent believe Obamacare is good. Obama's approval rating is pathetic. They have nothing to run on, so have resorted to their usual mud slinging tactics. I guess they think if they can make the other side look bad, it might shine up their sad image a bit.

It won't work. The poor have always had Medicaid and Medicare, courtesy of the tax payers. The ones who will suffer now are those who aren't poor enough to qualify for subsidized care and not wealthy enough to pay the new exorbitant rates because of Obamacare. It's the Dems keeping people from getting health care.

And many who have bought insurance at the Obamacare website are finding a hard time getting doctors near them to accept them.

They've made the problem worse and people across the country are livid. They think that fueling the class warfare again will anger people and get them to the polls. If any poor people have no health care, it's totally due to Obamacare and the fact that many hospitals and doctors can no longer afford to take Medicaid and Medicare patients. The left will bash them, but the fact is we will have far fewer doctors than we do now if the Dems do anything else to "help" people.

Obama will be importing doctors from other countries who may be willing to work cheap or free just to gain citizenship. The tax payers will foot the bill to keep them going. Good luck to anyone who gets stuck with them. Republicans had many plans offered up that actually addressed the costs of medical insurance and health care, but I guess they didn't give enough control to government, so the Dems rejected them. Free markets and competition bring costs down and allow affordable services to all. Even those subsidized wouldn't be as big of a burden since costs would be within reason. As it is, they are out of control. Many who are subsidized tend to go to the ER rather than wait to make a doctor appt. I know this from working in ERs. We'd see the Medicaid (used to be called Title 19) people coming to the ER for a simple cold or other thing that was not an emergency. For a while, we called ourselves the weekend babysitters because many single moms would insist that their kids were really sick and they'd end up being admitted for the night. Few moms stuck around and would pick them up the next day. It happened so often that it was ridiculous. That finally changed, but it was clear that people who get something for free often tend to abuse it by using it when it wasn't necessary.

And I was right.

“I think we should be able in this passage of time to figure out ways to deal with those situations but not have the excessive costs associated with unnecessary visits to the emergency room.”

Nathan Deal: Tighten access to hospital emergency rooms - The Newnan Times-Herald

Yup. You can see how liberals take the most reasonable comment and twist it to fit their strategy. Never ceases to amaze.
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Nobody intends to deny them their medicaid benefits. The poor. yee shall always have with you.
I can still remember the little twelve or thirteen year old female medicaid recipient waiting in line to pick up her birth control pills with her seventeen year old boyfriend, holding the paper medicaid card aloft and wondering aloud if she could pay for her pictures with the medicaid card. Today, they use their EBT card to buy pot in Colorado or to pay for lap dances in Atlantic City.
Then there was the story of the director of pharmacy reimbursement at the State Medicaid office before the age of the computer. When his division began to run short of funds to pay all the claims submitted and approved, he would simply take the stack of monthly remittances to the main staircase and toss them down the stairs. Those claims landing on the upper treads would be the ones paid. The claims landing on the lower treads would be denied for various reasons and paid later when funds became available again.
Yup, everything's on the up and up in Medicaid. The system invariably degenerates to the level of the clientele served, no decency or nobility present in either the served or those serving the served.
Democrats, go to the same old script. Accuse republicans of attacking the poor and minorities. Poor minorities still have no rights, even though there is a black president, black attorney general, a month dedicated to their history, negro college funds, negro colleges, richest American woman is black, black doctors, black millionaires, and there has not been slavery since 1865. Yet, some how they still claim to be victims and white moron liberals, in order to get acceptance from each other placate their grievances.....rinse, repeat.

Hey, if I were a democrat, and I had a retarded base that follows this same script, why would they change the script. Look at how much this same script has accomplished for them.

The funny thing is watching these left wing assholes claim how much they care about their plight as they belong to their private country clubs and gated communities with armed guards.

They sure are pathetic.
Democrats, go to the same old script. Accuse republicans of attacking the poor and minorities. Poor minorities still have no rights, even though there is a black president, black attorney general, a month dedicated to their history, negro college funds, negro colleges, richest American woman is black, black doctors, black millionaires, and there has not been slavery since 1865. Yet, some how they still claim to be victims and white moron liberals, in order to get acceptance from each other placate their grievances.....rinse, repeat.

Hey, if I were a democrat, and I had a retarded base that follows this same script, why would they change the script. Look at how much this same script has accomplished for them.

The funny thing is watching these left wing assholes claim how much they care about their plight as they belong to their private country clubs and gated communities with armed guards.

They sure are pathetic.

the Truth
people falling for this type of slander from the like's of the "wealthy" liberal talking head Tucker, will be our downfall...also when they have nothing else it's back to the smears and outright's a sickening dirty politics of theirs and the Democrat party
they don't have an honest or honorable bone in their body and all for their POLITICS
The OP obviously forgot about Terri Schiavo, who was not only let to die, but her death was actually promoted by removing life support, in spite of appeal by President George W. Bush (R) and Governor Jeb Bush (R), to keep Terri alive.

I'll never forget about Terri Schiavo. That was the case that made the GOP famous by their stance that it is better for "big gubmint" to make life ending decisions rather than the family.


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