GOPers Gunning After Americans Again i.e. Social Security, etc.

It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
Here we go again, right on time, a few weeks before an election....Republicans are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare.
They have already heavily damaged healthcare.
Of course they want to end SS and Medicare.
Those are twin pillars of GOP policy.
How can you not know that?

Obamacare damaged healthcare. How can you not know that?
Of course, the constant repug efforts to sabotage it didn't help matters.
It's unpopular. It cost Democrats the House and the Senate in 2010. Take responsibility for your failed policies.
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.

You like to see 70 yr old roofers still hoofing it up a ladder?? Because that's always been the "simple" solution that your Demos are eager to offer...
No, that's the solution the repugs are always trying to push. Keep raising the retirement age, decreasing benefits, etc. They never want to talk about lifting the FICA cap or the damage caused by their continuous tax cuts on the wealthy and big business.
How about make those socialist entitlement programs opt in’s?

Everyone that wants Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid just opt in, And those don’t just that don’t sign up for them, so they don’t have to pay for that shit...
How about an opt in for the repug police state crap and pentagon extravagance? I'd rather be funding the social safety net then the TSA, ICE, DEA, DHS, militarizing the police, Trump's Space Farce, the paid for by Mexico wall, etc.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
raise the minimum wage to get more in payroll taxes.
The reality underneath the sheets of the Soc Sec program is simply that it was never designed to benefit the retired working person, the average mortality age, when adopted by congress, was 61.7 years, few lived beyond 65 to realize a benefit, those that did would not live long enough to break even with what they paid into the program, result a boom for the government, a slush fund to do and borrow from as they chose.
Now that people are living longer the impact on the annual budget can no longer be hidden. The reality is it was a hidden tax in the first place coupled with veiled promises that those that paid in would be provided for. So where do we go from here? Some have proposed the first step is to abolish the cap, maximum earned income subject to tax, second step, asset based means testing, and the third to subject all sources of income earned or unearned to the tax. In closing now take a look at projected unfunded Soc Sec liabilities and ask yourself why you owe so much on your credit card, live paycheck to paycheck,
and don't save.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
You can tell The Left Tards are in TOTAL MELTDOWN PANIC. They are spamming the forum with THE GOP IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY THREADS!
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but you know what? I don't care anyway.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

Nothing new, the GOP has wanted to eliminate these for decades.

Lotsa old people keep voting for their own demise simply because "oh my GOD! We can't let the liberals take over"

Most of them don't know what liberals really believe, but only what their uber-rich GOP masters tell them what liberals are.
You can tell The Left Tards are in TOTAL MELTDOWN PANIC. They are spamming the forum with THE GOP IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY THREADS!

That might have something to do with Turtle Boy talking about taking our Social Security.
Well, Turtles have been around at least 120 million years. Do you call him that because he could well serve 2 terms? :muahaha:

Oldest fossil sea turtle discovered: Huge fossilized turtle is at least 120 million years old

It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
Another Nancy Boy.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but you know what? I don't care anyway.
That's because you've thrown so many insults President Trump's way, you can't remember it in addition to not caring.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but you know what? I don't care anyway.
That's because you've thrown so many insults President Trump's way, you can't remember it in addition to not caring.

You mean Mr. Grab em by the pussy? What everyone else calls accurately describing what he actually says and does, you call insults. If you don't like hearing about his childish behavior and the latest insults he gives out, you should tell him to stop doing those things.
The only evidence of "terrorist mob" in America right now is on the left aisle, sir. And they've been ordered to discriminate against Republicans anywhere they show their faces in public, at baseball practice, in restaurants, in public transits, in lobbies of airports, hotels, and convention centers, not to mention on the streets anywhere. They follow us online and infiltrate government offices to insure that we have problems with 200% local tax increases, getting social security checks on schedule if we're over 65, and humiliating us even in our church worship services, charity work sites, and at public tracks where we may be working or exercises. I know, because all of the above have happened to me when I speak out against leftist lies that are as blatant and skilled as a Picasso painting or an academy award-winning scenario creation like the one Dr. Ford plied against Juris Dr. Kavanaugh. Our only recourse is sometimes to pray when we are weak and ask God to forgive our nation and our people who become ensnared in the lifestyle of lies that emanate from the omerta ways of the Democrat Party. They bank on character assassination. It's the hallmark of the DNC today, who compromised themselves with socialists and progressives since the Haymarket Square Massacre of May 4, 1886, not to mention their role in granting carte blanche to union violence.

Partial list of such offenses: A History of Union Murder and Sabotage

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but you know what? I don't care anyway.
That's because you've thrown so many insults President Trump's way, you can't remember it in addition to not caring.

You mean Mr. Grab em by the pussy? What everyone else calls accurately describing what he actually says and does, you call insults. If you don't like hearing about his childish behavior and the latest insults he gives out, you should tell him to stop doing those things.
Sorry, dear, I don't pay any attention to gossip. It's a tear-down human trait based in self-aggrandizement in the face of a perceived weaker person, and quite often, gossip doesn't tell the whole truth, only that which the teller believes will benefit himself or herself..

Proverbs 20:19 19A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much.

Proverbs 16:28 28A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.

Proverbs 11:12-13 12Whoever derides their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue. 13A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.

So you spout off everywhere you go like those ditto heads used to do, and people tell you to shut up. If you don't want people to tell you that you are wrong, then quit antagonizing them. For a long time right wingers got away with what you call speaking out against leftists because people were just too polite to correct you. Now you whine when you get a response.Get used to it, or better yet, don't start it.
Is that your best avoidance of a footshoot, madam? :blahblah::lmao:

I have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but you know what? I don't care anyway.
That's because you've thrown so many insults President Trump's way, you can't remember it in addition to not caring.

You mean Mr. Grab em by the pussy? What everyone else calls accurately describing what he actually says and does, you call insults. If you don't like hearing about his childish behavior and the latest insults he gives out, you should tell him to stop doing those things.
Sorry, dear, I don't pay any attention to gossip. It's a tear-down human trait based in self-aggrandizement in the face of a perceived weaker person, and quite often, gossip doesn't tell the whole truth, only that which the teller believes will benefit himself or herself..

Proverbs 20:19 19A gossip betrays a confidence; so avoid anyone who talks too much.

Proverbs 16:28 28A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends.

Proverbs 11:12-13 12Whoever derides their neighbor has no sense, but the one who has understanding holds their tongue. 13A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy person keeps a secret.

Sure you do. It's the only way to be a Trump supporter.
this so called news is the standard RW political platform ... create a deficit then try to kill social services and help balance the loss.


every time a Republican gets elected this same shit happens.
You can tell The Left Tards are in TOTAL MELTDOWN PANIC. They are spamming the forum with THE GOP IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY THREADS!
raising the minimum wage would mean more tax revenue and greater demand; that is the reason for unemployment compensation at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour; to "provide automatic stabilization for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment".

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