Gorilla ...

The mother was an idiot. I am just glad she was not a white idiot. Oh! The original outrage!

This is the second time you are trying to make this a racial thing!

Stupidity is not the monopoly of any race !

Stop with the race thing! Thanks
Oh no, it's not that easy dearie. Get over it.


get over what....
It not being racist. Did you miss this shit?

Black Lies Matter Nitwits Protest Killing of Gorilla as Example of White Privilege Over Blacks

Yes, I did miss that shit.... I read some just now.

Too silly for words.
Did you see a statement from BLM because i couldnt find one?
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

So your'e saying that these people should assume a bunch of people are stupid as shit and they should realize they will be held responsible for this?

Bingo. A zoo should be idiot proof or in this case child proof. There is a reason they make child safety devices to cover up electrical outlets.

Nope. Just need to put up a sign. Not responsible for stupid parents. Idiot proof would be just not having a zoo. Why bother?
Some 3 year olds cant read signs. Some adult people cant read. Some people are blind. Some people are mentally incapacitated. Some people are mentally unstable.

As we've learned from this thread. And some people are dangerous.

Yep. AND they vote Democrat..
The mother was an idiot. I am just glad she was not a white idiot. Oh! The original outrage!
Thats ok. Youre a white idiot and more than make up for it.
Lucky me. I am so priviledged.

I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?
Thats ok. Youre a white idiot and more than make up for it.
Lucky me. I am so priviledged.

I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?

If you're a racist, have at it. I'm not a racist.
Thats ok. Youre a white idiot and more than make up for it.
Lucky me. I am so priviledged.

I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?
Who made it racist? I assumed it was a white child but i still felt the gorilla had to be shot.
Lucky me. I am so priviledged.

I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?

If you're a racist, have at it. I'm not a racist.
Nah. Yer just a dumbfuck that likes finding excuses for bad parenting.
I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?

If you're a racist, have at it. I'm not a racist.
Nah. Yer just a dumbfuck that likes finding excuses for bad parenting.

And you're just a naive Welcome Wagon hostess with a big knife.
So, she should have patched up the hole?
No, just watched her child:slap:
What if one of her other children jumped in?
That did not happen
i could have though.
Lucky me. I am so priviledged.

I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?
Who made it racist? I assumed it was a white child but i still felt the gorilla had to be shot.
You are a racist and an idiot.
I've heard ignorance is bliss.
Then you are living in nirvana!

No; I've never even driven through your neighborhood.
Making it racist was fine yesterday when you idiots thought it as a white privileged child but because it is a black child we cannot make it racist. What's up with that?
Who made it racist? I assumed it was a white child but i still felt the gorilla had to be shot.
You are a racist and an idiot.

Logical fallacy and appeal to emotion.
Who was saying that there was some kind of hole in the barrier? As far as I know, there was no "hole" in the barrier. It was just some bars, and the child climbed in between the bars and fell in. If there is a link talking about some kind of defect in the barrier, I would be interested in reading it.
I think the zoo is responsible as well. They probably shouldn't have these poor animals in their prisons for our entertainment. There is no reason for it and it's cruel to the animals.

These large wild predator animals should be free!

Captivity Issues

Throughout the world, countless thousands of tigers and other big cats are kept in appalling conditions in zoos, circuses and private ownership. Even in modern zoos tigers, lions and other big cats repeatedly pace, frustrated because their hunting and territorial instincts are denied. Cats often breed well in captivity, but it is extremely difficult to return a captive-bred big cat to the wild and this practically never happens. With the help of supporters, Born Free rescues tigers, leopards and lions from lives of misery in Africa and Europe, raising awareness and providing lifetime care in spacious natural habitat sanctuaries in Africa and India.
Who was saying that there was some kind of hole in the barrier? As far as I know, there was no "hole" in the barrier. It was just some bars, and the child climbed in between the bars and fell in. If there is a link talking about some kind of defect in the barrier, I would be interested in reading it.
Not really much of a barrier or bars.


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