GOPers Lack Critical Thinking Skills - here's why

You really think that happens a lot, don't you? When did you attend college? When I went, there was no massive Liberal wing of the professors. Professors teach; they don't preach. You're drinking way too much of the Kool-Aid Rush and Glenn serve, methinks.

So you attended college before 1965? Doubtful.

Rush and Glenn teaching on campus a lot these days? Nope.

We see paid posters for Obama on message boards? Yep, Derrps is here and all but admitted it.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

Hey lets not forget trickly down and tax cuts for hedge fund managers.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?
Clintoon signed DOMA...USAPATRIOT act passed the Senate 98-1 on its original vote and the DEMOCRAT controlled congress reauthorized it.

You lose.

Translation: Republicans dont exist
As for critical thinking, PROFILING is an example of critical thinking, but liberals HATE putting patterns and experience together and use probability to figure out things, they really hate that statistics stuff.
Here's the dirty little secret and I have to admire democrats for being so skilled at it. Offer a junk unproven experimental education program and give it a special name and when it fails to pass, attack republicans for obstructing a ....freaking name. It used to be a strategy guaranteed to give the democrat party an issue when they had the total media on their side and you can guarantee the old style democrats will pander to the truly ignorant and forget about the age of information. The issue is a dud but it is still kept alive by tax free left wing propaganda blogs that pander to the ignorant true believers.

You mean like Patriot Act, Defense of Marriage Act, etc., etc., etc.?

Frankly I'm confused about what critical thinking skills lefties use when they include the "patriot act" in a discussion about the Texas education system. You can just imagine a bunch of left wing strategists descending on poor Texas with a verbal IED. Name the badly written education bill "critical thinking skills" and guess what will happen when republicans dump it? By gosh we will have a fake issue that the ignorant left will be able to ride on for a month and maybe longer depending on Huffington's schedule.
by brainwashing the poster means they dont want their kid to be taught critical thinking, science, etc.
I want to find out what they think 'brainwashing' is. What specific instruction crosses the threshold between imparting information and imparting knowledge.

I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.

Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.

Yep, that nails it.

The rw's give lip service to the Constitution but they're quick to toss it in the trash if it serves their purpose.

FACT is, Texasssss is removing Jefferson from history text books. Why doesn't Perry object? Why is the rw is favor of this?

Why are the rw's on this board so in favor of it?

More to the point, how can we stop the rw's from getting away wit it.?
I want to find out what they think 'brainwashing' is. What specific instruction crosses the threshold between imparting information and imparting knowledge.

I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.

Obviously, you don't know what "critical thinking" is.

Remember college level algebra? Start there.
College level algebra isn't being taught in the K-8 levels, you buffoon.

Yep, that nails it.

The rw's give lip service to the Constitution but they're quick to toss it in the trash if it serves their purpose.

FACT is, Texasssss is removing Jefferson from history text books. Why doesn't Perry object? Why is the rw is favor of this?

Why are the rw's on this board so in favor of it?

More to the point, how can we stop the rw's from getting away wit it.?

Talk about PROJECTION...Liberals HATE the founding father, they call them dead white males, All they teach is McCarthy and Global warming
by brainwashing the poster means they dont want their kid to be taught critical thinking, science, etc.
I want to find out what they think 'brainwashing' is. What specific instruction crosses the threshold between imparting information and imparting knowledge.

I guess i'm just old fashioned. I am 59 yrs old....

What i wanted, and what i would want, is for my kids to learn the plain old things like English, Math, Science, even gym and Art....everything that is the necessities. Maybe Shop class, Home economics, woodworking....something that can give them a skill. Once they graduate, they can decide where else they want to go. No, i can't say for certain that "critical thinking" would really brainwash my kid....but i won't take that chance! I just have that "feeling" in my gut that this is just going to brainwash so many kids, they're being told what to think~i don't trust it.
Are you curious? Why would you object to something you are not sure of? Can you make the best decision without knowing all the facts? Would a decision based on suspicion be wise? Perhaps it is this very discussion: the difference between knowledge and suspicion, between curiosity and fear that these 'critical thinking' skills seek to address.

Would the world be a better place if the curious, the knowledge seekers, the wise just sit on their hands and not contribute? Do you think that 'plain old things' serve to advance our society? Are our schools to be nothing more than trade schools educating a worker but not necessarily nurturing a mind? Should the curtain be drawn on broader thought because a few timid minds fear knowledge?

