GOP's child mentality

Leave it to a commie to try to tell a state who is best to represent them. You're a day late and a dollar short, I posted this story yesterday.
is this the same idiot leftard who says the GOP is old and irrelevant?

can a child do better than obama's RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS?

i bet this child is more mature than the loser boy-king obama; still blaming others for his failures in his sixth year

libs are idiots who lie to themselves
Because clearly telling people not to depend on the government but to work hard for what they want and take responsibility for their actions is completely childish while telling people that the governments going to fix everything is the path of mature adulthood.

There was a Simpsons episode a few years ago where Homer ran for sanitation commissioner or something. Without going into too much details, his slogan was "Can't someone else do it?" Basically he tried to convince everyone the government was going to take care of everything they could possibly hope for.

The more I see the left argue for the government solving all of our problems whether real or imaginary, I am reminded of that slogan. Because that pretty much is the slogan of the Democrats and way too many Republicans.
Wow! Such justification for trying to make the government a playground for kids. You guys just keep playing in your sandbox, that's what you're good at.
Wow! Such justification for trying to make the government a playground for kids. You guys just keep playing in your sandbox, that's what you're good at.

If you dont want kids in your government, you should have voted against Obama.
"I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be"
I have no problem with a teen of legal age being a candidate.

And why would you? Or anyone else. If they didn't like the candidate, they wouldn't vote for him. If they thought he was too young, they should change the age eligibility.
So a far left Obama drone is quoting from far left blog sites?

Go figure that one.

Absolutely shocking!!

I thought all of their posts were from credible sources and their arguments were derived from analytical thinking rather that regurgitated fascist talking points lifted from propaganda mills.

Because clearly telling people not to depend on the government but to work hard for what they want and take responsibility for their actions is completely childish while telling people that the governments going to fix everything is the path of mature adulthood.

There was a Simpsons episode a few years ago where Homer ran for sanitation commissioner or something. Without going into too much details, his slogan was "Can't someone else do it?" Basically he tried to convince everyone the government was going to take care of everything they could possibly hope for.

The more I see the left argue for the government solving all of our problems whether real or imaginary, I am reminded of that slogan. Because that pretty much is the slogan of the Democrats and way too many Republicans.

BAM! End if thread right there!
Wow! Such justification for trying to make the government a playground for kids. You guys just keep playing in your sandbox, that's what you're good at.

If you dont want kids in your government, you should have voted against Obama.

Thanks for proving that cons don't know the difference between children and adults.

Funny how you seem to think people who run away from responsibility and blame everything on others are adults
Because clearly telling people not to depend on the government but to work hard for what they want and take responsibility for their actions is completely childish while telling people that the governments going to fix everything is the path of mature adulthood.

There was a Simpsons episode a few years ago where Homer ran for sanitation commissioner or something. Without going into too much details, his slogan was "Can't someone else do it?" Basically he tried to convince everyone the government was going to take care of everything they could possibly hope for.

The more I see the left argue for the government solving all of our problems whether real or imaginary, I am reminded of that slogan. Because that pretty much is the slogan of the Democrats and way too many Republicans.

BAM! End if thread right there!

You give me too much credit. This thread was over on the opening post.

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