Gorilla ...

You shouldnt have to hold the hand of children in a zoo. There should be zero opportunity for a child to get into an enclosure even if they had hours to work on gaining access.

Um no ... it's a fucking zoo and hes fucking three.
Um yes....if a 3 year old gained access to my backyard and was killed by my domesticated Pitbulls then i would be responsible. A zoo has dangerous wild animals and they are responsible for making sure people cant get in as well as the animals not being able to get out.

Yep its the same exact thing you fucking moron. I hope you can't vote.
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.
She should be charged with child negligence.

Strawman scenario:

Mother and kid at street light. Mother not holding kids hand. Kid darts out into traffic. Car pile up from drivers trying to avoid kid and thankfully...do. But in the crash pile up, someone is killed.

Is the mother liable? FUCK YES!
Um no ... it's a fucking zoo and hes fucking three.
Um yes....if a 3 year old gained access to my backyard and was killed by my domesticated Pitbulls then i would be responsible. A zoo has dangerous wild animals and they are responsible for making sure people cant get in as well as the animals not being able to get out.

Yep its the same exact thing you fucking moron. I hope you can't vote.
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

Those parents better fucking not sue the zoo! They damn fucking better NOT. The zoo should sue the parent for being an IDIOT.
I heard, on the radio that the woman actually put the kid on the 3 foot retaining wall. If you have a source maybe you could link it.
The woman shoulda jumped in and protected her child.
What do you think she could have done besides breaking her ankle or knocking herself out? They should definitely sue the zoo. I wonder how many violations the zoo has had over the years regarding safety?
You don't know that
I dont know what? That an overweight woman jumping 10 ft down into a moat would injure herself? Lets just say the chances are pretty damn high.
What you are calling a hole is what amounts a large t pipe with 2 strands of woven wire to fill 8 foot gaps. I posted a picture of the actual fence at that exhibit in post 203. If you can't see that "barrier", you shouldn't be supervising small children.

Do you believe accidents happen, or do you believe this particular mother took her 5-year-old child to the zoo hoping he would jump in with the loving gorilla?
Sure they can. Like when I don't pay attention to the stop light and get hit by cross traffic. Is it an accident? Yes. Is it still my fault? Absolutely.

Do you want to schedule a stoning for the mother?
I don't think she should be charged with anything. But she deserves some of the blame, as does the zoo.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she'll spend the rest of her life reliving the nightmare.
lol. Sure she will. Um hm. Not.

Get fucking real. Bitch was busy on the phone or was looking at the other bratty kids she was supposedly watching. She already said "accidents happen". Good. I hope someone accidentally starts a fire in her home and she dies. Sorry. It was an accident.
She should be charged with child negligence.

Strawman scenario:

Mother and kid at street light. Mother not holding kids hand. Kid darts out into traffic. Car pile up from drivers trying to avoid kid and thankfully...do. But in the crash pile up, someone is killed.

Is the mother liable? FUCK YES!
Pedestrians always have the right of way even with your false equivalence argument.
She should be charged with child negligence.

Strawman scenario:

Mother and kid at street light. Mother not holding kids hand. Kid darts out into traffic. Car pile up from drivers trying to avoid kid and thankfully...do. But in the crash pile up, someone is killed.

Is the mother liable? FUCK YES![/Q
Do you believe accidents happen, or do you believe this particular mother took her 5-year-old child to the zoo hoping he would jump in with the loving gorilla?
Sure they can. Like when I don't pay attention to the stop light and get hit by cross traffic. Is it an accident? Yes. Is it still my fault? Absolutely.

Do you want to schedule a stoning for the mother?
I don't think she should be charged with anything. But she deserves some of the blame, as does the zoo.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she'll spend the rest of her life reliving the nightmare.
lol. Sure she will. Um hm. Not.

Get fucking real. Bitch was busy on the phone or was looking at the other bratty kids she was supposedly watching. She already said "accidents happen". Good. I hope someone accidentally starts a fire in her home and she dies. Sorry. It was an accident.(quote)

You are very stupid and very dangerous.
She should be charged with child negligence.

Strawman scenario:

Mother and kid at street light. Mother not holding kids hand. Kid darts out into traffic. Car pile up from drivers trying to avoid kid and thankfully...do. But in the crash pile up, someone is killed.

Is the mother liable? FUCK YES!

I'll bet you write for vile magazinez
Sure they can. Like when I don't pay attention to the stop light and get hit by cross traffic. Is it an accident? Yes. Is it still my fault? Absolutely.

Do you want to schedule a stoning for the mother?
I don't think she should be charged with anything. But she deserves some of the blame, as does the zoo.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she'll spend the rest of her life reliving the nightmare.
lol. Sure she will. Um hm. Not.

Get fucking real. Bitch was busy on the phone or was looking at the other bratty kids she was supposedly watching. She already said "accidents happen". Good. I hope someone accidentally starts a fire in her home and she dies. Sorry. It was an accident.

You are very stupid and very dangerous.
And you are an idiot that is probably as stupid as the mother since you keep finding excuses for her BAD PARENTING. And you bet I am dangerous. :lol:
She should be charged with child negligence.

