GOPers Lack Critical Thinking Skills - here's why

I want to find out what they think 'brainwashing' is. What specific instruction crosses the threshold between imparting information and imparting knowledge.

I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.
Are you curious? Why would you object to something you are not sure of? Can you make the best decision without knowing all the facts? Would a decision based on suspicion be wise? Perhaps it is this very discussion: the difference between knowledge and suspicion, between curiosity and fear that these 'critical thinking' skills seek to address.

Would the world be a better place if the curious, the knowledge seekers, the wise just sit on their hands and not contribute? Do you think that 'plain old things' serve to advance our society? Are our schools to be nothing more than trade schools educating a worker but not necessarily nurturing a mind? Should the curtain be drawn on broader thought because a few timid minds fear knowledge?

Would you have less than the brightest set curricula for everyone? Have you ever heard the expression "the dumbing down of America"? Can this argument; against teaching critical thinking skills be ground zero for that sad and unfortunate movement?

Why WOULDN'T anyone object to something they're not sure of? I'm not going to throw my kids into a program not knowing exactly what they're going to be taught! If i'm suspicious of something, of course i'm going to question it. But you go ahead and let your kids be guinea pigs, i'm not.

I still say it's brainwashing....kinda like the video of the teacher that had a bunch of little kids singing the "Obama Song" when he was elected! I don't want some left wing teacher indoctrinating my kids, and that's just what that was.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

Frankly I'm confused about what critical thinking skills lefties use when they include the "patriot act" in a discussion about the Texas education system. You can just imagine a bunch of left wing strategists descending on poor Texas with a verbal IED. Name the badly written education bill "critical thinking skills" and guess what will happen when republicans dump it? By gosh we will have a fake issue that the ignorant left will be able to ride on for a month and maybe longer depending on Huffington's schedule.

You were talking propaganda and I was just pointing out how it works both ways. If you didn't support the "Patriot" Act, what did that make you? If you don't want certain people to get married, act as if they're attacking marriage. That's the kind of analysis critical thinking gets you, not "how can this possibly apply" attempts to deflect from one's own hypocrisy.
I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.

Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

Without training in critical thinking by the time college rolls around, it could be too late. Only a true buffoon would support the premise that there's something wrong with improving one's logic skills. Socrates is turning over in his grave.
I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.
Are you curious? Why would you object to something you are not sure of? Can you make the best decision without knowing all the facts? Would a decision based on suspicion be wise? Perhaps it is this very discussion: the difference between knowledge and suspicion, between curiosity and fear that these 'critical thinking' skills seek to address.

Would the world be a better place if the curious, the knowledge seekers, the wise just sit on their hands and not contribute? Do you think that 'plain old things' serve to advance our society? Are our schools to be nothing more than trade schools educating a worker but not necessarily nurturing a mind? Should the curtain be drawn on broader thought because a few timid minds fear knowledge?

Would you have less than the brightest set curricula for everyone? Have you ever heard the expression "the dumbing down of America"? Can this argument; against teaching critical thinking skills be ground zero for that sad and unfortunate movement?

Why WOULDN'T anyone object to something they're not sure of? I'm not going to throw my kids into a program not knowing exactly what they're going to be taught! If i'm suspicious of something, of course i'm going to question it. But you go ahead and let your kids be guinea pigs, i'm not.

I still say it's brainwashing....kinda like the video of the teacher that had a bunch of little kids singing the "Obama Song" when he was elected! I don't want some left wing teacher indoctrinating my kids, and that's just what that was.
It's that curiosity I wrote about. A need to seek out the answers rather than recoil in suspicion and fear. With the depths of curiosity you have shown here, I'm quite sure you would be comfortable if society marched back wards a few centuries simply because the new and innovative was something to fear rather than investigate.

And that's what critical thinking seeks to avoid.

