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Gore Refuses to take The Pledge

Another global warming scholar speaks.....................

Sheryl Crow Goes After Toilet Paper
Posted by Ken Shepherd on April 23, 2007 - 09:41.
Update below: Crow's suggestion too radical even for Rosie O'Donnell.

USA Today's "On Deadline" blog picked up this gem from musician/environmental activist/rude dinner guest Sheryl Crow:

By now you've heard about the environmental dust-up between singer Sheryl Crow and GOP operative Karl Rove at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Crow wrote about the incident at Huffington Post. She also added a new posting to her Stop Global Warming College Tour blog that includes "easy ways for us all to become a part of the solution." [...]

I propose a limitation be put on how many sqares [sic] of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. When presenting this idea to my younger brother, who's judgement [sic] I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I believe his quote was, "how bout just washing the one square out."

What do you think of this proposal?

Do they even need to ask?

look....one last try here.... don't you KNOW that I could bombard you with cut and paste articles for weeks on end that come from a host of respected scientific journals that show FACTS that support the theory that human activity is hastening global warming? You can post cut and paste articles which debunk those theories... we could spend our lives scouring the web searching for articles to bombard one another with.....

or...we could carry on a discussion with our own words. that is what I chose to do...if you don't chose to do that, OK... I understand... please also show me a little understanding and accept the fact that I have no desire to read stuff written by other people that you post here.... I really only want to read the words of the people who post here and not a panoply of editorial writers that you can find.

Do you want to have a conversation or not? your call.

what do YOU say about this, RSR? Do you want to converse or just spam? your call.
All I am doing to is pointing out the "experts" you have on your side MM

You do hate to see the liberal lunacy out in the light of day don't you?

I know and you know that I am perfectly capable of inundating this board with cut and paste articles from respected scientific sources that support the idea that humans are contributing to the acceleration of global warming.

You do understand that, don't you?

I ask again...do you care to have a conversation, or not? Are you determined to rely solely on cutting and pasting stuff from someone else as your only contribution to this board? yes or no?
I know and you know that I am perfectly capable of inundating this board with cut and paste articles from respected scientific sources that support the idea that humans are contributing to the acceleration of global warming.

You do understand that, don't you?

I ask again...do you care to have a conversation, or not? Are you determined to rely solely on cutting and pasting stuff from someone else as your only contribution to this board? yes or no?

That is exactly what I did. Prof Crow voiced her expert opinion and blessed us with her insights on global warming
I know and you know that I am perfectly capable of inundating this board with cut and paste articles from respected scientific sources that support the idea that humans are contributing to the acceleration of global warming.

You do understand that, don't you?

I ask again...do you care to have a conversation, or not? Are you determined to rely solely on cutting and pasting stuff from someone else as your only contribution to this board? yes or no?

Aside Plastic Bag Mound, ABC’s Sawyer Implores Americans to Use Cloth Bags
Posted by Scott Whitlock on April 23, 2007 - 16:58.
On the Friday edition of ABC’s “20/20,” Diane Sawyer stood in front of an ABC generated visual aid: A gigantic mound of plastic bags and paper towels.

With no sense of irony, the ABC host then proceeded to lecture viewers on waste and the need to use cloth bags at the supermarket. Referring to plastic bags as “plastic flowers,” Sawyer intoned, “They can take up to 1,000 years to degrade in landfills. So tomorrow, use a cloth bag at the grocery store, and let the trees have some real flowers.”

Of course, the ABC host offered this helpful advice right after another segment on inefficient Americans and the amount of paper towels and plastic bags they dispose of:

Sawyer: “Look all around me. And if every household replace just one of the rolls with a recycled roll, we'd save almost one million trees. And then think of the plastic bags we all use. Do we really need to use all of them? We go through an average of 18,000 plastic bags, each of us, over our lifetimes.”

Sawyer quickly added that, “Before you write to me, we are going to be giving the paper towels and also the plastic bags to charity to be used.” However, considering that all the paper towels had to be taken out of their wrapping (Did ABC recycle them?) and the plastic bags all appear to be tightly tied off (What charity will be using those worn bags?), it’s not clear that ABC is exactly leading by example.

Lecturing Americans on their use of plastic bags isn’t a new phenomenon. In January of 2005, NBC’s “Today” show featured a segment that approvingly noted how San Francisco was considering a 17 cent tax on usage of plastic bags. As the MRC’s Brent Baker noted in a CyberAlert from January 26, 2005, co-host Matt Lauer and (then) co-anchor Katie Couric seemed to approve of the concept:

From the couch, Couric admired the goal of eliminating paper and plastic bags: "That's interesting. We were saying people should bring maybe canvas bags or those big sort of net bags. I think they use those in Europe a lot right?"

