Gorilla ...

That isn't what I said and never claimed that I was religious. No wonder you need others to form your opinions.
Yes, I believe it was you who claimed you would save a dog rather than a person drowning.
And yes, you have a religion and your holy trinity is me, myself and I.
Liar. Just like most religious types. I said I would save my pet over a stranger. I do come first as far as my beliefs. I form my own, you are incapable.
Mind boggling. I repeated you'd save an animal before a human being you didn't know and you say liar, you'd save an animal before a human being you didn't know.

And you forming your own beliefs on a whim has everything to do with your worship of animals above people.
I said pet and being the dishonest asshole you are you changed it to animal and misrepresented it as me saving a random animal over a random human. It's to be expected with your type, par for the course. I am well familiar.

Saving my pet over a human I don't know isn't a religion. You'd have to be a stupid, dishonest lying asshole to say so. Praise the Lord!
Ah, I understand now. Your pet is not an animal. It is above the animal kingdom.

More results from your self generated moral relativism.
My pet isn't just an animal you dishonest asshole. Your god sucks donkey balls.
How is watching your child while he gazes at the gorilla, and then in a split second finds the hole in the railing barrier and is gone. How could the mother stop that? She had no possible way of knowing the hole was there and that her son would go through it.
What's wrong with you?
Parents need to do that, they need to take care of their children. No excuses.

She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.
What about leashes? How about a hand or leash law for toddlers under 5?
I understand that endangered species need protection but even in the wild in parks designated safe zones...this is not working. Remember the dentist guy that shot the lion? They lured that big cat out, THEN shot it. By the "guide". So putting them in zoos..maybe like San Diego's Safari park where they roam free..no cages...is a good thing. However, zoos are also responsible to make SURE stupid people are no threat to them, either. In this latest case...the zoo did not do its job. If that kid found a way to get in under his moronic mothers nose...then another kid can as well. And not all mothers are good ones...such as that idiot. There are more out there just like her. Probably Lilah is one since she refuses to hold accountable the lack of parenting of the bitch that was too cowardly to go in after her kid to save his life, and was more content to stay calm and tell him she loved him instead of DOING something.

If it were my kid...he wouldn't have gotten in. Period. But on the off chance he did...I would have been right in there with him, attracting the gorilla to ME so staff could get my child out of there. Never mind me...just get my kid safe. Did she do that? Nope. Did she hold a THREE YEAR OLDS HAND after he said he wanted to go in there with the apes? Nope. Did the zoo remove the gawkers and screamers making the ape more agitated? Nope.

The zoo is responsible for the safety of its animals or it should be shut down. Mothers who cannot control their heathens should have the rest of their brood removed, and also held responsible. End of story. NO EXCUSES by either party.
Parents need to do that, they need to take care of their children. No excuses.

She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.
What about leashes? How about a hand or leash law for toddlers under 5?
Your child is not a dog. White people stop it with the leashes.

You needed others to make that decision for you then. I form my own opinions.
Khmer Rouge formed their own opinions too.
Just the smug kind of response we'd expect from the religious zealot. Your god is a petty one indeed.
And you claiming animals are more important than people speaks volumes about your religion.
That isn't what I said and never claimed that I was religious. No wonder you need others to form your opinions.
Yes, I believe it was you who claimed you would save a dog rather than a person drowning.
And yes, you have a religion and your holy trinity is me, myself and I.
Nope. That was me. And I meant it. My dog means more to me than a stranger. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Parents need to do that, they need to take care of their children. No excuses.

She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.
What about leashes? How about a hand or leash law for toddlers under 5?
I leashed my kid on the pier I spoke about earlier. Some folks had a hissy saying I was treating him like a dog having him tethered to my belt on a LONG ASSED and VERY TALL pier over the ocean. I didn't care what they thought then, or would care now. Leash yer kid if you cant hold his hand.
I also leash my dogs when I walk them up the block. Why? Because its a busy street and cars are speeding without care of kids playing ball or animals off leash. So to PROTECT my best friends and loved ones...I leash them. On the leash free beach, where there are no cars...they get to run off leash. Common sense people. Common sense.
She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.
What about leashes? How about a hand or leash law for toddlers under 5?
I leashed my kid on the pier I spoke about earlier. Some folks had a hissy saying I was treating him like a dog having him tethered to my belt on a LONG ASSED and VERY TALL pier over the ocean. I didn't care what they thought then, or would care now. Leash yer kid if you cant hold his hand.
I love my dogs and they are on a leash outside. Treating a kid like a dog would be a compliment for me, I treat my dogs better than a lot of people treat their kids.
I'm not saying that you can keep your eyes on your child every second. However, I hold this woman partially responsible because she should have at least had a chaperone. The zoo is also partly responsible for not having sufficient barriers between the animals (dangerous and unpredictable WILD animals) and the people who are visiting the zoo. A tiny little toddler should not be able to slip in between the bars and gain access to the wild animals. They don't put up sufficient enclosures because that would lead to a view that was not as good for the people. I've been to some zoos/circuses in the past, where I've realized how dangerous it could be for everyone if the animal was to freak out. They are unpredictable. They are also extremely strong. They have to be to survive in the wild.
She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.
What about leashes? How about a hand or leash law for toddlers under 5?
I leashed my kid on the pier I spoke about earlier. Some folks had a hissy saying I was treating him like a dog having him tethered to my belt on a LONG ASSED and VERY TALL pier over the ocean. I didn't care what they thought then, or would care now. Leash yer kid if you cant hold his hand.
Leashes ain't shit in my opinion. I was put in a 400 dog crate as a toddler if my mom had to leave the room unexpectedly.
I remember being a kid on field trips to zoos and standing on the bars. The chaperones/teachers would yell at us to get down, but as soon as they weren't watching, we would be trying to sneak and stand on the bars to get a better look at the animals.
Those parents better fucking not sue the zoo! They damn fucking better NOT. The zoo should sue the parent for being an IDIOT.
I heard, on the radio that the woman actually put the kid on the 3 foot retaining wall. If you have a source maybe you could link it.
The woman shoulda jumped in and protected her child.
What do you think she could have done besides breaking her ankle or knocking herself out? They should definitely sue the zoo. I wonder how many violations the zoo has had over the years regarding safety?
You don't know that
I dont know what? That an overweight woman jumping 10 ft down into a moat would injure herself? Lets just say the chances are pretty damn high.
ya, we certainly wouldn't want mommy to hurt an ankle.
Do you believe accidents happen, or do you believe this particular mother took her 5-year-old child to the zoo hoping he would jump in with the loving gorilla?
Sure they can. Like when I don't pay attention to the stop light and get hit by cross traffic. Is it an accident? Yes. Is it still my fault? Absolutely.

Do you want to schedule a stoning for the mother?
I don't think she should be charged with anything. But she deserves some of the blame, as does the zoo.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she'll spend the rest of her life reliving the nightmare.
lol. Sure she will. Um hm. Not.

Get fucking real. Bitch was busy on the phone or was looking at the other bratty kids she was supposedly watching. She already said "accidents happen". Good. I hope someone accidentally starts a fire in her home and she dies. Sorry. It was an accident.
Idaho is one of 2 states that still allows base jumping.
10 foot is nothing around here.
The irresponsible mother is an administrator at a daycare center in Cincinnati. Isn't that a disquieting thought? Would you leave your kid under her care? If she's not responsible enough with her own kids, how much more irresponsible is she gonna be with other people's kids?

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