Gorilla ...

The irresponsible parents.View attachment 76621

"Cincinnati gorilla incident: Police investigating boy's family

The family of a boy who entered a Cincinnati Zoo gorilla's enclosure last weekend -- spurring zoo officials to shoot and kill the animal -- will be the focus of an investigation into the incident, Cincinnati police said Tuesday.
Cincinnati police said Tuesday that their review "is only regarding the actions of the parents/family that led up to the incident and not related to the operation or safety of the Cincinnati Zoo."

Cincinnati gorilla incident: Police investigating boy's family - CNN.com

No matter what the criminal investigation turns up the mother was negligent.
Interesting article here..

Animal Behaviour Professor Gisela Kaplan, from the Centre for Neuroscience and Animal Behaviour at the University of New England, said the gorilla would have immediately ruled out the boy as a threat.

"He would have known by the sheer size and demeanour of the little boy that he was not a threat, because size difference does matter in the natural world," she said.

"It would have been very obvious to the gorilla at once that it [the boy] was not a threat, so there was no need to react aggressively to it.

"Some people have argued that 'well, he dragged the boy through the water,' but I have to say that they do that with their own young to get them out of danger quickly and the danger in this case, ironically, were the screaming adults.

Harambe was protecting boy from screaming crowd: expert
Hell, I am not even an expert, but I could see the reaction from the gorilla every time the crowd screamed and dragging the kid AWAY...even around a corner. But, alas, not place to hide or protect him. The gorilla touched the boys fingers, he stood him up, he was GENTLE with him. Until the crowd started the screaming again. So the gorilla drags kid off to a safety zone. NON EXPERTS can even see THAT. So jack hannah can suck my ass and every other one protecting the assholes that murdered that ape with the lame excuse they could not dart him AFTER THE KID WAS IN THERE TEN MINUTES. Why not dart it the first minute it all began? Why did nobody not disperse the crowd to calm the situation?

Fucking morons.
Gracie I feel your frustration and after seeing photo's of the effin family, I'm even more upset...because 2 parents were there. And I agree, perhaps this animal could have been saved....but friend, we must realize that these are wild animals with unpredictable behaviors from being housed all thier lives. Yes he was trying to protect the child and thank God the child didn't go crazy and excite the animal even more...but the zoo did the right thing and we'll all have to live with it. My only hope is that both mom and dad bear the brunt of what their failures as parents have brought to the zoo and the community. I just hope they don't take the heat they're receiving from around the world and rightly so, out on the child.
The poor thing is probably better off dead than serving a life sentence in a zoo for the crime of being a gorilla.

I hate zoos.

The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Sad the gorilla got double-tapped.

Mother was ignorant and should pay a fine for being stupid, but a human child cannot compare to a gorilla. You always save the child... period. Kudo's to the zoo keepers for acting responsibly, even though you get things ruined by incredibly ignorant people.
The poor thing is probably better off dead than serving a life sentence in a zoo for the crime of being a gorilla.

I hate zoos.

The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
The poor thing is probably better off dead than serving a life sentence in a zoo for the crime of being a gorilla.

I hate zoos.

The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
The poor thing is probably better off dead than serving a life sentence in a zoo for the crime of being a gorilla.

I hate zoos.

The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.
The poor thing is probably better off dead than serving a life sentence in a zoo for the crime of being a gorilla.

I hate zoos.

The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.

Words mean things.

Most animals also probably don't like to be shredded by predators when they get unable to defend themselves, luckily the ones in Zoos get to die much more quickly and peacefully. Again, give and take here.

What you get is to see them alive and kicking, not on some screen or monitor. Kids today see everything on their phones/TV's/Pads, animals are just one more thing on the electronic nanny. You really think they will care, compared to people who have seen the animals in the flesh, and if not in the wild, at least in a simulation?
The Wild is no picnic either.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.

Or take some of them, and breed a population under human control to allow the species to continue until such time it can sustain in the wild.
Fine, let's lock you up then.

It's a horrible story, somehow everyone else managed to have their kids there without letting their infant crawl into the enclosure. I don't see that as the zoos fault. Parents should be sued for the price of the gorilla and take their obabaphones or ebt cards if they can't pay up.

However, I think zoos are an anachronism from the past. Humans no longer need animals in a cage to see them. Today we have HD video in their natural habitat done by very competent people who know the animals and can show us things we'd never learn from a zoo. I'd like to see zoos banned.

Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.

Or take some of them, and breed a population under human control to allow the species to continue until such time it can sustain in the wild.
It may come to that. If so I'd rather see them in a big enough habitat that they don't feel trapped, something like a theme park someone mentioned before.

With modern technology there could be cameras all around and you'd see them like you never would at a zoo.
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.