Lauer, sitting beside Couric: "They do that a lot, yeah."

Curry: "In, in New York you see a lot of people driving little wheeled, you know, sort of carts. So, you know, really maybe we should think about that again."

Couric, with finger to her cheek: "Hmm."

Lauer: "Hmm. Something to ponder."

For Diane Sawyer, the plastic bag segment wasn’t her first lecture about American wastefulness. Earlier that day, as part of an Earth Day themed show, the “Good Morning America” anchor hosted a segment on the massive consumption of the United States.

A transcript of the “20/20" segment, which aired at 10:18pm on April 20, follows:

Diane Sawyer: “Come with me. I want to show you something about all of us in America, where we plow through so much paper, so many trees. On average, every one of us will use, in our lifetimes, 2,025 rolls of paper towels. Look all around me. And if every household replace just one of the rolls with a recycled roll, we'd save almost one million trees. And then think of the plastic bags we all use. Do we really need to use all of them? We go through an average of 18,000 plastic bags, each of us, over our lifetimes. And before you write to me, we are gonna be giving you the paper towels and also the plastic bags to charity to be used. But think of it this way, if you take all of the land on the Earth and divide it among all of the people on the Earth, each of us has four acres in our custody. So what do we wanna leave behind on our four acres? Trees or plastic bags? Still ahead, what is the single biggest thing the experts say that we could all do that would have the most dramatic effect on the planet tomorrow? We're gonna be telling you that. And we want to know what you think it might be. So send us an e-mail. Take your guess. But coming up right now, another instant gift to give the planet. No wonder they're everywhere, in our trees and fields, those stray plastic flowers. More than 500 billion plastic bags are distributed annually. You use them for just 25 minutes and less than 3% are recycled. They can take up to 1,000 years to degrade in landfills. So tomorrow, use a cloth bag at the grocery store, and let the trees have some real flowers. Lose the plastic bag.”

I have an overwhelming urge to mail Al a Spare Square.
bodiddly...you never told me if you had digested my green power explanation.

or do I need to dumb it down even further?
Gore is being hypocrital, because he uses 20 times the national average in terms of energy for his house, and he flies in a public jet, which uses 3.5 times more fuel then a normal plane he could use for himself.

To be fair, he is not the only politician who uses a private jet, but he is the one who made an inconvient truth.

To be fair, gore said , he will try and cut down his energy use at his house.
Red states, Your are a brilliant man. The articles you find, are very good, but the problem with all due respect is that, and i can only speak for myself. Im not here to read articles. Im here to hear, what you have to say, what your thoughts and feelings, and conclusions on things are. Now, dont get me wrong, Im not the article police, but I think maineman is right that you need to cut your cut and pasting (no pun intended) by 70%. Atleast, in your own words, tell us why you agree with the article. As far as you and maineman, you both could be nicer. I've seen instances, where your both, being mean, and name calling other people. Im sorry that i have to be critical, but im your friends, and i care about you. And by no means, am i an angel.

Love ya both :)
Gore is being hypocrital, because he uses 20 times the national average in terms of energy for his house, and he flies in a public jet, which uses 3.5 times more fuel then a normal plane he could use for himself.

To be fair, he is not the only politician who uses a private jet, but he is the one who made an inconvient truth.

To be fair, gore said , he will try and cut down his energy use at his house.

and uses PRIVATE jets

Gore, Hypocrisy Travel to Canada
Posted by Matthew Sheffield on April 24, 2007 - 20:58.
Oldie but goodie: Yet another example of Al Gore "killing" the planet in order to "save" it, this time in Saskatchewan, Canada:

Inside the Brandt Centre, he may have been preaching his "Inconvenient Truth".

But, the truth of the matter is, former U.S. Vice President Al Gore travels in style, when he goes from place-to-place to explain how people need to take care of the environment.

Take for instead, his mode of both, air and ground transportation. Since Gore only travels in hybrid vehicles, the Lexus that got him from the airport to the Brandt Centre was just that -- an $80,000 hybrid.

Turning now to the air, with the fuel Gore's private plane used for this trip, you could probably take your vehicle and travel back and forth between Vancouver and Halifax about four-and-a-half times.

Gore chartered a Falcon 200, a twin-engine jet that seats nine. The distance travelled between Nashville, Regina, over to Calgary for an event Monday night, and then home to Nashville, totals more than 4,500 kilometres..