You still say it's brainwashing, yet you really don't know. I'm glad that folks with your level of love of learning aren't running the whole show. Let's see how competitive Texas is in the coming century. I'm guessing kids from Texas will do wonders in the janitorial and food service industries, but be baffled in a high technology setting.
Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

Without training in critical thinking by the time college rolls around, it could be too late. Only a true buffoon would support the premise that there's something wrong with improving one's logic skills. Socrates is turning over in his grave.
You just read how effective the Socratic Method is when applied to Caroljo.
You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

Frankly I'm confused about what critical thinking skills lefties use when they include the "patriot act" in a discussion about the Texas education system. You can just imagine a bunch of left wing strategists descending on poor Texas with a verbal IED. Name the badly written education bill "critical thinking skills" and guess what will happen when republicans dump it? By gosh we will have a fake issue that the ignorant left will be able to ride on for a month and maybe longer depending on Huffington's schedule.

You were talking propaganda and I was just pointing out how it works both ways. If you didn't support the "Patriot" Act, what did that make you? If you don't want certain people to get married, act as if they're attacking marriage. That's the kind of analysis critical thinking gets you, not "how can this possibly apply" attempts to deflect from one's own hypocrisy.

so "critial thinking" is where you totally ignore the main points of an argument so you can arrive at a total bullshit conclusion?
I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.

Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

In the good schools with the smart kids it sure as fuck is, you moron. My nephew is entering his sophomore year of high school and he did advanced calc LAST YEAR. He's been about six grade levels above standard in math and science since about seventh grade. Granted, he's the son of a Linguistic Doctor and a Medical Doctor (pediatrician) so dude is hella smart to begin with. But if your child excels and is in the right school, funded properly, he or she can get access to all kinds of advanced level classes.

Quit lying and making shit up, OldBall.
so "critial thinking" is where you totally ignore the main points of an argument so you can arrive at a total bullshit conclusion?

Keep in mind that to the left, "critical thinking" means "group think." They talk about critical thinking then they all have not only the same position on every issue but the same lame arguments to justify them. They group think a position and a justification then all intone it. When you realize what they mean by critical thinking this whole thread makes sense, doesn't it?
Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

In the good schools with the smart kids it sure as fuck is, you moron. My nephew is entering his sophomore year of high school and he did advanced calc LAST YEAR. He's been about six grade levels above standard in math and science since about seventh grade. Granted, he's the son of a Linguistic Doctor and a Medical Doctor (pediatrician) so dude is hella smart to begin with. But if your child excels and is in the right school, funded properly, he or she can get access to all kinds of advanced level classes.

Quit lying and making shit up, OldBall.

Your kid is in 10th grade and six grade levels above? That would be a senior in college. College Algebra is really a joke to begin with. Your suppose to know algebra before college. Remedial algebra is a Freshman class in college. Anyways, the point is YOU made the case that your kid is ahead and thus moot in the discussion. :lol:
You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

Frankly I'm confused about what critical thinking skills lefties use when they include the "patriot act" in a discussion about the Texas education system. You can just imagine a bunch of left wing strategists descending on poor Texas with a verbal IED. Name the badly written education bill "critical thinking skills" and guess what will happen when republicans dump it? By gosh we will have a fake issue that the ignorant left will be able to ride on for a month and maybe longer depending on Huffington's schedule.

You were talking propaganda and I was just pointing out how it works both ways. If you didn't support the "Patriot" Act, what did that make you? If you don't want certain people to get married, act as if they're attacking marriage. That's the kind of analysis critical thinking gets you, not "how can this possibly apply" attempts to deflect from one's own hypocrisy.

so "critial thinking" is where you totally ignore the main points of an argument so you can arrive at a total bullshit conclusion?
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

In the good schools with the smart kids it sure as fuck is, you moron. My nephew is entering his sophomore year of high school and he did advanced calc LAST YEAR. He's been about six grade levels above standard in math and science since about seventh grade. Granted, he's the son of a Linguistic Doctor and a Medical Doctor (pediatrician) so dude is hella smart to begin with. But if your child excels and is in the right school, funded properly, he or she can get access to all kinds of advanced level classes.

Quit lying and making shit up, OldBall.