I know, and I understand. I think there should be something better for them. It bothers me a lot to see them locked up like they are, and making money off them.
I do understand, (and agree) that there needs to be some sort of protection for them all. And yes, this whole incident makes me so sick. :(
The Cincinnati zoo, like most zoos are non profit. They are not making money off them.
The parents are receiving death threats. This is not appropriate.
Supervising a 4 year old in a public place is very routine and common place it commands the undivided attention of the parent. Clearly the parent did not perform their duties adequately. When you do a case study on Trayvon Martin I will be eager to see how these two situations are comparable.
That's why we have perfect parents in a perfect world that don't make mistakes. Leaving them unsupervised in the car is one thing, but taking your eye off kids for a few seconds in a public place such as a store or playground are risks that sometimes can't be controlled mama hawk. It's called distractions, from answering a phone, taking pictures, looking at another object, etc. It's logical fallacy to say that parents can keep their eyes on kids without looking elsewhere.


Most modern Zoos do not "cage" the animals, but put them in a engineered habitat. And while comparing it to human captivity may seem appropriate, the comparison, considering most of these animals were bred in captivity does not hold water.

In exchange for being in said habitat, they get fed, have no fear of predators (if applicable) and will avoid the scavengers that are the end game for most animals in the wild.

And HD video does not hold the same impact as seeing these animals in the wild. If one wants to show the worth of these creatures, HD doesn't cut it, and doesn't create the fascination and wonder of seeing them in the flesh.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.

Or take some of them, and breed a population under human control to allow the species to continue until such time it can sustain in the wild.
It may come to that. If so I'd rather see them in a big enough habitat that they don't feel trapped, something like a theme park someone mentioned before.

With modern technology there could be cameras all around and you'd see them like you never would at a zoo.

Again, cameras = seeing it on a screen which does not equal seeing them live.

You are importing human feelings onto animals, if they do "feel" trapped, I have a feeling it is countered by 1) not having to scrounge for food and 2) not dying horribly at the end of their life, or due to predators or mating competition.
Yep, most are in enclosures, I have to assume some level of intelligence when conversing. The animals may be bred in captivity but they have instincts. Mountain gorillas like to roam, they know they are confined. They are not dumb.

Zoos are not the wild. You don't see animals in the wild at the zoo. You learn very little about them there, it's entertainment from a bygone era.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.

Or take some of them, and breed a population under human control to allow the species to continue until such time it can sustain in the wild.
It may come to that. If so I'd rather see them in a big enough habitat that they don't feel trapped, something like a theme park someone mentioned before.

With modern technology there could be cameras all around and you'd see them like you never would at a zoo.

Again, cameras = seeing it on a screen which does not equal seeing them live.

You are importing human feelings onto animals, if they do "feel" trapped, I have a feeling it is countered by 1) not having to scrounge for food and 2) not dying horribly at the end of their life, or due to predators or mating competition.
Again, seeing them up close and personal requires them to be up close. It's barbaric and inhumane. Jail feeds you too but most folks would opt out.
True, if this gorilla had lived in his jungle he'd probably be poached, his hands cut off and sold as a desk ornament.
So let's round up every endangered animal and lock them up? That makes sense.

Or take some of them, and breed a population under human control to allow the species to continue until such time it can sustain in the wild.
It may come to that. If so I'd rather see them in a big enough habitat that they don't feel trapped, something like a theme park someone mentioned before.

With modern technology there could be cameras all around and you'd see them like you never would at a zoo.

Again, cameras = seeing it on a screen which does not equal seeing them live.

You are importing human feelings onto animals, if they do "feel" trapped, I have a feeling it is countered by 1) not having to scrounge for food and 2) not dying horribly at the end of their life, or due to predators or mating competition.
Again, seeing them up close and personal requires them to be up close. It's barbaric and inhumane. Jail feeds you too but most folks would opt out.

I don't buy into anthropomorphizing these animals, as you seem to do. Zoos fill a need in bringing wildlife to people, and hopefully making them care enough to preserve them, be it in the wild (preferable) or in captivity ( if required)

Feeding them, caring for them, and letting them live a scavenger and predator free life is barbaric?

Sad the gorilla got double-tapped.

Mother was ignorant and should pay a fine for being stupid, but a human child cannot compare to a gorilla. You always save the child... period. Kudo's to the zoo keepers for acting responsibly, even though you get things ruined by incredibly ignorant people.
You always save the child... period.

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My dogs ARE my kids.
Many think that way. It's one reason why the world is imploding.
You are an idiot. Too many people like you are the problem, not people that love and care for their pets. More stupidity and arrogance isn't going to make the world a better place.
I have dogs, cats, horses, chickens and a llama. Love them all. Still grieve decades later for those that have passed.
But it takes a real scum bag to say an animal is more important than a human.
My dogs ARE my kids.
Many think that way. It's one reason why the world is imploding.
You are an idiot. Too many people like you are the problem, not people that love and care for their pets. More stupidity and arrogance isn't going to make the world a better place.
I have dogs, cats, horses, chickens and a llama. Love them all. Still grieve decades later for those that have passed.
But it takes a real scum bag to say an animal is more important than a human.
You're the scumbag. You deliberately left out the pet part of the scenario. I wouldn't piss on a scumbag like you if your were in flames. Your approval/disapproval of my morality is quite meaningless to me, I made that clear, yet here you are still trying to force it on me.


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