Gorilla ...

I'm not saying that you can keep your eyes on your child every second. However, I hold this woman partially responsible because she should have at least had a chaperone. The zoo is also partly responsible for not having sufficient barriers between the animals (dangerous and unpredictable WILD animals) and the people who are visiting the zoo. A tiny little toddler should not be able to slip in between the bars and gain access to the wild animals. They don't put up sufficient enclosures because that would lead to a view that was not as good for the people. I've been to some zoos/circuses in the past, where I've realized how dangerous it could be for everyone if the animal was to freak out. They are unpredictable. They are also extremely strong. They have to be to survive in the wild.

And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with. I have stated before that I hate zoo's. This is a prime example of why. Cages and fake areas for primates doesn't get it for me. It's cruel to have the animals locked up to start with.
I agree if she (the mother) was 100% alone with a lot of children, there should have been others. But, I do not know the woman, and I am not going to attack her over parenting skills. Accidents DO happen. That is why we have that word.
I have had accidents to happen to me while I was under supervision. Still have the big scar on my thigh from the 9 stitches I took.
Things do happen. It's tragic.
Unless you never blink or turn your head whenever you are watching your child anything can happen. Just because nothing happens doesnt make you the parent of the year and just because something does happen it doesnt make you irresponsible.
For the first time he makes sense. :clap:
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.

Heh, no one killed that dinosaur that walked across the golf course in Palmetto, Florida.

And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.

I know, and I understand. I think there should be something better for them. It bothers me a lot to see them locked up like they are, and making money off them.
I do understand, (and agree) that there needs to be some sort of protection for them all. And yes, this whole incident makes me so sick. :(
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with. I have stated before that I hate zoo's. This is a prime example of why. Cages and fake areas for primates doesn't get it for me. It's cruel to have the animals locked up to start with.
I agree if she (the mother) was 100% alone with a lot of children, there should have been others. But, I do not know the woman, and I am not going to attack her over parenting skills. Accidents DO happen. That is why we have that word.
I have had accidents to happen to me while I was under supervision. Still have the big scar on my thigh from the 9 stitches I took.
Things do happen. It's tragic.
The animal should have been, could have been is irrelevant because its dead. Telling us wishful thinking is a little too late for the poor ape. Zoos are not going anywhere but its what we must do now that matters. Learn from this lesson, move forward.
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.

Heh, no one killed that dinosaur that walked across the golf course in Palmetto, Florida.

OMG I saw that on the news. That thing was HUGE. They said it was the largest one seen in Florida.
And the gorilla should have been in the wild to start with.
Kat, this is why they are endangered. Poachers. They are all being killed off. Same with rhinos. Elephants, etc. Humans kill everything that gets in their way. Some HAVE to be in sanctuaries and even those are not safe. Zoos are. But they have to protect the animals in their care better. That means NO HOLES that kids can crawl thru and responsibilty of humans via MONEY PUNISHMENTS when they act like morons.

Heh, no one killed that dinosaur that walked across the golf course in Palmetto, Florida.

OMG I saw that on the news. That thing was HUGE. They said it was the largest one seen in Florida.

My grandma actually lives in Palmetto with my uncle who plays golf ALL the time. I haven't gotten a chance to ask them about it yet.
Heh, no one killed that dinosaur that walked across the golf course in Palmetto, Florida.

Loan me your next baby to put in front of the gator at golf course and see if you throw the 2nd Amendment out of the window.

A gator has a brain the size of a pea... it doesn't have near the instincts that a gorilla has. Koko the gorilla was able to learn sign language and communicate. In fact Koko even showed emotions like when her pet kitten died, and when Robin Williams would come to visit her.

Gators...not so much...

Interesting article here..

Animal Behaviour Professor Gisela Kaplan, from the Centre for Neuroscience and Animal Behaviour at the University of New England, said the gorilla would have immediately ruled out the boy as a threat.

"He would have known by the sheer size and demeanour of the little boy that he was not a threat, because size difference does matter in the natural world," she said.

"It would have been very obvious to the gorilla at once that it [the boy] was not a threat, so there was no need to react aggressively to it.

"Some people have argued that 'well, he dragged the boy through the water,' but I have to say that they do that with their own young to get them out of danger quickly and the danger in this case, ironically, were the screaming adults.

Harambe was protecting boy from screaming crowd: expert
I don't understand why they didn't just shoot the kid. I mean, they're gonna have to shoot him sooner or later anyway when he turns thug. Look at his parents.

Interesting article here..