Strawman scenario:

Mother and kid at street light. Mother not holding kids hand. Kid darts out into traffic. Car pile up from drivers trying to avoid kid and thankfully...do. But in the crash pile up, someone is killed.

Is the mother liable? FUCK YES!
You forgot to add the child telling the mother it wanted to run out in traffic and other people on the sidewalk screaming No! Stop!
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
Hold his hand. Hold onto him.

He was standing at the railing, watching the gorilla when voila, he saw the hole and was gone in a split second. Accidents happen everyday, and there is no reason to blame this mother for what happened You're just angry and need to vent.
His mother should have taken better care of him otherwise he would not have gone in the the gorilla. No excuses

You just like to instigate. Surely, you're smart enough to know the mother had no possible way of knowing the hole existed; otherwise, I don't think she would have been there.
The mother acted irresponsibly
What you are calling a hole is what amounts a large t pipe with 2 strands of woven wire to fill 8 foot gaps. I posted a picture of the actual fence at that exhibit in post 203. If you can't see that "barrier", you shouldn't be supervising small children.

Do you believe accidents happen, or do you believe this particular mother took her 5-year-old child to the zoo hoping he would jump in with the loving gorilla?
Sure they can. Like when I don't pay attention to the stop light and get hit by cross traffic. Is it an accident? Yes. Is it still my fault? Absolutely.

Do you want to schedule a stoning for the mother?
I don't think she should be charged with anything. But she deserves some of the blame, as does the zoo.

She didn't do anything wrong, and she'll spend the rest of her life reliving the nightmare.
The mother was not watching the son close enough.

The people who excuse the parent(s) are either neglectful themselves ot never had any children of their own to watch and take care of. Being a parent is a job ever vigilant and does not excuse the failings of a parent.

How is watching your child while he gazes at the gorilla, and then in a split second finds the hole in the railing barrier and is gone. How could the mother stop that? She had no possible way of knowing the hole was there and that her son would go through it.
What's wrong with you?
Parents need to do that, they need to take care of their children. No excuses.

She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
No, just watched her child:slap:
Um no ... it's a fucking zoo and hes fucking three.
Um yes....if a 3 year old gained access to my backyard and was killed by my domesticated Pitbulls then i would be responsible. A zoo has dangerous wild animals and they are responsible for making sure people cant get in as well as the animals not being able to get out.

Yep its the same exact thing you fucking moron. I hope you can't vote.
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

So your'e saying that these people should assume a bunch of people are stupid as shit and they should realize they will be held responsible for this?
How is watching your child while he gazes at the gorilla, and then in a split second finds the hole in the railing barrier and is gone. How could the mother stop that? She had no possible way of knowing the hole was there and that her son would go through it.
What's wrong with you?
Parents need to do that, they need to take care of their children. No excuses.

She was taking care of her children. She DID NOT KNOW the railing barrier had a hole in it or that her son could move so QUICKLY through it.
What's happens when you make a mistake; who do you blame?
She did not take the proper care of her child otherwise the child would not have gone in with the gorilla.

So, she should have patched up the hole?
No, just watched her child:slap:
What if one of her other children jumped in?
Um yes....if a 3 year old gained access to my backyard and was killed by my domesticated Pitbulls then i would be responsible. A zoo has dangerous wild animals and they are responsible for making sure people cant get in as well as the animals not being able to get out.

Yep its the same exact thing you fucking moron. I hope you can't vote.
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

So your'e saying that these people should assume a bunch of people are stupid as shit and they should realize they will be held responsible for this?

Bingo. A zoo should be idiot proof or in this case child proof. There is a reason they make child safety devices to cover up electrical outlets.
Yep its the same exact thing you fucking moron. I hope you can't vote.
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

So your'e saying that these people should assume a bunch of people are stupid as shit and they should realize they will be held responsible for this?

Bingo. A zoo should be idiot proof or in this case child proof. There is a reason they make child safety devices to cover up electrical outlets.
Then again I'm all for awarding Darwin Awards to the adults that jump in the Lion,Tiger, Polar Bear exhibits. No great loss to the gene pool there.
The mother was an idiot. I am just glad she was not a white idiot. Oh! The original outrage!
Glad you agree its the same thing. Yes I am registered to vote. Thanks for asking.

There are actually plenty of situations where the you shouldn't be responsible for you're pit bulls killing a kid. No child that young should be unsupervised. They are as dumb as Hillary voters (with good reason). Would you expect a Hillary voters to be smart enough to stay out of a pen of gorillas? I wouldn't, so I'd make sure to hold their hand the entire, just like Dems do for Dem voters when they vote.
if you have a potentially dangerous animal it is your responsibility to make sure people cant get to them and they cant get out to get to people. Anyone with a modicum of intelligence understands this.

So your'e saying that these people should assume a bunch of people are stupid as shit and they should realize they will be held responsible for this?

Bingo. A zoo should be idiot proof or in this case child proof. There is a reason they make child safety devices to cover up electrical outlets.
Then again I'm all for awarding Darwin Awards to the adults that jump in the Lion,Tiger, Polar Bear exhibits. No great loss to the gene pool there.

I live by the motto that there is no power on earth great enough to stop an idiot on a mission. All you can do is you due diligence and let the chips fall where they may.

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