Would you have less than the brightest set curricula for everyone? Have you ever heard the expression "the dumbing down of America"? Can this argument; against teaching critical thinking skills be ground zero for that sad and unfortunate movement?
One of the goals of some of mankind has been a way to find the truth in issues. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ the ancient Greeks created logic from a simple yes-no game as part of the truth quest. Logic was taught in the universities for many years, but it is difficult to use in everyday debate. The Scientific method is probably the best method for truth but it too is too cumbersome. Critical thinking is still another method, not often taught in schools, and it may be still be in its early stages, but it may have possiblities. Being able to reject, recognize or question may be the best we can do. Our problem seems to be, however, that in politics we accept our party's untruths as true and without question. We want to believe and so we do. We are not critical in looking for the truth.
One of the goals of some of mankind has been a way to find the truth in issues. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ the ancient Greeks created logic from a simple yes-no game as part of the truth quest. Logic was taught in the universities for many years, but it is difficult to use in everyday debate. The Scientific method is probably the best method for truth but it too is too cumbersome. Critical thinking is still another method, not often taught in schools, and it may be still be in its early stages, but it may have possiblities. Being able to reject, recognize or question may be the best we can do. Our problem seems to be, however, that in politics we accept our party's untruths as true and without question. We want to believe and so we do. We are not critical in looking for the truth.

This video explains why. And liberals control the education system and we dont look for truth, reason, logic, and rationality.

[ame=]Understanding How Modern Liberals Think - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone who isn't suffering from brain damage knows that whatever liberals call "critical thinking" is exactly the opposite. Putting contradictory labels on things is a liberal specialty. Recall how they infamously call welfare and other socialist boondoggles "investment." Fauex outrage over the public's failure to be fooled by these labels is another liberal specialty. It's all just part of a massive propaganda campaigned designed to lul parents into allowing their children to be brainwashed and turned into mindless drones like all the liberals are.

Congratulations to Texas Republicans for not falling for this scam. If only the rest of the country was so savvy.

Republican's 2012 party platform: "We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills". Yikes! -- No wonder Republicans have difficulty figuring stuff out.

The Republican Party of Texas has issued their 2012 political platform and has come out and blatantly opposed critical thinking in public schools throughout the state. If you wonder what took them so long to actually state that publicly, it is really a matter of timing. With irrationality now the norm and an election hovering over the 2012 horizon, the timing of the Republican GOP announcement against "critical thinking" instruction couldn't be better. It helps gin up their anti-intellectual base.


Texas GOP rejects ‘critical thinking’ skills. Really. - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

By Valerie Strauss

In the you-can’t-make-up-this-stuff department, here’s what the Republican Party of Texas wrote into its 2012 platform as part of the section on education:

Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority.

Yes, you read that right. The party opposes the teaching of “higher order thinking skills” because it believes the purpose is to challenge a student’s “fixed beliefs” and undermine “parental authority.”

It opposes, among other things, early childhood education, sex education, and multicultural education, but supports “school subjects with emphasis on the Judeo-Christian principles upon which America was founded.”

So-called "critical thinking" is just liberal bullshit. It's actually the exact opposite of critical thinking. It leads children to believe they understand the issues when in fact that don't know jack shit about the issues. If there's anything I don't want a gang of paid liberal indoctrinators doing is teaching my kid "critical thinking."

One of the goals of some of mankind has been a way to find the truth in issues. Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ the ancient Greeks created logic from a simple yes-no game as part of the truth quest. Logic was taught in the universities for many years, but it is difficult to use in everyday debate. The Scientific method is probably the best method for truth but it too is too cumbersome. Critical thinking is still another method, not often taught in schools, and it may be still be in its early stages, but it may have possiblities. Being able to reject, recognize or question may be the best we can do. Our problem seems to be, however, that in politics we accept our party's untruths as true and without question. We want to believe and so we do. We are not critical in looking for the truth.
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As for critical thinking, PROFILING is an example of critical thinking, but liberals HATE putting patterns and experience together and use probability to figure out things, they really hate that statistics stuff.

If there's one ability liberals don't want children to learn it's "critical thinking." If ever they acquired such a skill, they would never become liberals. the fact is that so-called "critical thinking" is the exact opposite of what it claims to be. "Critical thinking" is where you are badgered into dropping all your powers of making critical judgement. You are badgered into dropping your instinct to make distinctions. For instance, to make a distinction between 70 year old grandmas and people who are likely to be terrorists.
So "critical thinking" is teaching kids that America sucks?

What utter fucking bullshit. You're a scumbag who wants to indoctrinate children with anti American propaganda. You're a liar and a totally amoral piece of shit.

When 24 Americans POW's didn't want to return home at the end of the Korean War the army uncovered a form of indoctrination used on these and hundreds of other American POW's called "brainwashing." What had happened to all those Americans POW's is part of this critical thinking topic. A Lt. Col. W.E Mayer an army psychiatrist did a study, and I remember well a speech he made on the topic. It seems that some Americans were more easily brainwashed than others, why? One reason was that those that had been taught as truthfully as possible in the schools of America were least sucseptible. They knew American history warts and all, but those that had been fed a pap of untruths or bending of truths to make America look good were the easiest to indoctrinate.

The request for help by Lt. Col. W. E. Mayer may still be around someplace and it is interesting listening. Did it change Texas schools or any schools, I doubt it but it did give the army a Code of Conduct program. The fact that parents do not want their children taught the truth as best we know it, is frightening. America has its own Dark-Age period or Age of Ignorance.
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