Animal Behaviour Professor Gisela Kaplan, from the Centre for Neuroscience and Animal Behaviour at the University of New England, said the gorilla would have immediately ruled out the boy as a threat.

"He would have known by the sheer size and demeanour of the little boy that he was not a threat, because size difference does matter in the natural world," she said.

"It would have been very obvious to the gorilla at once that it [the boy] was not a threat, so there was no need to react aggressively to it.

"Some people have argued that 'well, he dragged the boy through the water,' but I have to say that they do that with their own young to get them out of danger quickly and the danger in this case, ironically, were the screaming adults.

Harambe was protecting boy from screaming crowd: expert
Hell, I am not even an expert, but I could see the reaction from the gorilla every time the crowd screamed and dragging the kid AWAY...even around a corner. But, alas, not place to hide or protect him. The gorilla touched the boys fingers, he stood him up, he was GENTLE with him. Until the crowd started the screaming again. So the gorilla drags kid off to a safety zone. NON EXPERTS can even see THAT. So jack hannah can suck my ass and every other one protecting the assholes that murdered that ape with the lame excuse they could not dart him AFTER THE KID WAS IN THERE TEN MINUTES. Why not dart it the first minute it all began? Why did nobody not disperse the crowd to calm the situation?

Fucking morons.
Good and effective parenting could have prevented this whole terrible situation.
So could have Trayvon Martin situation, but this is called life, its shitty, and nobody parents are innocent of fucking up.
Supervising a 4 year old in a public place is very routine and common place it commands the undivided attention of the parent. Clearly the parent did not perform their duties adequately. When you do a case study on Trayvon Martin I will be eager to see how these two situations are comparable.
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Why couldn't the zoo keepers hit him with a tazer or sleep arrow?
Probably because he most likely would have flipped out and killed the boy before going down due to the tranquilizer 15 minutes later.
From what i understand the child was with the mom, she turned around to take a picture and the little boy had hopped the barrier. She was looking around for him and someone saw him crawling in the bushes and tried to get him before he fell in.

Clearly she had a rambunctious child on her hands and I get it, all parents get it. Kids are very active and excitable in environments outside their norm....but this is when we must be diligent and aggressive in keeping them close and within eye sight. Had this been near a main street or near a pool, the outcome could be fatal.....Ace, that's just the way it is...one turn, one minute out of our eye site and tragedy can occur. Accidents do happen and I feel for this child, but as care givers its our main job in life, keeping our kids safe regardless of circumstances. We all know our children and their capabilities and how they are. Because of this mistake, a animal is dead, a child traumatized perhaps the rest of his life and people are angry. I still blame the parents. They dropped the ball on this one.
You dont go to a zoo thinking of the possibility of your child getting into a enclosure. You are assuming its impossible. In such a scenario most people are more worried about the child wandering off and getting lost. I guarantee you the last place she thought the child could be was in that enclosure until someone told her. Zoos sell the illusion of safety to get you in there but they are dangerous for children and suck for the animals. I cant really blame the parents because they wouldnt have brought their kids to the zoo if they thought it was dangerous.

All children under the age of 5, should never ever be let out of our sights...especially in environments that create excitement. Its just the rule of thumb, my friend, its just the way it is. I know this family didn't purposely take their eye off their child, but we must be diligent and aggressive when it comes to the safety of these little people that depend so heavily on us and that we keep them safe. If not mom and dad, who can they depend on?
Clearly she had a rambunctious child on her hands and I get it, all parents get it. Kids are very active and excitable in environments outside their norm....but this is when we must be diligent and aggressive in keeping them close and within eye sight. Had this been near a main street or near a pool, the outcome could be fatal.....Ace, that's just the way it is...one turn, one minute out of our eye site and tragedy can occur. Accidents do happen and I feel for this child, but as care givers its our main job in life, keeping our kids safe regardless of circumstances. We all know our children and their capabilities and how they are. Because of this mistake, a animal is dead, a child traumatized perhaps the rest of his life and people are angry. I still blame the parents. They dropped the ball on this one.

IMO the parents and zoo are both responsible. But the 6 million dollar question is - What do you want done?

Never to kill the animal. NEVER.

Just use a sleeping dart in the future.
Watch this bears reaction to being shot by a dart.

I will not watch. I can not watch animals suffering.

Having said that

It's preferable that, than seeing that beautiful polar bear dead.

Better the dart than dead.

Or an even better example. Watch this chimp attack after being shot with a dart. Remember the gorilla outweighs the chimp by about 300 pounds.

Ace, I agree the animal should have been shot, it was a good call....but I also think mommie should have been nicked too.....just sayin

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