GOPers Gunning After Americans Again i.e. Social Security, etc.

let's upgrade benefits for modern times; raising the minimum wage to raise revenue can pioneer the way.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:
I guess the Dimocraps are pulling out the "Pushing Granny off a cliff" argument now.
FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:

Illegal Aliens cost SS, Medicare and Medicaid $155 Billion a the question is.....why does Lefty want to Throw Grandma and other American Citizens Off The Cliff for a bunch of law breaking, non tax paying, Illegal criminal immigrants who are not US Citizens?

Because "Bad Hombre" said so?

Yup, somethings got to give, and the democrats have made their choice. And, it doesn't bode well for gram and gramps.
If the democrats who are running for office don't jump on this issue with both feet, then they truly are useless.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:
Another Trump promise broken.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:
I guess the Dimocraps are pulling out the "Pushing Granny off a cliff" argument now.
we can raise the minimum wage to raise tax revenue with the status quo tax regime we have.
Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

You people trot this nonsense out every single election cycle. You really need to find a new schtick

Well, thanks for letting USMB members all know you are just as void of morality as McConnell, Ryan, and Trump are when it comes to the retirements & the medical needs of the majority of Americans during their sunset years. Real classy there.

Oh, I forgot: Thanks for the RECORD SIX YEAR DEFICIT too.

Every fucking election cycle you clowns start scaring old people into believing that the Republicans are going to kill Medicare and Social Security despite the fact it's never happened and has never even been tried. It's a bullshit lie. I wish they were actually trying to do it.
Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

You people trot this nonsense out every single election cycle. You really need to find a new schtick

Well, thanks for letting USMB members all know you are just as void of morality as McConnell, Ryan, and Trump are when it comes to the retirements & the medical needs of the majority of Americans during their sunset years. Real classy there.

Oh, I forgot: Thanks for the RECORD SIX YEAR DEFICIT too.

Every fucking election cycle you clowns start scaring old people into believing that the Republicans are going to kill Medicare and Social Security despite the fact it's never happened and has never even been tried. It's a bullshit lie. I wish they were actually trying to do it.
what better solution at lower cost, right wingers?
Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

You people trot this nonsense out every single election cycle. You really need to find a new schtick
i agree,i have heard this since Reagan and yet those programs are still here....its like after Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers for violating the paper they signed,the Postal Unions told us that he was coming after all the unions....all 3 Postal Unions are still here.....
Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

You people trot this nonsense out every single election cycle. You really need to find a new schtick

Well, thanks for letting USMB members all know you are just as void of morality as McConnell, Ryan, and Trump are when it comes to the retirements & the medical needs of the majority of Americans during their sunset years. Real classy there.

Oh, I forgot: Thanks for the RECORD SIX YEAR DEFICIT too.

Every fucking election cycle you clowns start scaring old people into believing that the Republicans are going to kill Medicare and Social Security despite the fact it's never happened and has never even been tried. It's a bullshit lie. I wish they were actually trying to do it.
there is a plan. It's been discussed. It's fair and it resolves the matter. but alas, no guts no glory. they all want to legislate to the next election cycle instead of legislate
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.

You like to see 70 yr old roofers still hoofing it up a ladder?? Because that's always been the "simple" solution that your Demos are eager to offer...
No, that's the solution the repugs are always trying to push. Keep raising the retirement age, decreasing benefits, etc. They never want to talk about lifting the FICA cap or the damage caused by their continuous tax cuts on the wealthy and big business.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The most anti-American policy in the history of man-kind. Designed to swamp the country with debt, and that it has done.

Morons blame the tax cuts. The problem isn't that Americans are able to keep their own earnings.

The problem is the massive tax cuts for multi-million dollar companies.

The problem are the people who do not contribute, but yet whine that others are not paying taxes. That's bullshit err... bulldog.
Everybody who has a job is contributing. They should lift the cap on FICA so that rich people contribute too.
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.

You like to see 70 yr old roofers still hoofing it up a ladder?? Because that's always been the "simple" solution that your Demos are eager to offer...
No, that's the solution the repugs are always trying to push. Keep raising the retirement age, decreasing benefits, etc. They never want to talk about lifting the FICA cap or the damage caused by their continuous tax cuts on the wealthy and big business.
How about make those socialist entitlement programs opt in’s?

Everyone that wants Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid just opt in, And those don’t just that don’t sign up for them, so they don’t have to pay for that shit...
If you seriously worked your entire life banking on SS to keep you comfortable in retirement you're an idiot. You invested all that money over 40 to 50 years to get what? 1200 bucks a month? If you would have done the same thing in the market you would be rich. Only idiots bank on the government for their retirement.
Lol retirement. Such a baby boomer concept.

You like to see 70 yr old roofers still hoofing it up a ladder?? Because that's always been the "simple" solution that your Demos are eager to offer...
No, that's the solution the repugs are always trying to push. Keep raising the retirement age, decreasing benefits, etc. They never want to talk about lifting the FICA cap or the damage caused by their continuous tax cuts on the wealthy and big business.

They never want to talk about lifting the FICA cap

Why do you feel that would help?
I thought the economy was the best, probably, that it had been since Lincoln...or something.
Yeah, it's the bestest economy since Jeezus, but we need to cut rich people's taxes to nothing in order to stimulate it.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com
Here we go again, right on time, a few weeks before an election....Republicans are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare.
They have already heavily damaged healthcare.
Of course they want to end SS and Medicare.
Those are twin pillars of GOP policy.
How can you not know that?

Obamacare damaged healthcare. How can you not know that?
Of course, the constant repug efforts to sabotage it didn't help matters.
It appears the GOP terrorist mob at being in a uproar over deficits they created, are at it again issuing threats against earned employee benefits such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. This is while they entitle themselves and their rich buddies huge tax breaks. Hopefully next month the Blue Wave will drown them all in order to make America great and sane again. This includes working to accomplish methods to shore up Social Security and not kill it which is the desire of this putrid and unAmerican GOPer mob.

McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase
The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.
Source: pressherald .com

The most anti-American policy in the history of man-kind. Designed to swamp the country with debt, and that it has done.

Morons blame the tax cuts. The problem isn't that Americans are able to keep their own earnings.

The problem is the massive tax cuts for multi-million dollar companies.

The problem are the people who do not contribute, but yet whine that others are not paying taxes. That's bullshit err... bulldog.

I worked hard all my life and paid my taxes. I'm retired now, and don't have a job, but I still pay my taxes. Are you saying I don't contribute?

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