Goper Refuses To Hold Debate At Islamic Community Center


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
GOPer Refuses To Hold Debate At Islamic Community Center

Another human shitstain drags the party of Lincoln into the sewer.

Rick Allen, the Republican challenger to Rep. John Barrow (D-GA), was unwilling to participate in a debate last weekend at an Islamic community center, calling it a "suspect venue," The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported on Wednesday.

Tea-Baggers, oy vey.

Okay, now watch ...

After posting several (lying) threads about (private citizen) Michelle Obama refusing First Amendment rights to a reporter (not even close to true), they will line up to make excuses for this racist, lying asshole.

All I got from reading the article is that the venue was headed by a supporter of Barrow, Allen's opponent.

The debate still continued to be sponsored by the Islamic Society but on politically neutral grounds.

Political caution in a campaign. No big smurf around this. Hell's bells I sure as heck wish the RNC was as careful.

The fiasco of allowing Crowley to moderate that second debate was unreal.

Romney should have walked off that stage when Crowley jumped to the President's defense over Libya. Right then and there he should have said the debates freaking over you left wing bitch and walked.

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