According to local aviation experts, the Falcon 200 burns about 215 imperial gallons of fuel per hour. Based on distance and expected flying time, about 1,800 gallons of fuel will be used.

We're basing the comparison on the travel to a vehicle with a 60-litre tank, that can travel about 400 kilometres without having to re-fuel.

bodiddly...you never told me if you had digested my green power explanation.

or do I need to dumb it down even further?

Sheryl Crow: I Was Joking!
Posted by Matthew Sheffield on April 25, 2007 - 01:16.
Is it just me or does it seem that liberal political figures seem to have a propensity to say "it was just a joke" whenever a particularly idiotic idea of theirs meets with appropriate ridicule?

That at least, is what Sheryl Crow is now saying after her remarks about how everyone should only use one square of toilet paper were derided worldwide. I'm inclined to agree with Ace. He quotes from Crow's original blog post and then asks:

If someone can point out the tropes typically used to indicate ironical intent here, I'd appreciate it. Seems to me like a list of earnestly-proposed "solutions."

All daffy. But daffiness is the left's stock in trade. Whereas irony, self-awareness, and humor generally are not.

So please, someone inform me of how Crow was, as people do when they joke, indicating she was winking at the audience. [...]

The thing is, this sort of nonsense -- proposing idiotic solutions this supposed catastrophic problem, solutions that are, conveniently, either on a very low level of sacrifice (reusing paper bags) or something that can never be verified by the public (using one square) -- are the Hollywood ditzes' stock in trade.

They want to be perceived as doing their part for the cause -- sacrificing for it -- without having to engage in actual sacrifice.

So, I call bullshit on her. She said a stupid thing, and now she's claiming it was a joke. But she's said things nearly as stupid before, and will say things even stupider in the future. Someone who is consistently comcially stupid cannot trot out the "silly joke" defense with much credibility, because so little separates their alleged "jokes" and their serious beliefs.

GMA Wonders Who Gets ‘Credit’ For Public Shift on Global Warming
Posted by Scott Whitlock on April 24, 2007 - 17:23.

On the Sunday edition of "Good Morning America," co-host Ron Claiborne narrated a celebratory piece on the origins of Earth Day. He noted how the opinions of Americans on environmental issues have changed and asserted, "at least some of the credit goes to former Vice President Al Gore."

Additionally, Claiborne interviewed the founder of Earth Day, Denis Hayes. Labeled as simply the first event’s "coordinator" by an onscreen ABC graphic, the GMA host never mentioned Hayes’ radical agenda or any of this incendiary comments. After claiming that "green has gone mainstream," Claiborne discussed the origins of Earth Day:
'Today' Highlights Commuter Tax As Solution To Global Warming
Posted by Geoffrey Dickens on April 24, 2007 - 13:31.
NBC's environmental correspondent Anne Thompson cited global warming as a primary reason to implement a new commuter tax or as she euphemistically called it, "congestion pricing," on drivers. As incoming traffic passed by her on the Holland Tunnel the Today show's Thompson began her report this way: "Good morning, Meredith. Look behind me and you'll see this is what congestion pricing seeks to reduce. The 50,000 cars a day that rumble into Manhattan through the Holland Tunnel contributing to global warming. Now global warming has long been on the environmentalist radar but today its taking center stage in our political debate."

After that eye-grabbing video Thompson went on to highlight proposals from RINO Republicans Senator John McCain and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to cut down on greenhouse gasses and even ran a portion of an ad from Robert Redford as he challenged Americans: "Our moment is now and our challenge is to solve global warming."

On the bright side Thompson did air anti-tax complaints from commuters but never aired any skepticism to the premise of global warming itself.

do you want to carry on a conversation or don't you? yes or no?

or are you really only going to cut and paste all the time?

As I said, if it were that important to me, I would inundate this thread with articles that support the theory that humans are accelerating the global warming process.... I could post one every ten minutes for the next month and still barely scratch the surface.... and then you would go find some more that tried to debunk that theory and back and forth we would go - dueling with cut and paste words written by other people....

or...we could carry on a discussion using our OWN words. Let's try that, OK?
Libs are all over the map on this (like all the issues)

They cannot make up their minds on what they say or do''Now of course, one answer to solve the global warming "crisis" is to raise taxes

Now there is an original thought from liberals
or are you really only going to cut and paste all the time?