Your kid is in 10th grade and six grade levels above? That would be a senior in college. College Algebra is really a joke to begin with. Your suppose to know algebra before college. Remedial algebra is a Freshman class in college. Anyways, the point is YOU made the case that your kid is ahead and thus moot in the discussion. :lol:

A) You clearly need some remedial reading comprehension courses. It's not my kid; it's my nephew.

B) The point was made that they don't teach college-level Algebra in grade school.

C) I easily refuted that point with my NEPHEW's story. They teach it if the kid can handle it.
Without training in critical thinking by the time college rolls around, it could be too late. Only a true buffoon would support the premise that there's something wrong with improving one's logic skills. Socrates is turning over in his grave.

"Critical thinking" isn't logic. They quit teaching kids logic long ago. Critial thinking is where you actually suspend all critical thought and pretend that an 80-year-old grandma should be treated as the same kind of threat to an airliner as a 30-year-old Moslem male born in Saudi Arabia.

If the schools taught formal logic, then no one would ever become a Democrat.
To the Left "Critical Thinking" means that you are Critical of Free Enterprise, American exceptionalism and Think you're smart for being part of the collective
Republican's 2012 party platform: "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills". Yikes! -- No wonder Republicans have difficulty figuring stuff out.

The Republican Party of Texas has issued their 2012 political platform and has come out and blatantly opposed critical thinking in public schools throughout the state. If you wonder what took them so long to actually state that publicly, it is really a matter of timing. With irrationality now the norm and an election hovering over the 2012 horizon, the timing of the Republican GOP announcement against "critical thinking" instruction couldn't be better. It helps gin up their anti-intellectual base.


Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really. - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

By Valerie Strauss

In the you-can’t-make-up-this-stuff department, here’s what the Republican Party of Texas wrote into its 2012 platform as part of the section on education:

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”


Why is it we believe you could not explain what the higher order is?

Is that a prelude or preparation to the NEW WORLD ORDER..

Parents should be raising their kids the way they want them to be. I don't want teachers putting crap in my kids heads that i don't believe..
And "Behavior modification"??? That sounds like brainwashing to me.

Texas is sounding like about the smartest state around...everyone should move there!

Actually you don't get to keep them from being educated. The earth is not 5,000 years old; the sun does not revolve around the earth; the bible is not science.

No matter how hard you wish
Frankly I'm confused about what critical thinking skills lefties use when they include the "patriot act" in a discussion about the Texas education system. You can just imagine a bunch of left wing strategists descending on poor Texas with a verbal IED. Name the badly written education bill "critical thinking skills" and guess what will happen when republicans dump it? By gosh we will have a fake issue that the ignorant left will be able to ride on for a month and maybe longer depending on Huffington's schedule.

You were talking propaganda and I was just pointing out how it works both ways. If you didn't support the "Patriot" Act, what did that make you? If you don't want certain people to get married, act as if they're attacking marriage. That's the kind of analysis critical thinking gets you, not "how can this possibly apply" attempts to deflect from one's own hypocrisy.

so "critial thinking" is where you totally ignore the main points of an argument so you can arrive at a total bullshit conclusion?

Not exactly, but part of propaganda is changing the subject, like you just did.
so "critial thinking" is where you totally ignore the main points of an argument so you can arrive at a total bullshit conclusion?

I want to again remind everyone that the issue is not critical thinking, but HOTS, or "Higher Order Thinking Skills." The Texas GOP oppose HOTS as it is nothing but rebranded OBE. No one can defend OBE anymore, but the radical left still seeks to use Pavlovian conditioned response, so has renamed the system HOTS.

HOTS was developed by Dr. Stanley Pogrow. It uses the same repetition of simple phrases in conjunction with stimuli to condition the subject to react in a programmed manner.

As you said, this is the opposite of critical thinking, it is brain washing. This is OBE and nothing more. In typical Orwellian fashion, the left has called water dirt and snow fire.

What's Wrong With Outcome-Based Education?
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?
Whats wrong with the defense of marriage act? and please tell me what is YOUR definition of marriage?

Not the point. It's propaganda to claim a defense of something that wasn't being attacked.

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