GOPers Gunning After Americans Again i.e. Social Security, etc.

No surprise.

The two most successful government programs instituted by the two most hated democratic presidents.

The fact remains, there are basically an even number of both Republican & Democrat leaning voters that RELY on both SS & Medicare.
Translation: "Success" to the lolberals is measured by how many are dependent upon The State for their very livelihood.

For once, a random moment of inadvertent honesty.
No surprise.

The two most successful government programs instituted by the two most hated democratic presidents.

The fact remains, there are basically an even number of both Republican & Democrat leaning voters that RELY on both SS & Medicare during the last years of their lives.

Yeah, but the democrat voters are at least smart enough to that.

The Republican voters not so much.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.

But they don't ensure we have enough funding. That's why the programs have long-term shortfalls.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire,

It's true, Democrats are twats.

thus creating even larger deficits.

Ummmm…..smaller deficits. Democrats are also bad at math.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall,

More FICA because the programs are unsustainable at current levels.
Which has zero to do with income and business tax cuts.
Do Democrats realize that they have NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to whining about high deficits?


When Barry Soetoro and the Lefties ran up the first trillion dollar deficits in the early years of his term, it was peachy keen with the Leftists and the Media because it was said to be stimulating the economy - although the numbers themselves put the lie to that nonsense.

Now When the Republicans ACTUALLY DO stimulate the economy with a modest tax cut (which can be made to look HUGE by projecting it ten years into the future), they claim that the tax cut threatens Social Security and Medicare. Furthermore, the CBO also gets into the act by refusing to recognize the stimulative effect of the tax cut on TAX REVENUES in its projections. The Deep State at its finest.

Not to mention the fact that Social Security is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as currently managed. The USSC allowed it in the past because it was falsely claimed to be a separate fund into which taxpayers deposited money, then took it out when they retired. Since it has been consolidated with the general fund, hence FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS THROUGH THEIR INCOME TAXES, the argument for its Constitutionality went out the window.

Medicare is totally unconstitutional, and never even had the SS argument to support it.

So....either modify the fucking Constitution and be adult about it, or make it self-sustaining again. That is, revenues equal disbursements.

The only two rational choices.
No surprise.

The two most successful government programs instituted by the two most hated democratic presidents.

The fact remains, there are basically an even number of both Republican & Democrat leaning voters that RELY on both SS & Medicare.
Translation: "Success" to the lolberals is measured by how many are dependent upon The State for their very livelihood.

For once, a random moment of inadvertent honesty.

Thank you for letting all of the USMB membership know that you care so much MORE for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations, and will gladly welcome 99% of your fellow citizens one day living in slums, ravaged by disease, dying slow, terrible deaths, compliments of the GOP. That is swell.
Do Democrats realize that they have NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to whining about high deficits?


When Barry Soetoro and the Lefties ran up the first trillion dollar deficits in the early years of his term, it was peachy keen with the Leftists and the Media because it was said to be stimulating the economy - although the numbers themselves put the lie to that nonsense.

Now When the Republicans ACTUALLY DO stimulate the economy with a modest tax cut (which can be made to look HUGE by projecting it ten years into the future), they claim that the tax cut threatens Social Security and Medicare. Furthermore, the CBO also gets into the act by refusing to recognize the stimulative effect of the tax cut on TAX REVENUES in its projections. The Deep State at its finest.

Not to mention the fact that Social Security is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as currently managed. The USSC allowed it in the past because it was falsely claimed to be a separate fund into which taxpayers deposited money, then took it out when they retired. Since it has been consolidated with the general fund, hence FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS THROUGH THEIR INCOME TAXES, the argument for its Constitutionality went out the window.

Medicare is totally unconstitutional, and never even had the SS argument to support it.

So....either modify the fucking Constitution and be adult about it, or make it self-sustaining again. That is, revenues equal disbursements.

The only two rational choices.
Do Democrats realize that they have NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to whining about high deficits?


When Barry Soetoro and the Lefties ran up the first trillion dollar deficits in the early years of his term, it was peachy keen with the Leftists and the Media because it was said to be stimulating the economy - although the numbers themselves put the lie to that nonsense.

Now When the Republicans ACTUALLY DO stimulate the economy with a modest tax cut (which can be made to look HUGE by projecting it ten years into the future), they claim that the tax cut threatens Social Security and Medicare. Furthermore, the CBO also gets into the act by refusing to recognize the stimulative effect of the tax cut on TAX REVENUES in its projections. The Deep State at its finest.

Not to mention the fact that Social Security is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as currently managed. The USSC allowed it in the past because it was falsely claimed to be a separate fund into which taxpayers deposited money, then took it out when they retired. Since it has been consolidated with the general fund, hence FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS THROUGH THEIR INCOME TAXES, the argument for its Constitutionality went out the window.

Medicare is totally unconstitutional, and never even had the SS argument to support it.

So....either modify the fucking Constitution and be adult about it, or make it self-sustaining again. That is, revenues equal disbursements.

The only two rational choices.

I think that $$$$$$$$$ may have had something to do with that whole 'Great Recession' that nearly wiped out the planet, that the GOP POTUS G. W. Bush left America & Barry saddled with; I could be mistaken.

Nice; another vote for the 0.01% of the wealthiest individuals & the corporations. Thank you.

Thank you for letting all of the USMB membership know that you care so much MORE for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations, and will gladly welcome 99% of your fellow citizens one day living in slums, ravaged by disease, dying slow, terrible deaths, compliments of the GOP. That is swell.
Thank you for letting everyone know that you're out of intellectual ammo, and then need to recycle stale old lolberal tropes.