As I said, if it were that important to me, I would inundate this thread with articles that support the theory that humans are accelerating the global warming process.... I could post one every ten minutes for the next month and still barely scratch the surface.... and then you would go find some more that tried to debunk that theory and back and forth we would go - dueling with cut and paste words written by other people....

or...we could carry on a discussion using our OWN words. Let's try that, OK?

On Sheryl Crow's Little Extravagance
Sheryl Crow must think her shit don’t stink. Sure, her announcement that she doesn’t thoroughly wipe her ass seems like something to admire on the surface. But when you consider that a tree still had to die for her single square of toilet paper, you suddenly realize that one square is one square too many.

That’s why long before Crow began daintily swabbing her sphincter with a postage stamp, Seattle Hemp Products had already declared itself a Tish-Free Zone. I’m proud to say that the entire company has completely refrained from wiping for almost six weeks now, preferring to allow our fudge to crust over and naturally crumble away with minimal harm to the environment. Suffice it to say that the policy has been incredibly popular and a great boost to company morale, with only a few soggy diapers in the bunch. That is, until Little Miss Wipes-Alot opened her big yapper. Now I have a potential mutiny on my hands.

“Everything from the waste down is on fire,” Steve from Accounting whined as he crawled on all fours into my cubicle this morning. “I can’t sit in a chair. I can’t walk. I feel like I’ve been sodomized by the entire population of Tijuana. Sheryl Crow uses one square, so why can’t I? One little square, that’s all I’m asking for. One little square!”

“Sure no problem!” I chirped. “Who needs forests, anyway? They’re so overrated. Trees are nice and all, but goshdarnit Steve’s poor little po-po is sore! Oh, and I’ll call the polar bears to let them know that they get to starve to death up north just so Steve can feel a little more comfy down below the equator.”

“My wife left me,” he went on, ignoring my sarcasm. “My kids hate me. Even the dog won’t come near me. This morning, I think I felt something squirming around up there. I have no idea what it is. Frankly, I’m afraid to look.”

“I’ll tell you what it is!” I exclaimed. “It’s an ecosystem! Don’t you see? It would be genocide to wipe your ass now! Sorry, Steve-o, but you’re going to have to just suck it up and live with a little discomfort like the rest of us.”

“’Rest of us’ my @$#*%!” Steve spat back.

“What do you mean?” I asked, eying him suspiciously.

“I mean you look pretty damn cozy sitting there on your supposedly raw and strangely odor-free backside all day. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’d been wiping your ass on the sly, Chomstein!”

I sprang out of my chair and pointed an accusing finger at him. “You take that back! I haven’t wiped my ass in weeks! My butt stinks like you wouldn't believe! I have dangleberries the size of Volvos! So don’t you DARE question my commitment to the cause! I have the greenest rectum in this company, and don't you forget it!"

“Sure, whatever you say, Chomstein,” he replied, his voice lowering to a whisper. “But I sure wouldn’t want such a vicious rumor to get around the office, if you know what I mean.”

Ah, blackmail, is it? Damn that Crow! I know celebrities are used to living a life of luxury, but does she have any idea what a bad example she’s setting with her little extravagance? No matter. We down here on the front lines of the war will take up the slack. Yes, it is a war – a war not only against Bush’s Big Toilet Paper buddies, but a war to save our planet from those who would wipe their asses with the future of our planet.

As I watched Steve crawl away with his ill-gotten square of toilet paper, I knew deep down that even despite Crow’s selfish remarks, it’s a war that we will win.

British Documentary ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ to Air on Swedish Television
Posted by Noel Sheppard on April 26, 2007 - 23:45.
While scientists in Great Britain try to get the documentary “The Great Global Warming Swindle” edited to fit their agenda as reported by NewsBusters, Swedish television will air the unedited program Friday.

As NewsBusters reported about this documentary when it was first broadcast in England last month ("Swindle" video available here, emphasis added):

With American media falling all over themselves in unbridled adoration for soon-to-be-Dr. Al Gore while they generate totally unwarranted hysteria over climate change, it seems impossible to imagine a televised documentary debunking the junk science surrounding this issue.

This raises an obvious question: when will American television air this program?

After all, America is supposed to be an open society that welcomes debate. Regardless of the ludicrous position being espoused by the left, the existence of such a documentary is ample proof that there are many scientists across the globe not buying into the highly-advertised contention that a consensus exists on this topic.

With that in mind, if the alarmists are so sure they’re right, they should easily tolerate disparate views to be presented to the masses. Certainly, if their position is so airtight, it can withstand scrutiny.

Of course, if this isn’t the case, maybe the consensus rests on – dare I say it – thin ice.


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