Thank you for letting all of the USMB membership know that you care so much MORE for the wealthiest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations, and will gladly welcome 99% of your fellow citizens one day living in slums, ravaged by disease, dying slow, terrible deaths, compliments of the GOP. That is swell.
Thank you for letting everyone know that you're out of intellectual ammo, and then need to recycle stale old lolberal tropes.


Yes; we already know you are quite all right with tens of millions of seniors rotting in the streets.

You don't really need to resort to CNN cartoons to get that point across; we already know you are looking forward to the 'Great American Die Off.'
The fact remains, there are basically an even number of both Republican & Democrat leaning voters that RELY on both SS & Medicare during the last years of their lives.

The talk of the collapse of SSI and Medicare have been going on since the Clinton Administration, neither side will do anything either way.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:

He is right. Entitlements must be addressed.
Yes; we already know you are quite all right with tens of millions of seniors rotting in the streets.

You don't really need to resort to CNN cartoons to get that point across; we already know you are looking forward to the 'Great American Die Off.'
If anyone wants to see a cartoon, just look at your "arguments"! :laughing0301:
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:
our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror have to go first. There is no general warfare clause or common offense clause.
Illegal Aliens cost SS, Medicare and Medicaid $155 Billion a the question is.....why does Lefty want to Throw Grandma and other American Citizens Off The Cliff for a bunch of law breaking, non tax paying, Illegal criminal immigrants who are not US Citizens?

Because "Bad Hombre" said so?

Do Democrats realize that they have NO CREDIBILITY when it comes to whining about high deficits?


When Barry Soetoro and the Lefties ran up the first trillion dollar deficits in the early years of his term, it was peachy keen with the Leftists and the Media because it was said to be stimulating the economy - although the numbers themselves put the lie to that nonsense.

Now When the Republicans ACTUALLY DO stimulate the economy with a modest tax cut (which can be made to look HUGE by projecting it ten years into the future), they claim that the tax cut threatens Social Security and Medicare. Furthermore, the CBO also gets into the act by refusing to recognize the stimulative effect of the tax cut on TAX REVENUES in its projections. The Deep State at its finest.

Not to mention the fact that Social Security is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, as currently managed. The USSC allowed it in the past because it was falsely claimed to be a separate fund into which taxpayers deposited money, then took it out when they retired. Since it has been consolidated with the general fund, hence FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS THROUGH THEIR INCOME TAXES, the argument for its Constitutionality went out the window.

Medicare is totally unconstitutional, and never even had the SS argument to support it.

So....either modify the fucking Constitution and be adult about it, or make it self-sustaining again. That is, revenues equal disbursements.

The only two rational choices.
Run on that. Seriously. LOL
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:
Imo McConnell's the worst thing to happen to the senate since the demise of Jim Crow, so don't get me wrong here.

But he is right that there's no way one party will ever again try to reform a social program without the other party buying in, unless the dems didn't learn anything from the Obamacare drag on them in the past 3 election cycles

The problem is how does McConnell expect to get democrats to support anything he brings to the table.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:

I love this line
The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

They arenot crumbs and you guys are full of shit, your side voted AGAINST making them permanent, so you guys are liars.......go fuck youself

House passes GOP bill to make new tax cuts permanent

The legislation clearing the House on Friday would make the cuts for individuals and pass-through businesses permanent.

Friday's vote was 220-191 in the Republican-led House to approve the legislation. It's the second tax-cut proposal that Republican leaders have pushed in less than a year. The vote was mostly along party lines.
McConnell says Medicare, Social Security causing ‘disturbing’ deficit increase

The Senate majority leader rejects criticism that last year's Republican tax cuts are to blame for the country's rising debt.


FICA Tax Guide (2018): Payroll Tax Rates & Definition - SmartAsset

FICA taxes are payroll taxes. In most cases, you can’t get around them. And although they take a chunk out of your earnings, they ensure that the Medicare and Social Security programs have enough funding.


Bottom line: McConnell, Ryan, Trump, the GOP have ensured that Social Security & Medicare in America will become useless for the people that will need it the most.

Mitch McConnell is attempting to make Americans believe that Social Security & Medicare are the reasons for the EXPLODING DEFICITS. :206:
SS & Medicare are not the reasons for the exploding CURRENT 6 YEAR HIGH DEFICIT, it is the GOP tax cuts passed by the GOP that benefit the richest 0.01% of individuals & the corporations.
These tax cuts do NOT expire.

The small, bread crumb tax cuts offered by the GOP for 99% of Americans will expire, thus creating even larger deficits.

NOT ONLY will the bottom 99.9% end up paying MORE FICA tax to make up for the revenue shortfall, due to the exponentially increasing deficits under the GOP rule, YOU WILL ALSO be getting screwed out of SS & Medicare benefits, once the GOP drains every red cent out of these programs, and bankrupts them, just as Trump has done with multiple businesses. YOU will be paying more into FICA tax & that will eat up MORE than any tax cut you would receive from the GOP tax cuts offered you.

Congratulations Trump voters; you have screwed not only the poorest Americans out of future SS & Medicare benefits but you have also screwed the working poor, the working class, the middle class, ALL, out of future benefits, ALL for the enrichment of the top 0.01% of the population of this nation that already happen to be financially 'set.'

Now Republicans, go look your children in the face and tell your progeny how their futures look. :blowup:

Lol, like social security and Medicare would even exist for them. What a plonker. Maybe if the people you elected quit giving it all to illegals it would last. I for one would love to have the $100 i is I have to pay into that shot in my pocket rather then some old shit who was bad with their money.
Been waiting 2 years for this to be spoken out loud, Cut social Security to pay for the tax cuts that benefited those that needed it the least.
why would any one over 50 who has paid into SS all there life's want it killed? please explain?

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